Transcendent David

Chapter 474: CH 474

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Suddenly, hundreds of kilometers away, Miller's fangs were hidden in the castle, and the poison could stop inside the castle.

Sensing a deep genetic response, the "fangfangdu giant ant" looks in the direction of the defense line of the ninth front base.

It is very difficult for the fourth level Zerg to breed offspring. For this offspring, the "fangfangdu giant ant" only consumes genes, which makes its strength drop.

So the "fangfangfangdu ant" is very angry with the thief who stole its children. Now it is no longer worried about it, and it turns and rushes in the direction it senses.

The alarm of the ninth front base line suddenly buzzed, and the well-trained warriors had long been used to war. They took up arms and walked out of the defense wall in an orderly manner.

Sniper beetles also enter the sniper position, waiting for the Zerg to arrive.

However, the two extraordinary people in the central defense wall are ugly. They see the "fangfangdu giant ants" rushing in. They are level 4 Zerg, which is not their defense line can resist.

Fortunately, the Black War Fort nearby also received an alarm. Six knights rushed out of the fort. At the same time, a knight in black armor stood on top of the fort. He was the guardian Knight of the fort.

Because it is close to Baron Dubois's castle, the guard Knights here are not very powerful, only slightly stronger than ordinary knights.

However, when he saw the "fangfangdu giant ant" in the distance, he immediately urged the emergency rescue array.

Armed with a green mist, the "fangfangdu giant ant" rushes towards the defense line. The green fog around it is more intense with its anger.

Before the six Knights got close to the "fangfangdu giant ant", their white shields made a hissing sound. They felt that the shield protecting them was rapidly weakening.

"My Lord, leave quickly. This is not a level 4 Zerg we can deal with!" One of the Knights let out a roar that reached the guard knight standing on the fort.

After the roar, the six Knights did not retreat. They needed to delay to let the guard Knight leave first.

This is their mission, and since the day they became knights, they have vowed allegiance to that knight, and now they are fulfilling their vows.

There is no slogan, and it is not needed at this time. Every Knight reports the belief that he must die.

Level 4 Zerg with special abilities are the top of the class 4 Zerg. Even their adults can't resist this kind of Zerg.

Without hesitation, the six knights rushed into the green fog and charged towards the "fangfangdu giant ant".

Seeing that six Knights tried to stop it, the green fog around him suddenly turned dark green.

The white shields of the six knights could no longer hold on, and disappeared into starlight.

All the six Knights felt the invasion of virulent poison, and there was no energy left in their bodies. The six knights were like six burning white flames rushing towards the "fangfangdu giant ant".

With the sound of "boom", the battle line of six Knights collided with the "fangfangdu giant ant".

The final blow of all the strength of the six Knights made the third grade Epee of the two most advanced Knights pierced the chest of the "fangfangdu giant ant". However, just after a little stabbing, it lost its power to continue.

This is the biggest result that the third level Epee can achieve after the knight has applied the "sharp" effect. After this blow, the bodies of the six Knights have been completely eroded by the poison.

With its front paws flapping out, six bodies and horses flew out. They had lost their lives in the air.

The knight standing on the Black War fortress looked at all this, and he did not leave.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but as the guardian Knight here, as long as he leaves, once the defense line is lost, his title will be reduced.

Although he was only an entry-level knighthood of the nobility, this knighthood can be inherited. As long as he dares to escape from the war fortress, his knighthood will be reduced, and he will become an ordinary knight, lose his territory qualification and leave the noble circle.

This is not acceptable. Even if he died, his descendants could continue to be knights, but although fleeing could live, he became a vagrant knight who betrayed his faith, and even his descendants lost the qualification to be noble.

So the knight just stood here quietly, watching the "fangfangdu giant ant" rush forward.

However, the direction of the angry "fangfangdu ant" is not the Black War fortress. The anger needs to be alleviated by killing. On the one hand, it is a war fortress with only a few people, and on the other is a defense wall with more than 10000 people.

A Gauss shell fired by a Gauss gun hit the ant, but its shell bounced open.

This level of attack is not a threat to the ant, which makes it lazy to dodge.Gauss shells bounce off the shell of the "fangfangdu giant ant," which has a black exoskeleton, and its defense is stronger than the rest of the fourth class Zerg.

When they reached the range of three kilometers, sporadic sniper bullets hit the "fangfangdu giant ant". Such a weak attack was also ignored by the "fangfangdu giant ant".

Two extraordinary people have risen from the middle of the defense wall, and they are flying towards the "fangfangdu giant ant". Just after they sent a distress signal to the headquarters, they need to complete their mission.

The sacrifice of the six Knights also touched two extraordinary men, who understood that if they retreated at this time, they would be despised by the whole Federation.

Compared with the sacrifice spirit of God in the big world, the two extraordinary men have no reason to retreat any more, and their unique bloodiness also rises in their hearts.

There are more than 10000 soldiers here who want to lure away the "fangfangdu giant ants".

When the two supernatural ants were not close to the "fangfangdu giant ant", the same poisonous fog also affected them. The two supernatants continuously injected several bottles of third level antidote, but for the severe poison with level 4 damage, the effect of level 3 antidote was very limited.

The reason why the third level antidote works when David treats the Miller knight is that the knight Miller is not directly in contact with the "fangfangdu giant ant".

As a matter of fact, Knight Miller would not have lived to meet David if he had been in contact with the "fangfangdu giant ant".

When the knight Miller entered the nest, he was eroded by the poison left in the nest, and then escaped with a breath.

At the moment, the two extraordinary people feel powerless. Their body functions are rapidly decreasing. In a few seconds, they will lose their activity and wait for death.

The two extraordinary looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

At the same time, the two supernatural beings stir up the extraordinary power in their bodies, and the extraordinary power burns wildly. At this time, they have no idea of saving. They just want to burn the extraordinary power as much as possible before they die, so as to provide them with the greatest attack power.

"Fangfangdu giant ant" looked at the two extraordinary flying in. The two forelimbs showed that the three level weapons in the hands of the two extraordinary soldiers all hit the "fangfangdu giant ant", and the "fangfangdu giant ant" also shot two extraordinary people.

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To the great despair of the two men, their attack did not work at all. They did not break through the defense of the "fangfangdu giant ant.".

The "fangfangfangdu giant ant" shot two extraordinary people. The bones, internal organs and muscles of the two extraordinary ants were all broken, and a large number of toxins entered the body.

After killing two extraordinary people, the "fangfangdu giant ant" did not stop moving. It collided with the front defense wall.

The defense wall uses a special cushioning system, which can evenly distribute the impact force to the defense wall of KM.

However, the impact of the "fangfangdu giant ant" actually made a hole in the surface of the defense wall, which was caused by its sharp forelimbs.

The poisonous fog poured into the interior of the wall, and soon the wall was silent.

The five hundred Jiashi, who were guarding the front of the wall, fell to the ground as early as the "fangfangdu giant ant" approached.

Even if the exoskeleton armor opens the internal circulation, it can't resist the poison which belongs to the special extraordinary ability. This poison ignores the isolation of the exoskeleton armor and directly acts on the body of the oracle.

After the destruction of a defense wall, the "fangfangdu giant ant" has no interest in continuing to destroy the wall. Its goal is its own offspring, not killing.

The "fangfangfangdu ant" directly crossed the line of defense, where all the beetles fell after the green fog passed.

Baron Dubois, who is sitting in the hall chatting with David, smiles sorry to David when he sees the housekeeper rushing in.

Baron Dubois knew very well that, with his understanding of the housekeeper, it must have been a big event to enter in such a rude way at this time.

"Master, the news comes from the front that a class 4 Zerg" fangfangdu giant ant "is coming towards this side The housekeeper reported calmly.

It's not that the housekeeper doesn't know the horror of the "fangfangdu giant ant". As the steward of the warstar family castle, he knows all kinds of Zerg.

But good cultivation allows him to keep calm at any time, let alone have a strong master.

"Mr. David, you need to wait for me for a moment. I have to deal with it. Excuse me!" Baron Dubois stood up and said, bowing slightly to David.

"Do as you please." David also stood up and replied.

Baron Dubois waved his hand gently, and his full armor appeared on him. His right hand was a sword shining with lavender light, and his left hand was a shield with the same Lavender light.

This shield is not a small round shield, but a rectangular shield that can protect half of the body.

David was almost dazzled by the weapons in the hands of Baron Dubois, whose weapons were made of grade 4 materials.This is the first time he has seen weapons made entirely of grade 4 materials, all heavy weapons.

At this moment, David regretted that he didn't put forward the idea of a class IV weapon.

However, he also knew that even ordinary knights would not have such weapons, but he did not know what kind of status Baron Dubois was to possess such powerful weapons and equipment.

After the Baron Du Bois was armed, his momentum changed suddenly, from the mild like a schoolmate to a hot-blooded soldier.

Baron Dubois stepped out, leaving only a shadow of his body in place. When the shadow disappeared, he also disappeared in the hall.

David was appalled by the speed of this kind of instantaneous movement.

"Housekeeper, I want to watch the war!" David pleaded to the housekeeper.

"Sir, please keep at least one kilometer away from the battlefield, or your safety will not be guaranteed!" The housekeeper didn't mean to stop David, he just reminded.

David nodded to make sense. He walked out of the hall and saw Baron Dubois, who was already thousands of miles away.

Just as David was about to follow him out, footsteps came from behind him.

"Mr. David, I'll go with you to see Uncle Dubois fight!" Knight Miller came after him and said to David.

The poison on knight Miller has been basically removed, and the remaining trace can only be slowly removed.

He had just sorted himself out and was preparing to accompany David, the Savior. However, he heard the knight's report. A fourth level Zerg broke through the defense line and was about to come to the castle. Baron Dubois went to fight against him.

How could Knight Miller miss such an opportunity to see Baron Dubois fighting on the spot? It's a rare chance.

Although Baron Dubois would also conduct a guided battle against him on weekdays, he was very clear that Baron Dubois did not even display 10% of his fighting power.

So he stopped David and asked to come along.

"Is your health all right?" David asked a little uneasily. Then he looked at the Housekeeper on one side with a question in his eyes.

"Don't worry. The poison has been removed. I'm in good health. I'm not going to fight. I have no problem!" Knight Miller assured, clapping his chest.

The housekeeper looked helpless and nodded to David.

The knight Miller is the lineage of the family, and is also a cultivation genius, which will be sent to warstar and trained by Baron Dubois.

In the castle, there was no one to control miller's knighthood except Baron Dubois.

This time, the Miller Knight sneaked into the Zerg occupied area, which was also a wayward act.

"You follow me, we'll stay away from the battle!" David could only agree.

The knight Miller brought in his own horses and mounted them neatly, as if he were going to fight.

When David saw this scene, he felt more headache. He could only pray that the fourth level Zerg would not target them.

Of course, with their strength, it is difficult to attract the attention of the fourth level Zerg, which is why David dares to watch the war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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