Transcendent David

Chapter 522: CH 522

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"Change the sniper position!" David said to lieutenant Morson next to him.

After David finished, he changed his sniper position to the next sniper position. Lieutenant moson and the six warriors helped to transfer the ammunition.

"David, are you all right?" Augustine supernormal saw the energy beam coming from the distance below. He asked with concern on the channel.

"It's OK. There are more than a thousand" popsicles "gathering at a distance of 8000 meters. They are a great threat." David answered in a deep voice.

"David, I'll take care of the situation there!" There was babenton's voice on the channel.

In the base headquarters, babenton extraordinary issued a series of orders.

Two hundred small warships from the rear came towards the defense line of the fourth front base.

All the Gauss guns above the thirty defense walls of the fourth front base line were fired, and one gauss shell flew out. These were all second-class Gaussian shells.

The first thing they encounter when they rush into the 5000 meter range is the attack of these second-class Gauss shells. As long as they are hit by Gauss shells, they will immediately be a huge penetrating wound.

Even with the powerful vitality of Zerg, these Zerg who are bombarded by Gauss will die in the field and lose their combat effectiveness.

In the insect tide, losing combat effectiveness is a terrible thing. As long as a Zerg is bombarded by Gauss, when the Zerg falls on the ground and struggles, the Zerg charging in the rear will trample on it mercilessly. After this trampling, the injured body will be dead.

David has locked in a "phantom millipede", which is moving very fast in the insect tide, and is rapidly approaching the defense line under the cover of the tide.

The shadow servant in the sky saw a Gauss shell shooting in the direction of the phantom millipede. The target of the Gauss shell was not the phantom millipede.

The Gauss gun is actually blocking a distance of 3000 to 5000 meters, and this area is attacked by all the Gauss guns indiscriminately.

In the face of the tide of insects, Gauss doesn't need to aim at anything, just keep shooting.

The Gauss shell shoots at the "Mirage millipede." the "phantom millipede" instinctively dodges. Although the Gauss shell is only level 2, it can still cause some damage to the third level Zerg after it is fired through the Gauss gun. The damage is not enough to be fatal, but can be avoided by the third level Zerg.

Just as the phantom millipede dodged, David's growler sniper shot.

Although the perception of the phantom millipede is fully open, there are too many disturbances affecting its judgment on this battlefield.

The number of Gauss shells alone makes the "phantom millipede" unable to fully perceive, let alone David's sniping silent, even more difficult to detect.

The mirage millipede in the air can no longer dodge after perceiving a super large caliber class III sniper bullet with a distance of only 100 meters. In fact, it only comes and finds out. Even if it is not in the air, it is difficult to make a large dodge action.

Of course, if it's not in the air, the nimble third level Zerg, the mirage millipede, may also make some slight evasion to reduce the damage caused by sniping.

But a "sniper master" of David's level certainly does not leave the "phantom millipede" the opportunity.

The super large caliber third class sniper bullet enters the right eye of the phantom millipede, penetrates the right eye, penetrates the bone and enters the brain. This kind of injury is fatal.

"Damn it!" Immediately after David's sniping, he sensed the danger again.

In the air, the shadow servant once again found a group of "popcorn" which was 8000 meters away. Once again, it gathered energy and was about to attack him.

This is the Zerg's eye on David. David showed so much before the war that the Zerg hated him as a "sniper master.".

The Zerg, who has a talent for long-range observation, will lock David's position as soon as he Snipes.

David again put down the multiple armor plates in front of him. This time, he did not wait, and immediately changed to another sniper position.

Although the energy beam failed to hit David again, such an attack did affect David's sniping effect. Every time David changed his sniper position, he lost the chance to kill Level 3 Zerg.

If you let the level 3 Zerg get too close, you will lose the chance to snipe. All the pressure will be borne by knights and warriors.

Just as David changed his sniper position, he saw 200 small warships flying in the sky.

"David, help the fleet clear the flying Zerg. The fleet's goal is" popcorn "!" There was babenton's extraordinary command on the channel.

"No problem!" David was overjoyed and immediately returned.

The shadow in the sky changes the scope of observation from the ground to the air. The flying Zerg in the swarm also finds a fleet of small warships, and immediately a group of flying Zerg flies towards the fleet.

David put on a large caliber second-class sniper bullet and started shooting at high speed.With a snipe every 0.5 seconds, David will shoot down the stronger class II Zerg first. Small warships also have their own defense system. Dense rapid fire guns can't kill the first and second class flying Zerg, but they can be repulsed.

At a distance of 5000 meters from the "popcorn", the small warship fleet launched an attack on the "popcorn", and hundreds of second-class Gaussian shells fired at the "popcorn".

At this time, the "popcorn" swarm also shifted its target to the more threatening fleet of small warships. At the same time, the fleet attacked, a thick beam of energy was directed at the fleet.

David saw the energy beam through the shadow attendant, but he didn't even have time to remind him. He could only watch the beam hit the first small warship, then penetrate the small warship, and continue to destroy the second and third warship.

Three small warships were lost in one attack by the "popcorn" group. Of course, the small warship fleet also achieved great results.

The "boomerang" is not a strong defensive Zerg, and it does not move fast. At least 100 "popcorn" have been hit by second-class Gaussian shells.

Among the "popsicles" that were hit, the "popcorn" that died on the spot instinctively triggered the burst energy in the body.

The self explosion of many "popcorn" rings at the same time in an instant. Because the "popcorn" gather together and concentrate their energy to attack, the distance between them is too close.

The explosion caused by the self explosion produced a continuous detonation effect. There was almost no chance for thousands of "popcorn" to escape. All of them were destroyed in the explosion.

Even the Zerg population near the "popcorn" has been affected. All the Zerg within a dozen meters of the "popcorn" have been affected by the explosion.

"Mission complete, return!" Small warship fleet commander yelled.

The fleet immediately backed back, and it was impossible to turn around. Once turned, it would expose the vulnerable rear to the attack of flying Zerg.

During this period, more than ten small warships were shot down by Zerg. David's growler sniper gun was too slow, which could only help the fleet shoot down a part of the class II flying Zerg.

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When the fleet of small warships retreated to David's 3000 meters range, David immediately changed to the "roarer sniper gun.".

0.1 seconds each time the sniper speed, so that the sky pursuit fleet flying Zerg continue to fall.

The rest of the "sniper beetles" can also snipe at flying Zerg, and then enter their sniping range.

The fleet of small warships, with no further loss, soon withdrew from the battle.

In order to eliminate the "popcorn", the fleet of 200 small warships lost nearly 20 small warships without going deep into the sea. This cost shocked David.

After seeing this kind of air combat, he understood why there were not many warships above Battlestar before, and they were basically transport ships.

Although using warships to attack Zerg has some effect, the same warship will also produce huge consumption, which is unacceptable to the military.

David returns to the grower sniper gun, and the shadow guards in the sky search for the third level Zerg.

After the influence just now, the insect tide has moved to the range of 2000 meters. From 2000 meters to 5000 meters, the shadow guards need to find out the third class Zerg.

Although the shadow servant is not good at other aspects, he is absolutely very good at observing. After a glance, he finds five third level Zerg in the range of sniping.

Without the threat of the "boomerang" swarm, David had no scruples, and the growler sniper shot again.

A leaping "giant tongflame bug" was hit in the head, fell to the ground, and then was trampled by countless Zerg.

In fact, it is close to the defense line. It is located at a distance of 2300 meters from the defense line. If you give it a few seconds, it can rush to the front of the defense line with the tide of insects.

A group of knights also found this "giant tongflame bug". They inspired their energy and prepared to rush out to meet the third level Zerg "giant tongflame bug".

Just when they were ready to charge at any time, the "giant tongs flame bug" that they had locked in was sniped and killed.

This "giant tongs flame bug" died very crumpled, its strongest is the extraordinary fire ability, but it did not even stimulate an attack in the war, it was long-range snipe killed.

David's cooperation with the shadow master is wonderful. After the "giant tongs flame bug" is sniped, the actions of the other four third level Zerg are all under the shadow attendant's monitoring.

When a third level Zerg shows up in the action and forms a state of leaving the ground, David instantly fires and kills the third level Zerg in the air.

Only when the third level Zerg is off the ground is the best time to snipe, because the Dodge action of the third level Zerg is very limited. Especially in the battlefield environment, the accuracy rate of sniping is very high.

Eighteen knights are staring at the battlefield. Their energy can sense the existence of the third level Zerg.

But in a short period of time, the smell of the third level Zerg disappeared.They don't think that this is the third level Zerg hiding the breath, only one possibility is that the third level Zerg is killed.

The eighteen knights could not help but think of the projection before the war, the terrible "sniper master" with a sniper distance of 5000 meters.

"I didn't expect that sniper beetles have such terrible fighting power!" Said a knight in a deep voice.

"Yes, I didn't think there would be a" sniper master "here!" Another knight continued.

"This sniper master" is Lord David. He is the nephew of Baron Dubois in the interstellar Federation. He has a very good relationship with Knight Miller. " Explained the knight who had been stationed here before.

"That's the Lord!" A knight nodded.

They all spoke in God's language, which could not be understood by the nearby oracle.

No one thought that David would be called a Lord by these knights.

Five third level Zerg have been cleared, David has not been able to rest, and another level three Zerg has entered the sniper range.

The eighteen Knights feel the smell of the third level Zerg in the battlefield ahead. As soon as they enter about 4000 meters, they quickly dissipate.

"Lord David, since he has helped us kill the third level Zerg, we might as well rush to kill this swarm and relieve the federal beetle of some pressure." Exclaimed the captain of the Knights.

"Follow the captain's orders!" The rest of the Knights have no objection. This time, God belongs to the cooperative defense between the great world and the Federation, and has been told to cooperate fully before coming.

So these Knights don't have the negative attitude that they used to have. In addition, David has solved the third level Zerg for them, and they will repay them.

"Attack the battle line Cried the knight captain.

Then, just 500 meters away from the line of defense, eighteen Knights lined up and their horses began to trot.

The horse trotted five meters into a medium speed race, and after ten meters, the horse turned into a high-speed run.

Since there is no third level Zerg ahead, all the third level Zerg have been killed by David, the terrible "sniper master", so the hearts of the 18 knights are extremely relaxed.

"Change the lance, charge!" The Cavalier captain changed his lance in his hand, and said in a loud voice.

The lance is bulky, but it is especially suitable for use in charge, especially for the weak and large number of enemies, the greater the power of the lance.

The speed of the eighteen Knights was raised to the limit, and the white light was beating on them, connecting them together.

At 300 meters, eighteen Knights collided with the vanguard of the insect tide.

The battle line of Knights was like a razor, which easily ran over the front troops of the insect tide.

These first and second level Zerg have no ability to fight back when facing a knight whose average strength is almost the third level. The Zerg's claws are not only unable to break the knight's armor, but also the horse's armor.

The huge impact force constantly throws the Zerg flying. When the second level Zerg horse steps on the Zerg on the ground, the green insect blood flies everywhere.

"Charge, kill!" The faces of the knights were excited. Not all the knights had the chance to come to warstar. Most of the knights who were transferred this time came to Battlestar for the first time. They were very excited about the slaughter like battle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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