Transcendent David

Chapter 413: CH 413

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When the three EW masters saw what needed to be done, their eyes were all tight. They knew that this was an absolutely high-level security system.

But they can't do anything to slow down. Not to say that they all have a handle in master Healy's hands, it is said that master Healy, who is covetous behind him, will definitely kill them on the spot as long as they dare to make a change.

When they began to crack the security system, they immediately found that there was a powerful and terrible master of electronic countermeasures at the far end to help them. Every action of them had the cooperation of the other side, which made the cracking easier.

In fact, after a few minutes, the masters understood where they were targeting.

The three EW masters can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as they are not the forces in the airidia star domain, even if they are found after the event, it is difficult for the other party to do anything about them.

This is probably the strongest security system David has ever faced. Fortunately, he has been prepared for this, and he is not arrogant. He thinks that he can handle the defense of erto satellite only by using a remote built-in program.

If David is allowed to enter into the erto satellite, as long as he personally contacts any terminal, he is confident that he will try to crack the security system alone. If he can access the main server, he will be 100% sure to complete the security system in a short time.

However, through his own intelligence organization, he knew about the action of erto fund, and knew that it was almost impossible to enter erto satellite.

Watching erto's security system break down a little bit, with that humble data card as the guide, erto satellite's security system is slowly falling.

In order not to let erto fund find out, the system program of a financial enterprise affiliated to erto fund was in trouble in the morning, and the electronic countermeasure master of erto fund was solving that trouble.

It is estimated that one day today, the EW master has no time to do other things, let alone check the internal security system.

As for the rest of the EW division, there are four ECM masters who will attack at the same time. Where can they find out.

"Internal security system cracked!" With the surprise voice from the far end, David also smiles.

However, this is not the end, the internal security system cracked successfully, this is only the first step.

Then, under the guidance of David, the three remote EW masters were shocked when they saw the program to be cracked.

Because what they need to crack later is the weapon control system, which is independent of the security system and has a higher security level. Usually, it is managed by the intelligent system named erto by erto fund.

Fortunately, the security system has been cracked, so that the four electronic countermeasures masters can be more open-minded. In addition, with the professional equipment that has been purchased with a lot of money, the cracking progress bar starts again.

When the security system is cracked, David goes into the security system, looking for information he cares about.

Although through the "shadow intelligence system", he also bought some information about the internal of erto satellite, but the scattered information could not be seen more clearly from inside.

The complete map of erto satellite was found, and David remembered the map while cooperating with three EW masters.

At noon, when most of the posts on erto satellite took a lunch break, the work of the four EW masters was finished. It can be said that the whole erto satellite seems to be under the control of erto intelligent system.

But in fact, erto's intelligent system has long been trapped in the blockade program jointly arranged by four ECM masters. The actual controller is a temporary intelligent system, which is obeyed by David.

In renka, three EW masters completed the task. They secretly looked at master Healy with their eyes, hoping that master Healy would not kill them for the sake of confidentiality.

You know what they did this time, as long as it was exposed, they and master Healy could not escape.

"Three masters, don't be nervous. I just received the news from adults. You have done very well, but..." Master Healy broke off contact with David and looked at the three nervous faced ECM masters and said in a deep voice.

The three masters of electronic warfare are more nervous when they hear it.

"Because this matter needs to be kept secret for a short time, the three masters need to stay here for another two days. After two days, you can leave!" Master Healy continued.

"Aren't you afraid of the leak?" One of the EW masters questioned.

The other two EW masters really want to strangle him directly. Isn't that why master Healy killed them!

"Two days later, the target you cracked is no longer a threat!" Said master Healy, with a strange look on his face.

Now he thought about the fate of the red fire, blue ice and shadow. At that time, no one thought that David would destroy three military bases that could resist large-scale attacks.

Master Healy has great confidence in David. He believes that as long as David hands, the satellite of narto will become the past.

In the core engine room of erto satellite, two maintenance robots standing on one side and sleeping suddenly opened their eyes, and the original program was replaced by a new program.The maintenance robot goes to a separate server next to the main server, which is the only server David can't control in the whole core computer room.

With plenty of time, David wants to take 100% control of the satellite. He doesn't want any accidents.

Operating two maintenance robots, he has a dual purpose. Because the speed of the maintenance robot is a little slow, only two maintenance robots cooperate to barely keep up with his input speed.

The two maintenance robots are not the hands for inputting codes. They click on the server to input the codes.

Because it is directly on the server operation, this time it did not take long, only 10 minutes to complete the server.

David also knows why this server is not connected with the whole system, because it is a financial server with all the electronic vouchers for transferring credit points. As long as it is authenticated by this financial server, all funds in the account can be used, and even the funds of subordinate companies can also be transferred directly.

Although David has been immune to the number of credit points for a long time, his heart still beat a few times when he saw the credit points in the hundreds of billions.

He took a few puffs of air and forced himself to calm down.

"Healy, let's prepare our finance. I have 400 billion credit points to deal with!" David spoke to master Healy via telematics.

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"Yes, my Lord!" Master Healy's voice was excited and respectful.

After the conversation, master Healy had a trace of helplessness on his face. He and master Alva tried their best to expand their influence for David, and wanted to earn more credit points. However, their long-term work performance did not even have a fraction of David's hand. This kind of thing is too shocking.

However, in order to manage the previous 200 billion credit points for David, the company formed a financial management department to manage a large number of credit points.

David cleaned up everything on the brain, and then someone would come and dispose of it, leaving no trace.

He stood up and left the safe house, targeting a branch of the erto fund.

When David is at the door, the scan scans him, and then the security system automatically opens the door for him, because at this time, Gary's information in the security system has become a regular employee of the erto foundation, and the working place is on the erto satellite.

Board the shuttle and sail to the satellite erto.

The inspection is as strict as before. The security personnel compare Gary's information with the data in the security system through a variety of inspection methods. Of course, no matter how serious their work is, it is useless because there is Gary's information in the security system.

Having passed the inspection, David walked into the legendary satellite of erto.

In the internal vehicle, David came to the important area of erto satellite, which is the lifeblood of erto fund, where the president of erto fund, Mr. bridges, works here.

The reason why David is so sure is that he can see the top authority of erto fund from the monitoring of the security system.

As he stepped out of the inner van, David looked at the identity bracelet as he walked toward the main building.

At the entrance of the main building, the security system automatically released him, which also made the security personnel on guard not pay attention to him.

Taking the elevator, David went to the 45th floor, not because he didn't want to reach the 46th floor, but because this ordinary sightseeing elevator can only reach here at the highest.

Through the sightseeing elevator, he can see that there is a garden style building on both sides. There are two extraordinary residences. At the moment, both of them are in their own residences.

Even David knows the exact location of the two extraordinary people. Who called the two extraordinary residences under the overall security system of erto satellite!

In the CEO conference room on the 46th floor, President bridges is sitting on the main seat. There are only six people sitting here, including him. But these six represent the six major shareholders of erto fund, accounting for almost 70% of the shares of erto fund.

The six of them are the people who decide the fate of erto fund, and they are also the real masters of erto fund.

"As I said earlier, don't hire only one extraordinary person to save money. Now that we have a great possibility of assassinating David, how passive we are now One shareholder clapped at the table and exclaimed.

"Melville is extraordinary. That's the well-known supernatural in the cardor universe. Can you ask him to join hands with the rest of the supernatural against a oracle?" Another shareholder retorted.

"We have made full preparations for David's counterattack. We are afraid that he will not come, and we will not go back if he comes." A strong shareholder said.

"David's personal counterattack doesn't matter, but the attitude of alidia first college really needs to be seriously considered. We recently offended cardor college, which has greatly damaged our influence in the cardor universe and affected many businesses!"

"Melville's place of extraordinary action is on the rock star. There's no reason to come to Alicia first college for David."Shareholders, you and I discussed one word at a time. The president of bridges, sitting in the chair, frowned. All shareholders focused on the impact and consequences, so no one wanted to solve the problem.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are not talking about this today. I invite you to come here to completely solve the problem of David and stop him growing up!" President bridges raised his head to signal silence, then said.

"Please use 15 super crystal. Now Melville is dead because of this task. If you invite two people, how many extraordinary crystals do you need?" Asked one shareholder hesitantly.

There is no need to worry about the presence of credit point shareholders, because their erto fund is earning credit points every day, and it doesn't matter how large the amount is. But different from super crystal, super crystal can't use credit point to buy, and can only exchange it through some treasures.

That's why the shareholder hesitated because the cost was too high.

"I can tell you for sure that Batu energy company is the hand of David. If we want to get rid of David completely without paying for it, do you want us to become the second Batu energy company?" Said the president of bridges in a deep voice.

David was standing outside the president's meeting room. Although the door was thick, he could hear the sound inside clearly.

As soon as he waved, the shadow attendant took out the custom-made exoskeleton armor for him from the space items, and also took out the three-level heavy axe and the customized large caliber sniper gun.

David put on his armor and put on his armor in front of the meeting room.

Several security personnel sitting in the monitoring room did not find him abnormal, because there was no David in the video.

In order to hold the secret meeting of shareholders, President bridges has transferred all the members of the 46th floor, so there is no erto fund in the 46th floor except for six shareholders.

Of course, the reason why Mr. bridges dared to do so was because he believed in his own security system.

David controls the weapon system through his armor. He is operating two heavy laser cannons, which are energy weapons for super large spaceships. As long as there is enough time to accumulate energy, it can destroy almost all targets in front of the laser beam.

This is also the most powerful weapon on the whole satellite erto. There are only six heavy laser guns on the whole satellite, and only these two heavy laser guns can attack this area.

The abnormality of the heavy-duty laser gun was discovered by the staff. They looked up at the sky and thought that something unusual had happened.

But there was nothing in the sky. Some staff members wanted to report to their superiors, but they found that the communication was interrupted and they could not contact anyone at all.

Two heavy-duty laser cannons began to turn slowly, targeting the two extraordinary homes.

If anyone else was to operate the heavy laser guns, as long as they aimed, they would immediately arouse two extraordinary vigilance. However, David, the sniper master, operated the two heavy laser guns, and the two heavy laser guns did not produce any killing intention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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