Transcendent David

Chapter 529: CH 529

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"Victory First, a beetle gave out a surprise cheer.

With the sound of the sound, more and more warriors cheered, from the beginning of the morning until the day was getting dark, the battlefield lasted a whole day.

Even if it is continuous rotation, the beetles have long been exhausted. Many beetles relax and sit directly on the ground full of blood when they see the tide of insects collapsing.

"Doctor and nurse, treat the wounded quickly!" Augustine's extraordinary heart is also extremely excited, but he still cried out.

With the blessing of extraordinary power, his voice rang out in the whole battlefield. Some medicos who were equally excited by the victory of the war were awakened and quickly began to treat the wounded.

"All shields and beetles, keep your defensive stance!" Augustine continued.

Although the war here is over, who knows whether those escaped Zerg will return or not. All the left and right sides of the defense line are broken by the Zerg, and the insect tide is still going on. There are no Zerg coming. But when the Zerg wake up from their madness, it's hard to say whether they will attack the fourth front base defense.

"Yes The shield beetles answered with a loud voice, and they put up the shield again.

David didn't stop here. When the Titan black beetle was killed, he rushed to the knight Cade.

A fourth level Zerg soul is a good harvest for him, and he doesn't want to waste it.

In addition, "Titan black beetle" is the fourth level Zerg that he has never obtained soul before. Maybe there will be some unexpected light ball of knowledge.

"Mr. David, are you all right?" When the knight Cade saw David, his eyes were full of inquiry.

The knight of Cade can be 100% sure that just now a level 4 Zerg appeared and wanted to kill David. He did not understand how David escaped from the pursuit of the fourth level Zerg, nor did he understand how the fourth level Zerg disappeared.

When the "Assassin Mantis" hides itself in the insect tide, the knight Cade does not find the "Assassin Mantis". Until David's final strike, he is not found by the knight Cade who is in full attack.

The main reason is that David attacked and killed so fast that the assassin mantis had no response and died. All the process began and ended quietly.

"Thank you, Knight Cade. I'm fine!" David replied with a smile. He pointed to the corpse of the fourth class Zerg Titan black beetle on the ground and continued: "you killed the Titan black beetle. I'm afraid that this kind of achievement is rare in this war!"

"With so many Knights around, this Titan black beetle has lost its usual wisdom because it wants to kill you. You also have a share of the merits of killing this black Titan beetle!" Said Knight Cade with a smile.

He didn't mention the disappearance of the fourth level Zerg. The disappearance of the fourth level Zerg was related to David's magical means of disappearance. He would not ask about it on this occasion.

We are chatting here. The shadow servant has already absorbed the soul of Titan black beetle.

"What? The fourth front base line has broken up? " In the general headquarters, general Adams heard the latest war report. He asked in disbelief.

Now it's an hour before dark. Once it's dark, the Zerg can take advantage of the darkness to defend the areas they've captured.

One night is enough time for the Zerg to dig out countless caves in the battle area. If the military wants to fight back, it will have to pay a huge price, not only to face the Zerg on the ground and in the sky, but also to face the Zerg suddenly emerging from the underground.

The death of soldiers in the counterattack is no less than that in defense. Almost every inch of land must be fought for with life.

But now it's different. The fourth front base line is not retreating. It's like building a passage to the front.

The military can put a large number of troops directly into the fourth front base defense line, and then advance from the fourth front base line to both sides, so that the insect tide can be attacked simultaneously from the front and the flanks.

With the characteristics of insect tide, if there are two attacks at the same time, it will inevitably cause confusion.

General Adams stood in front of a huge map, his hand pulling the arrows representing the various troops, and rearranging the next war.

All the soldiers in the general command were calculating the data around general Adams's new plan.

With the orders coming out one by one, a large number of reserve troops were sent out, and heavy self-propelled Gauss artillery troops and small warship fleets were all sent out to advance towards the fourth front base line.

The speed of this movement was very fast. When the warriors of the fourth front base line had just rested for about 20 minutes, hundreds of thousands of troops were ushered in.

This counterattack does not require the fourth front base to attack, their task is to defend this defense line.

The Knights of Cade returned to the Battle Fortress beside the fourth front base line. There were only 18 Knights left. The wounded Knights took medicine and took some rest. Now they can continue to fight.David returned to his exclusive sniper position, and the war at the fourth front base was over at this moment.

The military headquarters did not intend to send out this tired division which had just won the battle. This defense line still needs to be defended.

"Lieutenant Morson, if you want to call me, I'll take a rest next door!" David thought of the corpse of the assassin Mantis. It was no fun to stay here. He told lieutenant Morson.

"Commander, you go to have a rest. I'll remind you of something!" Lieutenant moson immediately responded.

David nodded. He opened the door of one side of the room. The room next to it was a rest room. Although it was very simple, it was wartime and there was nothing to pay attention to.

As soon as he entered the lounge, David summoned the shadow attendant, and the corpse of the assassin Mantis was removed from the space objects by the shadow attendant.

The 1.5-meter-tall "Assassin Mantis" is extremely thin and weak. If David had not fought with him, he could not believe that he was a level 4 Zerg.

David doesn't want to hand over the corpse of the "Assassin Mantis". If the corpse is handed over to a level 4 Zerg who has been killed by him with too many talents, it will bring him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

First, he drew a "poison attached pattern" with his spirit. Through the "poison painting pattern", he sucked the poison from the body of the "Assassin Mantis", otherwise, the corpse of the fourth level Zerg "Assassin Mantis" could not collect materials at all.

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As the Black Mist flew out of the corpse of the assassin mantis, the "poisonous pattern" disappeared after absorbing the last trace of black fog.

It was not until then that David dared to touch the corpse of the assassin Mantis with his hand. Although he had the talent of "poisoning", he did not dare to directly contact the corpse eroded by the poison.

This is the second time he has been in close contact with level 4 Zerg. This "Assassin Mantis" is not like level 4 Zerg at all. David estimates that even the materials he produces will be greatly reduced.

He carefully opens the hidden blade of the assassin Mantis to reveal its two light purple blades.

These two light purple blade, even if not tested, can feel its terrible sharpness with the eyes alone.

David recalled that the defense of the assassin Mantis was quite weak. Although he used a level 5 axe blade at that time, he could still feel the weakness in the defense of the assassin Mantis.

According to the general characteristics of Zerg, if there is a huge defect in one aspect, it will certainly have a huge advantage on the other.

These two light purple blades should be the advantages of "Assassin Mantis". David doesn't know about the "Assassin Mantis", but after seeing the two blades, he naturally had this idea.

There is no description of the "Assassin Mantis" in the Federation. Maybe this is just like the third class Zerg "electro optic scorpion", which is a Zerg species that the Federation has not been exposed to.

David did not immediately start to decompose the materials. On the one hand, he did not have a decomposition knife that could decompose level 4 Zerg corpses. This requires at least level 4 decomposition knives to do this.

On the other hand, he was hesitating whether he could not decompose the corpse of the assassin mantis and turn it into a puppet.

After David got the talent of "corpse control", his idea was to select all three puppet places for human beings, which would be more convenient. He would never stay in warstar all the time.

It's impossible for a huge Zerg body to appear in a peaceful area. Once it appears, it will certainly attract extra attention. Although the "corpse control" technique will be more powerful in the production of Zerg, this defect makes David not want to do so.

But this "Assassin Mantis" is totally different. Its body size is very suitable. Its height of 1.5 meters and its small body can completely cover up the body shape of its Zerg.

As long as you make a wide suit for the assassin mantis, you can make the assassin Mantis think that it is a strange figure, not a Zerg, even if it is seen by others.

David is hesitant about how strong the spirit of the assassin mantis is is and whether it surpasses David's own spirit. If his spirit is not strong enough, he will not be able to complete the "autopsy.".

David recalled the knowledge of "autopsy" in his brain, and the knowledge of "autopsy" flowed through his brain.

He found that if he wanted to control a corpse stronger than his own, he needed not only a stronger spiritual aspect, but also an important material.

In the knowledge of autopsy, it is a kryptonite, but this kryptonite is different from all kryptonites David has seen before.

Because the kryptonite turned out to be pale gold, David's memory never had this kryptonite, but the knowledge of "autopsy" said it was kryptonite.

David shook his head. Now he can't even make a puppet of the assassin Mantis. He needs to find this pale gold kryptonite first.

David did not immediately attract the soul energy in the shadow player. According to the knowledge of "autopsy", using "corpse control" would consume the spirit of the caster.In his mind, if there is soul energy in the shadow body, it will restore his spirit to a certain extent by introducing the soul energy into his body when he uses "corpse control".

Although such a practice is very wasteful, regarding the precious spiritual energy which can permanently enhance the spirit as the energy for spiritual recovery, it can avoid the possibility that the "corpse control" can not be completed because of the weak spirit.

These are all David's conjectures that no one has the opportunity to absorb the energy of the soul at any time.

Like the "half body spider" killed, it can only use "corpse control" to make level 3 Zerg puppets. Level 4 Zerg can't make puppets. On the one hand, it's because of the rules of Zerg. On the other hand, it's not because the spirit of "half body spider" is not enough to use "corpse control" to make level 4 Zerg puppets.

Only then will the fifth level Zerg "half body Spider Queen" give the "sonic boom iron beetle" without intelligence to the "half body spider" and give the secret method again, but it is cheaper for David.

David asked the shadow attendant to put away the corpse of the assassin Mantis again. At this time, he felt a burst of fatigue.

One day's war, he was almost always in a state of mental outburst, which made his spirit consume a lot, and he experienced a life and death battle. Although the battle was short, it was extremely dangerous.

David didn't intend to have a real rest, but now he couldn't support it. He fell asleep in the rest room.

There was a shadow attendant standing at the door, who would wake him up as soon as something happened.

During David's break, the federal army and the Knights of the great world fought together, using the fourth front base line, which went deep into the back of the insect tide, to attack the insect tide on both sides.

At the same time, the third and fifth front-line bases on both sides also began to counter attack. The insect tide was attacked on both sides, and after a long war of attrition before, it was finally defeated.

The army, which had gathered more fighters, continued to attack in the rest of the way. The battle did not stop for one night, and the whole battlefield was illuminated by constant flares.

When David woke up from his sleep, he looked at his identity bracelet and found it was six o'clock the next day.

This time is his daily practice time. Even if he is tired, his biological clock will wake him up at this time.

Lieutenant moson didn't call him all the time, which showed that there was nothing wrong outside. David was a little worried. He let the shadow servant fly out of the defense wall and rise into the air. He found that there was no fighting outside.

This reassured David a lot. Instead of going out immediately, he took out the leaf soup and the three-level fortified meat from the space bag and began to practice the "spirit forging golden body skill" and "soft body skill".

Since he used "Lei Jing" to practice, he began to rebuild his foundation, which delayed his time to reach the peak state of A-shi, and he had to take advantage of every training opportunity.

After exhausting the energy of the "ground vein tree leaves" and level 3 fortified meat, David stopped practicing. He opened the door and went out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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