Transcendent David

Chapter 426: CH 426

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Mayor Ned's face was startled, and then he was overjoyed. Under his influence, 20 billion credit points were invested in Qiya City, which is enough to bring him rich political capital.

"David, if you take out 20 billion credit points at once, will it have any bad effect on your company?" Mayor ned turned around and asked.

He can't let his family suffer for his own achievements.

"Second uncle, you don't have to think about credit points. If you need to, you can ask Kerr asset management company for investment at any time!" David didn't say anything, just promised mayor ned.

Mayor ned seemed to think of something, and looked at David a little wrong.

"You go out first. I want to talk to David in private." Mayor ned said, looking at his entourage behind him.

"The executives will go out first, Alva and Healy, you stay!" David knew what mayor ned wanted to say, so he invited the executives out, but left master Alva and master Healy.

On the one hand, it shows David's attitude to the executives that he is very relieved by master Alva and master Healy, and can even share the most intimate conversation with them.

On the other hand, master Alva and master Healy could not betray David because of the connection between them.

Mayor ned took a deep look at the two masters. Of course, he could see what David meant by them.

If David is not famous for his fighting power, but also known as "invincible in the first class", he will doubt whether David was coerced by these two masters.

"David, these two weapons masters?" Mayor ned hesitated and asked.

"Uncle, don't worry about my life and death David replied with a smile.

"I'm relieved. Since the two masters have such a relationship with David, they are their own people." Mayor ned said with a smile.

He looked at the two masters with more friendly eyes. Although with their power, weapon masters and even extraordinary people can be invited, the more strength of these details, the better, and the more reliable combat power is, the more important it is.

"David, did you do what happened to Batu energy?" Mayor ned asked in a deep voice.

"Is your home connected to Batu energy?" David asked with a frown.

"No, I'm just curious about the source of funds. It seems that part of the capital source here is from Batu energy company!" Mayor ned said, smiling and shaking his head.

As a political man, mayor ned is extremely sensitive to some things. Just knowing that the owner of Kerr asset management company is David, he thinks a lot of it.

Mayor ned had known about David for Emma's sake, and he knew his fortune.

Originally, David was able to take out tens of millions of credit points, which is extraordinary. Now, the opening is 10 billion credit points.

These Emma's family members are not interested in David because of his wealth, but because of his potential.

I just didn't expect that David has not only greatly improved his strength, but also has such a great fortune.

"Yes, Batu energy sent out extraordinary people to attack me, and they deserve to be attacked by me!" David said with a smile.

Mayor ned looked at David's smiling face, and his heart was filled with cold. However, he soon thought of David's origin, the rock star born in the war zone. Killing is as normal as breathing. It is very common to kill the enemy who threatens him.

The only difference is that the number of enemies is a little more.

"Where's the erto fund?" Mayor Ned's voice was so low that only a few people close to the office could hear him.

"Today's erto fund is my industry!" David said with a smile.

At the same time, David also has a new understanding of the professional ethics of Macaulay barrister. We should know that McCulley has a close relationship with Emma's family, but Mayor ned has no idea about this matter.

David generously admitted the erto fund. In fact, many people have guessed about it, but there is no evidence.

The actual owners of erto fund are six shell companies, and the legal persons of the six companies are also hidden because of the law of the place of registration, which can not be understood by outsiders.

"That's erto fund." Mayor ned couldn't help feeling.

Erto fund is a huge super enterprise. Even if they are a political family, they can not compare with extraordinary enterprises in terms of wealth. Even the total interests of the whole family are not more than 10 billion.

David's possession of the erto fund means that their family can also extend their tentacles out of the airy domain and into the cardor domain.

"David, I will ask people to come up with a plan as soon as possible for the investment of 20 billion credit points, and then you will have to cooperate with me." Mayor ned thinks of David's real wealth today, and has no idea of saving credit points for David, he said directly."You will be able to contact them directly. I will be back to Guardian Star soon. I will come back from leave this time!" David said, smiling at the two masters.

"OK, I'll go back to prepare now!" Mayor Ned was a little bit late, he said, standing up.

David sent mayor ned out of the company's door, and when he returned, executives looked at him differently.

For these executives, wealth is worthy of respect, power is worth fear, and David thinks the most powerful, instead, he is ignored because he does not know David's real identity.

In fact, even if David's identity is known by executives, they will not be awed for it, and they are not even more afraid of his close relationship with Mayor ned.

Here is the peaceful renka star, and in Chia, the fighting capacity is not very important.

At the end of the meeting, David, after beating the executives, gave a big prize to the top executives who made outstanding contributions according to their performance.

This management is very rough, but it is very effective.

The enthusiasm of executives has been mobilized and it is clear that they are more motivated when they leave.

"Sir, come with me!" "After all the executives left, master Alva said to David.

"You are not good at managing this company. Intelligence organizations should be your best. I just met you!" David said with a smile.

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Under the leadership of master Alva and master hili, David came to the underground space 100 meters underground through an underground passage.

"Sir, when we bought this building, this underground space existed, and after we re strengthened the security facilities, we built it into the headquarters of the CRI!" Master Alva introduced David.

Although renka is located in a peaceful area, even though there has been no war for many years, many rich people will build underground shelters for themselves, in order to have a place to protect life when danger comes.

So this kind of underground building is not uncommon, but it is not uncommon for people of this scale.

Entering the underground space, there are all over the place, many staff are working, and they have not affected these staff members.

"The people here have signed at least 30 years' work contracts. They need to be isolated from the outside world for 30 years to retire. Therefore, we pay them ten times the salary of ordinary work!" Master Alva continued to introduce David.

David nodded and he saw there must be other ways of handling, but he didn't ask.

He believed that the masters Alva and hili, and the masters Alva and hili were not good. They were also in charge of the institutions that could not disclose information when they served the shadow mercenary group.

There was something that master Alva had not told David that all the people who worked here were recruited from the previously scattered shadow mercenaries.

Even he invited professionals who trained the dead for the shadow mercenary corps, and were training the kil intelligence organization with the death of the CRI at any time.

He and master hilley are really dedicated to serving David, but it is too short for Kerr intelligence to show the results of their efforts.

Like the shadow mercenary group before, if not because David's ability is too special, where will let shadow mercenary so easily be solved.

Shadow mercenary regiment also exists for a short time, and also met many opponents, which is not defeated by the opponent, which means that the strength of the shadow mercenary group is not weak.

Under the management of two masters, Kerr intelligence organization has been in line with the growth of the shadow mercenary group.

Kerr intelligence organization, with David's visit, was fully exposed in front of David. Intelligence analysis, task release, settlement task and so on. All departments cooperated, making Kerr intelligence organization a black hand behind the scenes.

"Alva, Kerr intelligence is very important to me. You can call the credit points you manage at will without considering consumption!" David said in his final summary.

"Your honor, please be assured that with your credit support, Kerr intelligence organization will surely rise rapidly!" Said master Alva with confidence.

The growth of an organization needs to consider the balance between input and output. Too fast growth will only break this balance, which will make the organization not pay for its expenses, thus the fund chain will break down and die.

But with David's support, Kerr intelligence could not consider the balance between input and production, just a crazy expansion.

Why the shadow mercenary group has been unable to grow rapidly is because wealth cannot support it. Otherwise, with its mature and special information system, shadow intelligence system can have better development.

David left Kerr asset management and visited fox.

Fox's extraordinary office building, David has been here many times, since it is very easy to release.

The door opened in response to the knock on Fox's extraordinary office door."David, you are very famous now." Fox said, looking at David with an extraordinary smile.

David looked at Fox extraordinary, and then looked at Fox's three extraordinary disciples standing in the office. At the moment, the three people looked at David with a kind eye.

David didn't know why. He had a good relationship with these three people, especially jenlis. If it wasn't for his reason, he would still be with him now.

"Nothing!" David didn't know how to answer Fox's extraordinary, so he could only say vaguely.

"I had a video communication with Galen today. Do you know what Galen showed me?" Fox asked with extraordinary light.

David immediately understood what fox extraordinary wanted to say. Galen extraordinary, needless to say, showed his equipment to Fox extraordinary.

It's normal. Galen has a good thing and wants to show it to his friends.

Among them, fox is the best. Galen can entrust David to Fox extraordinary, and fox can treat David as his nephew, which reflects how good the relationship between them is.

When fox extraordinary saw Galen's extraordinary equipment, the envy in his heart was huge.

Although he has a complete set of class III equipment, and even a class III heavy weapon, he almost cut off the video when he saw Galen showing him the class III Warhammer in his hand.

Fox was a long time ahead of Galen, and he fought for his life in warstar in his early years, so he got the third level equipment of his whole body.

However, Galen became extraordinary not long ago. After becoming extraordinary, he did not return to warstar, but spent his old age in the rock star.

However, because he received a good disciple, Galen possessed a complete set of level 3 equipment, and he also got the level 3 heavy weapons that Fox extraordinary paid a huge price to obtain.

So fox extraordinary today called his three disciples over and took them out.

It's no wonder that the three people look at David with some bad eyes. Anyone who has been scolded by the teacher for a long time will have such an expression when they see the originator.

"Uncle Fox, uncle Galen used the second grade" extraordinary armor "for a long time David warned helplessly.

"This is also true. Every time I think of him as an extraordinary man, he even wears second grade" extraordinary armor ". I want to laugh Fox's extraordinary mood immediately improved, he said with a smile.

Now David just wants to say, teacher Galen is extraordinary. What kind of friends did he make!

"You three have a good communication with David. Let's see that David has grown to this level in such a short period of time, and he has also brought his teachers three-level equipment!" Fox extraordinary accentuates his voice when it comes to level 3 equipment.

"Teacher, we must have a good communication!" David's best friend, James, grabbed David and said to fox.

After that, David invited three people to have a good meal in the best hotel in Chia city. The credit point alone cost hundreds of thousands of yuan. It can be seen that the three people have a heavy hand on David. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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