Transcendent David

Chapter 446: CH 446

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"David Kerr, welcome to join the interstellar Federation army. According to your combat merits and strength, your rank is designated as major. You are assigned to the fourth front base of warstar. Please take back your uniform and rank!"

A line of text appears on the terminal, and then a set of military uniforms and a box containing the rank mark are sent on the side of the conveyor belt.

David picked up the uniform and saw that it was a school uniform, which was obviously different from that of sergeant and lieutenant in fabric.

Without hesitation, he put on his general's uniform, and then pinned the rank of major on his uniform, and used the mirror on one side to tidy up his appearance.

This school uniform is the size selected according to the results of his body scanning, so it fits the body very well, and the hat on his head makes him look more mature.

Smiling at himself in the mirror, David turned and walked out of the room.

"Welcome to the Union army, major!" When he saw David come out in a major's uniform, his eyes flashed with horror, and he took the initiative to salute.

As an officer who received new recruits, Lieutenant Howe was more aware of the rank standard of the "general mobilization of war.".

Because they are temporary fighters called by the general mobilization for war, the military ranks are issued according to the minimum standard.

Generally, graduates from top colleges can hold the rank of second lieutenant when they enter the army.

However, non graduates of the top academies convened by the general mobilization for war will only give the rank of sergeant. If you want to join the rank of lieutenant officers, you must improve your military performance.

Not only that, but also many private Jiashi can only become first-class soldiers.

It is almost impossible for David to become a school officer as soon as he enters the army.

We should know that the best graduates of top colleges will get the rank of lieutenant directly after being recommended by the academy and assessed by the military, which is already the highest rank that recruits can get. Moreover, the number of such new lieutenants is very small every year, and each of them is a top talent.

Of course, there will also be special recruits who have gained combat merits in the battlefield before they enter the army. These military achievements are accounted for in the evaluation and judgment of military ranks.

In the impression of lieutenant Howe, he has only seen two recruits who have become captains directly because of their military exploits.

In his opinion, this is the limit of new recruits, not to mention not to enter the army, but to enter the army. School level officers are also an insurmountable natural moat for captain officers.

Captain officers are the backbone of the army, and they are the main force of command in the front battlefield, while the school level officers are responsible for planning the coordination and change of various parts, so there is little need to be in the front line battlefield.

David returned a salute to lieutenant Howie. Although he was wearing a uniform, he didn't feel like he was in the army.

"Lieutenant hove, don't we need to train new recruits?" David asked.

According to David's knowledge, it takes at least 100 days of training for new recruits to enter the army, and the training time for some professional posts is longer.

"Major, all the recruits have relevant skills. I know that all the recruits' training will be arranged by each department after they enter the post, so as to adapt to the new post as soon as possible!" Lieutenant Hovey immediately replied.

These matters are not confidential and will be notified when they are distributed to different places.

Without further questions, David turned to the waiting area.

The new recruit reported to the top of the Battlestar was just a captain, so David walked along, and every soldier who saw him saluted him.

After returning the salute, David sat in area C of the hall of the waiting area, waiting for the spaceship to pick him up.

At this time, the identity information on his identity bracelet has become a military identity, and the identity bracelet is automatically connected to the military Skynet.

The military Skynet and civil Skynet are separated. The military Skynet is mainly to issue orders without being affected, and at the same time, it also makes the identity Bracelet unable to transmit information to the civil Skynet.

In other words, David's identity bracelet is unable to contact his former friends without taking a vacation.

Of course, the army will also open the contact function at a fixed time every day, or the army will give special authority. All these are meaningless to David who has just been forced to recruit.

At the moment, he looked at the many restrictions on the identity bracelet, but he was also helpless.

In fact, with his "master of electronic warfare" ability, it is easy to break through such restrictions. However, he is now in the army, so he needs to be restricted by the army.

David, in a major's uniform, sits in the lobby of the waiting area, where many of the same waiting recruits are quietly looking at him.

Many recruits have been quietly asking for David's identity, and soon a student from alidia first college introduced him to the recruits here.

Unfortunately, David's reputation is very big in the army, or even among the extraordinary. For these new recruits who have just entered the army, few of them know him.But after hearing David's deeds, they still showed their admiration to David.

The interstellar Federation has been publicizing heroes. Every year, there will be several famous fighting heroes of the Federation. Their deeds spread throughout the Federation. Only through this communication can the army have great attraction to young people.

When a hero in propaganda appears in front of the recruits, it is normal for them to show their worship naturally.

David doesn't like to be surrounded. Fortunately, his spaceship comes very fast.

"Look, it's the wing of death!" A recruit suddenly pointed to the waiting area and called.

The "wing of death" assault ship is an ultra light warship. It has no outstanding firepower or solid defense, but its reputation is very big.

Because the "wing of death" assault ship is a large number of battlefield documentaries, as well as war movies in the highest rate of light warships.

The "wing of death" assault ship is rated as the most dazzling and cool warship. Its Eagle like shape makes it more flexible in the atmosphere. It is one of the few assault ships that can evade the attack of ground Zerg energy.

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As a matter of fact, the "wing of death" assault ship is not very equipped in the army. Generally, it is only equipped in special ground combat units, and ordinary troops can not see its figure.

So the "wing of death" frigate was cheered by the recruits as soon as it appeared. Perhaps after a period of military life, it would not have been so excited.

The death wing made an arc in the air and landed as gently as a bird, which was even quieter than the sound of a household floating car.

David's eyes moved when the "wings of death" assault ship stopped in the landing area. He looked at the time. It was the time that the military arranged to pick him up. The landing area was also the designated landing point for the spacecraft to pick him up.

A young officer in Second Lieutenant's uniform jumped off the death wing assault ship. He glanced at the waiting area and immediately saw the special presence among the recruits.

"Major David, I'm lieutenant Morson and your adjutant!" Lieutenant Morson came up to David and introduced himself as he saluted.

Lieutenant moson looked at him. Although he was wearing a major's uniform, his face was too young for him. After reading David's information, it was difficult for him to connect the crazy sniper master in the information with David in front of him.

Lt. Morson was an intelligence agent, and he could be assigned to be David's adjutant, appointed by general Adams, one of the top commanders in the theater.

David was called into the army, which was the extraordinary demand of many armies. When general Adams knew about it, it was the same and it was a foregone conclusion.

General Adams and David's father Hans are good friends. If it wasn't for David's conscription that caused many outstanding soldiers, general Adams would not have been concerned about the recruitment. For him, who is suffering from constant battles, the recruitment is a small matter.

In his busy schedule, general Adams looked through David's information. After seeing David's achievements, he immediately decided to send a safe man to follow him. He could not let David do anything important in the army.

Generally speaking, even if David has the rank of major now, he will not have an adjutant before his actual duty. This is the military rule. However, it is OK for general Adams to arrange an adjutant as David's "sniper master".

The status of "master sniper" is very special in the army. Those who want to recruit David into the army are extraordinary. They do not want to harm David, but they want David as a "sniper master" into the army.

"Hello!" David also gave a military salute.

"Major, I'll go with you to the fourth front base!" Lieutenant Morson stepped aside and invited David.

David nodded and boarded the death wing with Lt. Morson.

Entering the "wing of death" assault ship, this kind of ultra light warship can only hold 10 people at most. If you include the equipment of the first soldier, it is a standard one pilot and six armour combat team. Seven people and equipment can fill the "death wing" assault ship.

"Major, this" Deathwing "assault ship is provided for you by the military department, and I am driving it for you at present!" Lieutenant Morson, sitting in the driver's seat, turned his head and said to David.

David put his gear aside and sat in his seat, ignoring the seat belt.

Lieutenant moson looked at David and said nothing. He drove the "wings of death" assault ship into space.

Sitting in the "wing of death" assault ship, David felt the shortcomings of the "wing of death" assault ship. This assault ship is not as good as the legend, probably because the federal propaganda has increased the halo of the "wing of death" assault ship.

As soon as he left the gravity range of Battlestar, David's body began to float upward.

Fortunately, he controlled his body in time and tied up his seat belt without losing face in front of lieutenant Morson.

"Major, in front of us is the defense area of the third space fleet. It's no longer safe. We need to put on exoskeleton armor to prevent accidents at any time." After a few hours of sailing, Lt. moson stopped the death wing and came up from the driver's seat."Lt. Morson, the loss of the third space fleet is great?" David saw the incredible third space fleet ahead and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, the third space fleet has lost one tenth of its warships, but the recent call up order has restored some of its strength!" 'answered lieutenant Morson as he put on exoskeleton armor.

David doesn't know how many warships there are in one tenth of the third space fleet, but he can tell with his eyes that it must be a terrible number.

This is only the beginning of a full-scale war. The real war has not yet begun.

David put custom exoskeleton armor on his body and carried two weapons.

"Major, when you arrive at the fourth front base, you need to get a school level exoskeleton armor. When you participate in public activities, you can't wear your own exoskeleton armor. You must wear unified exoskeleton armor. Of course, you can wear this exoskeleton armor when you participate in combat, but you also need the general's rank on it!" Lieutenant Morson looked enviously at David's custom exoskeleton armor, carrying out a reminder that an adjutant should do.

"Can I also get my weapons?" David asked with a smile as he photographed the custom large caliber sniper gun on the back of the shot.

"Yes, as far as I know, the military research institute has developed a new generation of large caliber sniper guns specially for" sniper masters ". You can try to apply!" 'replied lieutenant Morson, without much thought.

David was a little surprised. His deputy seemed to know a lot.

They put on their exoskeleton armor, Lieutenant moson was back in the driver's seat, and David was standing in front of the porthole, looking out.

The "wing of death" assault ship passed through the middle of the third space fleet. Lieutenant moson was very careful. He followed the command of the third space fleet's pilots and sailed on a fixed line.

This kind of moment as long as you go into the wrong channel, it is likely to be directly destroyed, so lieutenant moson dare not be a little distracted.

David looked out the window at the third space fleet. Even if he only looked at it, he could feel the tension of the third space fleet.

"There are space mines ahead. I need to give control of the assault ship to the third space fleet!" Lieutenant moson let go of the stick and turned to explain to David.

Sure enough, as he approached the airspace in front of the third space fleet position, David saw dense space mines, which almost blocked the entire airspace.

The "wing of death" destroyer constantly goes through the middle of space mines. This line is constantly changing with the position of space mines. The position of space mines is controlled by the third space fleet, and the safe route is naturally guided by the third space fleet.

With the "wing of death" assault ship forward, today's luck is good, through the space minefield, there are no wormholes, which allows them to successfully pass through the most dangerous area. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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