Transcendent David

Chapter 513: CH 513

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Just as Baron Dubois stepped into the nest, two living corpses of "beetle beetles" rushed to Baron Dubois from the cave, with an astonishing momentum.

This is the guard of the "half body spider" nest. After becoming a puppet, the pure body dependent Zerg, the beetle, has little impact on the combat effectiveness. On the contrary, it is due to the improvement of its strength in fighting without fear of death.

Two "beetles" blocked the whole passage of the nest, which made Baron Dubois have no place to dodge.

If it is someone else, they must retreat quickly in order to avoid being hit by the charge of the beetle.

However, Baron Du Bois was a flash, facing the two beetles.

When the beetle became a puppet, the greatest impact was wisdom. The spiders controlling the body of the beetle were limited in intelligence. Most of them relied on the fighting instinct of the beetle.

The defense of the beetle is very strong. Even if it is cut by ordinary level 3 weapons, the damage will be very low.

However, Baron Du Bois had a level 4 Epee in his hand. His fighting instinct did not change the way of fighting because of the level 4 epee. He still ran into Baron dupois.

This is the defect brought about by the wisdom of the "armor breaking longhorn beetle". If it was a "piercing longhorn beetle" when it saw the light of the fourth level weapons, it would not have hit hard like this.

In the sound of two broken wind, the heads of two puppets were cut off by the fourth level Epee, and two spiders came out of the ears of the beetle and were killed by Baron Dubois.

Baron Dubois made a general gesture to the man behind him that he could follow.

After passing through a 20 meter passage, they saw a huge cave.

The cave is full of spider silk, and some of them are bound with Zerg. These should be the food of "half body spiders".

Baron Dubois glanced at it and found no half body spider.

He had guessed for a long time, otherwise there would not be only two puppets in the nest, and when he was fighting with the puppet, the "half body spider" would have come out to fight.

"Tell David and Miller to watch out for spiders!" Baron Dubois said to the others as he rushed out of the cave.

There is no "half body spider" here, so once the "half body spider" comes back from the outside, the knight David and miller who stay outside the nest will bear the brunt.

After Baron Dubois led his team into the nest, David let the shadow boy fly up into the sky and watch carefully.

Suddenly, on the other side of the mountain, he saw a group of 15 Zerg, all kinds of Zerg, moving towards this side.

"Miller, do you have a way to isolate your body's breath?" David asked Knight Miller immediately when he saw the strange spider in the middle through the shadow attendant.

"Yes!" Knight Miller saw David's serious face and knew something was wrong. He nodded back.

"Use it for yourself, and put this in your mouth!" David took out a respirator and threw it to Knight Miller.

Knight Miller did not speak. He immediately took out a magic amulet, activated it, and put the respirator into his mouth.

There is a thin energy shield on the knight Miller, which completely isolates his breath. Even if David is so close, he can't feel it.

"After using this" magic amulet "for isolating breath, you can't move your body. Once you move, the effect of isolating breath will disappear." Said Knight Miller, keeping his body still.

David nodded. He grabbed Knight Miller with one hand, and then used the ability of "sneak underground". A crack appeared in the ground, and he and Miller went underground.

David didn't want to get away from the Zerg in other ways, but he was on the top of the mountain. Whenever the Zerg over there came to this position, he would be found by the Zerg wherever he fled.

The nest is chosen to be the top of the mountain, with excellent view of the surrounding areas.

That's why David could have discovered the Zerg in advance, otherwise the Zerg would have found him any closer.

There is another reason for David to make this decision. He has a good chance to judge that the spider in the middle is a "half body spider".

David has never seen the appearance of "half body spider" of the fourth level Zerg, but through this name, we can imagine the appearance of "half body spider".

David through the shadow of the eyes to see that strange spider, has a huge spider chassis, in the spider head position, but has a similar human upper body.

If it wasn't for the slender forelimbs on the back of the upper body and the Zerg eyes and mouthparts on the head, David would have thought the spider was a mixture of humans and spiders.

David has seen a lot of Zerg over the years, and a lot of them are disgusting.But after seeing the "half body spider", he still had a strong sense of vomiting.

When Knight Miller felt his body descending to the ground, he immediately released his breath. He had been rescued by David using this method before. He knew that David must have met a very terrible enemy by using this method.

There is no need to say that there is only one enemy that can be met here, that is, the level 4 Zerg "halfbody spider".

As long as Knight Miller thought of the knight of the Hadow family, his heart was filled with fear.

He doesn't want to be a puppet like that knight. A spider enters his brain and controls him to become a living corpse.

David took the knight Miller and dived 10 meters below the ground, and immediately dived in the direction of the nest. He knew that Baron Dubois was in the nest, and it was safe to have Baron Dubois there.

Just ten seconds after David and knight Miller dived into the ground, fourteen puppet protected "half body spiders" came to the nest.

"Half body spider" that strange face showed a trace of doubt, it forced to smell the breath here, immediately it roared.

Among these smells, it smells human.

Baron Dubois did not hide his breath because he came to fight with "half body spider", which made the breath of staying here very obvious.

In addition, there is no Zerg that dares to approach in the far area around the "halfling spider" nest. Any nearby Zerg will be torn up by puppets.

So these faint smells are particularly obvious here, and the "halfling spider" can easily find the intruder.

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Just as the "halfling spider" roared, Baron Dubois and knight Cade rushed out of their nests. Behind them were three extraordinary men.

"According to the plan, Knight Cade and I will resist the half body spiders, and you will clean up these puppets!" Exclaimed Baron Dubois.

Then he rushed to the "half body spider". At the same time, a white sword light stretched out from the fourth level epee and chopped at the "half body spider".

At the same time, the "half body spider" waved a piece of spider silk and covered the two knights.

Baron Dubois and knight Cade's charge suddenly turned and rushed out of the way, just to avoid the spider's silk.

Even as strong as Baron Dubois, he did not dare to contact the silk from the "half body spider".

He and the knight Cade need to lead the "half body spider" aside and fight the remaining puppets by three extraordinary people. Otherwise, they will be hard to concentrate on fighting the "half body spider" because of the influence of the puppets.

Of course, "halfling spider" will not let Baron Dubois leave. There are rules within Zerg. Powerful Zerg can't make it into a puppet.

Although there is a fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen" behind the "half body spider", this rule still needs to be observed on the surface.

"Half body spider" really wants to make a level 4 Zerg puppet, but even if it makes a level 4 Zerg puppet, it can only be used secretly.

Now when we meet Baron Dubois, a human being whose strength is not much different from that of the fourth level Zerg, the "halfling spider" immediately takes it as the best material. Making Baron Dubois into a puppet will greatly increase its strength.

Especially knight puppets like Baron Dubois are not within the Zerg rules and can be carried with them.

Baron Dubois and knight Cade swam away with "half body spiders" and some puppets, while the three extraordinary men also blocked the five puppets.

These fourteen puppets are all the puppets transformed from the third level Zerg. If it is a real five level three Zerg, the three extraordinary can not be enemies, but the five third level Zerg puppets are much easier to deal with.

The three supernatural beings here are the top of the battle star's extraordinary combat power. The five level 3 Zerg puppets lack intelligence and cannot use special abilities. They can only be regarded as having the body of level 3 Zerg, but they are mentally retarded in terms of strength and speed.

"Give me three seconds and I'll deal with this one!" Barkley said in a deep voice.

Brown and Fenwick immediately blocked the other four third level Zerg puppets. Brown took out a third level shield, one shield and one epee.

Brown Chaofan withstood the attack of three Zerg puppets alone. Fenwick Chaofan also waved a heavy axe of level three to block another third level Zerg puppet.

"Barkley, don't take more than three seconds. If it's more than three seconds, you'll take my corpse!" Exclaimed brown.

"Good!" Buckley supernormal has rushed to the single third level Zerg puppet, and answers on the way.

Buckley knows how to kill the third level Zerg puppet. When he rushes to the third level Zerg puppet and is about to collide with the third level Zerg puppet, his figure suddenly speeds up. In a flash, he lets the third level Zerg puppet pass him.

Buckley's body soared and landed on the back of the third level Zerg puppet.He wielded the third level epee and cut three swords in succession on the neck of the third level Zerg puppet, and the head of the third level Zerg puppet was cut off in this way.

Buckley has no time to be complacent. Although his Epee master is not as abnormal as David's, he is also a top Epee master.

This kind of skilful fighting style is the best way for the third level Zerg puppets, which are mentally retarded Zerg.

If the level-3 Zerg puppets are in war, their combat power is not much different from that of the normal level-3 Zerg. However, there are huge defects in dealing with smart and technical strong ones at the same level.

Buckley speeded up to brown and shared a level 3 Zerg puppet for him.

"Just two seconds!" Barkley said with an extraordinary laugh.

"I'll open the area for you. This time, you can do it in a few seconds!" Brown said to Buckley while using his shield and Epee to attract two third level Zerg puppets.

Brown Chaofan seems relaxed, but in fact it is very dangerous. The strength of these three levels of Zerg puppets has not been weakened. Each blow can damage his body. In a short period of two seconds, the corners of his mouth shed blood.

He used a third level healing potion to hold back the injury for a short time.

"Kill!" The third level Epee in Buckley's hands flashed white light, and a white pattern appeared, flying into the body of the third level Zerg puppet in front of him.

This third level Zerg puppet is slow. This is the third level Epee in Buckley's hands, which has a "deceleration" effect.

At such a critical time, he did not reserve it, and he was going all out.

The "slow down" effect can only slow down the level 3 Zerg Golem by one second at most, but in this kind of combat, one second is enough.

Buckley supernatural once again wielded his epee and chopped all three times in the same position, so that the head of the third level Zerg puppet was cut off.

"Brown, two seconds!" Barkley said triumphantly.

He and brown Chaofan share two third level Zerg puppets, each blocking a third level Zerg puppet.

"Barkley, look who's quick to kill!" Brown is finally given a one-on-one chance, he exclaimed.

As he said this, a white light flashed on his third level epee. Then his opponent's third level Zerg puppet was stagnant, which was the "deceleration" effect of his epee.

Later, brown Chaofan cut off the head of the third level Zerg puppet in succession. Instead of looking at Barkley's extraordinary results, he rushed to Fenwick.

"Brown, you're cheating!" It took Buckley about five seconds to kill the third level Zerg puppet. He also rushed to help Fenwick supernormal, complaining.

He broke out in succession, and his body became tired. In addition, the "deceleration" effect on Epee was used once. Today's "deceleration" was used up. Of course, the speed of the third battle could not be as fast as before.

Brown can certainly achieve the fastest results by using the "deceleration" effect of the "quasi extraordinary weapon" of level 3 epee. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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