Transcendent David

Chapter 473: CH 473

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The castle ahead is a little different from the war Castle David had seen before. The castle was built entirely of pure white boulders.

As far as he knows, there is no such pure white boulder in the rocks of warstar. That is to say, the materials used in the castle in front of him are probably transported from God's world or from the interstellar Federation.

In terms of transportation cost, the cost of the castle does not mention the value of the construction materials, only the transportation cost is a huge number.

"Here we are, Mr. David!" Knight Miller said with a smile when he saw the castle.

"I'll take you to the castle and go back!" David nodded and said.

He looked at the information on his face armor, where he could contact babenton with an identity bracelet.

After entering the Zerg battle zone, the coverage of Skynet will be greatly affected. The deeper you enter, the weaker the signal will be.

Now David left the Zerg occupied area and was really safe before he thought of contacting the base's extraordinary people.

"Babington, this is David. I'm back in the safe zone!" David left a message to babenton.

Just after the message was sent out, the opposite side was immediately connected to the communication.

"David, where are you?" Asked Babington, extraordinary and nervous.

Not long after the four of them fled, they felt a sense of terror coming from behind them. The sense of pressure of the fourth level Zerg made them very frightened and worried about David's safety.

Although David's ability to hide is very strong, it is difficult to say whether he can completely hide in the face of level 4 Zerg.

But they can't do anything, they can only leave faster.

Fortunately, the fourth level Zerg did not chase them. After several changes of direction, they finally got rid of the third level Zerg.

The main reason why the swarm is not affected by the speed of the swarm is that they do not catch up with the swarm.

As soon as they got to the safe area, they wanted to contact David, but there was no signal in many contacts.

"I'm on the ninth front base. I'll go back soon if I have something to do." David looked at the map on the armor and answered.

"Be safe. Do you want us to pick you up?" Barbington's fear of David's exact location was finally relieved, he asked.

"No, I'll go back as soon as I've dealt with it!" When David spoke, he saw a figure directly jumping out of the pure white castle ahead. He immediately said, "I have something on my side. I'll contact you later."

After breaking off contact, David looked at the rapidly approaching figure, and his heart could not help but be shocked.

The reason why David was shocked was that the figure was a middle-aged man in strange and complicated clothes. The reason for David's astonishment was that the middle-aged man did not wear armor or mount, but on his own strength, he jumped over the 20 meter high wall of the castle, and came closer faster than the ordinary man wearing "extraordinary armor".

"Uncle Dubois!" When Knight Miller saw the visitor, he immediately clapped his horse and bowed.

"Miller, you're in a bad situation. Go back and talk about it!" Baron Dubois glanced over Knight Miller and said in a deep voice. His words were in federal language. Then he turned to David and looked at him mildly. He continued, "Sir, thank you for bringing Miller back. Please allow me to invite you to the castle as a guest."

Baron Dubois did not regard David as an enemy, let alone that knight Miller's injury was caused by David.

Just looking at the state of the Miller knight, he can clearly perceive that the Miller knight is extremely weak now, and this state can not return from the Zerg occupied area.

"Yes, your honor, my name is David. It's a great honor to have your invitation." Although Baron Dubois did not show any oppressive momentum, but David's spirit felt the instinctive fear in the face of powerful creatures. He could not refuse the friendly invitation of such characters.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. David. Our manners are completely different. You can relax a little. I know that the federal people don't like complicated etiquette." Said Baron Dubois, laughing.

He saw David's nervousness, which, on the contrary, aroused his interest. Although he came here at a high speed, he did not reveal his own breath.

The young Federalist in front of him was obviously aware of his strength, so he was so nervous.

This made Baron Dubois curious, and his spirit swept over David's body.

This is very impolite behavior, but he and David's grade difference is too big, it is also a kind of caring attitude.

Baron Dubois felt the spirit of David, and his face could not help showing a strange color. He never thought that the spirit of the young Federalists in front of him would be so strong.

"Mr. David, if you were born in the great world of God, you can be an excellent alchemist even if you don't have blood!" Baron Dubois did not cover up his use of mental scans of David, and said with a smile.Speaking, has arrived in front of the castle, the castle gate has been opened, a housekeeper with two knights is waiting there.

"Housekeeper, take Miller in for treatment, and ask the kitchen to get ready. I'm going to serve Mr. David!" Baron Dubois said to the housekeeper.

"Mr. David, I'll drink with you when I get back from treatment!" When Knight Miller was taken away by the Butler, he said to David.

David smiles at Knight Miller.

"You can see, Miller, thank you very much." Said Baron Dubois with a smile.

"I'm just trying my best. If I'm more than I can be, I won't do it either!" David said to the truth.

Faced with Baron Dubois, David instinctively said what he really thought in his heart.

"Miller is very important to my family. If something happens to him, I don't know how to deal with it!" Said Baron Dubois, shaking his head.

Baron Dubois took David into the castle. As soon as he entered the gate of the castle, David saw a garden.

It's a real garden. David can smell the flowers and the fresh smell of green plants.

From a passage in the garden, after passing a fountain, this came to the main castle gate of the castle.

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The whole castle is made of pure white rock. It's the same here. When David stepped on the steps into the main castle, he felt that the steps under his feet had energy reaction.

In fact, when he walked into the castle gate, he felt that he was entering a closed space, completely isolated from the outside world.

Although the Federation also has this technology, but here David did not see a shadow of technology, only a faint breath of energy.

The hall of the castle is very large, which is an extremely luxurious thing in warstar. To know the whole fourth front base, only the large conference room on the other side of the headquarters can compare with this hall.

On the wall, there are many pictures of knights fighting with Zerg. In this way, the host shows his bravery to the guests.

On one side, there are several specimens of the third level Zerg, which radiate a trace of oppression, which adds a sense of killing to the hall.

Baron Dubois sat down with David, and the housekeeper served a strange soup.

"This is the water boiled by the leaves of rehmannia, which is the daily drink of knights. Let's have a taste of it!" Baron Dubois said enthusiastically to David.

Thank you David thanks.

He took the water from the leaves of the vine and took a sip. A stream of heat flowed to the muscles of his body.

According to David's control of his body, he found that the water boiled by the leaves of the local vein tree actually had the effect of practicing "spirit forging golden body skill" for three days.

Of course, this kind of drink can only be aimed at muscles, which is not comparable to the "spirit forging golden body technique".

But David's comparison was added with three days of three-level fortified meat, and after taking it, he practiced the "spirit forging golden body technique".

"The effect?" David said to himself in disbelief.

David never believed that there was any cultivation resource comparable to the Zerg's fortified meat. This kind of cultivation resource without any defect made the war between humans and Zerg become mutual learning.

In order to get more living space and more energy, Zerg need all kinds of resources in Zerg body.

"Mr. David, you are only taking it for the first time, and the effect of taking it again will gradually weaken. Of course, as long as you take it all the time, you can continuously improve the strength of your muscles!" Baron Dubois explained with a smile.

David nodded, and he took another sip of the drink, feeling the constant enhancement effect. He could not help but sigh at the richness of the cultivation resources of God in the great world.

In fact, he thought too much. The resources of God's big world are only relatively concentrated. The interstellar Federation also has a lot of special resources, but those resources can't be circulated to the outside world, and they are digested by the organizations that occupy them.

There are too many cultivation groups in the interstellar Federation. It is almost the result of national cultivation that leads to the scarcity of resources.

Thanks to the inexhaustible cultivation resources provided by Zerg, the interstellar Federation was able to maintain the resource supply of so many cultivation groups.

"Mr. David, I don't know what conditions Miller promised you, but I can't help but thank you for saving Miller. You can tell me what you want and I will try my best to meet your requirements." After the previous communication, Baron Du Bois felt that the time was almost the same, and then he said with a smile.

This is also Baron Dubois's old way of doing things. He didn't put forward the matter of reward at the first time. In that case, David would feel that it was like a deal.

"Mr. Dubois, I didn't save Knight Miller for reward. You don't need to pay anything. Your hospitality is enough to express my gratitude." David replied with a smile.

"Ha ha, you are very young, and you should be very respectable in the Federation. You can see from the equipment on your body that ordinary remuneration is not very attractive to you. In this way, this is a trade qualification card. With this trade qualification card, you can take a person to the monthly trade fair. Please don't refuse. It comes from a Thanks, uncle Baron Du Bois laughed, took out a black sign and handed it over.Baron Dubois has long discovered David's extraordinary feature, the special standard of exoskeleton armor. In his mental scan, the material of exoskeleton armor is also known to him.

The ability to use grade 3 materials to make exoskeleton armor, together with the level 3 heavy axe on David's back, shows that David is extraordinary.

As a Oracle, David was able to roam in Zerg occupied areas, which is also his extraordinary.

There is also a large caliber sniper gun behind David, which shows that David is still a "sniper master".

"I'll take this one!" David saw the black sign. He heard that it was very difficult to trade with God in the big world. He didn't need to refuse the qualification card.

Baron Dubois was not ready to take out his trade qualification card at the beginning. He just wanted to give some equipment made by God's big world for the interstellar Federation to express his gratitude.

But David's attitude made him appreciate it so much that he gave him the qualification card.

As Baron dupois, there would not be only one trade qualification card. Except for regular trade fairs, Federalists could hardly trade resources with God's world in the rest of the time.

This trade fair is also an official way of communication recognized by God's great world. Every kind of goods can be traded after being certified by God's big world.

It is for this reason that each qualification card represents a huge interest, which is a long-term benefit.

David didn't know that the qualification card he took over was much more valuable than "quasi extraordinary weapons".

Baron Dubois communicates with David in the hall. Inside the castle, the knight Miller, who has taken various potions, dissipates green.

Knight Miller washed his body, changed his clothes, and took a box from his waist.

He opened the box carefully and revealed a green egg inside.

This green egg is essentially different from an ordinary egg. It is an egg that has been bred by the fourth class "fangfangdu giant ant" using its own genes.

If enough energy is provided from the eggs of this giant ant, 100% of the eggs can hatch into a tribe that will grow into a "fangfangdu giant ant" in the future.

Of course, it's almost impossible to domesticate Zerg, but God's big world has a magic array that can extract the corresponding talent from living larvae, and then add this talent ability to an object by writing inscriptions and using special methods. Although there is only a 20% chance, there are many attempts.

Only because the materials needed are very precious, and the special ability of Zerg larvae is very rare, the magic items produced are also very rare.

This operation is only allowed in warstar. There are strict orders in the god world. No one is allowed to bring the living Zerg back to the god world, including the eggs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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