Transcendent David

Chapter 471: CH 471

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When the young "giant tongs flame bug" is killed, the shadow servant absorbs a faint soul. If it is not for David's sensitive sense, it is difficult to feel the soul energy induction from the shadow servant. We can imagine how weak the soul of the young "giant tongs flame bug" is.

No one paid attention to a piece of kryptonite on the ground. There are a lot of kryptonite on Battlestar. Unless there is a complete kryptonite, some kryptonite will not attract their attention.

This is very different from the rest of the supernatural, if there are so many high-quality kryptonite on other planets, no one will let it go.

Entering and leaving warstar can only be realized through military warships. All kryptonite resources on Battlestar belong to the military, so it is not realistic to take kryptonite out.

Of course, the military won't find out if you use the space wrist guard to take kryptonite. But how much space is there for the extraordinary space wrist guard? Can kryptonite be more valuable than the cultivation resources provided by Zerg?

"There's something wrong with the situation. There's a swarm of insects approaching!" Barbington's extraordinary voice warned.

Before coming in, barbington has set up monitoring equipment outside. The entrance is located at the height of the hill. Through the monitoring equipment, you can see a long distance.

This was a way to be on the safe side, but I didn't expect to find the danger.

Barbington shared the image with others. David saw the crazy swarm of insects running towards this side on the top of his face armor. Just at the monitored position, he saw three third level Zerg.

"Leave immediately. There is no time to dispose of the bodies of the two" giant tongs flame insects ". Take the important materials away Babington turned his head and said to Benton and Garth.

Benton's and Garth's are direct. There is a decomposition knife in their hands. David has cut off the head of one of the "giant tongs flame bug". With the joint efforts of the two, it took only a few seconds to cut off the head of the other.

The next step is the claw spines and three-level fortified meat of the "giant tongflame insect". The decomposition knife cuts very quickly, and all the important materials are decomposed, and are protected by two extraordinary income space wristbands.

The whole process took less than 30 seconds to complete. Of course, the decomposition of the body of the "giant tongflame worm" is very rough, and it has to be processed slowly when it goes back.

Four extraordinary and David walked out of the cave. They saw a more terrifying scene. The hills were surrounded by insects, and there were three levels of Zerg.

David saw here and understood that if he followed the four extraordinary people, he would certainly drag them down.

"Babenton, you go first. I'll hide first and leave when it's safe!" David offered.

"David, there's a good chance you'll come out with us!" Said mabenton, shaking his head.

In fact, the extraordinary people also know that it is almost impossible to break through at David's speed.

David's flying speed depends on the miniature krypton engine on the exoskeleton armor, and in the Battlestar environment, the power of the micro krypton engine is greatly reduced, which is greatly limited.

This makes David's flying speed is not comparable to that of the third level Zerg, and even some faster second level Zerg are faster than David's.

The "extraordinary armor" of the extraordinary uses the special power of its own energy, which is not suppressed by warstar.

"You'd better leave, I can take care of myself!" David insisted.

Time is running out. The four extraordinary people have seen David's resolute attitude. If they don't leave now, they will not have much chance to leave in good condition.

The most important thing is that the four extraordinary people have great trust in David's ability to hide himself. As long as David is out of their sight as a scout, even they can't detect David's existence.

"You must be careful, we are waiting for you at the front line of the base!" Babington nodded his head and said in a deep voice.

Benton patted David heavily. Although he didn't speak, David understood what he meant. David laughed at him. David showed confidence, which made Benton extraordinary feel at ease.

David looked at them, turned around and went back to the cave.

In fact, as long as he is separated from the four supernatural beings, his safety will not be a problem at all. The ability of "underground stealth" ensures that he can enter the underground to hide in the wild at any time.

Neither the four extraordinary nor David understood how these insect swarms came so fast. Normally speaking, it would take at least ten minutes to arrive.

But now the four extraordinary people have no time to think about it. They are accelerating in the air and running in the direction they came.

The four extraordinary dare not lead these insects directly to the defense line. There are so many third level Zerg that the defense line can't deal with.

They need to use their speed to distance themselves from these swarms, and then slowly get rid of most of them. At least the third level Zerg can't have so many. They can't return until the defense can resist the number of insects.That's why David offered to stay and they agreed.

With David will affect the speed, is likely to be caught up in the middle of the way, and they lead away the swarm of insects, which naturally allows David in hiding to reduce the pressure.

Not to mention the four extraordinary escapes, but David went into the cave. The shadow servant was outside the cave, and he himself completely hid his breath.

It seems that the four extraordinary goals are too obvious, or there is a breath of two "giant tongs flame insects" in the cave. Those insects did not enter the cave, but all pursued the four extraordinary.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is that the third class Zerg, the main member of the insect group, did not find any human beings in the cave, so they did not mean to send the Zerg into the cave.

David saw through the shadow attendants that the insects did not stop at all. He turned around in the middle of the hill and chased after the four extraordinary people. Then he was completely relieved.

"Underground stealth" is good, but it takes five minutes to cool down once it is used. If you can use it or not, it's better not to use it.

Shadow servant can't see Zerg outside. He won't stay.

He took out the "camouflage cloth" and put it on his body. Then he went out of the hole like this.

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At this time, we can't go back to the front line of the base. It's full of insects in that direction. David draws out the map and looks at it, and chooses a tortuous route.

David had just chosen the route and was preparing to move forward. He felt a palpitation in his heart. Without any hesitation, he immediately activated the "underground stealth". At this moment, he did not consider the matter of saving and the danger warning that could make his heart palpitate. He was right to pay attention to it.

Just as he had just dived into the ground, the shadow attendant on the ground saw a huge ant with a length of more than 15 meters, approaching rapidly from a distance.

The speed made David's scalp numb. He was still in the distance, and then he reached the top of the hill.

The giant ant is not far away from David in the ground, only 200 meters away. What makes David feel more shocked is that after the giant ant appears, there is a green fog in the air around him.

The giant ant stops on the hill, looks at the direction of the swarm, and sniffs at the air.

David saw the action of the giant ant through the shadow server's eyes, and his heart was tense.

If the giant ant had any sense of smell, David's breath might have been found.

David doesn't think that his ability to hide breath can be concealed from his extraordinary ability to smell.

On this point, he can be confirmed from Xiaobai. No matter how he hides himself, Xiaobai can easily trace it through his breath. This is the horror of extraordinary talent.

Fortunately, David is underground at the moment, which makes him feel better. Even if he can smell his breath, the giant ant will not find the ground.

Although David didn't recognize the species of this giant ant, he only looked at the momentum, needless to say it was a fourth class Zerg.

This level 4 Zerg is obviously tracking something. It has no interest in the four extraordinary. Otherwise, with its speed and strength, the four extraordinary will be in danger.

The giant ant didn't seem to find anything. It let out an angry howl, which seemed to be a kind of command. There were constantly Zerg responding around.

The giant ant did not stay for a long time, and ran away in one direction.

David stayed underground for another ten minutes before he dared to return to the ground.

He didn't understand what happened, but he knew it was very dangerous.

Of course, although it was dangerous, David kept his speed and kept himself in the best stealth state of camouflage.

With the shadow on his head, he still follows the planned route, which is opposite to the direction of the fourth level Zerg.

Over two hills, David stopped suddenly just as he was about to move on.

In the air, the shadow attendant saw some strange things. Just now a gust of wind blew, and the dust was flying, but there was an area where there was no dust flying.

That is to say, as a "sniper master", David always has a judgment on the surrounding environment, and only then can he pay attention to the details of this point.

David, although David has only dealt with the knight once, he can see that the knight's state is very bad.

The state of the knight is shown on the horse. The horse is covered with horse armor. There is no sign of injury, but the vitality of the horse is seriously lost.

This should be the cause of the knight poisoning. David did not understand the principle, but knew that the knight was relying on the vitality of the horse to continue his life.

David hesitated. He didn't know whether to rescue the knight.

He looked at the knight's young face and sighed.

Then he went from the underground into the shield, which, though well protected, had no defensive effect on the ground.

David summoned a shadow attendant and rummaged through the space ring for a while. He found a third level antidote from the booty left by someone.He took out the third level antidote, took out a syringe, stuck the third level antidote into the syringe, and injected it into the knight's exposed neck.

David doesn't know whether the three levels of antidote are useful. This is the best antidote he can take out. If not, he has no way.

It took about a minute for the third level antidote to work, and he sat aside and waited.

It didn't take a minute for David to see the knight's eyes move and then open them.

The knight saw David, and his eyes flashed with surprise, but he soon thought of his situation.

He tried to straighten his body, and then in front of David's face, he wiped the ring on his right hand, and there was a bottle of medicine in his hand. Different from David's injection method, he directly poured the medicine into his mouth.

"Knight Miller, thank you for your help After completing this action, the knight tried hard to stand upright, but could not do it. He could only smile bitterly and thank David.

The words of Knight Miller are federal, but they are very standard. I can see that they have studied hard.

"You're welcome. I happened to meet you!" David waved.

At this time, the horse seemed to have eased up, and it was also unable to stand up. After struggling for several times, it still fell to the ground on its side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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