Transcendent David

Chapter 521: CH 521

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David flashed past several energy pillars, which, with his perception of danger, could not pose a threat to him at all.

In the air, he saw more clearly, 5000 meters away from the line of defense, a large number of Zerg gathered there.

And there are many Zerg are gathering there, 5000 meters away on the ground there are countless caves, each hole in the stream of Zerg.

The number of these Zerg is amazing, and there are a large number of secondary Zerg.

David could not help but be shocked. He did not have any confidence that such a swarm of insects could be blocked by the strength of the fourth front base line.

Although David's individual combat power is good, he is not the real commander of the base. In addition, he was not in the base for a period of time, so he does not know much about the overall situation of the base.

When he reached the defense line, David was surprised to find that the number of defense walls increased from 15 to 30. The number of Gauss guns above the walls was obviously enhanced by several times.

David saw the battle of the armour, which was lined up in front of the defensive wall below. He saw Augustine with a third class shield and eighteen knights in armor standing in the battle.

David descended from the air to Augustine's extraordinary side, and Augustine also saw David.

"David, you've come here at last. I don't feel confident without you!" Said Augustine, with an extraordinary laugh.

"In this kind of war, I'm afraid the influence of personal combat power will not be much." David can see better than everyone here, so he said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, the military department has prepared for this war for more than 30 years, and there is no problem in fighting this war with the resources accumulated in more than 30 years!" Augustine was extraordinary, and then he thought that David was the first to participate in this kind of war, and said to David with a smile.

Other places Augustine did not know, but in the fourth front base defense line, as long as David is here, at least level three Zerg can't do too much damage, as long as this is guaranteed, the defense here will not be in trouble.

"God belongs to the big world, and they have taken the initiative to send so many Knights here!" David looked at the direction of the eighteen knights and said to Augustine.

"These knights are to deal with the third level Zerg. There is a strong one stationed in the Battle Fortress. The one can cooperate with the knight to block the fourth level Zerg!" Said Augustine, glancing at the Knights.

In large-scale wars, when there are more than three levels of Zerg, the federal army can't resist it. In terms of high-end combat effectiveness, the Federation is far less than God in the big world.

But similarly, after the number of primary and secondary Zerg has increased many times, if there is no federal army to block the first and second level Zerg, the powerful of God's big world alone will not be able to resist the insect tide.

"What about Benton and Garth?" David looked around and asked.

"Benton joined the spear battle, where he could surprise, and Garth was in charge of the battle." Replied Augustine transcendently.

After Augustine remind, David also found two extraordinary.

Just to David's surprise, Benton's "extraordinary armor" is also covered with an exoskeleton armor, which hides the green light of "extraordinary armor".

Although Garth was not wearing an exoskeleton armor, he also wore a military uniform to cover up the light of the "extraordinary armor".

David looked at Augustine again. Augustine was wearing "extraordinary armor" and the green light of his third grade shield made him stand out in the whole battle.

"Don't look, they are responsible for fighting. As long as the Zerg see the light of" extraordinary armor ", they will attack crazily and drag the extraordinary. They can fight better by camouflage. As for me, I am the one who attracts the swarm of insects." Augustine extraordinary will three grade big shield heavy hit on the ground, said with a smile.

David nodded, and he understood the three extraordinary ideas.

"Augustine, I'll be in the sniper position above your head. You won't be in danger!" David said, pointing to the sniper hole above.

"Ha ha, don't worry about sniping. Unless I fall down, I won't let the Zerg interfere with you!" Augustine returned with a laugh.

David and Augustine farewell, he soon came to the sniper position, and babenton extraordinary informed his position.

This sniper position is set by the base headquarters, not selected by David. There is a sniper position prompt on his identity bracelet.

David put the grower and grower sniper guns on the ground to prepare for the fight.

"Lieutenant Colonel David, this is the supply applied for by the logistics department for you. There are 3000 class II Sniper bullets, 3000 super caliber class II Sniper bullets, and 1000 super caliber class III sniper bullets. As we said, we can provide you with more sniper bullets at any time!" Lieutenant Morson soon arrived and reported to David.

Second lieutenant Morson and six warriors placed several ammunition boxes beside David. Instead of making a sound, they began to help David remove the sniper bullets.In the direction of the Zerg, a third level Zerg, the one eyed giant beetle, stands at the front of the swarm, makes a roar in the direction of the defense line, and then turns around and makes an inflammatory noise towards the Zerg.

The swarm began to boil, and the calls of all kinds of Zerg began to ring. Even at the defense line 5000 meters away, you could hear the piercing and disturbing calls.

All the beetles clenched their weapons. Even the veterans were nervous. Most of them didn't take part in the last all-out war.

Having experienced hundreds of thousands of insect blooms many times, veterans can tell that the number of insects is far more than 100000.

In fact, if you look from the air, this wave of insects is almost impossible to see. The accumulation of Zerg over the years will be released quickly through this war.

"Keep fighting, and you are safe in battle!" Exclaimed Augustine.

After Augustine's extraordinary reminder, the commanders of the first class also reminded them in their own teams, and the battle lines that had just been affected recovered again.

The entire fourth front base line was quiet, with only the Zerg howling from afar.

At this time, Augustine felt the air vibration above his head, and his eyes saw a fire from the sniper's position.

The "one eyed giant beetle" in the distance is still standing where it is. Instead of facing the defense wall, it is facing the insect tide. Its task is to arouse the excitement of the swarm and stimulate its bloodthirsty.

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The one eyed giant beetle is obviously successful. It makes the swarm crazy with just a few calls.

It's just that the one eyed beetle is wrong. It stands within 5000 meters of David's straight line, which is a safe distance for other sniper beetles. But David's roarer sniper rifle has a range of 5000 meters.

If the "one eyed beetle" does not turn around, it may come and react to a 5000 meter straight line sniper, but it turns its back to David at this time.

The most terrifying thing about David's sniping is not penetration. Every "sniper master" uses a super large caliber sniper gun, and the power is not much different.

David's most successful is to completely hide his killing intention and breath, which makes even if he shoots a sniper bullet, he will not make the sniper pay attention to it. Unless the sniper knows that he is being sniped and pays attention in advance, it can only be found that the sniper bullet flies into his warning range.

The warning range of the third level Zerg is 100 meters. The distance of 100 meters is only the instantaneous distance for super large caliber sniper bullets. At this time, it is very difficult for the level 3 Zerg to react.

Not to mention that the monocular beetle's attention is entirely on morale building, not on itself.

The super large caliber three-level sniper bullet flew over a distance of 5000 meters. As soon as the "one eyed giant beetle" felt wrong, the sniper bullet hit the back of its head.

The hindbrain is an extremely dangerous area where only one layer of skin and skull protects the most vulnerable brain.

David's sniping went a step further. He was already very familiar with the beetle. When he aimed, he chose the gap in the skull of the beetle.

This is very difficult for the rest of the sniper beetles, but for David, who has a strong spirit, these calculations are only instantaneous results.

The super large caliber three-level sniper bullet passed through the hind brain skin of the "one eyed giant beetle" and hit the joint gap on its skull. The bearing capacity here is weaker than that of the skull, and the impact force of the sniper bullet penetrating the gap is no longer large.

But there is a fragile brain in front of it. The super large caliber three-level sniper bullet rolls around in the brain of the "one eyed giant beetle" for several times, turning its brain into a paste.

At the time when the swarm was most excited, a green blood flower appeared on the head of the "one eyed giant beetle", and then the "one eyed giant beetle" fell in front of countless Zerg.

The howl of the swarm suddenly stopped. Because of its high height, the one eyed beetle was chosen to provoke the swarm, but now it is the reason that more Zerg can see it being sniped.

Babenton, who was in command from the rear, saw this amazing scene through the video in front of him. He couldn't help but open his mouth and stayed for a moment.

But soon his responsibility as a commander woke him up and he understood what had just happened.

"Immediately cast the video of David's killing the" one eyed giant beetle "in front of the front-line base defense line and the rear units, so that all the soldiers participating in the war can see this scene!" Said babenton in a loud voice.

Babenton was very aware of the importance of morale in the war, and David's long-range sniping was a boost.

With babenton's extraordinary order, the fourth front base line defense and the rear reserve team saw that amazing blow.

From the arrogant provocation of the "one eyed giant beetle", then turning around, to David's sniping, to the fall of the "one eyed giant beetle" in front of the swarm, and finally the whole swarm is quiet, as if frightened.At the line of defense, a huge projection appeared in front of the battle line. All the warriors saw the process of David's sniping.

"David, invincible!" I don't know who called first, and then all the beetles cried out.

From the front line, he heard the cry of the troops from the rear.

David saw the projection in front of him. He was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the process of his sniping would become propaganda.

But he didn't pay any more attention to this, and even to the shouting after that, because the insect tide was completely infuriated by David's counter provocation.

The insect tide began to surge towards the defense line. In the past, the scope of the insect swarm could still be seen when the 100000 insect swarm charged. However, today's insect tide is totally different, and almost endless Zerg are rushing towards this side.

The shadow boy has been flying into the sky for a long time. David is in the best state of sniping. He is waiting. His "growler sniper gun" is loaded with super large caliber class III sniper bullets.

The second level Zerg is not his primary target at present. This is mainly because there are too many secondary Zerg. Even if he kills a few Zerg, it will not affect the situation.

David's sniping target is still concentrated on the three Zerg, which is the real threat to the defense line of terror.

Just as David scanned the three Zerg figures through his shadow servant's eyes, he suddenly found that there was a burning light in the distance, even in the daytime.

He was high enough to see thousands of "popcorn" at a distance of about 8000 meters.

These "popcorn" are gathering energy, and David has a sense of danger in his mind.

His hand in front of a press, sniper hole from the top, bottom, left and right four directions to the inside of a number of armor plates, the sniper hole blocked.

Just as David finished this move, the "popcorn" swarm 8000 meters away completed the energy gathering, and a hot energy beam shot forward. The target was David's sniper position.

This is the Zerg's revenge for David's sniping. Like a human sniper beetle, popcorn can launch long-range energy attacks.

It's just that a "popcorn" can only attack at a distance of about 2000 meters at most. However, many of the "popsicles" together can shoot energy attacks over long distances.

David's sniping just now, through the Zerg near the "one eyed giant beetle" through instinct analysis of David's trajectory, and then pass the results to the "burst squirrels" group, can immediately fight back.

Zerg, who specialize in one item, is more terrifying in talent than humans.

The energy beam hit the sniper hole on the defense wall. However, David discovered in advance that the defense wall itself has a special defense against the "popcorn" energy attack, and has multiple armor plates. This energy beam only penetrates several armor plates, and does not affect David after the sniper hole. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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