Transcendent David

Chapter 434: CH 434

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David killed six top beetles. When he turned to look at Kenny, Kenny was over.

The end of the battle on both sides was almost in no order. Kenny extraordinary shot out to fight another group of six top beetles. If it wasn't for a word in the middle, the battle might have ended faster.

However, the speed of the end of the battle on David's side also surprised Kenny extraordinary. Extraordinary has a natural advantage over the first prize, which lies in many aspects.

Both speed and strength, or equipment, have great advantages, in this case, the fight against the Oracle is a random slaughter.

However, David is only a warrior. When facing six warriors of the same level, he shows his terrible fighting power.

Six warriors, and also a group of multi occupation balanced group, can play the combat effectiveness is not the sum of the six top warriors, but can double.

David and Kenny looked at each other with a smile, and they didn't mention the bet.

They all admire each other's quickness. The twelve top warriors are very important in any place, but they can only support a few seconds in front of them.

"David, the master of heavy axe is really terrible!" Kenny is extraordinary. In fact, it's much easier to fight than David. He has the spare time to check David's fight.

Kenny's extraordinary main weapon is the heavy axe, so he is more intuitive about the ability of "master of heavy axe", which is as fast as lightning and accurate attack with accurate tracking and guidance, which makes him feel shocked.

"Kenny is extraordinary, you let me David shook his head.

He also heard what Kenny extraordinary said to the enemy during the battle and knew that Kenny extraordinary did not exert all his strength.

Kenny is extraordinary, but he doesn't think so. He is extraordinary and has a higher realm than David. Compared with David, melee is taking advantage.

"This second class hammer should be a student's!" Kenny extraordinary came to a body, from the body picked up a second class hammer said.

It's easy to see, because behind this dead top beetle, there is a second class hammer.

A beetle seldom carries two weapons, let alone two of the same weapons.

Jiashi is not extraordinary. Without space items, carrying more heavy weapons will only slow down their own speed.

In the course of fierce fighting, even a moment's delay may lead to different outcomes.

David patted Xiaobai on his wrist and felt Xiaobai's reaction.

"Yes, this second class hammer belongs to students, and all three weapons are!" David found three more weapons from the body and said.

"I'll recycle all my gear and feed all their bodies to Zerg." Kenny put away a few weapons belonging to the students, and then put away a few second class weapons. He did not see the rest of the first class weapons and exoskeleton armor.

David was on the armed spaceship and found that there were a lot of medicine and food on it. It seems that the team of twelve warriors had a lot of preparation before they came to guard the star.

David easily cracked the operating system of the armed spaceship and checked the ship's flight records. He found that the ship had no fixed base, and each docking point on the voyage record was rarely repeated.

This should be a group of free mercenaries. They are not like the mercenary regiment, but they are more free to take on dark tasks without much scruple.

"David, go to another group of students!" Kenny extraordinary watched the armed spaceship cracked and restarted. There was no accident. What he wanted most now was to find another group of students, he walked into the armed spaceship and said.

David is able to crack the operating system of armed spaceships, which is nothing. If David does not have these means, it will be strange.

The armed ship was launched and headed for the first Academy base in alidia.

"Dunbar, this is Kenny. I'm returning in an armed spaceship. You've got someone to take over the ship. David and I need to move on!" During the flight, Kenny extraordinary to the base link.

As the armed spaceship approached the Academy base, there were already several students who had mastered the craft's driving skills. When David and Kenny left the ship, they took over the ship.

Xiaobai once again looks for another group of student beetles outside the base. Kenny is obviously a little anxious, and has already killed six student beetles. Although it is said that there are death rates in the Academy bases of the guardian star, such murders are rare and can not be tolerated by the college.

"Locked in!" David is also holding his breath, trying to speed up, so he has been opening the short wings behind the customized exoskeleton armor to increase his movement speed, so as to make Xiaobai find out more quickly.

It goes without saying that Xiaobai's ability sent a signal to David immediately after smelling the corresponding breath.

After being locked in the breath, the next process is very easy. David and Kenny extraordinary are following the direction of the breath as fast as possible, and under the guidance of Xiaobai, they gallop towards the distance.About 100 kilometers away from the safe area, David pointed to a hill ahead.

"Here it is?" Kenny looked at the small hill and found no trace.

David came to a huge stone, and a trace of his mind entered the shadow servant's body, and the shadow servant dived into the ground.

The location of Xiaobai's guide is here. There is no other trace on the surface here, only the stone seems to have been moved.

The shadow attendant saw a cave in the ground. Six students were lying in the cave wearing exoskeleton armor. The life support system on the exoskeleton armor was on. The vital signs of the six students were normal.

"Found it!" David kicks on the boulder, and it flies out.

The boulder flew aside, revealing the hole in the ground below.

Kenny extraordinary saw six students, quickly jumped down, began to check one by one.

After checking the last student, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"These children's hands and feet are broken, and there are traces of being tortured, but the other party should not want them to die, so they opened the life support system for them, and set up an automatic alarm 24 hours later, so that the college can find them!" Kenny turned to David.

Although the six students were not in danger, Kenny did not thank the man who did it.

The other side obviously knew the strength of alidia first college, so they chose to let six students survive when they killed six students.

"David, see if you can find anything else!" Kenny asked in an extraordinary deep voice.

"Good!" David then replied that he contacted Xiaobai with his spirit, and Xiaobai found a new breath, but his attitude towards this breath was somewhat different from that before.

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"It's extraordinary, only one!" David combines Xiaobai's feeling with his own judgment.

"Let's send these students back first, and then we'll find out the extraordinary!" Kenny nodded.

He carried a student behind his back and lifted a student in one hand. So did David. The weight of three students plus three exoskeleton armor was nothing to David and Kenny. They returned quickly.

When they arrived at the base of the college, they were ready and took over the six students immediately.

Kenny and David didn't stop. They flew up into the air and flew toward the hills.

"David, I'll do it this time, and you'll help!" Kenny told David on the way.

With his confidence in Xiaobai, he did not worry that he would not be able to find the extraordinary position. He was just worried that David would go to the other party to fight for the extraordinary position just like last time.

"No problem, it just depends on your heavy axe or my sniper gun!" David responded casually.

David's heart is also very angry, these people really think this is their hunting ground, randomly arrest college students.

Although David has only been in alidia No.1 College for two months, the college has given him too much help. He also has a strong sense of identity with the college.

Any provocation to the academy is something David can't stand, so he doesn't really want to be on the sidelines.

Lancelot is the guardian of a peaceful planet. In the transcendence, it is better to be mixed. It is worshipped by the whole planet and has a large consortium.

Normally speaking, Lancelot's extraordinary life is complete, but he wants to leave more resources for future generations.

Ordinary resources are relatively easy to obtain, but some special resources, especially those that can make future generations more likely to become extraordinary resources, can not be purchased with credit points.

Lancelot got a message that the "pregnant crystal" appeared at the guardian planet's Iridia first college base.

For a long time, "pregnant crystal" has been listed in the exchange list of many super large organizations. It can be exchanged for many precious resources.

Lancelot sneaked into the guardian star and didn't tell anyone about his itinerary.

The group of students, who were deterred on the spot by using special secret skills, were interrogated after being easily restrained.

To his disappointment, the students did not provide any useful information.

In the final killing of these students, Lancelot was extraordinary hesitant. He was very aware of the horror of alidia first college. He killed six students at a time, which was to keep fighting with alidia first college.

At the same time, he didn't have to worry that the six students would recognize him, because he hid his identity and didn't let the students see his face.

For him, killing six students would only increase the hatred with the first college of alidia, and it would have no other effect.

Lancelot sits on the top of a small mountain peak, where he can see further distance and prevent being attacked here.

He is very careful, this is the guardian star, not only may be chased by the first college of alidia, but also be targeted by Zerg.The first and second level Zerg are indifferent, but the third level Zerg is very troublesome. Lancelot has a strong fighting power, but he does not dare to fight with the third level Zerg alone.

He took out the nutrition from the space wristband and poured it into his mouth. After years of pampering, he almost forgot the taste of sleeping in the open air.

Lancelot shook his head and sighed about his changes. He had fought against Zerg in warstar and struggled on the death line.

Now he is not used to taking a tube of nutrients, which really makes him sigh.

When Lancelot was feeling extraordinary, he suddenly looked up and looked into the distance, where a green figure was flying near.

"Extraordinary!" Lancelot extraordinary immediately alert up, here encountered extraordinary, he should always be vigilant.

As the green figure drew closer and closer, Lancelot saw the face that was not covered by "extraordinary armor.".

"Kenny is extraordinary!" Lancelot immediately recognized this extraordinary identity. It was Kenny extraordinary, vice president of aridia first college.

Lancelot threw away the empty tube of nutrient in his hand, and his green light flashed. "Extraordinary armor" was already on his body, exposing his face as well.

This is the basic etiquette of meeting in the wild, in order to identify each other's identity.

It is extremely dangerous to hide his identity completely. Of course, Kenny transcendence wants Lancelot to understand why he came to him.

Lancelot rose into the air, hovering in the air waiting for Kenny to be extraordinary.

Kenny extraordinary came to Lancelot's extraordinary body. The scanning device on the "extraordinary armor" had been turned on for a long time. Lancelot's extraordinary face was scanned into the identity bracelet, and the identity Bracelet quickly gave Lancelot's extraordinary identity information.

"Lancelot is extraordinary. Do you know why I came to you?" Kenny asked coldly in the air.

Lancelot extraordinary originally wanted to say hello to Kenny extraordinary, but his heart was constantly turning, thinking why Kenny extraordinary came to find himself.

He attacked and severely injured six students, but no one else was present at that time. It is impossible to know that he was responsible for the rescue of six students by alidia first college.

Otherwise, how could he let go of the six students? It was because he had such confidence.

"Kenny is extraordinary. I'm not hunting here. If this is the territory of aridia first college, I'll quit immediately!" Lancelot decided to take a step back, he said with a smile.

"If you dare to hurt my students, then you have to consider the consequences!" Kenny looked at Lancelot as he looked left and right and said in a deep voice.

Lancelot's extraordinary heart suddenly surprised, his face armor also covered his face, hands also had a third class sword, made a defensive posture.

It's no wonder that his reaction is so big that Kenny has been talking about something that he thought would not be exposed.

Lancelot's extraordinary action is to challenge the first college of alidia, and even to the College Alliance. Once the Academy alliance is wanted, his peaceful life will never return. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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