Transcendent David

Chapter 402: CH 402

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"Master David, don't rush to reply to me now. You can think about it!" "Galton, seeing David's refusal, said with a quick smile.

Galton is very experienced. If David is allowed to think back and think slowly, there will be opportunities. Once David refuses now, he will really lose his hope.

"David will not go to the volgo star field, Galton!" Kenny was a great fan who refused directly for David.

Just as the atmosphere was a little nervous, the mentor who had previously informed came in again.

"Dreper is extraordinary. Two super men have come from the military. We are stopped at the door of the conference room!" The teacher said in a slightly discontented tone.

He was dissatisfied with the two military super men. It is the base of SRA combat Academy. Even if the military did help SRA combat academy, without the consent of the host, the two extraordinary people wanted to break into the war were also a provocative act.

"I'd like to see which two extraordinary people don't put the SRA Academy in their eyes, and you'll let them in!" "Dreper said with a sharp look.

Entering the Academy base without permission is absolutely not to put the SRA combat Academy in the eyes. Although it is necessary for SRA to enter the area and maintain its friendship around, it is not humiliating for the Academy.

Not only is it Draper extraordinary, the rest of the extraordinary are very dissatisfied with each other. How they quarrel and how there are contradictions within them is also the internal affairs of the College Alliance. This provocation of any college is a challenge to the whole college alliance.

"I'll meet you!" Kenny said in a deep voice.

He walked with dreper to the conference room gate, and opened the door to see two extraordinary men in general uniform, who were not familiar with them, but also known their names.

These two military supermodels are not the supernormal of the guardian stars, and the TruD supervanities of the guardian stars have not come.

"Hello, dreper, we heard that the king of the stone skin worm was killed by the military frigate just after we arrived at the guardian star, and rushed in immediately!" Justin's extraordinary opening made dreper and Kenny look a little bit more.

"General Justin, the king of the stone skin worm was killed by Master David. How could it have been killed by a Frigate?" "Said dreper in a cool voice.

"In fact, the 83745-1 frigate launched eight second-class Gauss shells, and successfully killed the king of" stone skin worm ". This can be found through the battle records of the 83745-1 frigate. As for the operator Master David, we will give corresponding rewards after retrieving the loot!" Justin said with a subtle touch.

"When will our first college students in alidia be rewarded by you. David will kill the king of" stone skin worm ". He will participate in the distribution of spoils according to the rules. After that, we will give us rich credit points as the pension for the soldiers who sacrifice the soldiers for the frigate. In addition, all the soldiers involved in the operation will negotiate with the guardian army to give corresponding awards "Li!" Kenny said beyond his ability.

"Kenny, dreper, the body of the king of the stone worm must be handed over to us!" Justin operates on the identity bracelet, and then a light curtain appears, with the authorization of the military department, which can handle the body of the king of the stone skin worm.

At this time, several of the supernatural also heard the conversation here. Except for the body of the king of stone skin worm, the other supernatural people came to us except that the supernatural bodies of the king annihilan and dunba Chaofan continued to decompose.

"Military department, which military department is it? It's not the federal command! " "Beecher laughed at the extraordinary.

The people here know that the military department here refers to the war zone military department, it can not be the federal command department, and the federal command department cannot issue such an order.

"This is the theater, everything must be executed according to the command of the war zone, and the body of the king of the stone skin worm must be handed over to us!" Said Justin in a deep voice.

If it is normal, Justin would not do it at all, it is a very troublesome thing to offend so many extraordinary people.

But the military department has already known the related matters of the king of "stone skin worm". Especially, the king of "stone skin worm" is likely to have "pregnant crystal stone". In this case, the military department of the war zone cannot let go.

Two military super came to visit the news, so that the military organized a killing operation. Anyone who knew that the "stone skin worm" king was killed was heard just now, and they rushed in immediately.

"We are not military people. The same zone military can't order alidia first college. You'd better get the authorization of the interstellar Federal Council!" Kenny said with a sneer.

The interstellar Federal Council is the highest authority of the entire interstellar Federation, which is more unlikely to order the body of a third class worm.

"We ask to watch the decomposition of the king of the stone skin worm!" Another super military officer, Julius, waved to stop Justin from trying to continue speaking, he said in a deep voice.

Julius had seen the body of the king of the stone skin worm broken down in the middle of the conference room, and then ripped it up here, and it was all over there.The most important thing is that they came for the sake of "pregnant stone", not really for the body of the king of "stone skin worm".

For the military, the third level Zerg corpse of a stone skin worm king is not a very rare thing. There are a lot of third level Zerg in Zhanxing, and there are three level Zerg killed every day.

Justin has been in the army for a long time, and seldom deals with the academic alliance. This kind of command can not be agreed by the College Alliance. Instead, it is better to see whether there is a pregnant crystal in the corpse of the king of the stone skin worm.

Once there is a pregnant crystal, the military will forcibly take back the "pregnant crystal" no matter who is assigned to it. In that case, if you offend one extraordinary person.

"Please, then." Draiper doesn't want to get too stiff with the theater headquarters, he said, getting out of the way.

David did not participate in the conversation of these extraordinary people, only he was present in exoskeleton armor, which was more special.

"Great to meet you, Master David!" When Julius saw David, he said with a smile on his face.

Even Justin, who was just very serious, also showed a smile. They all knew that David would become a soldier to enter the star of war in the future. Before he entered the army, he was already a strong sniper master, and he paid most attention to it in the army.

Maybe in the future, the two of them may want to act together with David, so it's better not to be friends in advance. It's better not to be hostile to each other.

In particular, the two extraordinary people read the battle report on the road before they came. They even thought that David could be killed by David if he gave David enough powerful Gauss shells, not to mention the third level Zerg, or any higher level Zerg.

At least two extraordinary people have never seen other sniper masters in the military have this ability. This extreme ability of calculation, analysis and prediction can not be possessed by training alone. Without talent, everything is in vain.

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"Met two generals!" David replied with a smile.

Because of David, the embarrassment and tension were relieved.

In the center of the conference room, anillin extraordinary has begun to split the skin of the king of the stone skin worm, because the hardness of the skin makes the whole process very slow.

Everyone present did not speak any more, nor did they worry because the division was too slow.

Everyone knows that the slow speed of segmentation illustrates the value of materials.

On the other hand, Dunbar opened the brain of the king of the stone skin worm and carefully packed the brain tissue in a bottle.

These brain tissues are the materials of some medicinal solutions, especially the three-level Zerg with strong recovery ability, whose brain tissue is the main material of the third-class special therapeutic agents.

After he had dealt with the brain of the king of the stone skin worm, Dunbar opened the mouth of the king of the stone skin worm, breaking down the teeth one by one.

"Damn it, the king of the stone skin worm will be promoted to level 4 in a while!" When the teeth were removed and spread out on the ground, Kenny exclaimed.

Because the king of the stone skin worm has no legs and legs, it is difficult to see the full picture of all the teeth even by biting with the mouth. Therefore, no one has seen that the king of the stone skin worm has two teeth of dark green color, with a faint hint of purple.

Purple is the fourth level material that only level 4 Zerg can possess. These two teeth indicate that the king of stone skin worm is about to reach level 4.

Once you become a level 4 Zerg, there will be a disaster on the guardian planet. No matter which race of the fourth level Zerg has the ability to fly, its skin is not the third level weapon that can be cut.

If you want to kill level 4 Zerg, you need space energy weapons to attack. At the speed of level 4 Zerg, you don't know how many areas need to be destroyed before you can kill them.

The reason why a large number of academy bases are allowed to exist here is to prevent the barbaric growth of Zerg and the emergence of level 4 Zerg.

Some of them have seen the fourth level Zerg, some have not, but whether they have seen it or not, they all know that the fourth level Zerg is powerful, and then there may be no college base in this area.

The extraordinary people can't help looking at David again, and their eyes are full of gratitude. If David hadn't done it, maybe the king of "stone skin worm" would have escaped this time.

No one can tell how long it will take for the king of "stone skin worm" to be promoted to the fourth level. In particular, the two outstanding military men are convinced that the king of "stone skin worm" has "pregnant crystal stone".

How could a second-class "stone skin worm" grow to this level.

The king's skin is divided into ten parts, each of which is about the amount needed by one person to make the inner armor. This is a point that the extraordinary can't make mistakes.

He began to decompose the inner body of the king of the stone skin worm, and the scene was bloody for a time.

However, because the blood of the king of "stone skin worm" is green, living in two completely different species of life from human beings, and everyone present has experienced countless killing, there is no sense of such a small scene.Even the youngest David, is also looking at, learning two extraordinary decomposition experience.

As time went by, they were worried about missing the "extraordinary materials". The two extraordinary people decomposed the corpse of the king of "stone skin worm" very carefully. The ground of the whole conference room center was covered with the decomposed parts of the king's body.

Draper stepped forward and took a small instrument out of his space wristband and began scanning every piece of material.

As long as the material is super powerful, it will react Seeing David look puzzled, Kenny explained for him.

"Where can I buy this" extraordinary material scanner " David asked curiously.

"Buy? It can only be exchanged with super crystal. About five super crystal can be exchanged for a "super material scanner"! " Kenny replied with a smile.

"In the" extraordinary material scanner ", a tiny" extraordinary material "is needed as the energy source to activate the energy of other" extraordinary materials ". In addition, the technology of making this kind of instrument is the top secret. Only a few people can make it. Of course, its value is very high!" Galton said on the side.

David nodded. Needless to say, the value of a tiny "extraordinary material" must be very high, but I'm afraid that the technology is even higher. Only a few people can master the technology, and the higher value is worth it for those who need it.

The price of five super crystal is very expensive in David's opinion. We should know that the specimen made of a complete third level Zerg corpse at that time only sold 3 super crystal.

So when David heard about the value, he immediately put out the idea of exchanging for a "super material scanner.".

When the "extraordinary materials scanner" sweeps through the teeth of the king of the stone skin worm, it stops on one of the dark green teeth with a trace of purple. The "extraordinary materials scanner" lights up to show the difference between the teeth.

However, all the extraordinary faces on the scene flashed a look of disappointment, and they preferred the "extraordinary material" to be a piece of other bones.

Although the "extraordinary material" is far inferior to this tooth in quality, it is enough to make a weapon.

You should know that on the huge body of the king of stone skin worm, every bone is bigger than that of ordinary Zerg, except for teeth.

Teeth are almost the same size as ordinary "stone skin worm" teeth, only the size of human thumb teeth, even if the material is good, it will not work.

Draper continued to scan, and then did not scan the "extraordinary material.".

Extraordinary people look at each other, how to distribute the materials here needs to be presided over. Kenny extraordinary and draper extraordinary stand out as extraordinary representatives of the two colleges. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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