Transcendent David

Chapter 541: CH 541

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"Captain, you can't repair the flagship in half a month." Captain cram said to David, pointing to the crew who were still working.

"Captain cram, you haven't been captain for a long time, haven't you?" David asked faintly.

"How do you know that?" Captain cram was stunned by David's question.

Captain Kram did not serve as captain for a long time. He was originally transferred because of the Zerg all-out war. To put it more clearly, he came to gild.

He was a powerful force behind him. He was assigned to a non combat fleet as captain. As long as he survived the war, he was a soldier who had experienced war in warstar.

As a matter of fact, Captain Kram was only responsible for escorting materials outside the Battlestar, and even the land of Battlestar had never boarded.

Captain cram didn't know how David knew this. When he heard David's question, he instinctively thought that David knew something, and he couldn't help feeling flustered.

"You are not too professional, are you?" David continued.

Captain cram still didn't understand what David meant. His crew was very obedient to him.

"I'm afraid it's not right for you to say so, captain. The crew are all good!" 'said captain cram, with a loud voice.

The crew, who had just heard David's words, looked at him rather badly. At this time, they began to smile at captain cram's words.

"This is the regulator component of the engine. The internal materials are not allowed to contact with the air. Originally, it was working in a vacuum state, but your staff took apart the pressure regulator component. The pressure regulator component is worth 20 million credit points!" David said, pointing to a detached part on the ground.

"This voltage regulator component is broken originally!" Captain cram looked at the voltage stabilizing components on the ground. He was beating drums in his heart, but he said.

The sailor who disassembled the pressure stabilizing unit turned pale. He looked at the pressure stabilizing component without any measures. Even if captain cram said so, he was still flustered by the great value.

"Originally, the regulator component was broken. Since the regulator component was broken, why do you have to remove the rotor? Don't you know that the rotor system can't contact with any object. As long as it contacts, it will be scrapped if there are grinding marks on it? " David changed his sneer and pointed to another part.

The rotor system is the core structure of the engine. It is filled with special gas to act as lubricant during operation. David didn't think that the crew would dare to dismantle it like this.

"There are some problems with the rotor system, so I took it down for inspection." Captain cram had a cold sweat on his head, he quickly explained.

"Captain cram, you probably don't know the value of the rotor system. The rotor system you left on the ground is worth more than 300 million credit points. In addition, if the whole engine is taken apart, it is estimated that the engine will be scrapped, and the total loss will exceed 600 million credit points. This is not something you can solve in a word." David turned to captain cram and said in a deep voice.

"Captain, you can't say that. We're just doing normal maintenance. If there's a problem, it's the engine's original problem." Captain cram felt for a moment that he seemed to be in big trouble, and he immediately defended.

"You may not know, but the technicians on your ship did not tell you that the engine disassembly must be carried out by qualified maintenance personnel, and the engine is not a ship level repairable part!" David pointed to the broken engine and whispered.

Captain cram is really sweating. How could he not have heard the technical personnel say that only a warship was damaged, which is a small matter for the person who assigned him the task. As long as he can complete the task over there, not only the loss of the warship is not a problem, but also he can be transferred from the war zone and promoted to a peaceful area for promotion and reuse.

He did ask the technicians how to make the damage of the warship impossible to repair within ten days. The technician's answer was that unless there was something wrong with the engine, the rest of the damage could be quickly repaired.

Captain cram then decided to let the crew take down the engine and completely damage the convoy flagship.

But Captain cram didn't expect that David knew the knowledge of engines, and he didn't know it in general. He just listened to the problems pointed out by David. He was definitely professional.

"You don't have to explain any more. You'd better go to the military court to explain what you have to say. The loss of 600 million credit points is enough for you and these crew members to spend the rest of their lives in the mine!" David said coldly.

David was very angry. This convoy flagship was sent to his car. He wanted to take this escort flagship to the interstellar Federal Military Academy, but he was messed up by these people.

"It's none of our business. We're just following orders. Captain cram told us to take the engines apart. We're just following orders." On hearing David say military court, as well as mining, immediately the crew said out loud.

"Yes, we all obey captain cram's orders. How dare we not listen to the captain's orders!""It's really none of our business. It's all captain cram's orders!"

One of the crew spoke, and the rest spoke one after another, trying to put the blame on captain cram.

Mining is the normal way for military courts to deal with criminal soldiers. These mines are located on some remote planets. These planets are not guarded. Prisoners dig on them and exchange the ore for food.

This kind of life is very terrible, there is no Skynet, no entertainment, there are only vicious criminals.

It's normal for miner to die, and there's a lot of propaganda that's going to increase the terror of miner.

It is this kind of propaganda that makes very few soldiers dare to commit crimes in the army. Generally, prisoners without serious crimes will not be sent to such places. However, if the loss of 600 million credit points is enough to meet this requirement.

General David's on the ring of arms. He's not in touch.

After meeting David, general Adams gave him this contact method. This is a special line that can directly contact General Adams. It uses special signals and can be used during the non "empty window" period of warstar.

"David, didn't you leave warstar for the academy? How would you want to contact me? " General Adams was soon connected to the communication, and his voice was very friendly.

Although general Adams seems to have helped David a lot, he asked for a reward for him and forced down his objection in the meeting. However, general Adams clearly knew that David was more helpful to him.

This all-out war launched by Zerg will be recorded in history, but it will end in a day and a night, a speed rarely seen in history.

This battle record also made general Adams more prestigious in the army and played an important role in his further development.

General Adams regarded David, the descendant of his good friend, as his younger generation, and also regarded David as his lucky star. It was with David's participation that the war he commanded became a classic campaign.

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So general Adams was very concerned about David, especially about David's departure from warstar. If not, how could he know David's whereabouts as general Adams was in charge of the whole war zone.

"General Adams, I have left warstar and am now in the transit fortress outside warstar's" doomsday line ". I have encountered something here. I don't know who to report to. I can only trouble you!" David is sorry to disturb general Adams, too, he replied.

When he heard David's address, Captain cram's eyes widened, and he looked at David in disbelief.

Although captain cram was only a temporary officer, how could he not have heard the name of general Adams, who was the highest commander in the theater.

If captain cram had known that David could have contacted general Adams directly, he would never have taken over the task.

"David, don't be polite to me. Let me know if you have any trouble." Said general Adams, laughing.

General Adams is also very strange. If people like David had trouble, they would have solved it by themselves. How could they find him.

After joining the army, did David grow up a lot and no longer have the same impulse as before. When he thought of this, general Adams could not help feeling relieved.

"General Adams, look at the situation here!" David opened up the live video and shared it with general Adams.

"Here it is?" General Adams saw the engine that had been disassembled into parts and asked for a moment.

"This warship is the escort flagship assigned to me by the military headquarters. What you see is that this captain cram ordered the engine to be broken down into scrap. The escort flagship assigned to me by the military headquarters has become like this!" David went on to report.

When general Adams heard David's report, he guessed that there must be something fishy in it.

"David, you wait there for a moment, and the law enforcement team will be there soon. I'll find out and give you an account of this matter!" Said general Adams in a deep voice.

Thank you David thanks.

"In addition, it will take three days to relocate a warship, and you will wait there. I will ask them to pick you up after they have completed the formalities!" General Adams asked the adjutant next to him and said to David.

"General Adams, I won't wait here. When the warship arrives, I will go to the military academy directly. The opening time is approaching. I will not be late. I will take other spaceships to report!" David calculated the time and said to general Adams.

"Good!" General Adams knew when to sign up, so he didn't say much.

At the end of the call, David stood, and captain cram and his crew were paralyzed to the ground.

"Captain cram, can you tell me who wants me out of this ship?" David looked down at captain cram and asked in a deep voice.

David's voice strengthened a trace of spirit. His use of spirit was still very elementary. If he increased his spirit, he was afraid that Captain cram's head would be damaged, so he could only exert a little spiritual influence."Yes..." Captain cram just wanted to open his mouth, but he shut up, his face was white.

David frowned, and captain cram's attitude made him understand that someone really wanted to make him behind him, but Captain cram was a soldier and he was also a soldier.

If it is in the war star, find a place where nobody is, he can torture captain cram completely. With the attitude of Captain cram, he can let captain cram say everything in a moment.

Captain cram felt his sweat standing upright, and he had a sense of being stared at by the beast. His heart beat more and his mouth dried.

At this time, a team of law enforcement officers in white exoskeleton armor came. The two soldiers who had been standing outside were held in their hands by a law enforcement officer, and they were no longer the same.

"Colonel David, I am ordered to take over the case!" "The captain of the law enforcement, with the rank of lieutenant on his chest, came to David and saluted him.

"I'll trouble you!" David replied.

"After this case is found out, we will send you a report on the case!" The captain came to David and whispered.

David didn't speak but nodded. He understood that this was what general Adams meant, and the law enforcement had no obligation to report to him.

The captain waved and the law enforcement officer put on electronic shackles to captain cram. The rest of the crew were not treated like this, but were escorted out.

There were law enforcement officers left to collect evidence. David saw nothing to do with him and turned to leave the escort flagship.

When he walked out of the escort flagship, David turned to look at the escort flagship. Some people who didn't understand what the behind the scenes wanted to do and didn't let him ride the escort flagship. What was the idea?

The law enforcement Captain stood behind captain cram himself. This matter was paid attention by the military officers in the war zone, and he needed to pay special attention to it. Therefore, he escorted captain Kram himself.

"Captain, I admire his courage. I dare to move my hands and feet on captain David's warship. I don't know how to live!" A law enforcement member walking next to the captain said with a smile.

To him, the rest of the law enforcement team were also deeply convinced.

"Be careful about it!" The law enforcement captain said in a deep voice.

"What did you mean by what you said just now?" Captain cram was recovering from this time. Since he was caught, he would have to see if the person behind him could rescue him. He was relieved a little, and he could not help but ask if he heard the law enforcement officer.

"You have all done it to Colonel David. Don't you know the information of Colonel David before?" The law enforcement officer, hearing captain cram's words, looked at him strangely and asked.

Captain cram shook his head. He was transferred only before the war, and he was carrying out escort missions outside the Battlestar. Where did he hear about David.

If captain cram had friends in the battle Star Army, he could also know David's fame, but he was a new one. He directly landed to rob the captain's position. Who would have known him in the original War Star Army. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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