Transcendent David

Chapter 470: CH 470

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The "roarer sniper gun" fires, and a super large caliber three grade sniper bullet flies to the "giant tongs flame bug". It's just this kind of face-to-face sniping, and its effect is really limited.

At the moment of the growler's sniper gun, the "meganipper firebug" immediately changed its direction. It was fast enough that even with David's ability to predict, it could not be accurately judged.

David now really understands why "master sniper" can only threaten Level 3 Zerg instead of fighting level 3 Zerg.

The current situation clearly shows the limitations of "master sniper". Once the "master sniper" is found by the third level Zerg, its threat will disappear.

At a distance of 3000 meters, it takes only a short time for the "giant tongs flame bug" to get close. After a failed sniper, David stood up and carried the roarer sniper gun back to his back.

In his hands, he changed into a heavy axe of three grades: "extreme speed", "physique enhancement", "strength shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap". He activated all the talents he could use.

The spirit talent doesn't work. The speed of the "giant tongs flame bug" is too fast. With the attack distance of David's three kinds of spiritual talents, even if he hits the opponent, the opponent will attack first.

David saw the first "tongs firebug" attack mode, and the distance of the fire shooting at the extraordinary was far more than that of David's three spiritual talents.

So David chose "high-frequency sound wave". He opened his mouth and sent out "high-frequency sound wave" to the "giant clamp flame bug" who had just entered the distance of 100 meters.

The giant tongs flame bug also opened its mouth and brewed fire. The sudden "high frequency sound wave" interrupted its flame brewing process, but its forward body was still rushing towards David.

At least David's "high-frequency sound wave" has a limited effect and does not make it dizzy.

This is also normal. David's ability of "high frequency sound wave" comes from the king of iron winged bat bug. This is only the top level two Zerg. If it is an attack on human beings, even if it is extraordinary or ordinary knight, it will be affected by some sudden situation.

However, the attack ability of the second level Zerg, together with the effect of David's getting it, has been greatly reduced. This makes the power of the second level Zerg even smaller than that of David. At most, it can only affect the ability of the second level Zerg to concentrate, but not to dizzy.

The flame attack that the "giant tongflame bug" is brewing has been interrupted. It will take some time for the next fire attack. Of course, it will not wait. Its body is rushing towards David.

In the eyes of the giant tongflame bug, David is just a beetle, a very weak one.

Just one impact can crush David, which is a comprehensive crushing of speed, strength, physique and grade.

After using the "high frequency sound wave", David raised the third class Tomahawk above his head, preparing for an all-out attack.

He didn't have much fear in his heart. He killed a lot of the third level Zerg. Although he killed them in the war, it also made him lack of fear for the third level Zerg.

David doesn't know if the ability of master heavy axe can kill the flame bug, but he has no choice at the moment.

Of course, he also had a name of self-knowledge. He did not dare to fight with "giant tongs flame bug". The shadow servant immediately took out the "weak magic amulet" from the space ring, and then the "weak magic amulet" was activated in the shadow servant's hand.

A faint light flashed through the "weak magic amulet", and then the pattern of the "weak magic amulet" sent out a light to the "Giant Claw flame bug".

At this time, the distance from David was only 10 meters. After being hit by the light, the speed of the flame eater slowed down and its breath became weaker.

David was attacked by "weak magic amulet". After being hit by "weak magic amulet", his state was reduced by one third.

The "megalophila" is much more resistant than David, but it will be more or less affected.

As long as it's affected, the pincerfire bug's prepared attack will make mistakes, and David needs this opportunity.

Although it slowed down, the "giant tongs flame bug" still rushed to five meters away from David in an instant. Without any hesitation, David cut down with a heavy axe of the third grade.

The giant tongflame bug tried to attack David, only to find that he was lifting his forelimb slower than usual.

That is to say, at this slow point, the third level heavy axe has gone through the acceleration of "extreme speed" talent and "soul chopping heavy axe technique" along the spiritual line, which makes David's attack a little faster than the speed of "giant tongs flame bug".

David and the "Giant Claw flame bug" crisscross each other, and his forelimb attack is nimbly dodged by him. All this is due to the effect of practicing "soft body technique" for a long time, which makes David's body far surpass that of the same class in terms of flexibility, speed and joint limits.

However, David's three-level axe has swept through the neck of the giant tongflame bug. The forward thrust of the "giant tongflame worm" and the attack power of David's "strength enhancement" and spiritual line enhancement have cut a wound on the neck of the "giant tongflame bug".The wound was deep enough to cut through the trachea and blood vessels of the firefly, but not the bone.

Although this kind of injury is very serious, it is not fatal to the powerful vitality of the third level Zerg. As long as you give the "giant tongflame bug" time, the injury can be completely recovered.

Under this kind of injury, the movement of the "giant tongflame bug" was affected.

If other people are at this time, they will immediately stay away from the "giant tongflame bug", because four extraordinary people are coming soon, and the injured "giant tongflame bug" is still very dangerous.

But David didn't consider the four extraordinary rescues from the beginning. In case of danger, he only believed in himself. It was his own fighting ability that saved himself from the edge of death countless times.

Therefore, after straying with the flame bug, David did not stay away from the flame bug. Instead, he rushed to the flame bug with a third grade axe.

Although its fire attack ability has recovered, it is unable to use it. At the same time, cerebral ischemia also slows down its reaction speed.

As soon as David got close to the "giant tongs flame bug", the spirit line reappeared. The third grade heavy axe immediately cleaved along the spirit line. He didn't dare to give the "giant tongs flame bug" much time to recover. Now he will let the "giant tongs flame bug" recover a little every moment.

The giant tongs flame bug is still in the effect of "weak magic talisman". With the wound on its neck, it just wants to fight back, but the speed of its body is not under command.

The third grade heavy axe cleaved on the wound of "giant tongflame insect", which directly hit the neck bone.

Just now, it was because of the speed at which he interacted with the "giant tongs flame bug", and the "overlapping power" was still in the future and broke out. This time, however, it was different. Under his active attack, the third grade heavy axe exerted force on the neck bone of the "giant tongflame insect" twice in a row.

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With a "click," the neck bone of the "Giant Claw flame bug" cracked, and the third grade heavy axe cut into the neck bone, cutting off the internal nerves.

The giant tongs flame bug wanted to scream, but it couldn't make any more noises. This time, it lost its ability to move.

David didn't need to stimulate his spirit this time. When his body fell to the ground, the third grade heavy axe in his hand was split again. This time, the head of the "giant tongflame bug" was detached from his body.

The shadow servant takes the initiative to fly forward and absorb the soul of the "giant tongflame worm" into his body.

It was not until then that the danger disappeared that David felt a burst of loss of strength. It was not physical exhaustion, but mental.

Just now, although the process of fighting is very short, as long as he makes a mistake, he will fall.

Close combat with the third level Zerg is not something that a beetle like him can do. If it is not for the effect of "weak magic talisman", at the speed of "giant tongflame bug", he will use the ability of "master of heavy axe" to hit "giant tongflame bug", and he will also be hit by "giant clamp flame bug".

David's attack at most is to seriously injure the flame bug, while the attack by the flame bug is fatal to him.

"David, you killed the giant tongs flame bug alone!" Four extraordinary people came. Benton looked at the "giant tongs flame bug" lying on the ground, and said in disbelief.

It's not strange that David killed the third level Zerg, but it has a premise. The third level Zerg don't know the existence of "sniper master". At the same time, the third level Zerg will also be affected by other things.

This is the case with the first "giant tongflame bug".

In addition, in the war, David's sniping is the same. The war environment also has a great impact on the judgment ability of the third level Zerg.

"David, you've lost the magic talisman. You've lost too much in this operation. It's our fault. I'll try to compensate you!" Barbington looked at the used "talisman of weakness" thrown on the ground and said in a deep voice.

How could he not recognize the "magic talisman", which is one of the few auxiliary items exchanged with the interstellar Federation in God's big world. It is extremely precious in terms of rarity and value.

Because of this mistake, David lost this kind of "magic talisman" to protect his life.

"It's my carelessness. I'll attack you when you've got the two" tongflame worms "under control. It's none of your business to use the" magic talisman " David shook his head and refused.

In fact, we can't investigate the responsibility for this kind of failure in cooperation.

David is too early to attack at this time. He is used to fighting alone, so as soon as he has the chance to kill the third level Zerg, he will do it immediately.

However, if you wait for the four extraordinary to drag the two "giant tongs flame insects" all the time, the chance of this fatal attack can be available at any time.

Of course, there are also mistakes for the extraordinary. When they find that two "giant tongs" are separated, they have to prevent the other "giant tongs flame bug" from pursuing the sniper beetle.This is not the case when David was in the defensive wall during the war.

When in the defense wall, there is the front of the armor battle line defense, and even the third level Zerg can not directly attack the sniper beetles hiding in the defense wall.

"Don't talk about it now. Let's get out of here and talk about the rest later." Augustine warned softly.

"Yes, hurry up, let's go to the nest and clean it up!" Babenton made a decision in his extraordinary mind and said in his mouth.

Garth stepped forward and sealed the fracture of the neck of the flame bug with special materials to avoid the smell of blood attracting the rest of the Zerg.

The head of the "giant tongflame worm" was also handled by Garth.

They returned to the corpse of another flame bug. Because the death time of the flame bug was not long, the shadow servant successfully absorbed the soul of the flame bug.

This, of course, has something to do with the location of David's sniping, from the mouth to the inside. Although the injury is fatal, it can still make the "giant tongflame" struggle a little longer before it dies.

Benton went forward to treat the wound of the flame bug as before, and then carried it on his shoulder.

"Augustine is in front, I'm in the back, the rest of us are following. We're in the nest!" Barbington's extraordinary arrangement.

Augustine, wearing a third-class shield, first threw a flare into the cave. This kind of flare, which can burn for a long time, completely lights up the whole nest.

The nest is not deep, which has something to do with the living habits of the "megalophila".

In the nest, inside a pile of kryptonite ore, a young Zerg, like a miniature version of the "giant tongflame bug," looks at them with open eyes.

To tell you the truth, the young "giant tongflame bug" is very cute. When you look at them, you have a feeling of sprouting.

It's just that none of the five people here can be influenced by the young "giant tongflame bug". This cute feeling is also a way to protect itself.

If you really think that the young "giant tongflame bug" is cute, as long as you give it a chance to grow, it will become a fierce thing to tear you up.

"It's a pity that if you sell this larva to the god world, you can still get some good things. Unfortunately, we have no way but to kill it!" Said Babington, shaking his head.

It's no wonder that the "giant tongflame bug" desperately wants to protect its nest. In this way, the "giant tongflame bug" formed in its infancy is extremely powerful in its adult strength.

Such larvae are rare and of little value to the interstellar Federation, but valuable to the divine world.

As he said this, barbington's extraordinary hand did not hesitate to kill the young "giant tongs flame bug" with a heavy axe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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