Transcendent David

Chapter 414: CH 414

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This is the same as the sniper master uses the sniper gun. The two heavy laser guns are just objects. What can actually make extraordinary people alert is the killing intention from the operator. Maybe it is just a glance or a spiritual induction.

The two laser cannons are far away from the two extraordinary homes, and the charging of the two laser cannons has not been able to attract the attention of the two extraordinary.

David also hides all the killing intention and spirit, so that the two heavy laser cannons are just like ordinary objects, which will not attract the attention of the powerful people.

Two extraordinary people are sitting in their respective rooms at the moment. They are doing different things, but at the same time, they find that the light in the room suddenly becomes bright, and how fast the laser is, the attack is equal to the end at the beginning.

Where would two extraordinary people think of sitting in a safe home with many security alarm facilities, but they would still be attacked.

Especially because this is a home, especially safe, so until they were bombarded by laser, their "extraordinary armor" did not come and put them on. In other words, the two extraordinary men were killed without even a thought.

Just as the two laser guns fired, David opened the door of the conference room.

"Who let you in!" A shareholder sees to walk in armour, not from angry way.

David turned back and closed the door. Then he went to an empty seat and sat down.

At this time, two loud noises came, which changed the faces of six people in the conference room.

"What's going on out there?" A shareholder uses identity bracelet to ask subordinate.

But there is no answer in the identity bracelet.

All six knew that something was wrong, and they looked at David at the same time.

"Are you master David?" President bridges looks the most ugly. He has read David's information. He has seen this special custom-made exoskeleton armor for a long time, but he can't believe that David walked into his conference room like this.

You should know that not only the erto fund and Kaian star, but also the entire cardor star domain, erto fund is searching for David's trace through various relationships.

The erto fund's security system, two extraordinary protections, can't refuse David's arrival.

At this moment, President bridges was so shocked that he couldn't understand what was happening.

"President bridges, you sent Melville to rock star to kill me, and I will come back to visit you!" David said faintly.

A shareholder secretly operated on the identity bracelet with his hand, hoping to call for security.

"Don't worry, I can kill all of you before they come in, even if there are security guards coming here." David looked at the shareholder who had secretly reported the news.

The voice is very flat, but in the ears of six people, it is a strong threat.

"Master David, we admit defeat. I don't know what kind of compensation you need!" President bridges is a businessman, not a fighter, so when he saw this situation, he immediately gave up.

"If you can take out 15 extraordinary crystal, please kill me, then I'll let you take out 10 times, it's not too much to ask for!" David said with a smile.

"No, you are blackmail!" One shareholder yelled.

Just as he had just finished, David's hand was stretched behind his back, and a green light swept through, and one arm of the shareholder flew into the air.

"If there is anyone else who has any objection, please say it again!" David shook off the blood on the heavy axe of the third class, and said as he took back his back again.

The rest of the shareholders have been in the meeting room for a long time.

The higher the man is, the more he is afraid of death.

"Master David, one hundred and fifty extraordinary crystals can be given to you, but you can't leave here even if you take the crystal. The two extraordinary people will not let you leave!" President bridges looked at David and said in a deep voice.

"President bridges, what do you think was the reason for the two calls?" David asked with a smile.

David said this, bridges president's eyes flashed an unbelievable look, he did not think that his two extraordinary have had an accident.

With a wave of David's hand, a light curtain appeared in the conference room. This is the installation inside the conference room. Now it is like David's own home.

On the screen of light, two extraordinary houses are now pierced by two long scorches, and many warriors are gathering there.

"There's my booty there, and I don't like it being robbed!" David seemed to be talking to himself, and then erto's defensive missiles were activated.

One defense missile flew to the warriors, and the sound of explosion and fire appeared on the light screen.

There are a lot of beetles on erto satellite. Originally there were more than 500, and with the newly transferred ones, there are now nearly 1500.

At this time, the defense missiles on erto satellite target all the beetles. The defense missiles are activated and fly to these beetles.

That is to say, erto fund has a lot of money. There are nearly 10000 defense missiles alone, so only a small number of them have been activated, and all the warriors have been included in the attack targets.At the same time, anti-aircraft rapid fire guns also began to take effect. Patrol ships flying in the sky were shot down one by one without any protection, and the whole erto satellite was in explosion.

"You are the devil A shareholder was frightened by the scene on the screen of light, and he murmured, pointing to David.

"No, I am more terrible than the devil!" David said faintly.

If he didn't have the means, these defensive weapons would have attacked him. Since erto foundation wanted to kill him, he would not be merciful.

"What do you want, Master David?" The president of bridges didn't believe that David was just here for the sake of the extraordinary, he asked in a deep voice.

"I'm here to solve the problem. I know that you have shares of erto fund in your hand, so you need to sign on it. Of course, you can choose not to sign. I will let those who do not sign die first until someone is willing to sign it!" David smiles and shows an electronic file transfer contract to six people.

The transfer contract is a contract to transfer shares in one's name to another six unknown companies.

These six companies are through Kerr intelligence organization channel, established in the Iridia star domain six empty shell companies.

"Master David, do you think you can get the shares if we sign the contract?" David's eyes flashed with scorn.

Erto fund is very large. Although there are 70% equity holders here, the interests of these shares are very much involved. How can there be such a simple transfer.

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"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you sign the contract and bring 150 super crystal, I'll turn around and leave immediately." David said, showing his hand.

The six shareholders looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with tears and laughter.

"OK, let's sign it!" The president of bridges said first.

He put his identity bracelet on the contract, authorized it, and actually signed the contract.

However, if the contract really wants to be executed, David can't bear the legal troubles alone. Not to mention the principle of invalid compulsory contract, even the relevant stakeholders will make David's contract invalid.

The remaining five shareholders have signed the equity transfer contract one by one. David has made clear their equity in their name as early as possible. At this time, all the shares owned by them were transferred.

David looked at the assignment contract and put it away with satisfaction.

"Master David, this is the extraordinary crystal you want. How do you know the quantity of my stock here?" President bridges opened the safe on one side and took out the box containing extraordinary crystal. Without opening it, he pushed it directly to David and asked.

David didn't answer. Would he say that when he came in just now, he let the shadow attendant enter the safe and confirm it.

In fact, even if the president of bridges disagreed, he would open the safe by himself and forcibly take away all the extraordinary crystals before he left.

Don't mention the value of super crystal, will David still leave it and let erto fund use it to find him again?

David took the box in his hand and didn't even look at it. He got up and turned around and left.

"Master David, what's the use of this assignment?" Mr. bridges finally asked aloud before he saw David coming out of the room.

"With my ability to destroy erto satellite, I'll see who dares to stop me from holding these shares!" David said in a deep voice, and he opened the door of the conference room and left.

"Destroy erto satellite, he wants to destroy erto satellite!" One shareholder's voice became sharper and sharper.

"Let's get out of here!" Another shareholder stood up and ran to the door of the meeting room, only to find that the door could not be opened at all.

The meeting room was in a mess. Six big people with high weight smashed the door for their lives. Although they also knew that it was futile to do so, the security here was the most strict, and the door could not be broken so easily.

Outside the gate, which they didn't see, a krypton powder bomb was blocked outside the gate. It was David's last gift to erto.

David is not interested in the 70% of the shares. He gets these transfer contracts, which can take advantage of the fragile opportunity of erto fund being withdrawn from 400 billion credit points after the death of six shareholders of erto fund and the destruction of erto satellite, so that the remaining owners of erto fund can not rescue erto fund.

Just now, David has used the financial server to transfer all the funds of erto fund and its affiliated enterprises, 400 billion credit points, into the hidden account, and the automatic program starts to continuously operate the 400 billion credit points.

Although this credit point has a huge number, as long as the transfer of many anonymous accounts, it will soon disappear.

Unless several banks will expose their own anonymous account information together, it is impossible to be found.

Anonymous accounts are so sensitive that no bank would dare to risk divulging the information of anonymous accounts.

David left the main building and soared straight into the air, heading for an extraordinary house.At this time, the erto satellite had become a mess. The Jiashi were almost slaughtered. Some ordinary staff close to the Oracle were also killed and injured, and there were howls everywhere.

Shadow servers are like greedy vampires, constantly flashing around, absorbing the soul.

David's main goal is two extraordinary souls, but I don't know whether these two extraordinary souls still exist after these times.

His speed is very fast, came to the first extraordinary house, the house is generally well preserved, only that one scorch mark and a charred corpse attract people's attention.

Several staff members are surrounded by the extraordinary body, as if to check the situation.

David came down from the air and surprised several of the staff.

David didn't pay attention to them. The shadow waiter didn't absorb the extraordinary soul, which made him very disappointed. He took out the third level heavy axe, cut off the extraordinary arm with one axe, and folded the space wrist guard.

A staff member wanted to say something, but several other staff members came forward and covered their mouth.

They watched in horror as David soared away toward another extraordinary house.

In the two extraordinary houses, David got two space wristbands, because of the awe of the extraordinary, no one would take the extraordinary space wrist guard, which saved David's business.

Next, David flew around in the sky nearby. This is the place where the beetles are concentrated. The shadow guards absorbed a lot of souls.

David descended to a hangar, the private hangar of the president of erto foundation bridges, and several maintenance robots were checking the condition of the spacecraft.

David enters the hangar and sees the new data on the armor. The ship is a cruise ship.

Cruise ship is a special kind of spaceship. The biggest label is luxury. Every cruise ship is so expensive that ordinary rich people can't afford to pay attention to it.

David boarded the cruise ship, which could accommodate 100 people. It was pure white in appearance, and used a lot of transparent materials to make the space and the inside of the ship as much as possible.

Five maintenance robots come in carrying a server, which has its own krypton crystal energy, but does not need external energy.

This is carried from the core computer room, the main server of erto intelligent system.

David activated the cruise ship. He used the security system to change the authority of the cruise ship to himself. Now he is in control of the cruise ship easily.

The cruise ship took off, which was the only spacecraft in the sky. The rest were shot down by anti-aircraft rapid fire guns and defense missiles.

It seems to have seen the cruise ship take off. Some spaceships thought it was safe in the sky. Several spaceships also took off, but just as soon as they took off, they were smashed into pieces by anti-aircraft rapid fire artillery.

The cruise ship speeded up very quickly. Shortly after the cruise ship left erto satellite, the "krypton powder bomb" exploded, and everything disappeared within 3000 meters around the president's conference room.

Then the security system of erto satellite regarded all the personnel on the satellite as intruders, all kinds of weapons were activated, and attacked any living creature crazily.

After the loss of Jiashi, there was no combat power on the erto satellite that could compete with the security system. Blood flowed on the satellite. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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