Transcendent David

Chapter 919: CH 917

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At close range, Lord Gould perceived a deeper message in the breath of the four fifth level Templars. He was different from Lord Fred, who was the blood of the black dragon.

Lord Fred, who was far away from each other, sensed the black dragon blood of the four fifth level Templars by the same blood.

In other words, Lord Gould himself is the blood of a giant dragon. In addition, he has studied Lord Fred's blood of black dragon, which reveals the clue at a close distance.

Lord Gould was surprised. He first thought of the connection between Lord Arthur and the Morse family, but the thought was just a flash in his mind.

If the four fifth level Templars were really the Templars of the Morse family, the Morse family would not have allowed the four fifth level Templars to follow Lord Arthur.

In fact, this is also a temporary confusion in Lord Gould's mind. Before voting, he didn't want to have an accident at all.

"Lord Gould, I just came to vote for you!" David smiles back to Lord Gould's question.

"Lord Arthur, we have to compare and choose the best one." Lord Gould said with a smile.

Lord Gould was very proud. Lord Arthur's public expression was a very good help to some lords who had made friends with Lord Arthur to make a choice.

In addition, Lord Arthur is very influential among the neutral Lords. Because of his strong strength, no Lord wants to be the opposite of Lord Arthur.

"Lord Gould, please return to your position, and the meeting will begin soon." Lord Ludwig, of the blood of the golden dragon, said in a deep voice.

Lord Ludwig is the temporary host of the Supreme Council. In the past, the presider of the Supreme Council was the speaker. This time count Abe lost his position as speaker, and Lord Ludwig, the former deputy speaker, became the host.

Of course, the host was temporary, but Lord Ludwig wanted to be the official host.

But Arthur didn't want to get in touch with Lord Gould.

"Lord Ludwig, I'm very sorry. I lost my temper when I saw my friend!" Lord Gould bowed with a very gracious smile.

Lord Gould nodded to David and returned to his inner platform.

"On behalf of the Supreme Council, I welcome all of you. For some reasons, former speaker Abe resigned as speaker ahead of schedule. Today, I will preside over this Council!" Lord Ludwig left his platform, flew to the center, hovered, and said.

David frowned when he heard Lord Ludwig say this. Abe did not leave office, but was dismissed. At the same time, he was expelled from the top class and lost his status as an ordinary member of Parliament.

If count Abe's business had nothing to do with him, he would have been lazy to listen to Lord Ludwig's words. As he said, he came to vote this time, and he was not prepared to interfere in the rest.

But there are some reasons why David, Lord Ludwig's words, directly affected him.

"Lord Ludwig, count Abe is not retiring!" David warned in a deep voice.

Lord Ludwig's face was stiff. He said he would step down because he was the deputy speaker. If President Abe had problems in power, he could not get rid of the relationship.

So he needs to minimize the impact of Abe's dismissal so that he can use his capacity as deputy speaker to get more votes.

"Lord Arthur, this is your first time to attend the Supreme Council. Please pay attention to your speech!" Said Lord Ludwig in a deep voice.

"Since when will members of the Supreme Council not be allowed to express their views? Is Lord Ludwig ready to make himself the speaker directly Lord Gould said faintly.

The Supreme Council was originally designed to facilitate all the top nobles to jointly manage the major affairs of the divine world. To some extent, the identity of any member of Parliament is equal.

The speaker is only responsible for handling the affairs of the Supreme Council. It does not mean that the speaker is more dignified than other lords, but that he has some more power in his hands.

If members are not allowed to speak, it would be better that all members do not have to come. As usual, representatives of members can help members vote on a show of hands. Where are so many five level Templars focused together.

All the members did not expect that at the beginning, two important competitors began to tear up.

"Lord Ludwig, please answer me. Do you think it's unimportant for you to send people to attack diplomatic envoys and collude with cult believers? Do you think the punishment of the temple on the Litton family is questionable?" David didn't mean to flinch, and he didn't want Lord Gould to come forward for him. He asked in a fierce voice.

"These issues are not discussed by the Supreme Council. If I have any improper expression just now, please forgive me!" Lord Ludwig finally came to his senses and said hastily.

Just now, I was too excited to think about the competition for the speaker. Lord Ludwig responded that he had a conflict with Lord Arthur.Lord Ludwig tried to smile and express his attitude to David. He had no intention of offending David.

When David saw this kind of Lord Ludwig, he also lost the idea of continuing provocation, and took back his eyes on Lord Ludwig.

Lord Gould's face showed a smile. Lord Ludwig's performance of losing points will make Lord Ludwig lose a lot of votes in the next election.

"Today's theme is to elect a new speaker. Let's introduce four candidates. First of all, Lord Fred!" Lord Ludwig also understood this, so he immediately ended a lot of prepared words, and even skipped the part of canvassing for himself and went straight to the next step.

Lord Fred stood up and bowed.

"Lord Daryl!" Lord Ludwig continued.

Lord Daryl, the Lord of the fish family with blue dragon blood, also stood up to salute the Lords.

"Lord Gould, please!" After Lord Ludwig said the name of Lord Gould, many lords present expressed their enthusiasm with applause.

This also made Lord Fred and Lord Daryl's expression dim. They clearly saw the gap with Lord Gould.

Lord Ludwig's eyes are also very helpless, he is ready to put himself in the final announcement, hoping to occupy a favorable opportunity.

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But these careful thinking in front of the real strength, all become extremely ridiculous.

In fact, when they decided to hold the supreme assembly to discuss the presidential election, most of the members thought that the ultimate winner was Lord Gould.

In these two months, the other three competitors have exhausted their means and used various relations to attract many lords.

But Lord Gould used only one thing to block the attack of the three competitors. That was "warm heart lotus seed soup", which was the holy medicine of level five Templar Knights.

"I'm one of the candidates, too!" Lord Ludwig waited for the applause to stop and finally said.

After his announcement, as he imagined, there was no response. Even his supporters were embarrassed to make a statement at this time.

In the following time, the four speaker candidates began to speak one by one, which was also the last chance to win votes.

This time Lord Fred, Lord Daryl and Lord Ludwig did not want to be the last, because once Lord Gould spoke, they might not have anything to do with them.

The three lords are well prepared. They have made detailed and pertinent plans in many aspects, such as the change of task distribution, the increase of members' welfare, and the enhancement of their support for the Lords.

Each of the three lords showed his magic power, and the Lords nodded their heads.

Of course, all lords understand that the interests of sacrifice will only belong to the interests of the great nobility, but all of you here are vested interests. Who cares about the interests of the great nobles.

David listened to some boring, he looked at the four competitors, found that all four competitors are dragon blood.

This is definitely not an accident. As Alexis the Black Dragon said, the cultivation method of knights is originally from the dragon clan. Knights with dragon blood have natural advantages in Knight cultivation.

David finally understood why Lord Gould was easily accepted by all lords and became one of the candidates for the speaker. Lord Gould used "warm heart lotus seed soup" only for one reason. Another reason was Lord Gould's white dragon blood.

David himself did not feel the knight's attention to blood, because his training time was too short. As short as each level of the knight, he could not have too many opportunities to communicate with other knights of the same level.

Moreover, because his strength is higher than the same level knight, no Knight will mention the importance of blood in front of him.

We should know that David's original blood was only the "shadow leopard's blood". This kind of blood can only be regarded as a medium level in the knight's blood. If there is no adventure, he can hardly reach the strength of level 5 Templar Knight.

The rest is needless to say. Take the thirteen level five Temple Knights under David's command as an example. The speed of cultivation of the thirteen level five Temple Knights before and after the transformation of the blood vessels of the black dragon is much different. This is the advantage of the dragon blood.

While David was thinking of it in boredom, Lord Gould stood up and clapped again in the rotunda.

"Thank you for your support. I think the Supreme Council has been established for thousands of years and has a mature operating mechanism. Therefore, I do not intend to interfere too much in the operation of the Supreme Council. I will only change some unreasonable parts." Lord Gould said with a smile.

Of course, the Lords present did not think that Lord Gould only said that. They were waiting for Lord Gould to make a point.

"If I become the speaker, I will add the exchange of" warm heart lotus seed soup "to the merit exchange. Of course, this exchange is only the power of members of Parliament!" Lord Gould continued.

At this time, the lords were excited. They may get "warm heart lotus seed soup" through some transactions, but this is not a fixed channel.The more the Lord who has used "warm heart lotus seed soup", the more he understands the importance of "warm heart lotus seed soup" to level 5 Templars.

Lord Gould's proposal is tantamount to providing a stable channel for the supply of "warm heart lotus seed soup". As for meritorious deeds, the top nobles have enough powerful knights to complete various tasks. Meritorious service is not a problem.

"I need to explain here, because the production of the raw material" warm heart lotus seed soup "is limited, and because it is extremely difficult to make" warm heart lotus seed soup ", it is not that I do not want to supply" warm heart lotus seed soup "for other level 5 Temple knights, but the production is limited Lord Gould said with a smile, seeing the warmth of the atmosphere.

Lord Gould's eyes turned to David, his eyes full of gratitude.

He dares to make such a promise, of course, because recently David has provided a large number of "warm heart lotus seed soup".

Since Jiami star produced "warm heart lotus seeds", the output of "warm heart lotus" managed by intelligent system has increased dramatically. With scientific planting and gene technology, the "warm heart lotus" has covered the whole lake surface.

The production time has been shortened to once a month. Of course, the most important thing is that David has enough time to cook "warm heart lotus seed soup" when he has nothing to do.

With sufficient stock, Lord Gould would have the courage to use the "warm heart lotus seed soup" to win over the Lords.

David smiles at Lord Gould. To be honest, he can't look up to the circle of the Supreme Council any more now. His vision has already surpassed this level.

Naturally, he will not isolate himself from the circle, and can help Lord Gould. Then Lord Gould will certainly benefit him if he becomes the speaker.

"Please think about it for a while, and then cast your own vote!" Lord Ludwig, after Lord Gould's speech, took over the chair and said.

At the end of his speech, a dozen lords came to Lord Gould and asked about the details of the exchange of "warm heart lotus seed soup".

These ten lords were not lords in Lord Gould's original power. Lord Gould's speech just now moved them.

More than a dozen lords only made a start, and then Lord Gould continued to consult on relevant matters.

On the other hand, Lord Fred, Lord Daryl and Lord Ludwig asked very few Lords. Even some lords who had decided to choose them before, they also took the initiative to consult Lord Gould.

It turned out that, just waiting for the final vote, the Lords understood that the more so, the less likely they would be to offend Lord Gould in voting.

Although Lord Gould will add "warm heart lotus seed soup" to the exchange option, if you don't have a good relationship with him, you will be a little bit embarrassed in the exchange and can't say anything! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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