Transcendent David

Chapter 425: CH 425

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This is the first time David has come to his company, and now the company, which is apparently called Kerr asset management, has its headquarters in the downtown area of Kia.

The safest planet in the whole Iridia region is renka, and the safest planet in Renca is Kia.

There is fox's extraordinary care, so that this newly entered the business district of Qiya City, the local business district has not been excluded.

As the suspension car approached Kerr asset management, David saw the whole picture of Kerr asset management.

Like most of the buildings here, Kerr asset management is surrounded by green plants.

In terms of land occupation, Kerr asset management is not a medium-sized enterprise, at least it is the size of a large enterprise.

The floating car landed at the door, and David saw master Alva and master Healy waiting for him, along with more than a dozen executives in work uniforms.

"Welcome, my Lord." Master Alva and master Healy stepped forward to open the door for David, respectfully said.

David smiles and pats them on the shoulder. These days, however, the two masters have made a lot of achievements, which makes him extremely satisfied.

From Batu energy company to erto fund, Kerr intelligence organization led by two masters provided intelligence support for him.

David, a young and impolite student, patted two masters on the shoulder with his hand, which should have been extremely disharmonious. But strangely, both the two masters and the more than ten executives behind him felt normal.

More than ten executives were asked to come out to meet the real owner of Kerr asset management company. They were in great awe of the terrible owner of the company.

The performance of Kerr asset management company is leapfrog. When it was founded, Kerr asset management company only managed 40 billion shares and fixed assets.

40 billion looks like a lot, but it can only be regarded as an ordinary asset management company on renka.

We should know that lunca is the main star of airdia, which is the economic and cultural center of Iridia. Almost all large enterprises will set up headquarters or organizations here.

This makes any asset management company on renka not too weak. Kerr asset management was barely average at that time.

However, after that, a 200 billion credit point entered Kerr asset management company, which immediately increased the scale of Kerr asset management company several times, and became a large-scale company in the industry.

After that time, Kerr asset management company recruited a large number of industry elites and became a well-known asset management company on renka star.

Not long ago, the management authority of 400 billion credit points entered the company, making the company's manpower shortage again. However, due to the sufficient funds, there are many opportunities to display, so that more elites enter Kerr asset management company.

These more than ten executives are among the few who know that the funds are provided by the owners behind the company, so when the news comes that David is visiting today, they are all very cautious.

"Welcome to visit!" More than a dozen senior executives bowed over and said.

This adult's address is also helpless, David has no position in the company, they can only follow the name of master Alva and master Healy.

"Hard work, everyone!" David nodded with a smile, then turned to the two masters and said, "don't stand here. Let's go in and have a look."

The two masters led the way in front of him, and more than ten executives were on both sides to protect David from entering the company.

Once entering the company, it is a reception hall. Two front desk ladies show some unnatural salute. So many executives and two big bosses accompany a young man, which makes them wonder whether it is the younger generation of a big man coming.

Across the hall, David saw a busy office.

"My Lord, there are 60 offices here. Each office is a financial management group, which is in charge of the group leader. According to their previous achievements, they manage assets ranging from hundreds of millions to tens of billions." Master Alva explained to David.

"Yes, it seems that you and Healy manage well!" David said with a smile and a nod.

"My Lord, in fact, I just want to tell you that the amount of assets is too large for us. Hilly and I hope you can choose more professional people to manage the company!" Master Alva looked at master Healy and said with a wry smile.

Both master Alva and master Healy have the experience of managing the shadow mercenary regiment. For them, the 40 billion asset management company can deal with it calmly.

But as 200 billion credit points entered, they began to struggle.

Recently, with the entry of 400 billion credit points, they are really worried. They are worried that David's trust will be sorry.

"If you don't trust the professional staff, you can't trust me. If you don't have the ability to deal with these professionals, do you have the ability to deal with them?" David said with a smile."Your honor, do you agree that we should give up the position of general manager and invite professionals to take the post?" Asked master Healy in a voice.

In fact, the two masters had long planned to do so, but they had to make it clear to David face to face. Otherwise, even if they were bound by the oath stone, David would still have bad ideas about them.

There are about 600 billion assets involved. Maybe David doesn't care, but they don't.

"In the future, you don't have to ask me for instructions about the company. You can make a decision after discussion. The most important thing for you is to manage your own work!" Because there are more than ten executives nearby, David didn't make it very clear.

Kerr intelligence organization is still confidential to the outside world. Only a few people know that Kerr intelligence organization is here.

"Yes, my Lord!" Master Healy responded immediately.

Then David visited the company's restaurants, leisure and other places, and finally came to the conference room and sat down.

More than ten executives reported their work, and a report was presented to David.

David flipped through these statements casually, but he could always point out the questions in the statements, which made more than a dozen executives on the scene feel shocked.

The financial master thinks that the two financial professionals should be familiar with each other.

In fact, it is the same. David has 96% of the financial ability of satisfactory level. Even among the financial practitioners, there are few top financial masters like David.

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Master Alva and master Healy admire David's ability. However, they know David's real identity. The sniper masters who are famous for their fierce fighting power in the guardian planet are here to subdue more than ten industry elites they have dug up.

David is also interested in this. All the credit points in the anonymous account have been transferred to this company for investment. If he does not show his strong ability, it may be that these executives will have some strange ideas because of the unprofessional of the two masters.

Although there is Kerr intelligence organization after the investigation, which is better than the prevention in advance.

While the meeting in the office was still in progress, a staff member ran in and whispered a few words in master Alva's ear.

"My Lord, mayor ned of Chia will be here soon. Hilly and I need to go out to meet him!" Master Alva interrupted the executive's report.

"How did mayor ned come here?" When David heard that it was mayor Ned, he couldn't help wondering what relationship mayor ned had with Kerr asset management.

"Our recent circulation of credit points is too large. The government hopes that we will invest part of our investment in Qiya city. We are also studying the corresponding rate of return. We have not made a decision yet, but Mayor ned came here in person!" Master Alva said with a wry smile.

A large amount of investment can't be concealed from those who have a heart, especially for the government. If the government wants to make achievements, it naturally needs the support of this new local tyrant.

"I will go out with you." David stood up and said.

"Your name, my Lord!" Master Alva warned.

If you know that David came here, only senior executives have guessed about David's identity, but we still don't know that David is the sniper master with terror fighting power, only that he is a low-key rich man with amazing wealth.

Once people associate their relationship with David through these large credit points, the origin of these credit points will also be known.

David doesn't worry at all. What's the wealth here? Even the giant erto fund is in his hands. The assets here can only be regarded as trifles.

Even if he is known, he is not the one who has been chased around. The top beetle, with the ability of sniper master, the ability of "master of heavy axe", the first college of alidia standing behind him and the extraordinary people closely related to him, he is no longer a weak man who can be kneaded by ordinary extraordinary people.

"It's OK, mayor ned is coming, and I have to welcome him too!" David didn't explain much, he waved and decided.

When they came to the hall, they saw that the Minister of public relations was receiving mayor ned. Mayor Ned, with several entourages, listened to the introduction of the Minister of public relations, and saw a group of people.

Master Alva was about to greet him when he saw David two steps up to mayor ned.

"Hello, second uncle!" David said with a slight bow.

David's address made everyone present dumbfounded. Mayor ned is not an ordinary official. Kia is the largest city in renka, and renka is the main star in the Iridia region.

Although mayor ned is only a mayor, his political status is not low, and he has a bright future in the future.

In addition, everyone knows that the family behind mayor ned is even more terrible, and he has a great say in the airdiya region.

"David, why are you here?" Mayor Ned was stunned when he saw David, but he immediately stepped forward with a smile and took David's hand.

David was recognized by Emma's mother, Mrs Amelia, and for him it was a family.In addition, there are a lot of legends about David recently, which makes a strong one in their family.

"This is my company. Please sit down in it first!" David explained as he invited.

"My God, this company is yours?" Mayor ned asked incredulously.

Recently, mayor ned paid special attention to this asset management company. He was surprised by the large amount of investment continuously invested in various industries.

This kind of well funded enterprise needs him to establish good relations. Once the company increases its investment in Qiya City, he can have a good political record.

For mayor Ned, his political achievements are a step up the ladder. With his family background, and with his achievements, he can go further without any problem.

Therefore, in recent years, he has paid special attention to his political achievements, and he does not want to miss any opportunities.

"You know, I got some small money outside and I gave it to my friends for investment." David said with a smile, and then introduced to mayor Ned, "this is Alva, this is Healy. They are all weapons masters and help me manage the company."

All the way back to the conference room, David put mayor ned in the chair, he took the second place, and the rest sat down separately.

"No wonder I heard that this company is protected by fox. It's your reason!" Mayor ned understood something now, he said with a smile.

At the same time, he also thought about the origin of the company's name, Kerr asset management company. Isn't it just the name of David?

"That's Uncle Fox's care for me!" David replied with a smile, and then he asked, "uncle two, how many credit points do you need to invest in Kia?"

"I can say first, the rate of return on investment in Kia is not high, but the victory is stable. Then don't say uncle two bullies you and let Emma come to me for trouble." Mayor ned jokingly said.

"Where will it be? Uncle two has orders. I will try my best to finish it!" David said with a smile.

Where does he care about the credit point? The market value of erto fund is 5 trillion yuan, and 70% is 3.5 trillion yuan. The huge wealth makes him have no sense of credit point for a long time.

"What do you think of the investment of 2 billion credit points?" Mayor ned is not good at talking big. He is afraid that Mrs. Amelia will come to him and bully his daughter's boyfriend.

"I just listened to the work report of senior executives. Do you think the investment of 20 billion will help you?" David asked, directly increasing ten times what mayor ned said.

Although he hasn't finished listening to the work reports of senior executives, he has already heard most of them, and David knows almost everything about Kerr asset management.

It's easy to take out 20 billion credit points. Anyway, most of the 400 billion credit points have not been digested. If mayor ned is not afraid to worry about too much, he will propose a higher investment amount. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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