Transcendent David

Chapter 520: CH 520

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In the morning, it's rare for David to stay with the pony and play with him.

It was not until lieutenant moson came to remind David that lunch time was up that David took the horse back and called him into the ring. Xiaobai also returned to David's wrist.

At the end of lunch, Lt. Morson accompanied David to the army headquarters with six of David's men in the "wings of death" assault ship.

Sitting on the Deathwing assault ship, David found that not only was the area close to the line of defense, but more troops were stationed in the rear.

Innumerable barracks almost occupied the whole area, and large transport ships in the sky constantly transported materials.

Warstar can only transport materials from outside for a period of time every day, so in order to maintain the consumption of so many troops, large transport ships use every moment regardless of cost.

The atmosphere of war pervaded the whole battle star. David did not know how many soldiers here could survive after the war.

This is not what he can do. Even though he is powerful, he is only a person, not to mention he can barely fight with the third level Zerg. However strong the Zerg is, he can only avoid it.

The closer we get to the military headquarters, the more barracks there are. A hundred kilometers away from the headquarters, a large number of small warships hover in the sky.

Because of the special environment of Battlestar, the role of large warships is very small, because a large number of energy weapons can not be used, and the consumption of engines is increased, which also makes large warships less flexible and faster than small warships.

At present, the only shipborne weapon that can be used in Battlestar is Gauss gun. This kind of single shot shipborne weapon with similar design as sniper gun can be equipped with dozens of small warships. The number of small warships can also play a role in suppressing.

However, in the Battlestar environment, small warships and flying Zerg can not fight. After a war, the loss of small warships will be amazing.

So in normal times, warships are not allowed to participate in the war on Battlestar, but once such a comprehensive war is started, the military headquarters will no longer consider the problem of attrition.

Since the "wings of death" assault ship entered the 100 km range of the military headquarters, it has received many authentication requests.

Finally, when they arrived at the military headquarters five kilometers away, they were asked to park the "death wing" assault ship on the tarmac five kilometers away, and were not allowed to approach any more.

David also understood that it was a time of war and everything was going on according to the state of war. The military headquarters was the command organization of the federal army on the Battlestar, and strict security review was inevitable.

"How do you do, Lieutenant Colonel David. See you again!" It was still the major and adjutant of general Adams who came to meet David. He gave him a military salute with a smile.

"Hello, please pick me up!" David returned with a military salute.

"General Adams asked me to tell you that this medal presentation ceremony is very simple. The situation is changing too fast to give you a grand award ceremony!" Said the major's adjutant as he guided David into the levitation car.

"I understand that!" David replied with a smile.

The floating car went to the army headquarters. Obviously, it had special authority. It went directly into the garage of the military headquarters. Then, through the special elevator, the lieutenant general led David to the door of a meeting room.

"Report!" Exclaimed the major's adjutant at the door.

"Come in!" Inside came the voice of general Adams.

"Colonel David, please!" The major's deputy opened the door for David.

When David walked into the conference room, he saw general Adams and three other generals, all of whom had the rank of lieutenant general or above. Even if David didn't know them, he knew that they should all be real power figures in the military department.

Next to the four generals, three extraordinary men who had spent several days of adventure with David were smiling at him.

These three extraordinary people are Barkley, brown and Fenwick. They heard that today is David's badge day, and they also applied to participate in the award ceremony.

"Sniper beetle", "master of heavy axe", Lieutenant Colonel David, for your outstanding military service, I present you with the highest military medal "national soldier" on behalf of the federal command General Adams said in a deep voice as David approached.

David was wearing a school uniform with two medals pinned to his chest.

General Adams took the medal of "statesman" from the hand of a major's deputy and put it on David's chest beside the two original medals. The light of the medal immediately suppressed the two medals.

"May you make more contributions to the Federation in the future." General Adams stepped back two steps, looked at David and said with a smile.

"For the union!" David exclaimed.

Several generals and extraordinary people around applauded and congratulated.

"David, this award ceremony is in a hurry. I hope you can understand that I left first because I have something important to discuss with some generals." General Adams said sorry to David.

"I see. Please do your work." David responded respectfully.General Adams and several generals need to manage a large number of troops of Battlestar, and their daily affairs are very busy. Now there are so many new troops, we can imagine how busy they are.

David did not think that today's award ceremony is too simple. The appearance of four generals and three top-level extraordinary shows that the military department attaches great importance to this matter.

"Master David, you are the youngest winner of the medal of" national scholar ". Congratulations After the four generals left, Barkley came forward with a smile and congratulated.

"Buckley is extraordinary. If you want to, it should be easy to get the medal of" statesman " David said with a smile.

What David said is not bad at all. Buckley's extraordinary contribution to the union is very great. Buckley's extraordinary service can always win the medal of "statesman".

It is only normal to say that these extraordinary people will exchange their fighting achievements for corresponding resources, rather than honor, after they have obtained corresponding combat merits.

"Respect for any person is the greatest honor in any place.

The honor brought by the "national scholar" medal is still a little worse than that of the "extraordinary" honor.

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"Master David, it's only time for you to become extraordinary at your growth rate. However, it's a great honor in life to get the medal of" national scholar "before that." Brown said with an extraordinary smile.

"Thank you for your compliment David said humbly.

"Master David, I want to ask you something!" Buckley looked around and said, "there are only three of them and David. The major's deputy has walked out of the room.

"Say it, please." When David saw Buckley's solemn face, he was stunned and didn't understand what he was up to.

"The military department wants to set up a quick support team. The team members will be made up of the ten most powerful fighters. I hope you can join the team. We need your ability!" Barkley asked.

"Barkley is extraordinary. I know my ability. What I'm good at is sniping. Salute Lieutenant Morson stood up straight and saluted David.

The six Warriors also saluted David in the same way. Their eyes were burning at the medal.

This is the difference between the extraordinary and ordinary people. The "Guoshi" medal is only a good medal for the extraordinary, but it is the highest honor for ordinary soldiers.

The "national scholar" medal is the highest medal that a soldier can obtain. Every owner of the medal can be respected by everyone.

The corresponding "national scholar" medal also has a lot of treatment. For example, when David wears the "national scholar" medal, no one can take the initiative to attack him or even insult him. Once someone does this, it will be disrespectful to the "national scholar" medal and a provocation to the military headquarters.

Of course, if the interests are large enough, the "national scholar" medal is not a talisman.

The owner of the "national scholar" medal can pass through any area that needs to buy tickets.

The owner of the "national scholar" medal has a monthly subsidy, which is of no use to David. However, this is also the federal support for the medal. In addition, tax exemption is the best interest.

The rest of the invisible help is too much. In work and life, the owner of the "national scholar" medal has more convenience than others.

Of course, the most important thing about the medal is honor. After years of propaganda, this honor has penetrated into the hearts of every federate.

David paid a salute to lieutenant Morson and the six Oracle soldiers.

Lieutenant Morson had known the situation in advance. Although he could still control his excitement, the six warriors looked at David's "national soldier" medal from time to time.

David shook his head. He replaced the school uniform. Even in federally controlled areas on Battlestar, he needed to be careful. He couldn't even take part in the battle.

With exoskeleton armor, David put all his weapons on board, which allowed lieutenant Morson to return in the death wing assault ship.

Just a few dozen kilometers away from the base headquarters, the "death wing" assault ship heard a sharp howl.

The voice was very strange, as if it were ringing in the ears of people.

David even appeared in his mind the shadow of the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen". He had a feeling that the owner of the sound was "half body spider back".

"Meet!" Then a voice said in the language of God's great world.

The voice was also ringing in the ears of the people.

At the same time, not only on the Deathwing assault ship, but everyone in the Battlestar front-line area heard the voice.

"All out war begins!" Murmured lieutenant Morson.

Lieutenant moson has not experienced the total war before, but he has also read a lot of relevant information and knows some details of the total war.

Neither the level 5 Zerg nor the most powerful in God's big world will directly participate in the war, but they are the supervisors of the war. Both sides need to prevent the other side from having more powerful players than agreed."Biggest engine, let's go back quickly!" David immediately ordered.

First lieutenant Morson pushed the engine power of the death wing to the top. The engine roared and the assault ship sped up.

"Commander David, report your position?" From David's identity Bracelet came the extraordinary voice of babenton.

With the coming of war, the identity and body rings of all people are no longer closed, and they are forced to be opened. They are completely open to the commanders according to the relative authority.

This is the case with David, whose identity bracelet has received an extraordinary call from Babington without any operation.

"General babenton, this is my position. I'll be back at headquarters in a minute!" David replied as he shared the location with babenton.

"You don't have to go back to the headquarters. Go to the front base line immediately. Support the defense with Augustine. I'll be in charge of command in the rear!" Babenton ordered.

"Yes, general babenton!" David can only take orders at this time.

The "wing of death" assault ship passed over the base headquarters, did not stop, and continued to fly to the defense line 20 kilometers away.

Two kilometers from the line, Lieutenant moson did not dare to fly forward.

In the sky ahead, from the Zerg side, there are energy pillars shooting towards this side. In the sky, some flying ships that have no time to dodge are hit, and then explode and disintegrate in the air.

David opens the door of the death wing.

"Stop your assault ships and come back to me!" David flashed out of the assault ship and, using the short wings behind the exoskeleton armor, flew towards the line of defense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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