Transcendent David

Chapter 445: CH 445

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As Kenny said, at noon the next day, an emergency report came from the third space fleet. Some Zerg broke through the blockade and crossed the blockade line.

After receiving the news, the base of alidia first college was closed again, and all the remaining students stayed in the base and were not allowed to go out.

Not only the first college base in alidia, but the other three in the area are also closed.

In the afternoon, fifty military transport ships arrived at the first Academy base in alidiya, the defenders who helped defend the Academy base.

Once the Zerg launch a full-scale war, the military will take the place of the academy to defend these bases. In the final analysis, the college is only for training students, not the main force of the war.

David stood by and watched the soldiers coming down from the military transporter. These soldiers included all kinds of arms, including engineers, who were responsible for installing the defense weapons they brought to all over the college base.

There are also artillery, whose job is to operate a large number of defensive weapons.

In addition, there are scanning soldiers, mine soldiers and so on. They come here to turn the Academy base into a real war fortress.

For some time to come, the Academy base will become a military facility that will not be returned to the Academy until the end of the war.

"Hope, you drive the Hess out first!" Looking at the Academy base under military control, David summoned captain hope and said.

"My Lord, we have formed our initial combat capability. Leave the Hess to help you!" Captain hope didn't want to go, he insisted.

"It's an order. Leave now!" David said in a deep voice.

David still remembers the tragic situation of the third space fleet. When such strong warships were destroyed, it was only a battle, and then they even broke the blockade. Then the number of warships lost by the third space fleet must be very amazing.

Although the Hess is a large customized warship with excellent performance, it is only cannon fodder in this kind of war.

David didn't want captain hope and his crew to be involved in this war. It wasn't theirs.

"Yes, my Lord!" Cried captain hope.

The procedures for the Hess have long been re handled with the help of the first college of aridia. Although it is very troublesome for a large warship such as the Hess to become a personal driver, it is necessary for David, as the new owner, to make a change as long as he has completed the corresponding procedures.

Of course, this also needs the help of alidia No.1 college, otherwise the procedures alone will make David's mind bogged down.

Now, on the legal level, this large warship is David's private car. Even if it enters the peaceful zone, it will not be a problem as long as it is not close to the planet.

Private warships with strong armed forces like the Hess use landing craft to communicate with the ground in peaceful areas. They can't get close to any planet unless they get permission from the planet.

In the evening, Captain hope left with the Hess.

David looked at the disappearance of the Hess. He was worried about the situation on the other side of the rock star. However, rock star is the most peripheral planet in the war zone. As long as the war zone is not completely occupied, rock star is safe.

The target of the Hess this time is the rock star. Captain hope's orders are to take the Hans family as soon as the rock star is in danger. As for Galen, it depends on Galen himself.

The identity bracelet is shaking. David opens it and sees the latest information from Brennan intelligence.

Due to the fact that all bases are under military control, the way for Brennan intelligence officers to obtain intelligence has become single. They rely entirely on the academy to obtain relevant information from military graduates.

Even so, Brennan's intelligence was as punctual as ever.

In another area of the guardian star, two academic bases have entered the state of contraction and blockade. In addition to the use of the portal, the base has completely lost its function.

The army's defense personnel at the two academies suffered heavy losses. It is said that as many as five third level Zerg took part in the attack on the two Academy bases. The two Academy bases almost failed to defend properly and were broken.

The good thing is that the design of the college base has thought of this. After the contraction of the college base, at least in the next day, Zerg will not be able to break into an important part of the college base.

With these times, battleships in space will be able to wipe out the Zerg in the shrinking academy base, and the shrinking academy base can also be preserved.

The biggest role of the Academy base is to protect kryptonite. Any kryptonite obtained by Zerg will be an unimaginable disaster.

When the Zerg starts an all-round attack, the Zerg will not save the energy of kryptonite. Once kryptonite is occupied by Zerg, a large number of secondary Zerg will be cultivated in a short time.

Although the base of the first college of alidiya was under military control, the military did not interfere with the left behind students and extraordinary students of the college. They did not live in the original residence.

David returned to his former dormitory, and he was still in charge of the three Gauss cannons that the Academy had built for him.Both the academy and the military agree unconditionally that, with the "sniper master" present, the military participating in the defense hopes that David can always stay to help defend.

It was only on the third day that a notice broke David's plan.


Mr. David Kerr:

the federal command issued the" general mobilization of war "order, and the theater military command issued a call up order to Mr. David Kerr according to the rights granted by the interstellar Federation.

Within two days from the date of receiving the call up order, you must go to the military recruitment office to gather, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal!

this is a call order, but David didn't expect that he would receive such a call order. We should know that he is only a freshman, but the call order requires qualified students who are over junior.

David took the call and went to Kenny's extraordinary office.

On the way to Kenny's extraordinary office, David's mind was rolling.

He doesn't resent being in the army, but it's definitely not now. He's the peak warrior, and he's still in the stage of rapid promotion.

At this stage, David needs constant training to get the precious opportunity for his first promotion.

David himself felt that he could try to get promoted in only one year at most. After that, he would have a long period of weakness, during which he could not even fight.

Entering the army would upset his plans and even affect his chances of promotion.

"Kenny is extraordinary. I've got the call up order!" As soon as David came into Kenny's extraordinary office, he said directly.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask for you!" Kenny frowned and he didn't expect David to be called, he said in a deep voice.

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Kenny has contacted many military friends, and his face is becoming more and more ugly.

"David, you have been called up by several military extraordinary names!" Kenny looked at David and said.

He also wanted to help David, but several military experts completed the procedures first, so he just wanted to intervene.

"But you can rest assured that our college has many graduates in the military. These are your classmates. I will contact them and won't let you suffer any loss!" Kenny is extraordinary and comforts David.

Thank you David said with sincere thanks.

Since he can't escape, David can only accept this fact.

He only hoped that the war would be over soon and not too long.

"David, the college can't help you too much, but I've opened the three-level fortified meat exchange for you. You can exchange it at will!" Kenny patted David on the shoulder.

"It helps me a lot!" David said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Over the past few days, he has accumulated more than 6000 points, which is enough to exchange for two months of grade 3 fortified meat.

David did not know that in fact, the resources of the college base, especially the high-level resources, had been transferred to the peace area for a long time. What Kenny extraordinary brought out was actually Kenny's own cultivation resources.

At noon, David took the customized exoskeleton armored loading box, customized large caliber sniper gun and class II heavy axe to the transport ship that came to pick up the students.

"Master David, please sit here!" David was the last one to walk into the transport ship. As soon as he got into the transport ship, some students stood up and let them sit on the road.

The students here are senior students from alidia first college and naturally show enough respect when they see David.

David refused the student's seat with a smile. Instead, he chose a corner and sat down.

At first, the students were a little stiff because of David's presence, but soon they were back on the scene.

For most of the students here, joining the army is their dream. In particular, going to warstar is the expectation of all the warriors. They hope that they can become one of those heroes publicized by the Federation in warstar.

Excitement, excitement, and eagerness spread among the transport ships. The students here have been honed by the guardian star, so they don't have the fear of joining the army on the battlefield. Instead, they hope to enter the army early and show their skills on the battlefield.

David looked at the young students, and he thought differently from them.

I don't know how many of these young students can go back home alive and let the interstellar Federation launch the "war mobilization" war.

The military transport spacecraft broke through the atmosphere, left the guardian star, and flew for half a day to arrive at a space fortress.

Space Fortress is a fixed defense facility for the military in space, and it is also a military recruitment office. Recruits from nearby planets will be gathered here and distributed to various armies according to their specialties.

When David came here, there were at least 10000 recruiters. The recruiters were quite complicated, including veterans, reserve warriors and students like David.After arriving here, the students of alidia first college were almost invisible as soon as they were scattered. David had no friends. He just went to the registration office according to the instructions on his identity bracelet.

There are 30 registration areas, and 30 recruiters can register at the same time.

This makes the speed of registration very fast. There are not many recruiters in the registration office. Most recruiters go to the waiting area to wait for the spaceship to send them to the designated army.

"I'm Lieutenant Howie. You new people, follow my orders and line up quickly!" Lieutenant Hovey yelled, looking at the disorderly recruiters.

Lieutenant Hovey is not in a good mood. Anyone who is faced with disorganized and undisciplined recruits will feel like this.

These recruits are not ordinary recruits. Every recruiter here is either a warrior, or has a certain specialty, or is a veteran. All of them can directly enter the post in the army.

This makes it even more difficult for the recruits to manage. Lt. Howie's mouth is dry anyway.

David was at the back of a line. There were only five people in front of him and seven people behind him. After hearing lieutenant Hovey's cry, the line also straightened up.

"Damn it, I'm a marine warrior. Why should I be assigned to a warship?" A recruiter in front came out of the registration room and complained loudly.

This is the case with a lot of warriors. They want to be on Battlestar, not on warships.

On Battlestar, you can fight Zerg. On warships, you can hardly fight Zerg face to face. The Zerg who can destroy warships is not what he can deal with.

In particular, it is difficult for the warriors on the warships to gain any combat achievements.

"Put on your rank and come and salute me. Have you never learned military etiquette since you were a child?" 'cried lieutenant Hovey, pointing to the recruiter.

The recruiter wanted to say something more, looked at Lieutenant Howie's rank and gave up the idea.

The recruiter put on his uniform, pinned a first-class rank on his uniform, and then saluted Lieutenant Howie.

"Private, don't tell me your name. I don't want to know. Go to the waiting area immediately!" Lieutenant Hovey replied with a salute, stopping what the recruiter's first class wanted to say.

A recruiter enters the registration office, takes his or her uniform and rank, comes out, and salutes Lieutenant Howie. The process has been circulating.

Although lieutenant Hovey was very aggressive, he would give a very solemn return when any of the recruits saluted him.

Finally, it was David's turn. David walked into the registration room, where there was a terminal connected to the military's main server.

When David walked in, the scan in the room began to scan his body, and the body data was put into the database for analysis.

Once the body data does not meet the requirements, it will be returned and unable to enter the army.

Of course, David's body is OK. After the scanning data is entered into the database, the terminal will display David's information soon.

In the information, there are the medals and military exploits that David got, a Silver Star Medal, a Gold Star Medal, and David's strength. Of course, there is no "master of heavy axe" but only the strength of "sniper master". These are the criteria for judging what kind of military rank David should be given. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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