Transcendent David

Chapter 514: CH 514

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Although the two extraordinary people talk about competition, they are actually trying to solve their opponents faster. The faster they solve the battle, the less pressure Baron Dubois will have.

Under the siege of three extraordinary people, the head of the last third level Zerg puppet here was also beheaded after a few seconds.

"Baron Dubois, give us some more!" Barkley exclaimed to Baron Dubois.

"Follow carefully!" Said Baron Dubois, laughing.

He and the rider Cade speed up. At the same time, the two knights cut out two sword lights to slow down the body shape of the two third level Zerg puppets. The Epee in the hands of the two knights also shows a "deceleration" pattern, slowing down the speed of the other two Zerg puppets.

Three extraordinary people immediately step forward and block the four third level Zerg puppets.

At this time, David and knight Miller were 10 meters underground of the nest. Knight Miller used the "magic amulet" of isolation. In addition, he was in the ground. Even if the "half body spider" wanted to find him, it was difficult to find him.

"Miller, you stay here, and I'll see it!" Because the Miller Knight's situation at this time is best not to move, so David said to the Miller knight.

How could Knight Miller refuse? He didn't even dare to move. Although the ground could not feel the outside situation, the continuous violent vibration from the ground could explain the problem.

David also wants to see what's good in the nest of level 4 Zerg "halflings". This is the nest of level 4 Zerg, which is enough to make him curious. At this time, the battle is outside the nest, and is moving away from the nest.

He dived from the ground to the ground, and after leaving the ground, he appeared in the cave of his nest.

David saw that there were at least ten third level Zerg bodies wrapped in spider silk, and dozens of second level Zerg corpses. He did not move them. These were all our booty. Before Baron Dubois and others had entered the nest, they could find them.

He wanted to see if there was anything special, that was his goal.

David looked around in the cave. He had been watching the battle outside through the shadow guards. It seemed that the battle would not come to an end for a while. He still had some time.

There are a lot of valuable things in the cave, such as grade 3 materials, which are thrown away here. It seems that this "halfling spider" does not like to use grade 3 materials as food.

But now David's demand for grade three materials is not much, he is more to satisfy his curiosity.

After a visit to the cave, David was disappointed. Although the "half body spider" had a lot of wealth, it could not make him feel bright in front of his eyes.

This is also related to David's vision. In the early days, David would be surprised to see a special ore, but now he has a lot of resources. He has passed that period long ago.

David shook his head. There was nothing in the cave that he liked, but he didn't feel too disappointed. Baron Dubois had looked at it for a long time. If there was something good, Baron Dubois would have discovered it.

"Eh?" Just when he was disappointed, he saw a huge rock in the corner of the cave. The rock was too big to move with his strength.

David paid attention to the rock because the edge of the rock was so smooth that it seemed that something often came into contact with it, which made the edge of the rock so smooth.

David gives out his spirit. His spirit can extend to 100 meters. Although it will weaken a lot through the rock, it should not be a problem to penetrate this rock.

He released the spirit, spirit through the rock, but was blocked by a barrier, the spirit can not go further.

David is not surprised but happy. His spirit can't go through it. It shows that there are some special objects on the side of the rock. Otherwise, it will not happen.

He did not dare to recall the shadow attendant, who had to stay outside the cave. Otherwise, he would be in trouble if the "halfling spider" entered the cave.

David waited for a while, and his ability to "sneak underground" recovered. A crack appeared in the boulder in front of him. He entered the crack.

After passing through these boulders, David can find the associated rocks about three meters thick.

To be honest, David was very disappointed after the discovery of kryptonite associated rocks.

Kryptonite is the most abundant crystal in warstar. No matter how you dig the kryptonite here, you can't take kryptonite away from warstar without permission. This is kryptonite crystal in Zerg occupied area, which is regarded as military goods.

No matter where you get krypton crystals, the military won't allow them to leave.

Space objects can be filled with some, but how much space items can be loaded, plus the value of space objects themselves, is absolutely a great waste.

David still passes through kryptonite associated rocks, which can isolate spirit and scanning, but as long as they are rocks, they are controlled by the ability of "underground stealth".Through the kryptonite associated stone, David did not see kryptonite, but a green blood pool appeared.

This is supposed to be a secret room. The "half body spider" has arranged a blood pool filled with Zerg blood. Several shining stones completely illuminate the 40 square space.

David is a little strange. The nest of the "half body spider" is only a "half body spider", and the rest are puppets, even in a large area nearby.

How can the "halfling spider" need to arrange such a worm blood pool in such a secret place and make such a strange room!

David's heart doubt, he carefully close to the blood pool, suddenly he stood firm, his body hair erect.

Had it not been for his sense of danger that he had not been alerted, he would have turned around and fled.

Because David saw the figure soaked in the green blood pool. It was a huge Zerg with a body length of 20 meters.

The Zerg's body is black, with a streamlined beauty, just like a warship designed for flying in the air.

"Sonic boomers!" David has seen images of this Zerg more than once, of course, in movies.

The reason why this "sonic boom iron beetle" appears in a large number of movies is very simple. This is a fourth level Zerg, and it is also a special troop transporting Zerg among Zerg.

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The name "sonic boom iron beetle" was first named only because every time it appeared in the atmosphere, it was accompanied by sound of sonic boom.

The sonic boom beetle has the strength and body of the fourth level Zerg. Its combat power is very common among the fourth level Zerg. Its difference lies in a special space inside its body, which can hold a large number of life bodies and carry them to fly at high speed in the atmosphere and space.

In those films, "sonic boomers" appeared with sonic booms, followed by the release of hundreds of various Zerg.

Long ago, David was curious about how the sonic boomerang beetle could store so many Zerg in his body. He didn't expect a sonic boom beetle to appear in front of him.

David could sense the vitality of the sonic boom beetle when it was immersed in the blood pool. The beetle was still alive.

Although David is afraid of higher creatures when he looks at the sonic boom beetle, his perception tells him that there is no danger here.

This feeling is very strange, but David believes in his own perception. The eyes can deceive you, but the perception will not. He relies on the perception of danger to survive the crisis after crisis.

Among all the attributes of David, his spirit is the strongest, which is also his advantage. Perception comes from the spirit. Of course, he will believe in his strongest ability.

David approached the blood pool carefully. At this time, he was very close to the sonic boom beetle, so close that he could reach out and touch the fourth level Zerg.

It was not until then that he could be sure that although the "sonic boom" beetle was still alive, it was only the body of the beetle that was alive.

David did not know what method the "halfling spider" used. He actually kept the body of the sonic boom iron beetle, but wiped its soul out of the body.

David is so familiar with the soul of life that whoever has absorbed tens of thousands of souls will do so.

In fact, this is what the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen" behind the "half body spider" has prepared for the "half body spider". The strength of "half body spider" is one aspect, but its puppet is also an important part of its strength.

If you carry more puppets with you, you can improve the strength of "half body spider".

The sonic boomerang beetle is very special. It is a fourth level Zerg with a variety of special abilities. These special abilities do not help much in fighting, but they are of great help to the "half body spider" which can make puppets.

Therefore, the "half body Spider Queen" violated the rules of the Zerg, and prepared this level 4 Zerg "sonic explosion iron beetle" for the "half body spider", and used special means to erase the soul of the "sonic exploded iron beetle", leaving only a body.

If you want to retain the special ability of the sonic blasted iron beetle, you can't let its body die. If you make corpse puppets like usual, you will lose its special ability.

This blood pool is the place where special puppets are made.

The "half body spider" almost killed all the Zerg people around the territory for the sake of this "sonic blasted iron beetle". A large amount of the blood of the second and third level Zerg people irrigated the "sonic explosive iron beetle".

Seeing that the puppet of the sonic boom iron beetle was about to succeed, Baron Dubois brought people here.

If Baron Dubois comes late for a while, it is likely that they will not have to face a "half body spider", but an "sonic boom iron beetle".Even if the "sonic blaster" is weak, it is a level 4 Zerg, and it is also a level 4 Zerg that is good at speed. If it really fights, it will be a great threat to Baron Dubois and Baron dupois.

The "sonic boom" iron beetle's fighting style is very simple and crude, with speed and strength. It doesn't need any skills. It attacks the enemy through constant impact.

David looked at the sound blasted iron beetle and didn't know what to do for a moment!

It's the best way to kill the sonic blaster beetle and take out the material from its body. But he has a lot of reluctance in his heart. A fourth level Zerg without soul can only kill it to get materials.

What's more, David can't guarantee that although the "sonic boom" beetle has no soul, he will react instinctively when he starts to attack him.

Although it is said that if humans lose their soul, they will not be able to move their bodies, but the situation in humans can not be applied to Zerg.

Especially in front of this strange situation, no one can say what will happen.

David looked at the big guy in front of him, and suddenly he felt that since this "sonic boom iron beetle" has lost its soul, it is impossible to control its soul without the ability to resist.

He didn't know what way the halfling spider was going to use to control the sonic boom beetle, but he had his own way.

Since David's spirit has exceeded 8:00, he has not used the "mental sleep" ability. Previously, his "mental sleep" ability can only control the second level Zerg.

This is a fourth level Zerg. David has no confidence in controlling the sonic boom beetle.

But David wants to give it a try. If he doesn't try such a good chance, he will definitely regret it later.

From the wall of the soul fortress, he triggered the "bewitching pattern" which had been pregnant for a long time. This "bewitching pattern" has not been used since the last evolution of the soul fortress, and has been bred here.

The "bewitching pattern" flies out of David's soul, into the green blood pool, and into the head of the sonic boom beetle.

The sound blasted iron beetle has only an empty soul shell, which is the handwriting of the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen", and the "half body Spider Queen" also left orders to make the sound explosion iron beetle more controllable.

Without this command, even David's use of the "enchantment pattern" will not affect the empty soul shell, because this is the spirit shell of the fourth level Zerg, and its level has long been beyond the control range of the "bewitching pattern".

The "bewitching pattern" absorbs the energy from the empty shell of the soul, and the "bewitching pattern" becomes larger and larger, and finally fills the whole empty soul shell.

No "bewitching pattern" has ever been able to grow with the spirit energy of level 4 Zerg. Even the "bewitching brain worm" can not imagine the end of this growth.

Standing by the blood pool, David was very anxious. As he paced back and forth, a soul connection appeared in his soul. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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