Transcendent David

Chapter 480: CH 480

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I don't know if it's because of the "fangfangpoisonous giant ant". David has a very close feeling to this strange pattern, which seems to be his instinct.

The drawing of strange patterns is very complicated. The spirit is increased and reduced, and continuous changes are needed in many places. All of these need to be accurate to 100% of the standard, otherwise it will fail.

Of course, the painting of "fangfangdu giant ant" will not fail. It is more like an instinctive operation.

This is the basic ability that "fangfangdu giant ant" gets from its genes. After drawing the strange pattern, it needs spiritual guidance to condense it on the specified items.

"Fangfangdu giant ant" naturally guides the strange pattern to its claw thorn. The claw thorn with light purple light glows green after the strange pattern is condensed.

This illusion did not last long. It probably had something to do with David's mental strength. Although it was a level 4 Zerg talent, David learned very quickly.

The function of "poison (talent)" is very simple. It uses the poisonous patterns in the inheritance of "fangfangdu giant ant" to produce special and extraordinary poison, and then attach the extraordinary poison to the designated weapons.

This weapon will have a highly toxic effect on all attacks within a certain period of time.

Of course, the poison produced by "poison (talent)" can also be absorbed in reverse through the "poison pattern" to achieve the effect of detoxification.

It's a pity that the "poison attached pattern" can only absorb the poison produced by the "poison attached pattern", and has no effect on the rest of the poison.

David learned "poison (talent)" and didn't test it. The poison was too dangerous. Although he had the poison pattern, it could be absorbed backward. But who knows if the power of the poison would be too late for the reverse absorption.

To test this ability, it's better to be in the wild and find some Zerg to test.

Although one of the two abilities is of no use at all, and at most, it's also very pleasing to David.

Especially "poison" talent, which can greatly make up for his lack of attack power.

In fact, if the ability of shadow service is not too strong, the ability of "poison (talent)" of "fangfangdu giant ant" can not be mastered by other life except "fangfangdu giant ant".

Because in addition to the spirit drawing "poison pattern", the spirit also needs to have corresponding characteristics. This is like adding a lock to this ability. If the spirit does not have a special frequency, even if you learn the "poison pattern", it will not produce the "poison" effect.

The most terrifying ability of the "fangfangpoison giant ant" is not the poisonous fog that spreads out, but this extremely basic but more lethal "poison" talent.

With the strength of Baron Dubois, he can ignore the poisonous fog when facing the "fangfangpoison giant ant", but he dare not be hit once by the "fangfangpoison giant ant". This is the horror of the "poison" talent.

Poison fog only acts on the air. Even if the penetration effect is good, there will be coping styles. However, the "poison" is to break the defense after the attack, leaving the extraordinary poison at the wound, thus poisoning the target.

The former can be prevented, but the latter is fatal if it is hit.

In the evening, barbington's extraordinary adjutant sent a batch of grade 3 fortified meat, which was also agreed upon, and David accepted with a smile.

The three-level fortified meat provided by two third-class Zerg "megalophila" has been cut. Four pieces of fortified meat have been divided into 40 parts. In addition, David has more than two months' stock of grade III fortified meat, which is compensated by four extraordinary people.

The next morning, when David got up, the first thing he did was to take out a leaf of the earth vein tree.

According to the instructions, he carefully cut the leaves into thin filaments, then boiled them in boiling water for five minutes to completely dissolve the energy in the leaves.

In the practice of "spirit forging golden body skill", he used three-level fortified meat and "dimai tree leaf water" at the same time.

One hour later, the rest of his energy was consumed by his "soft body technique".

At the end of the early practice, David found that his practice effect today is about three times that of the past. According to this speed, the prerequisite for his promotion to be extraordinary is just around the corner.

At 8:30, Lieutenant Morson, the adjutant, drove the "wings of death" assault ship, and David went to the line of defense with his six warriors.

This time he came earlier. He still came to the first battalion's defense wall.

Today, the morale of the first battalion was obviously problematic. All the soldiers were very silent. The atmosphere in the whole defensive wall was extremely depressed.

"Captain Macaulay, what's going on today?" David asked when he saw captain Macaulay.

"Don't you know what happened yesterday, major?" Captain Macaulay, seeing David's question, asked in surprise.

Yesterday, the story of the fourth level Zerg breaking through the defense line of the ninth front base can't be concealed. It has been spread all over the army. Although there will be soldiers' sacrifice every day to resist the swarm, the sacrifice is still within the control range.What happened in the defense line of the ninth front-line base has made soldiers in the same environment feel worried.

It's not that soldiers are afraid of fighting, but a deep sense of powerlessness.

The fourth level Zerg attacks the defense line, which is not what the soldiers here can resist. What's more, it is said that all the cavalry teams belonging to God's big world have died in battle. This kind of news greatly undermines the confidence of all soldiers.

Although captain Macaulay has done a lot of work, the results are not good. This is also the disadvantage of information development. What happened at the ninth front base has videos and explanations in the military Skynet forum.

"What about the loss of the ninth front base?" David didn't really understand the situation of the ninth front base. When he saw the look of Captain Macaulay and knew that he was afraid of heavy losses, he asked quickly.

"The war damage is more than half. The military headquarters sent a large number of medical spaceships in the past, otherwise more soldiers will die!" Captain Macaulay replied in a deep voice.

David was also taken aback. More than 7000 soldiers were killed. This is just the result of a fourth level Zerg attacking the defense line.

According to the fighting power of the fourth class Zerg "fangfangdu giant ant", there should have been no massacre. Otherwise, no soldiers would have survived.

But even so, David was shocked. This is the horror of war.

"Let me tell you, the fourth class Zerg" fangfangdu giant ant "that broke through the defense line of the ninth front base has been killed!" David thought it over and told captain Macaulay the news.

"What? Class 4 Zerg "fangfangfangdu giant ant" killed? Who killed it? " Captain Macaulay asked incredulously.

"What I saw with my own eyes was killed by a strong God of the great world!" David confirmed.

Captain Macaulay's face was a rare flush red. Although there were many level 4 Zerg killed on Battlestar, he was excited every time he heard this news.

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Nearly invincible, the fourth level Zerg, whether they run through the defense line or are killed, is very important for improving morale.

Soon the news was passed on by Captain Macaulay to the soldiers in the defense wall, and the lost morale was rekindled.

Today's swarm did not arrive on time, and no swarms were found in the Zerg occupied area.

Of course, this is only a few nearby defense lines, there are no swarms, the rest of the defense lines a little farther away, the insect swarm started the daily attack very punctually.

David wondered whether this had something to do with the death of the "fangfangdu" ant, because this area was the territory of the "fangfangdu giant ant". Without the "fangfangdu giant ant", there was no fourth level Zerg tribe to organize the insect population.

David's conjecture is right. All swarm attacks that require the participation of the third level Zerg are controlled by the fourth level Zerg.

The death of the "fangfangdu giant ant" made the Zerg in this area lose the control of the fourth level Zerg in a short time. This time will not be too long. In a few days, a new class IV Zerg will come to take over.

"Lieutenant Morson, you stay here with Lieutenant Harcourt. I'll go ahead and have a look." David saw that there were no insects coming, so he decided to enter the Zerg occupied area and told lieutenant moson.

Lieutenant Morson wanted to persuade David, but he didn't know how to speak.

He knows more about David's action with the four extraordinary people yesterday. David returned from the Zerg occupied area by himself. He believes that as long as David does not go deep into the Zerg occupied area, there will be no danger.

"Yes, major!" Lieutenant Morson answered in a deep voice.

David said hello to Benton extraordinary and Garth extraordinary. They were also very relieved. They just told them not to go deep, so they didn't say any more.

Although there was no problem with safety, David still wore "camouflage cloth" and watched carefully from 40 meters above his head.

Ever since he saw the horror of the "fangfangdu giant ant", he did not dare to underestimate the Zerg here. He was not wrong to be careful.

Entering about 20 kilometers away from the fourth front base line, David chose a single "dinoflager" as the target.

As far as David is concerned, the beetle is no longer a powerful Zerg. In fact, as long as it is a secondary Zerg, there is no one David can easily deal with.

The reason why he chose the beetle was because David wanted to test the effects of poison.

The defense and vitality of the beetle are the top level of the second level Zerg. If it can have an effect on the beetle, David will continue to test it on the stronger Zerg.

David's breath hiding ability can even be concealed by the fourth level Zerg. Of course, the second level Zerg, the hard rock bug, can't detect him.

It was not until he got close to 20 meters that he gave up his hidden breath. He held a third class heavy axe in his right hand and rushed toward the "hard rock bug".

The beetle also found David, and immediately let out a howl, and then ran into David.

This is also because David is only a top beetle, and the rock beetle is not afraid of David.

The strength of David's top beetle is extremely confusing, which will make the Zerg misjudge his combat power. The "heavy axe master" is enough to upgrade his actual combat power to a higher level.David's spirit quickly draws a complex "poison pattern". The process is as simple as drinking water for him.

When it was only 10 meters away from the beetle, the "poison pattern" was drawn. It absorbed the energy around and flew into the third class heavy axe in his hands under the guidance of David's spirit.

David can clearly see that there is a green light shining on the blade of the third grade heavy axe. It is hard to find out among the three grade heavy axes which are originally flashing green light. If it was not for his preconceived idea, he would not have noticed this change.

When the distance between David and the rock beetle is five meters, David feels the connection of the spiritual line. If he wants to kill the beetle at this time, as long as he splits along with the spiritual line, he can solve the problem.

However, this is not David's purpose. He deliberately let go of his mental line and dodged the impact of the rock beetle. His third grade heavy axe cut a small wound on the side of the beetle.

This wound is a negligible injury to the beetle.

It's just that when the beetle comes out a few meters, its whole body appears eerie green.

Then the beetle fell to the ground. Almost a second later, David felt the shadow servant fly over and absorb a soul.

"What a terrible poison!" David whispered to himself.

With the vitality of the rock beetle, that is, it will die in about two seconds. If this poison is applied to people, what will happen and whether it will die immediately.

David walked to the body of the rock beetle, the green color of the body remained unchanged.

With a wave of his hand, he drew the "poison pattern" again, but this time it appeared in the palm of his hand.

he put his hands on the body of the "Jian Jia Kwai", and all the greens were gathered to his palm. Soon, the palm's "poison pattern" was emitting green light.

When David felt that the body of the beetle would no longer collect the poison from the body, he would disperse the poison pattern.

Together with the poison, the "poison pattern" turns into a green light spot, dissipates in the air, and converts the poison into energy in the air again.

David is worried that the use of "poison" talent will affect the fortified meat and materials on the beetle.

He took out a decomposing knife and began to cut the beetle. The secondary fortified meat and claw teeth of the beetle were removed.

There is no problem with grade II materials. David can be sure of this as soon as he contacts. He has been using class II weapons for a long time, and he has a good understanding of grade II materials.

As for the second grade fortified meat, David cut a little with a disintegrator and put it into his mouth.

The second grade fortified meat enters the mouth. Although the untreated secondary fortified meat has the peculiar odor of "dinoflagellate", the effect is not reduced, but the effect is stronger because it is fresher.

"No problem!" David judged. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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