Transcendent David

Chapter 447: CH 447

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"I didn't deploy space mines when I was here last time. Now this area is completely blocked by space mines!" David looked back at the space minefield and shook his head.

"The loss of the third space fleet is a little large. Some second-class Zerg, who do not have much threat at ordinary times, use the advantage of quantity to invade the fleet constantly, thus protecting the actions of class III and class IV Zerg. According to the regulations, the third space fleet can use space mines to block the airspace when one tenth of warships are lost.

However, the military department is not satisfied with the blockade of airspace by space mines, and the space minefields also limit the speed of delivering supplies to Battlestar! " Lieutenant Morson was in a very good mood at the moment, he explained.

The "wing of death" assault ship continued to move forward. Along the way, some transport ships and warships were using the same ship line.

"We're going to the doomsday line. It's safer there. We'll wait for an empty window and enter warstar!" Said lieutenant Morson, pointing to the front.

"The line of doomsday" is what David learned by studying history after he entered the first college of alidia.

The "defense of doomsday" is composed of ten man-made planets, which form a blockade to the interstellar Federation in outer space of Battlestar.

These ten man-made planets are equipped with super defense weapons such as Star Destroyer guns, and have a "doomsday line of defense" defense system. Once an enemy attacks, it will automatically interact.

It is said that the annual military expenditure for the maintenance of these artificial planets is astronomical, accounting for up to 5% of the military expenditure.

David finally saw the man-made planet. Ten man-made planets lined up in front of a red star. Although the ten man-made planets were not as large as the red planet, the dense arms and cannons on the artificial planet were enough to frighten anyone who saw it.

This is the "doomsday line," the most terrifying weapon of the interstellar Federation.

The "wing of death" frigate was stopped near an artificial planet. Due to the gravity system of the artificial planet, the "death wing" assault ship regained its gravity.

David felt better after regaining gravity.

In weightlessness, he felt that his actions had become much slower, which was a very bad experience for a beetle who was good at controlling himself.

"I really want to visit the man-made planet!" Second lieutenant Morson went up to David and looked at the nearby man-made planet.

As the most terrifying weapon of the interstellar Federation, the man-made planet is also the first space defense of warstar. Once this place is lost, a large number of Zerg will drive through here.

It is because of the existence of man-made planets that block the vast majority of Zerg from going directly into space and into the interstellar Federation.

Zerg will use special space capabilities to open wormholes and transport them to space far away from man-made planets.

The transmitted airspace is the airspace that the third space fleet focuses on defending, and the Federation, through its numerous lines of defense, makes the Zerg forces unable to pose a threat to the Federation.

"There will be a chance in the future." David said with a smile.

Artificial planet is not allowed to visit, although the artificial planet is very large, but there are very few soldiers who are really working on it.

The operation of artificial planet is supported by giant super server and controlled by intelligent system.

Lieutenant Morson nodded. He looked quietly at the man-made planet.

"What do you mean by the window period?" David could see what lieutenant Morson was waiting for. Thinking of what lieutenant moson had just said, David asked.

"Battlestar is affected by a strange energy. Only in the window period can the spaceship enter. Otherwise, the engine will stop running when the spaceship is close to the Battlestar. The period when the impact of strange energy is the lowest is the gap period!" Lieutenant moson explained.

David also knew for the first time that warstar could not enter just by entering. At this time, his curiosity about warstar became more and more serious.

More and more spaceships are stopping near man-made planets, all of which are waiting for the window period.

Time went by, and by the time David saw the red planet turn into white, Lt. moson was back in the driver's seat.

"The empty window has begun. We have two hours to get to the fourth front base!" Lieutenant Morson said to David as he steered the death wing assault ship.

David saw out of the window that all the spaceships were starting to move towards warstar.

The "wings of death" frigate followed the ships and headed for the star of war.

Just as the "wing of death" destroyer passed through the original red range, the sound of the engine of "wing of death" suddenly changed. The originally gentle and almost silent engine was roaring constantly, which was very difficult.

"What's wrong with wings of death? Is something wrong? " David glanced at the height of the death wing assault ship and asked repeatedly.

Death wing has just entered the atmosphere, and the heat generated by piercing the atmosphere is blocked by the shell of the death wing assault ship.According to the truth, now is the "wing of death" assault ship Landing down, the use of the engine is very little, there will be no engine strain.

David doesn't want to be able to pierce through the exoskeleton, but David doesn't want to be able to penetrate the exoskeleton.

"We are entering warstar's influence area, where the engine power will be reduced by 80%, and even the power of energy weapons will be reduced by 80%." Lieutenant Morson answers as he operates the Deathwing assault ship.

David was so surprised that no one had ever told him about it.

He just knew that there were few energy weapons on the Battlestar, and even the space strike from space to the Battlestar ground was rarely carried out.

"Will sniper bullets be affected?" David asked quickly.

"The impact force of krypton powder explosion is not affected, but when the energy in krypton crystal is guided out, it will be weakened, so the krypton crystal engine will be affected!" Continued lieutenant Morson.

David smiles. He is also concerned and confused. If sniper bullets are affected, the "sniper master" will not be so valued in Battlestar.

The roar of the engine is still on, and David has a feeling that the engine will explode in the air.

"Be careful!" Just as David was still lamenting, he suddenly felt a sudden danger, and he called out to lieutenant Morson.

As soon as he heard David's warning, Lt. Morson made an aerial dodge with the frigate "wings of death". Then a thick beam of energy passed through the position of the destroyer.

Lieutenant Morson was also in a cold sweat. He did not dare to be more careless. The "wings of death" frigate kept making irregular dodge movements. He dodged several energy beams.

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David didn't feel the danger any more, but he didn't have too much panic. The customized exoskeleton armor on his body was a third level defense. Although the thick energy beam was very powerful, its power was equivalent to the attack power of the second level Zerg at the peak, which could not cause too much damage to him.

"How do I feel that Zerg energy attacks are not limited?" David said discontentedly.

This is obviously the attack of the "popcorn." the "popcorn" is only the second level Zerg. Even the elite "popcorn" can only shoot the energy beam of the peak level II Zerg at most.

Obviously, it's all energy attacks. Even the energy use of engines in the interstellar Federation has been affected, but the energy attack of Zerg seems to be strengthened.

Lieutenant moson didn't answer David, and he couldn't answer the question.

Warstar is the meeting point of the three worlds, and it's normal for some strange things to happen.

As he got closer and closer to the ground, David also saw the true face of warstar. The white ground was the color of stones. It was as desolate as any planet eroded by Zerg, and there was no sign of life.

"What is that?" David asked, pointing to a crystal hill below.

"It's a kryptonite mine!" 'answered lieutenant Morson, glancing.

"My God, how can this be possible, such a kryptonite mine is left here and no one is mining it?" David asked, looking at the krypton mine in surprise.

"This is just an ordinary kryptonite mine, which has no mining value. There are a lot of kryptonite here. You will understand it after living here for a period of time." Lieutenant Morson explained patiently.

David looked at the exposed kryptonite ore, piled up like a hill, and in his heart judged the value of the kryptonite mine.

Such a kryptonite mine, if put on the rock star, can be built on top of a large city, the whole city can be rich and prosperous because of kryptonite ore.

Here, kryptonite mines are left here at random, and no one will pay attention to it.

"So many kryptonite let Zerg get, the strength of Zerg can not crazy growth?" David still asked.

There may be enough kryptonites in the first order, or even in the third order.

"Warstar, only in the area occupied by Zerg can Zerg absorb the energy in kryptonite. This is the rear of the defense line. Even if there are Zerg, there are very few Zerg. The patrol team will clean them up!" Answered lieutenant Morson.

The "wing of death" destroyer descended to a military base below and landed on an apron at the top of the base.

David opens the hatch and jumps onto the tarmac.

"Major, this is the headquarters of the fourth front base. The fourth front base is about 20 kilometers in front of the headquarters. We will see it in the future." Lieutenant Morson also jumped off the death wing assault ship and introduced it to David.

"If you are familiar with it, take me to report it!" David waved.

"Yes Lieutenant Morson answered as he opened the alloy door for David.As soon as he entered the alloy door, David felt the scanning energy, which was a test of his identity.

"We'll report to general barbington first, and then we'll go to the logistics to get the equipment!" Lieutenant Morson was ready, he said, leading the way.

"General, here comes major David!" The adjutant came into the office to report to barbington extraordinary.

"At last Barbington's extraordinary face was full of joy.

The recruitment of David into the army was proposed by many military experts in the war zone, and then received the support of most of them. This is why general Adams in Lien Chan could not affect the recruitment decision.

Many of the military would like to have a "sniper master". Recruiting David is only the first step.

After the call up order was issued, many military extraordinary began to rob David to his own troops.

The final winner is the fourth front base, Babington extraordinary through a variety of relations, David will be assigned here.

"Let him in!" Babenton extraordinary see still standing in front of him adjutant, can't help but react to say immediately.

The adjutant also saw babenton's extraordinary excitement, and he walked out quickly.

Soon David and Lt. Morson walked into the office. Lt. Morson was one step behind David.

"Ha ha, Master David, I welcome you on behalf of the fourth front base!" Said babenton, standing up and laughing.

"Hello, general!" David didn't understand how this babenton extraordinary could be so enthusiastic. He couldn't have made a military salute as casually as barbington.

"Don't be so polite. Sit down and talk." Said babenton, with an extraordinary wave of his hand.

He did not regard David as a junior officer. Although the relationship between the upper and lower levels in the army was very strict, strength was also very important.

The extraordinary in the army is a general, but David's fighting power is no different from that of extraordinary. Therefore, although David is only a major, Babington regards him as a peer.

David sat in his chair, and lieutenant moson consciously stood behind him.

"You can't drink alcohol in the army. You can only drink juice. How about tasting this juice?" Barbington extraordinary took a glass bottle from the space wristband, poured a glass of juice for David, and made a gesture of invitation.

Warstar has a large number of materials transported to warstar every day, but due to the harassment of Zerg, the loss of transportation is amazing, and non military supplies like juice hardly appear in Battlestar.

Therefore, only Zhanxing's own cultivation base can produce some fruit juice. The quantity is very small and only supplies the general.

Babenton's extraordinary attitude to treat David with fruit juice is absolutely a kind of attitude of great admiration, but unfortunately David does not know the significance of his use of juice.

"Thank you, general!" David took up the juice and said thank you.

"Master David, you settle down in the headquarters first, and I will arrange someone to let you adapt to the environment. Although the Zerg all-out war is about to start, there is still some time to go before the Zerg all-out war. There is not much pressure on the front line recently, so you can get familiar with the atmosphere of the battlefield first." Said babenton, with an extraordinary smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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