Transcendent David

Chapter 433: CH 433

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"Kenny is extraordinary. I have something to report!" Master Leo rushed into the conference room and said to Kenny, the leader.

"Say it Kenny extraordinary has just finished his contact with the colleges and is preparing to explain the results of the contact to several people present, when he sees master Leo coming in in in a hurry.

"Two groups of students didn't come back and their tutors couldn't contact them either!" Master Leo reports.

"No call back?" Kenny was surprised and asked aloud.

Several people at the scene looked at each other in awe. What they were most worried about was that they were saved because they sent out a distress signal. However, some students with weaker strength did not even have the opportunity to send a signal.

"No, we're going to send someone to search for it!" Said master Leo, shaking his head.

"You send people to search. You know that there are at least five extraordinary people hiding around this time. It's too dangerous for you to search!" Kenny shook his head. He turned to David and said, "David, if you're good at searching here, it's up to you."

"No problem, I'll go at once!" David nodded.

"I'll go with you, Beecher and Dunbar will stay!" Kenny is extraordinary and certainly won't let David risk himself, he decided.

David wants to act alone, but Kenny is adamant that he doesn't want to.

David didn't know that he was the baby of alidia first college, and Kenny was not going to let him take risks alone, especially when there were extraordinary threats around him.

Master Leo takes David and Kenny to the dormitory of the missing student. Xiaobai probes into the dormitory and collects the breath.

This time, David and Kenny were extraordinary because they needed to track the breath, so they couldn't fly any more and had to walk on the ground.

The small white plate on David's custom-made exoskeleton armored arm, constantly guides David's direction through the breath.

Xiaobai first positioned one group of them, and the breath was obvious from the beginning of leaving the college base. After Xiaobai locked the breath, the extraordinary speed of David and Kenny was obviously accelerated.

Although Kenny was at his side, David let the shadow boy fly 40 meters in the air and inspect the situation around him.

This group of students did not leave too far away, ten kilometers out of the safe area, they tracked down a hillside.

On the side of the hillside, the breath of Xiao Bai's guidance stops there.

"They are afraid of something wrong!" David looked at the debris on the ground and whispered.

On the ground, there were fragments of exoskeleton armor, and some blood on it.

There is no need to think about the corpse. It is lucky that some blood stains can be left in the places where the Zerg live. For example, the remains of exoskeleton armor can be left because this part of exoskeleton armor fragments are not worth taking away and eating.

Zerg can convert almost all materials into their own energy, which is why as long as there are Zerg planets, it will be desolate.

Plants and creatures on the planet will become food for Zerg, even minerals.

"Can your Xiaobai find any other breath?" Kenny looked at the wreckage and asked in a loud voice.

Kenny extraordinary's anger in his heart is about to be suppressed. This is a challenge to alidia's first college, which has not happened for many years. Every time it appears, the college will kill it.

It is precisely because of the repeated stifling of provocation that the reputation of the first college of alidia is so far-reaching.

David contacts Xiaobai with his spirit. Xiaobai's head keeps moving up and down.

"There are twelve human breath. According to the strength, there should be twelve beetles, and there are five first-class Zerg breath!" David praised Xiaobai with his spirit and turned to Kenny.

"Twelve first class scholars, the students are not involved in the matter deeply. I'm afraid they can make a sneak attack!" Kenny extraordinary listen to David said, immediately analyze the process of the matter.

The students of the college are different from those who fight outside all the year round. The students in the college are very wary of human beings. There are few killing students in the wild on the guardian star. The general students are not aware of the danger.

Since they are not extraordinary, it is impossible for the six student beetles of the college to be killed instantly by the twelve warriors. Even if it is a face-to-face battle, it is really difficult to tell who wins or loses between the six student beetles and the twelve foreign warriors.

We should know that every student in alidiya No.1 college is a genius. The group composed of these talents, especially the group that can walk out of the safe area with confidence, is strong enough to defend itself in front of the rest of the beetles.

"Can you find out the position of the twelve warriors?" Kenny asked with a sense of killing.

"No problem!" In fact, even if Kenny doesn't mention it, David is going to find out the twelve winners and avenge his college students.

David contacted Xiaobai again, and then David ran quickly in one direction.

Kenny's "extraordinary armor" was also put on, and he had a third class axe in his hand. It was obvious that he wanted to kill people.The process of tracking was not smooth. Xiaobai's perception could not be wrong. However, the breath of the twelve warriors turned suddenly. There were some traces on the ground and the breath of turning was obviously not in the same direction.

"These beetles may be mercenaries who are out all the year round. This is an arrangement to prevent them from being tracked. Even experienced pursuers may be misled!" Kenny has no doubts about Xiaobai's ability, he said to David after seeing the marks on the ground.

"They can't escape!" David said confidently.

Kenny extraordinary of course believes in Xiaobai's ability. Xiaobai's ability is extraordinary. This extraordinary tracking ability is what any organization wants.

As long as the breath is locked by Xiaobai, the target can't stop and not be found in addition to running away.

After ten minutes of tracking, the target was finally found.

It was a small spaceship with two defense missile launchers on board, which was considered an armed spaceship.

At the moment, outside the armed spaceship, twelve beetles are resting. Among them, some of them are playing with class II weapons and laughing triumphantly.

"David, twelve targets, let's fight together to see who can kill quickly!" Kenny said to David, looking at the twelve warriors not far ahead.

Kenny could see that the second class weapon should be the weapon of the student beetle, and now it has become the trophy of these beetles.

He didn't think that the beetles were alive, or that they were doomed to be dead when they started killing the students of the first college of aridia.

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"I won and I want ten triple strength!" David looked at Kenny and made the bet without being polite.

"I won. I want you to cook me ten meals!" Kenny said after that.

Although there are only two people here, they don't look at the twelve top warriors at all.

The two looked at each other. The short wings behind David ejected energy. Kenny's extraordinary spirit faintly fluctuated. Then they rushed out at the same time.

They are about 200 meters away from the twelve top beetles, which is not a short distance for ordinary people, but under the extraordinary charge of David and Kenny, they are in front of them in a moment.

"Enemy attack!" Of the twelve top beetles, two of them were in charge of standing guard. When they saw the two men coming, they immediately let out a cry.

The sound startled the rest of the top beetles. When they saw the two men charging, they found that they had lost the opportunity to return to the spaceship and leave the air.

Because the speed of the two people's charge is too fast, especially to see one of them is wearing green "extraordinary armor". Before the spaceship speeds up, even if it takes off, it will be directly hit by this extraordinary.

So in an instant, the twelve top warriors chose the most appropriate way. They formed two groups of warriors and set up two battle lines respectively.

Among them, those who meet Kenny are full of determination because they are going to face an extraordinary one.

"You just have to hold on for a while, and we will fight with you if we kill this Oracle!" "The other team leader knew the morale couldn't be lost at the moment," he exclaimed.

In his opinion, although it is impossible to defeat the extraordinary, it is not a problem for a group of top beetles to deal with one.

Just after their two groups of top beetles finished the battle, Kenny extraordinary rushed to a group of top beetles first.

Although David's speed is not weak, even after the "extreme speed" is turned on, his speed is not as good as that of Kenny. Therefore, when both sides start at the same time, Kenny is one step ahead.

Of course, with only 200 meters, the gap between David and Kenny is only five meters.

Kenny's three-level axe is simple and rough. It's just a heavy chop. The big shield beetle with a big shield in front of him is divided into two from the center of his body.

The second level shield, which can block the second level Zerg, is like paper paste in front of the third level heavy axe. It is separated from the big shield beetle together.

Kenny extraordinary through the big shield beetle separated body, the blood is washed out by him.

The rest of the group as if to see the gods and demons rush out of the hell, even the weapons in their hands are some can not grasp.

These top warriors are very experienced in battle, but even if they are more experienced, they have never seen so powerful and extraordinary.

"I'm Kenny, vice president of Aldia first college. You're all going to die!" Kenny said in a deep voice.

Because of its material, the third grade "extraordinary armor" will immediately roll away when blood is stained on it. Therefore, when Kenny extraordinary stands in the center of five top warriors, his whole body is shining green and his body is spotless.

Just as Kenny spoke, David arrived. He didn't take the third class weapon. He was just a second class axe.

David also rushed to the big shield armour body, the spirit line is a step faster than him, connected to the big shield armor body.The second level axe was split along the spiritual line, while his body was gently twisted twice to avoid two attacks.

The second level axe is swept through the edge of the shield in the hands of the big shield. It is not clear to the naked eye to sweep the shoulder of the shield. It cuts through the shoulder, and then takes back the second level heavy axe until the heart is split.

The shield master of this big shield armor is not low, at least all are proficient in advanced level, but encountered "heavy axe master". Even if the big shield armor is correctly responded, the speed of the second level heavy axe has been calculated incorrectly.

It is this calculation error that has lost the chance of defense for the shield armor.

David's second level axe, after killing the shield, had just taken back, and the new spiritual line was connected to the next heavy axe.

David, directly against the body of the shield beetle, rushed toward the inside of the battle array, and the second level axe was split again.

The heavy axe beetle showed great courage. He saw the big shield armor hit and killed him. He knew that he had met a strong enemy. So he intended to fight with his life.

The axe of the axe in the hand of the axe was cut to David, and he ignored the second level heavy axe in David's hand. However, he also wanted to pay for his calculation mistakes and pay for it with his life.

David's second class axe will be the leader of the axe with a speed several times faster than the axe armour.

During this process, the other four top beetles were blocked from the body of the shield beetle and could not attack David.

David took back the second level axe and the spirit line appeared again. This time, the line of spirit was the hammer armor before the body of the shield.

Normally, there are large shield armor bodies in front of him. David's sight is unable to see the state of the hammer armor. At this time, the most important attack is the rest of the armor.

But the spiritual line directly chose the hammer armor, and David did not think much about it, because he believed in the judgment of the spiritual line.

The battle is very simple because David has mastered the "cutting spirit and heavy axe technique". Any enemy, David can only deal with it by wielding a heavy axe.

Even if the hammer armor that cannot be seen in the sight, David is following the spiritual line to wave the second class heavy axe, the hammer armor is also thinking of a hammer to blow the body of the big shield armor to expose David behind.

The second level axe brings another illusion. The Warhammer armor just rises his mind to be alert, and his head is cut open.

"Captain!" After killing three top armour, especially after the hammer, the other three top armour can not be shouted.

The hammer, who was cut off his head, was the team leader, and immediately after being killed, the last three top armour lost morale.

In this close combat, losing morale is very terrible.

The three top beetles turned around and wanted to escape, but when they were no longer defending, David was faster than them. The three axes were split out in a row, and the fastest three top beetles fled only one step.

For the "heavy axe master", it is a matter of chop if it is within five meters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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