Transcendent David

Chapter 540: CH 540

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The four extraordinary people can't describe their shock at this time. David would not have been shocked if he had killed two "giant tongs flame insects" with a heavy axe.

David is the master of the heavy axe. If the giant tongflame bug makes a mistake, it is possible that David will seize the opportunity to kill him.

But the situation is that David completely relies on the ability of "sniper master" to kill two "giant tongs fireflies".

This one-on-two situation, or "master sniper" one-on-two, completely subverts their perception.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying a new way of fighting. I didn't wait for you to come!" David saw four extraordinary people come over, and quickly said sorry.

Team fighting should follow certain rules. David's behavior of breaking the rules is indeed wrong.

"It's a pity that this horse can't be produced in mass production." Barbington's extraordinary has no time to pay attention to David's preemption, he said, looking straight at the horse.

Sniping on the move, this way of sniping will liberate the fighting mode of sniper beetle from fixed posture, which is also a problem that has been wanted to solve but can not be solved.

David was also helpless. He knew that there was a knight's energy in the horse's body. This energy could only be generated by God's blood. If the Federation could really copy it, the first fighters like Knight would appear, not horses.

The blood of God is a mystery to the Federation, and the union can't get the secret of blood from the god world.

In the next hunt, David didn't make as much publicity as before. He was more of a real sniper beetle. However, in the four extraordinary battles, as long as he sniped, he would definitely hit the key points 100%.

After a week's hunting and killing, the five men will arrive at ten o'clock on time. A spaceship descends. David waves goodbye to all the soldiers. He goes up the gangway and waves his hands until he can't see the people who see them off.

Due to the fact that Battlestar has a short daily space travel time, the spacecraft immediately increased its engine and flew to space.

David saw David smile through the porthole. When he left, babenton told him that he should wear the "national soldier" medal normally. This is a respect for the "national soldier" medal and for the military.

On the way David walked, every soldier who saw him stood at attention and saluted him. Even civilians also paid attention to him.

It's close to the star of war, and he attaches more importance to the medal than other places. David also takes the trouble to respond.

At last, he saw the escort flagship named d1314 at a place in the airport, which was assigned to him.

David went to the convoy flagship and saw two soldiers standing on the other side of the approach bridge. He went over.

"No admittance, Captain!" When a soldier saw David, he immediately made a military salute.

"I'm David. This warship is assigned to me by the military department. This is my authority. If there is no problem, let me go." Said David, frowning slightly.

David didn't understand that he had come to take over the convoy flagship. How could the two soldiers guarding here not know.

"I'm sorry, no one can enter without the captain's permission!" The soldier refused to look at David's permission document and said in a deep voice.

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"Then please inform the captain that I want to see him!" David looked at the soldier and ordered.

The soldier obviously wanted to refuse, but David's momentum had a sense of oppression, which made him afraid to refuse for a moment. He told the soldiers around him and turned to enter the escort flagship.

David looked at the direction of the soldier's departure, more confused in his eyes.

This soldier wants to inform the captain, there is a simpler way, as long as through the identity bracelet to inform it.

But the soldier chose to report orally, which made David think more.

"Colonel David, Captain cram, the flagship of the d1314 escort, salutes you. I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting!" After David had waited for about ten minutes, a middle-aged soldier in captain's uniform came up and saluted David.

"Captain cram, I think you should have been informed that this convoy flagship is going to follow my orders!" David returned a military salute, without saying anything superfluous, he said directly.

"I got the order!" Captain cram nodded.

"Then I need to escort the flagship and set sail at once!" David ordered in a deep voice.

David doesn't care what's wrong with Captain cram, as long as he can follow orders.

"I'm sorry, there is something wrong with the engine of the escort flagship. We can't take off in a short time. At present, our crew is in the process of repair." Said Captain cram, with an apologetic look.

David looks a little ugly. The possibility of engine failure of the escort flagship is extremely low.

"Take me to see it!" David said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Colonel!" Captain cram's face was satirical as he turned his head.But where did he know that his expression was seen clearly by the shadow waiter flying in front of him.

When he walked into the ship, David found that Captain cram had a very high control power in the warship. He was clearly a captain, while captain cram was only a captain. However, every soldier who saw them saluted captain cram and then saluted David.

Even the "national scholar" medal did not attract the attention of these crew members, and the strangeness of this can be imagined.

David followed captain cram to the engine room, where you can see that the engine has been completely disassembled, and a large number of parts are piled up everywhere.

If David did not have the ability of "master of ship maintenance", he would have been deceived by the scene. If the engine of the escort flagship was disassembled like this, it would take at least a week to install it.

This also requires professional debugging to complete, and David did not see professional equipment here.

That is to say, the engine was deliberately removed by the crew, and some people wanted to make David unable to use the convoy flagship. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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