Transcendent David

Chapter 479: CH 479

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After confirming that David is holding the "trading qualification card", the four extraordinary expressions are wonderful.

The qualification to trade with God's big world has always been controlled by ten people with "trading qualification cards". Now, each of these ten people has a huge power behind them.

What's more, it's because they have the "trading qualification card" to participate in the God's World Trade Fair, which is sought after by the powerful members of the Federation.

It can be said that "trading qualification card" is not only the relationship between two trading quota, but also a kind of resource control.

God belongs to the big world and the interstellar Federation. Some people may have private transactions, but this kind of trade will never happen frequently.

Because the blockade of trading with the interstellar Federation is very strict in the God's big world. Some small actions may be tolerated by the god world. However, if they dare to trade beyond the limit in quality and quantity, they will be pursued by the god world.

Therefore, there are only official trade fairs that can be continued. Even if the private transactions are successful, we should consider the origin of the trading goods and whether they will be traced by the god world.

Of course, the God belongs to the big world side will not be in charge of the interstellar Federation side, but the people who trade with the interstellar Federation side will have bad luck.

There is no way out. Although the two worlds are complementary in fact, they will not have in-depth exchanges with each other.

God belongs to the big world and does not want federal technology to appear in their world, which will have a huge impact on their world and produce unexpected changes.

And the Federation can't get the most core practice secret method of God in the big world, because it is useless even if it gets it. Without the corresponding blood to practice, those secret methods are just seeking death.

The two sides' official cooperation and few exchanges have resulted in this strange phenomenon. It is clear that the strong men of the two worlds are on the planet of warstar, but there is not much intersection.

"I still have a place in the fair five days later. Who do you think will go with me?" David put away the "trading qualification card" and asked the four extraordinary people.

The four extraordinary people looked at each other. They had been together for many years. They had a tacit understanding for a long time.

"Let Augustine go with you. Apart from him, it is not enough for us to exchange our goods for good ones." Babington didn't turn down David's offer, he said with a smile.

Augustine transcendence is the richest of the four. Because he is a very rare one who specializes in big shield, he is often invited by many supernatural beings to participate in their respective tasks, and he gets a lot of rewards.

Among the four, Augustine was the only one with such wealth to participate in the transaction.

So the four extraordinary people did not have any hesitation and reached a decision.

"Well, Augustine will go with me in five days' time, and I just don't know the way." David replied with a smile.

David left the office with his shining spear, leaving only four extraordinary.

"David, who is God's strong man in the great world?" Benton said with admiration.

"What else? It must be the God who can kill the "fangfangdu giant ant" alone, and he is a strong man in the big world Said babenton, with an extraordinary smile.

In fact, they all know that this is the most possible, otherwise, it would not have happened.

"In the future, we need to save more things, otherwise we have trading qualifications but no corresponding items, and we will not let other extraordinary people laugh to death!" Said Garth with an extraordinary wry smile.

As long as David is in the fourth front-line base, his "trading qualification card" will naturally give priority to four of them.

Such a good opportunity is wasted because there is no trading goods. Let alone other extraordinary people, they will regret.

David can stay in the fourth front base time is uncertain, as long as David becomes extraordinary, he will be transferred from the fourth front base.

Not to mention the four extraordinary entanglement, David returned to the dormitory and put the third grade spear "flash spear" with the knight's armor. This kind of third class weapon, which had been exposed, could not be sneaked into space items.

Before David could come and sit down, his identity Bracelet trembled. When he opened it, he saw a reminder from the guard of the base headquarters that a visitor was coming.

This time, David went to the gate without armour and dressed in army uniform. He was a little surprised that who was looking for him.

When he came to the gate, David saw a familiar face. It was a knight in Baron Dubois's castle. Although David did not know the name of the knight, he recognized his face.

"My Lord, this is from the baron. Please take it." When the knight saw David, he jumped off his horse, bowed over and handed over the box he was carrying.

This knight's federalism is very crude. I can hear that he uses very little, but his expression is very clear.

"Trouble you!" David took the box and said.

David guessed the contents of the box, but he didn't expect that he had just returned to the base headquarters, and the things were delivered there.Seeing the arrival of the things, the knight bowed down again, and then jumped on the horse and turned away.

The guards in front of the base gate, as well as the soldiers in the base monitoring room, were shocked by the knight's performance.

When have they ever seen such respect from a knight to the Confederates? You know, they have hardly ever seen a knight leave a horse, nor speak, let alone salute, when they see a knight.

So when David returned to the dormitory with the box, there was already a special relationship between David and God in the big world.

David sat on the sofa in the living room and put the box down.

This box is very delicate, with many patterns on its surface. These patterns are not decoration, because David can't feel any breath inside the box when he holds it.

Such a close distance, in the spirit of David, will not happen at all. If there is, it can only be that the box has a special role.

The box was not locked. David opened it and saw that there were thirty smaller boxes. The material of the box was wood, but he couldn't recognize it.

He took out a box and opened it. David saw that there was only one leaf in the box. From the breath on the leaf, he could be sure that it was the "leaf of the earth vein tree".

Thirty small boxes. Here's the amount for a month.

There is also a piece of leather paper in the box that says in federal language how to use the word "vein tree leaf.".

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David was very grateful to Baron Dubois for his care, which saved him a lot of trouble.

He summoned the shadow attendants and collected 30 pieces of "ground vein tree leaves" into the space ring.

Then he put a hand on the shadow server's shoulder, and immediately a surge of spiritual energy surged into him.

This time, there are two three Zerg and one fourth level Zerg, especially the fourth level Zerg, which makes him have great expectations for spiritual improvement.

In David's soul, the soul fortress is pouring rain in the sky, and the whole soul fortress is becoming more and more flexible in the heavy rain.

In the soul fortress, life was added, and the seedling that gave birth to the "arrow of spirit" began to grow.

The walls of the soul fortress are also thickening, and the "sleeping patterns" and "bewitching patterns" on the walls are becoming more and more bright.

David sensed the change in the soul fortress, which was not very big, but it was very obvious.

The rain lasted for several minutes, and the last drop of rain fell. The seedlings of the "spirit arrow" had become a dwarf tree, and the "spirit arrow" bred in it had changed from a small arrow to a long arrow.

Although we have not tried the power, according to David's estimation, the power of the "spiritual arrow" has at least doubled.

Originally, the power of this "spiritual arrow" is getting lower and lower. Although David's spirit has been improved rapidly, it seems that the "spiritual arrow" itself is not of high level, so that the "spiritual arrow" can only deal with some extraordinary enemies.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the "spiritual arrow" was obtained from a low-level divine intelligence officer. The level of "spiritual puncture" is only 10% skilled. It is not realistic to have too high a power.

As for the power of "sleeping pattern" and "bewitching pattern", their power has also been improved.

David asked the shadow agent to activate the attribute mask, and then he saw his spirit. There was an unbelievable look on his face.

Although he was able to feel that his brain was particularly clear and his thinking speed had been greatly improved, he still did not expect that the spiritual energy of level 4 Zerg could improve him so much.

"Spirit: 7.99", which is the value of his spirit today.

David has a feeling that he can be promoted to 8 spirit points at any time. This is an intuition. He believes in his own intuition.

He also saw that in the ability list, "spirit piercing" has been increased to 1% mastery. It seems that the seedlings in the soul fortress have grown, and the ability of this spiritual attack will automatically increase.

David was relieved after a moment's thought that the soul energy of the "fangfangpoison ant" could give David such a great spiritual boost.

The fourth level Zerg "fangfangdu giant ant" is not the Zerg David can face today. If Baron dupois did not attack him, it would be impossible to kill the "fangfangdu giant ant", let alone obtain its soul.

This can be said to be a harvest beyond multiple levels, and "fangfangdu giant ant" is out of reach for David's level.

Of course, soul energy is only one of the gains. David is more concerned about what kind of light ball of knowledge can be given to him by the "fangfangdu giant ant".

David asked the shadow servant to separate the light spheres of knowledge that he got today, and four light spheres of knowledge appeared in his eyes.

David was not surprised by the two "flame control (talent, not up to the conditions)" white knowledge light balls, which were provided by the two third level Zerg "giant pincers".

When David focused on the third white light ball of knowledge, he found that it was the knowledge light ball he could learn.

David can't help but think back to the origin of the light bulb of "ignition (talent)", which can be related to the fire. He immediately thought of the possibility of the larva of the "giant pincer".The larva has little fighting power, but anyway, it has the gene of the third class Zerg, and it must also have the ability of fire.

In David's opinion, all aspects of the larvae are not as good as his, so the abilities possessed by the larvae are very likely to be mastered by him.

David didn't think much about it, so he immediately asked the shadow servant to introduce the light ball of "pyrotechnics (talent)" into his body.

He thought that this flame talent ability must be very complicated, but as he entered the illusion, the illusion only lasted 10 minutes and ended the knowledge inheritance. He knew that he had overestimated this talent ability.

The name of "igniting fire" is also very suitable, because its power can only ignite fire.

David looked helplessly at a little flame after flicking his finger. This is the power of "ignition".

"What can this flame do?" He muttered to himself.

As a matter of fact, the larva has no combat power, so it is unrealistic to get any powerful fire talent from the larvae.

Besides, David doesn't have fire energy. In addition, he can't use the "ignition" which only depends on his special talent and doesn't need the support of fire energy. Even if he is given a strong flame ability, he can't use it.

David's spirit moved, and he took back the "fire ignition", and the flame in his hand disappeared.

This "ignition" was put into the cold palace by him. It is estimated that it will not be used in the future. He has exoskeleton armor. Even in the wild, with federal technology, when does it need to be done by himself.

David looks at the last light ball of knowledge, which is also a white light ball of knowledge.

First of all, he saw that there was no indication that "the conditions for use have not been met". In his mind, he was certain. The name of the light sphere of knowledge was "poison (talent)".

This is the gift given to him by the spirit of the fangfangdu ant, a seemingly ordinary talent.

But David doesn't think it is ordinary at all. The ability of shadow to extract the light sphere of knowledge from the soul energy is the most skilled ability of the soul master in his life.

One of the most proficient abilities that can be practiced by the fourth level Zerg "fangfangdu giant ant" is the ability related to poison. The most important thing is that David can learn. David has been very satisfied.

David manipulates the shadow servant to introduce the light ball of "poison (talent)" knowledge into his body, and then he changes into the illusion.

He entered the body of the "fangfangdu giant ant" and saw the surrounding environment that it was the nest of the "fangfangdu giant ant".

"Fangfangdu giant ant" is manipulating the spirit, drawing a strange pattern repeatedly. David can accept all the senses of "fangfangdu giant ant", so it is just like David himself is practicing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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