Transcendent David

Chapter 491: CH 491

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In the headquarters of the fifth front-line base, the two guardians looked at each other and rose up without any hesitation.

Gordon and Dickinson stayed at the headquarters of the fifth front-line base. They were ready to live with the base headquarters for a long time. As long as the three "giant tongs flame insects" break the energy shield, they will take the recruits and the rest of the fighters in the headquarters to fight to death.

Before that, they only hoped that the energy shield could support for a little longer. On the one hand, they could wait for the support of the military headquarters, and on the other hand, they could consume the extraordinary flame energy of the "giant tongflame bug".

In fact, there was not much hope in Gordon and Dickinson's mind before David killed a "pincers".

According to the news from the military headquarters, the rescue from the military headquarters will not come for the time being. Only a "sniper master" will be sent from the headquarters of the fourth front line base under surveillance.

As for the "sniper master" named David in the fourth front base, the two extraordinary people know something about it. Although David has just arrived at the fourth front base, his actions have impressed every soldier deeply.

Although I heard many legends about David, they didn't believe that David could come to help them alone.

In this case, two extraordinary people suddenly saw a "giant pliers flame bug" fall to the ground, and the other two "giant tongs flame bug" stopped attacking. How could they not understand what happened.

The two extraordinary people have only one idea. They can't let the "tongflame bug" attack David. David is a "sniper master". They need to hold two "tongflame worms" to exert their maximum attack power.

Just as the two men soared into the air and flew towards the two "giant tongs flame insects", the two "giant tongs flame insects" also found David's position.

This is a kind of instinct. Through the position of the fallen "giant tongs flame bug", the other two "giant tongs flame bug" can judge the direction of the attack. There is no barrier in that direction. David just lies on the ground. The distance of 5000 meters can clearly see the sight of the third level Zerg.

The second super large caliber Level 3 sniper bullet was pressed into the bomb compartment. David did not snipe the "tongs firebug" at this time. He had many experience in sniping Level 3 Zerg. He knew for a long time that when the level 3 Zerg was ready, he would not be able to snipe effectively.

At the speed of level 3 Zerg, it has the ability to dodge ahead of time.

So David is also waiting for an opportunity. He sees two extraordinary people vacated from the headquarters of the fifth front line base, waiting for them to create opportunities for him.

There is no need to contact at all to create sniping opportunities for the "sniper master". This is a kind of battlefield rule.

"Block these two" giant tongs flame insects " Exclaimed Gordon.

When Gordon saw that the two "giant tongs flame worms" were turning and trying to run to the distance, he knew that they had discovered David.

Dickinson was holding a third class hammer in his hand. He spun his body around in the air. Then he threw the third class hammer out of his hand. The third class hammer hit a "giant tongs flame bug".

There is a soft rope made of unknown material at the handle of the third class Warhammer. When the third class Warhammer is thrown out, Dickinson is extraordinary as if he has no weight in his body. He is carried by the third class Warhammer and flies to the "tongflame worm".

It is very dangerous for him to do so. You should know that the extraordinary flame of the "giant tongflame worm" also poses a great threat to the "extraordinary armor". He has gained speed in doing so, but he has lost his defense.

But in order to stop the pincers, Dickinson had to take risks.

Gordon is a third class spear in his hand. He should be better at speed. He flies with all his strength in the air. He is only a little slower than Dickinson.

The two giant beetles in front of the flame are the two giant beetles in front of the flame.

The two "giant tongs flame worms" with high intelligence immediately made a division of labor, and the "giant tongs flame insects" that Dickinson had been staring at turned to meet the two extraordinary.

The flame bug in the rear, under the cover of the one in front, continued to rush towards David.

The giant tongs flame bug opened its mouth and spewed out extraordinary flame to the two extraordinary people.

Seeing that Dickinson was about to be hit by the extraordinary flame, Gordon's third grade spear pulled on Dickinson's extraordinary body, which made Dickinson's extraordinary body change direction in the air, just let the extraordinary flame pass.

Dickinson turned backward. With this strength, he took a third class hammer connected by a soft rope and swung out a circle to smash the "giant tongs flame bug.".

The "giant tongs firebug" approached Dickinson extraordinary and avoided the attack of the third class Warhammer. At the same time, he wanted to spray extraordinary flame again.

At this time, Gordon's extraordinary attack came, and the third grade spear quickly pierced out, so that the "giant tongs flame bug" quickly avoided.

Dickinson also took back the third level hammer and cooperated with Gordon to prevent the "pincers" from spewing extraordinary flames.However, the two extraordinary people can't do any damage to the "giant tongs flame bug" in a short time. This "giant tongs flame bug" obviously uses the way of swimming, waiting for the other "giant tongs flame bug" to kill the sniper beetle, and then help it.

Two extraordinary hearts anxious, but there is no way.

"Master David, I'm sorry, we didn't stop the giant tongflame bug!" Gordon, through the public channel, apologized.

David didn't pay attention to Gordon's extraordinary words at this time. He was locking the pincers flame bug through the sight glass. Of course, he did not lock in the "giant tongs flame bug" who came to attack him.

This "giant tongs flame bug" is very alert to his sniping. It can't pose a threat at all. Instead, it is the "giant tongs flame bug" who is fighting with two extraordinary people. Because he is concentrating on fighting, David is locked in.

After only three seconds, David had mastered the fighting law of the "giant tongflame bug" and analyzed its possible trajectory.

Just when he judged that there was an 80% chance that the "tongflame bug" would make the next move, the "growler sniper gun" fired.

From 5000 meters away, the super caliber third class sniper bullet passed by David's "giant tongs flame bug", and then continued to shoot forward.

The "giant tongs flame bug" who was fighting with two extraordinary people just opened his mouth and wanted to try to eject extraordinary flame again. But this time, he did not wait for Gordon to stop him with a third class spear. A super large caliber third class sniper bullet first shot into his mouth, and the inner part of his neck was stirred to pieces.

Gordon's extraordinary third grade spear stabbed the "giant tongs flame bug". Originally, the "giant tongs flame bug" could be avoided, but after being sniped, the spine at the neck was cut off, making it unable to move.

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"Master David!" Gordon and Dickinson saw the wound on the neck of their opponent, the giant tongflame bug, and Qiqi exclaimed.

In their opinion, this is David's priority to kill this "giant tongflame bug" regardless of his own safety. Then David himself will be torn up by another "giant tongflame bug".

Two extraordinary people want to pursue the last "giant tongs flame bug", but looking at the distant figure of "giant clamp flame bug", they have a deep weakness.

They don't believe that David can fight a level 3 Zerg in close combat. Although it is said that David can hunt a level 3 Zerg, it is totally different from a face-to-face fight.

Hunting can be prepared in advance, and can take advantage of various advantages, but face-to-face fighting is nothing to be false.

However, the two extraordinary people did not stop at the same place. They rose from the air and chased after the "giant tongs flame bug" with all their strength, even in vain.

After David sniped and killed the two extraordinary "pincers", he turned his eyes to the "giant tongs flame bug" who rushed to him.

He stood up and took the roarer sniper gun back to his back and replaced it with a three grade shield on his left hand and a sharp heavy axe on his right hand.

David can see the cruelty in the eyes of the flame bug.

David's strength is too confusing. The outstanding strength of the top beetle makes the "giant tongs flame bug" feel no threat from David.

Therefore, when approaching a certain distance from David, the "giant tongs flame bug" surprisingly did not use extraordinary flame. It wanted to kill David. To burn David with extraordinary flame, it wanted to tear David apart by himself, so as to relieve the hatred of killing his companions.

David is a little bit surprised why the pincers doesn't use extraordinary fire. He's ready to use the underground prowl talent.

He is still several kilometers away from the two extraordinary people. They can't see the battlefield completely. David's use of "underground stealth" is very unlikely.

But the giant tongflame bug doesn't use extraordinary flame. David doesn't need to use underground stealth.

Just as David was still 50 meters away from the giant tongflame bug and it was estimated that it would take only one step to reach David, David opened his mouth and sent out a "high frequency sound wave".

At the same time, "extreme speed", "physique enhancement", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap" are all opened, which activate the "poison" ability and draw a "poison attaching pattern" which adds four levels of extraordinary poison to the "sharp heavy axe" axe blade.

Under the influence of the sudden "high-frequency sound wave", the "giant clamp flame bug" has a little dizziness. This kind of vertigo only makes the "giant clamp flame bug" dizzy for less than half a second.

But the "giant tongs flame bug" in the charge actually rushed to David. David opened the "soul chopping heavy axe technique", and a spiritual thread was connected to the "giant tongs flame bug".

David turned on the "sharp" effect on the "sharp axe." the "sharp heavy axe" cleaved to the "giant tongflame bug".

At the time of David's chopping, the "giant tongflame bug" was awake, and the "high frequency sound wave" could only play an unexpected role for the third class Zerg.

Even in the face of extraordinary, such a short "high frequency sound wave" produces vertigo, the effect is very limited.But David is different. He doesn't have the capital to fight the third level Zerg for a long time. What he has is the most powerful attack. One blow doesn't work. He either runs away or dies.

The tongflame bug opens its mouth. It has killed no matter what. Now it just wants David to die.

It's a pity that the giant tongflame bug made a mistake again. The speed and power of the sharp axe were beyond its expectation.

When the "sharp heavy axe" is wielded along the spiritual line, its speed suddenly doubles, which makes it impossible for the "giant tongs flame bug" to avoid.

However, the "giant tongs flame bug" is not too worried. A top beetle is armed with a class III weapon, and can't do much damage to it. At most, it just breaks some defenses and damages its skin and flesh.

But when the "sharp axe" hit the "giant tongflame bug", the "giant clamp flame bug" realized how wrong its judgment was.

The sharp heavy axe, which is equivalent to level 4 sharpness, has the effect of "strength enhancement" and the increase of strength after the acceleration of spiritual line. The power of this blow is far more than that of the top beetle.

The "sharp axe" swept through the neck of the "giant tongflame bug" and successfully cut half of its neck.

The giant tongflame bug felt the threat of death and wanted to make a final fight. However, it felt a burst of weakness in its whole body. Level 4 extraordinary poison played a role.

The "sharpness" effect has two seconds, which is enough time for David to attack again.

At the end of the first attack, David turned sideways. The sharp axe, which had just swept the neck of the giant tongflame bug, made an arc in the air, and then swept to the same position at the neck of the flame bug.

This time, its head was cut off directly, and a small flame was emitted from the head that fell on the ground. This is also the last persistence of the flame bug.

The shadow attendants fly forward to absorb the soul of the flame bug.

David didn't have time to feel the relief from the shadow waiter. A "poison pattern" appeared in his hand and recovered the level 4 poison from the "giant tongs flame bug".

How terrifying is this level 4 poison? It's really hard to explain when others find out.

When the two extraordinary men arrived at the scene of the battle, they saw David waiting for them with the head of the giant tongflame bug.

"Master David, this is Gordon. Thank you for your help Gordon's attitude is very low.

A beetle who can directly kill the third level Zerg can't regard him as a beetle at all. Therefore, Gordon regards David as an existence with equal strength, and respects him more than the one with the same strength.

To tell you the truth, if there was no David's long-range sniping just now, they could not solve the problem in a short time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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