Transcendent David

Chapter 528: CH 528

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David calculated the time of "sneaking underground". When he came to the bottom of the assassin mantis, he had five seconds to sneak underground. In fact, this five seconds was enough for him to launch an attack, but he did not.

From the observation of the shadow servant in the sky, we can see that this "Assassin Mantis" is very alert. Although it lies on the ground, its body is in a state of explosion at any time.

At this time, David's surprise attack is likely to be countered by the assassin Mantis.

David gave up this opportunity. The time of "underground sneak" was over. He still did not move, so he was trapped underground.

In fact, with a thickness of 30 cm, he can attack at any time. Of course, such an attack will stimulate the ground of 30 cm before attacking the "Assassin Mantis". He will not do so unless he has to.

As time went by, the battle on the battlefield continued. Three third level Zerg had entered the battlefield. Three extraordinary warriors led the warriors to fight with the third level Zerg. There would be no trouble in a short time.

Up to now, Every warrior, whether veterans or recruits, has been used to fighting life and death. They are desperate to launch attacks, leaving a wound on the third level Zerg. They are not frightened by the third level Zerg.

On the other hand, the battle between Cade knights and the "Titan black beetle" is coming to an end. After a long time of continuous injury and recovery, the 18 Knights applied the "sharp" effect of their equipment on the body of the "Titan black beetle". The wounds on the body of the "Titan black beetle" have not been recovered for a long time.

For the fourth level Zerg Titan black beetle, it means that the vitality of the beetle is greatly consumed, and the subsequent injuries will increase the loss of its vitality.

Of course, the 18 Knights didn't pay the price. The five Knights have now stepped aside. If not for the shared vitality of the horses and the shared attack of the Knights' battle array, the five Knights might not be just seriously injured.

Defeating the Titan black beetle and trying to kill the Titan black beetle are two different things. The Titanic black beetle fighting for its life is very terrible.

David can see clearly through the shadow attendant. In two minutes at most, the Titan black beetle will be surrounded and killed by the Knights.

Not only David can see this, but also the "Assassin Mantis" still lying on the ground.

The "Assassin Mantis" hesitated. It accepted the order of the assassin, and it had to finish the task. But if it waited here, as long as the "Titan black beetle" died there, those knights would come.

The hesitation of the assassin Mantis was seen by the shadow attendant. At this time, the cooling period of five minutes' underground stealth 'passed.

David no longer waited. He activated "extreme speed", "physical enhancement", "power shock", "strength enhancement" and "power overlap", and added "poison pattern" to "sharp axe".

He didn't know whether the level 4 "poison" talent had any effect on the same level 4 Zerg "Assassin Mantis", but it was also one of his powerful means. He took out all of them.

Because he was worried that his strength could not produce the effect of level 5 axe blade, he resolutely launched a "save strength strike".

He will lose all his combat effectiveness after the launch of the "save the strength" attack. This is an attack that he broke down.

In the face of level 4 Zerg "Assassin Mantis", David will hit his strongest blow.

No matter whether it is useful or not, he even inspires the "spirit piercing" and leads the "spiritual arrow" which has been nurtured for a long time from the soul fortress and is in the firing state.

"Underground sneak" is launched. With David's physical activities, the soil and rocks around him are automatically separated.

Once again, the spirit line is locked on the assassin Mantis. David tries to concentrate all his strength from his body on the "sharp axe" in his hand.

He activates the "speed up" effect on the level 5 axe blade just before launching the attack.

David's heart is calm, the first time to wave a heavy axe to the fourth level Zerg, but he did not have any unnecessary worry, on the contrary, his mind was extremely solid.

Just like the eruption of a volcano, there is no movement before the eruption, but once it erupts, it is earth shaking.

David's attack is not as exaggerated as earth shaking, but if anyone knows how much talent he has used, it will be more exaggerated than earth shaking momentum.

In the underground, the "sharp heavy axe" splits out, and the underground soil and stone are separated automatically.

The spirit line doubled the attack speed of "sharp axe", and "extreme speed" and "acceleration" increased this speed again.

At a distance of 30 centimeters, this velocity is almost nothing.

And the attack itself was silent. Even the sound of breaking through the air at the beginning was isolated from the ground because of "sneaking underground". When it came out of the ground, it had already come to the assassin Mantis.

David's target of attack is the combination of the shadow servant's observation and the mental line generated by the "soul chopping heavy axe technique". He attacks the heart position of the "Assassin Mantis".Because it's next to the ground, probably the assassin Mantis thinks the ground is the safest.

David also wants to attack the head of the assassin mantis, but the head of the assassin mantis is is always upward, which makes David want to attack, he needs to increase the attack distance of the "sharp heavy axe".

David has his own consideration. Level 5 axe blade must not be exposed. This is a must.

Although this is a battlefield, almost no one can notice a ground in the insect tide, but as long as David increases the attack distance, the gold of level 5 axe blade will be exposed, which is likely to be found abnormal by others.

Because the gold of level 5 axe blade is too easy to be found, this gold will be paid attention to as long as it appears for any creature. This is an instinctive feeling of creatures to grade 5 materials.

The sharp and heavy axe cuts through the chest of the assassin mantis, splitting the heart in two.

David overestimates the defensive power of the assassin Mantis. In fact, the defensive power of the assassin mantis is is the lowest among the fourth level Zerg.

The posture of "Assassin Mantis" makes it need to raise its body first and then use the blade to attack its enemies after its heart is attacked.

The shadow servant had been waiting for a long time. At the end of David's attack and his body was extremely weak, the shadow servant took back the level 5 axe blade. The only thing David could do was to block the level 3 shield on his body.

The "Assassin Mantis" raises its body. Even if its heart is fatally injured, it can give a final blow with its fourth level Zerg vitality.

But when the assassin Mantis wanted to do this, David triggered "power shock" and "power overlap". The most important thing is that the fourth level poison directly acts on the heart of the assassin mantis, which makes the body of the assassin Mantis soften and fall to the ground.

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Without the chance of the final blow, the vitality of the assassin Mantis also lost. The heart is cut open, and the vitality disappears immediately.

David injected a bottle of "holy water of youth" into his body, and his weak feeling quickly subsided. When he sensed that the shadow maid absorbed a strong soul and felt comfortable, his worries disappeared.

The fourth level Zerg died in his hands, and he even killed a fourth level Zerg.

After the excitement, David's heart can not help but rise a fear, this is a level 4 Zerg, in front of him the third level shield simply can't block the fourth level Zerg's attack, the body's custom exoskeleton armor also can't resist.

David shook his head. The battle was over, but he began to worry.

This time, he used too many talents and abilities. The fourth level Zerg corpse could not be exposed. His mind moved, and the shadow servant put the corpse of the assassin Mantis into the space wrist guard on David's wrist.

Fortunately, the corpse of this "Assassin Mantis" is not big. It is 1.5 meters tall and extremely slender. Otherwise, ordinary level 3 Zerg can not be included in space items, let alone the corpse of level 4 Zerg.

After all this, David did not leave the ground immediately. He controlled the shadow servant to fly to the sky and observe the situation around him.

He found out that what happened just now did not attract anyone's attention. No one found that just now, a fourth level Zerg died here.

The battle on the side of the Cade knights is coming to an end. The Knights of Cade have been attacking the "Titan black beetle" continuously. After this round of attack, the "Titan black beetle" will not survive.

When the "immortal water" works, David's strength is fully restored. He suddenly rushes out of the ground, waving his "sharp heavy axe" to the three extraordinary directions.

David's way of fighting is very simple. First, he uses the talent of "high frequency sound wave" to send out a "high frequency sound wave", so that all Zerg within 100 meters in front of him are affected by "high frequency sound wave".

The first level Zerg loses the ability to move directly. The second level Zerg becomes dizzy for a short time. David waves the "sharp heavy axe" and kills it all the way. He doesn't need to think about any fighting skills. He just needs to sweep the "sharp heavy axe" out.

"Augustine, I'll help you!" In this way, David quickly came to Augustine's extraordinary side, he cried.

"Ha ha, I knew you were OK. Let's solve this guy together!" Said Augustine, with an extraordinary laugh.

Augustine extraordinary was very worried when he heard that David was being chased by the fourth level Zerg. That was the fourth level Zerg. After that, the knight of God's big world supported David. After that, David had no information, which made him very worried.

He didn't know that David was being chased by another fourth level Zerg, otherwise he would not have been just worried.

The spear beetles beside Augustine are the most sacrificed. This is because Augustine himself does not have much attack power and can only make defense, which makes the third level Zerg less worried about attacking the spear beetle.

David was very familiar with the battle of the oracle. He stepped into the battle and became a member of the battle.The rest of the warriors automatically changed their battle lines and took David in.

David steps forward with several spear beetles and enters the range of attacking the third level Zerg. The spirit line immediately appears and locks the third level Zerg.

"Die!" With David's soft drink, a green light flashed by, and the head of the third level Zerg flew up.

The third level Zerg, who killed dozens of spear beetles, was attacked by David as soon as he got in touch with him.

Augustine extraordinary some helpless looking at David, now he feels like David is extraordinary, and he is more like a oracle.

After killing the third level Zerg, David immediately rushes to another third level Zerg position.

"Benton, are you hurt?" David saw the blood red on Benton's extraordinary body and asked in a voice.

"I'm not hurt. This is the blood of several warriors who have blocked my attack for me!" Benton's extraordinary voice is a little hoarse. While he speaks, his spear stabs out continuously, and stabs several wounds on the body of the third level Zerg.

It's just that this third level Zerg is defensive. Although it's wounded, it's not fatal.

David immediately activated the "sharpness" effect and came to the side of the third level Zerg. Then, guided by the spirit line, the "sharp heavy axe" once again took the third level Zerg owl.

"Doctor and nurse, save people quickly!" Benton did not speak to David, but turned his head and roared.

Benton is a spear beetle, and his defense is not enough. In the face-to-face battle with the third level Zerg, if not for many warriors to block his attack, he would have been seriously injured.

David felt Benton's extraordinary sadness and anger. Without hesitation, he turned to kill the last third level Zerg.

Instead of greeting Garth, he uses the fastest way to approach the third level Zerg and kill it.

David also found that he was more suitable to fight the third level Zerg in battle, because in the battle, the third level Zerg would not notice him at all. Of course, this has something to do with his ability to hide breath.

The third level Zerg has to deal with Garth and the attack from the spear beetle, so when David attacks, the third level Zerg can't even react.

The death of the three third level Zerg reassured the beetles, and even greater cheers were heard. It turned out that the knight Cade on the other side finally killed the Titan black beetle.

"Titan black beetle" the huge body of the scene is very spectacular, was seen by many beetles, this triggered cheers.

Generally, only one level 4 Zerg will appear in a defense line. Once this level 4 Zerg is killed, it means that the insect tide in this defense line will be over.

This kind of scale requires four levels of Zerg to control. "Titan black beetle" is the command to attack this defense line. The death of Titan black beetle makes the Zerg in the tide wake up.

Once the fearless crazy Zerg wakes up, they will be stabbed by countless spears when they find that they rush to the front of the Jiashi battle line. With the fierce gunfire, all Zerg will die in a large area. This situation makes the sober Zerg afraid.

The tide of insects no longer strikes the front. They disperse and flee aimlessly to the rest of the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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