Transcendent David

Chapter 490: CH 490

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David's consciousness was a little lax, and finally he saw the finger on his third class shield. With his final consciousness, he gave orders to the shadow servant to put the finger into the space ring.

He doesn't know what the finger is, but in his subconscious mind, it must be extraordinary.

Although all the gains on the battlefield should be attributed to the military, he would not hand over the unknown items of this level foolishly.

After vaguely seeing the fingers on the third class shield disappear, David also faints.

In the Gauss gun control room, two Gunners wake up from being bewitched. They look at each other. Although they are under control, they still have feelings. When they wake up, they are full of guilt.

"Help The first to rush out is the medical beetle, they are divided into two parts, a group of medical beetles rushed to Augustine extraordinary there, a group of medical beetles is to rush to David.

"Strengthen the defense of the base headquarters, all the first-class battle lines!" Exclaimed Babington.

At this time, the three most powerful fell two, and it will be difficult to resist the Zerg coming.

On hearing the order, 15000 recruits immediately began to form a battle line and formed a line of defense outside the base headquarters.

After the battle just now, the recruits saw the two strong soldiers who fought for them. Now they need them to protect the strong ones who have paid their lives for them.

"How are they hurt?" Barberton came quickly to the captain of the medical armour and asked in a deep voice.

"General Augustine's injury is very serious. His abdominal organs are ruptured and many tissues are necrotic. It will take at least six days to recover. During this period, he can't leave the gene repair chamber. At the same time, he also needs six days' dose of three-level therapeutic drugs!" The medical leader whispered back.

The most accurate conclusion can be drawn immediately after the battle injury is scanned, so the results will be sent to the medical team leader after the examination, and the medical team leader will be responsible for the subsequent treatment plan.

What about major David When Babington heard about Augustine's injury, he put down half of his worries. The other half was for David.

Babenton is extraordinary, but when he sees David being hit and fly, the only thing he can use is his eyes.

He saw David fly hundreds of meters over the energy shield and hit the alloy wall.

Just to say that distance is enough to show the huge force, which is more than ten times of Augustine's extraordinary flying distance. I'm afraid it is also many times of Augustine's extraordinary strength.

In contrast to Augustine's extraordinary injury, how serious is David's injury.

Babenton is now thinking only that David can survive and that any serious injury can be cured slowly.

"Major David's injury..." Medical armour captain complexion some strange said.

"I can accept the worst, go ahead!" Babenton thinks David's injury is too serious, he said in a deep voice.

"Major David's whole body has 32 cracked bones and a large area of muscle injuries, accompanied by moderate concussion!" The medical leader replied.

"That's it?" Asked Babington, extraordinary and unbelievable.

David's injury was not too heavy, but too light, so light that Babington couldn't believe it.

So far away, dozens of bones are broken and muscles are injured by mistake. Is this an injury?

There is also the moderate concussion, which is caused by hitting the wall. Even if you do not do any protection, you will have moderate concussion when you hit the wall directly. This is not the injury that should be caused by the impact after flying hundreds of meters.

"Yes, major David should have a very strong" shield Mastery "ability to counteract a lot of attacks, otherwise The medical armour captain said here and pointed to the third class shield sent by the medical beetle.

Babenton knew this third class shield, which was David's third class shield.

As for the fact that David has a third class shield, babenton has no idea. Is it strange that David, who has a "sharp axe" and "shining spear", has another third level shield?

At that time, when Babington saw David holding a third class shield, he thought how much David cared about his defense.

Now it seems that David really pays attention to his own defense, and has even practiced "shield Mastery" to a very high level.

Barbington was extraordinary and even doubted that David was also a "shield master".

On this point, babenton has been numb for a long time. "Master heavy axe", "master sniper" and "master spear" only know so many abilities. Is there more?

All of a sudden, babenton saw the fingerprints on the third class shield, and he felt his mouth dry.

He immediately understood what kind of existence was that attacked David through the space wormhole. David was still alive under the attack of that kind of existence, and the only injury he suffered was this.David woke up ten minutes later and found himself in a genetic repair module.

Barbington is standing outside the gene repair module, looking at him strangely.

David looked at his current situation, still wearing military uniform, not all off.

He felt that the wound was healing rapidly. Needless to say, it was the effect of the third level medicine. Although the bone fracture was terrible, it would recover quickly as long as it was not completely disconnected.

Normal injuries do not require the use of level 3 healing potions, but babenton knows that the situation is special at this time. The military department can not send many reinforcements, and the front-line base defense line can not transfer people back.

Fortunately, they beat back the sudden attack of Zerg, and the chance of another attack in a short time is not very good.

But babenton still needs David to recover quickly and guard the base headquarters with him.

Five minutes later, David felt his whole body was fully recovered, and the gene repair module also showed a green light, which was a signal to scan his body for recovery.

David presses the button, the gene repair fluid is removed, and he comes out of the gene repair module.

"David, I know you killed a lot of people, but your hobby is really unbearable!" Said Babington, pointing to David's arms and legs.

David couldn't help but smile bitterly. He understood the meaning of babenton's transcendence, because there were extraordinary Bracers on David's arms and legs.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why babenton came to take care of David himself. He also did not want David to have so many space Bracers on him to be known by others.

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It's hard for David to explain. It's not a quirk. It's that he can actually use space Bracers.

"Well, change it quickly. Fortunately, you can repair the exoskeleton armor by yourself, and repair your own exoskeleton armor faster. I need you to recover the combat effectiveness as soon as possible!" Babington, seeing David's look, waved and said.

David nodded. He went to the bathroom next to him to clean his genetic repair fluid and went to the repair department with his exoskeleton armor.

"Here you are, major!" Lieutenant Fisher saw David walk into his garage and immediately said hello.

"I want to borrow your equipment!" David was not polite. The time was very important at the moment, he asked directly.

"Yes Said Lieutenant Fisher, stopping his work immediately.

The custom exoskeleton armor was badly damaged this time. Fortunately, the equipment here is very complete, and David's level is enough. After a dazzling operation in the eyes of lieutenant Fisher, it took only 10 minutes to complete the repair of the exoskeleton armor.

Of course, this is only to ensure the performance of the repair, some details of the repair will take too long, only when available.

When David put on his exoskeleton armor and came to the war room, he saw babenton connecting with the figures on the screen of light.

"General north, how do you want me to send for help? I have 15000 recruits in my hand. Do you want them to fight the third level Zerg? " Babington exclaimed to general North on the screen of light.

"General babenton, now the headquarters of your third front base on the left is broken, and the headquarters of the fifth front base on the right are in danger. Once the headquarters of the fifth front base are lost, your fourth front base will be attacked on three sides!" Said general North in a deep voice.

General north also understood that such a request was too much, but all of a sudden, all the extraordinary people prepared went out and asked for help from God's world. However, the current situation is very bad.

The attack came too suddenly, and all of them were the third level Zerg attacks. After the first attack of the third level Zerg, many base headquarters were broken and could not be rescued at all.

"When these recruits run to the headquarters of the fifth front base, the battle there will be over long ago. They just go to die!" Barbington is extraordinary or different.

In fact, under such circumstances, general north can give orders, but the consequences also need to be fully borne by general north, and 15000 recruits will be killed. No one can make such a decision.

"But major David recovered?" General North saw David coming in and asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"General north, I've recovered!" David immediately saluted and replied.

"Well, major David, I order you to go immediately to the fifth front base headquarters!" General North ordered in a loud voice.

"General north, do you want to jump the line?" Asked babenton, with an extraordinary look on his face.

"Major David, you can deal with the situation according to the situation. I hope you can help the fifth front base headquarters!" General North was silent for a moment, pleading in a different tone.

Barbington's extraordinary face looked better. He knew David's ability to hide his breath. As long as he didn't force David to fight to death, he didn't have much danger.

He nodded to David gently.

"Yes, general North!" David saluted again.

"David, you should be more careful this time. Don't try to be brave. If you can't, come back immediately!" Closed the curtain of light, babenton whispered."I understand!" David nodded.

David turns away from the war room and uses his face armor to connect to the Deathwing assault ship through his identity bracelet.

The wing of death assault ship in the hangar is activated. David enters the hangar and jumps on the wing of death. The engine roars and the assault ship comes out.

There was a distance of 200 kilometers between the headquarters of the fourth front base and the fifth front line base. Under the full speed flight of the "wings of death" frigate, David saw the headquarters of the fifth front base more than ten minutes later.

It can be said that the headquarters of the fifth front base is very lucky, because the three third level Zerg that appear here are the same kind, all of them are "giant tongs flame insects" using extraordinary flame.

The extraordinary flame of "giant tongs flame bug" is very terrible, but the defense shield of the fifth front base headquarters is against the extraordinary flame, which is an energy attack, and has a very good defense effect.

When David arrived, what he saw was the scene of three "giant tongs flame insects" constantly spraying extraordinary flame against the defense shield of the fifth front base headquarters.

Even the surface of the shield turned red. The shield kept shaking and could be broken at any time.

The "wing of death" frigate flew away by itself. At 5000 meters, David took down the "growler sniper gun" and quickly pressed in a large caliber third-class sniper bullet.

The sound insulation was set up and David fired in three seconds.

In fact, as long as we give them a little more time and break the energy shield, the whole base headquarters will be enveloped by extraordinary flame, and there will be no more living people.

The horror of the giant tongs flame bug lies in the terrible burning of the extraordinary flame. Even if you are in an underground safe house, you will die because of the alloy melting.

When the extraordinary flame of "giant tongflame worm" burns the special alloy used in the base headquarters, it is as easy as the ordinary flame meets the wood.

David couldn't have watched the tragedy happen, but he knew there were almost as many recruits here.

The sniper bullet from the grower sniper gun flew over a distance of 5000 meters. When it was about 200 meters away from the "giant tongs flame bug", the "giant tongs flame bug" actually had some sense.

However, the extraordinary flame spray in the whole area has affected the vision of the flame bug.

In addition, the jet of extraordinary fire, open mouth, also let David have a better target.

Just when the "giant tongflame bug" felt it, the super large caliber three-level sniper bullet entered from the mouth of the "giant tongflame bug" and broke all of its neck from the trachea to the spine.

This "giant tongflame bug" lost its activity ability in an instant, which also attracted the attention of the other two "giant tongflame insects".

They stopped shooting extraordinary flames and looked around.

The energy shield, which swayed in front of the two "pincers" because of continuous attacks, began to stabilize after no attack.

Due to the influence of extraordinary fire, these two "giant tongs flame insects" did not find the location of the Sniper at the first time, let alone David. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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