Transcendent David

Chapter 920: CH 918

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"Now entering the voting session, please use the force of blood to input the array in front of you and select the candidate you choose!" Lord Ludwig also wanted to open his mind, when he regained his spirits and announced with a smile.

Lord Ludwig might have been very disappointed if it was almost the same, but if it was too much, it would have been meaningless.

All lords are using the force of blood to lead into the array, but David is a bit dazed. He did not expect this kind of situation.

"Alexis, how can I get the force of blood out of my body in this situation?" David's situation is special. He can only consult Alexis the black dragon through the master servant contract.

"Lord Arthur, there's a way out!" This powerful existence of the black dragon Alexis is just like a treasure house. As soon as David asked the question, Alexis the black dragon had the answer.

Soon Alexis, the black dragon, passes a ball of knowledge and spirit to David. David spirit sweeps the ball of knowledge spirit and takes over the knowledge in it.

The method given by the black dragon Alexis is to dilute the pure black dragon blood vein, and then inject it into the heart sea space to simulate the ordinary black dragon blood vein.

This process is very complex and requires a deep understanding of the black dragon's blood vessels in order to achieve this.

Alexis, the black dragon, was unable to practice and had nothing to do every day. While David was practicing, he also studied the sea of mind space. This method is one of his research results.

David tried to operate step by step, and there was no problem in the process. When the first ray of level 5 black dragon's blood force appeared in the heart sea space, the time just passed by a minute.

Many lords have finished voting, but some of them are very hesitant. They want to vote according to the original plan or vote for Lord Gould. In this tangle, time goes by.

David introduced the force of a five level Black Dragon into the voting array in front of him. When he was about to choose Lord Gould, the array in front of him suddenly sounded a harsh alarm.

The unexpected appearance made all lords look at David.

David didn't know what happened. He just put the power of his blood into the voting array. Who knows what happened.

At this time, Lord Gould had more than 50 votes, and his status as speaker of Parliament was confirmed. Even if there was no vote on David's side, it would not have an impact.

However, the alarm is not so simple, the Lords in the judgment of the cause of the alarm, the face appeared strange color.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any objection to my handling of this matter?" Lord Gould stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"Lord Gould, according to the voting rules, you have more than half of the votes. You can directly become the new speaker. As the speaker, you can handle emergencies." Lord Ludwig didn't mean to embarrass Lord Gould at all. Even though he knew that Lord Gould would favor Lord Arthur, he did not raise any objection.

"Speaker Gould!" Some lords stood up and bowed, and more and more lords stood up to support.

"Alexis, is there something wrong with the five level black dragon blood force that you taught me?" At this time, David understood that there was something wrong with the power of his blood. He asked through the master servant contract.

"Lord Arthur, there will be no problem with the power of blood. My design is based on the five level Templars around you." Alexis the black dragon replied positively.

The black dragon Alexis's perception can't be wrong, which David also believes, and David himself has felt the power of the fifth level black dragon's blood. There is no problem at all.

"Lord Arthur, why is your blood power not" shadow leopard blood " Lord Gould came to David's platform, looked at the voting array and asked.

Lord Gould, this is to tell David that it is David who imported the wrong kind of blood force.

Every member of the Supreme Council, or the whole God belongs to all the nobles in the great world, whose family blood power is recorded in the Supreme Council.

Adding the power of judging blood to the voting array is not aimed at whom, but to prevent voting cheating.

The correct blood force can only be judged by the blood force of the voting array. David's input is the power of the black dragon's blood, which is completely different from the blood power of the "shadow leopard". He immediately triggered the alarm.

"I don't know what the reason is. There are some abnormalities in my blood power in the process of cultivation. The original blood force is replaced by another blood force!" David has read a lot of books about God's great world, and his brain finds an excuse in a moment.

"Do the Lords know this?" Lord Gould winked at David in secret, motioned for him to be at ease, and then asked aloud.

"I've read a record. It records knights with two blood vessels. One of them is hidden. In the process of cultivation, the power of hidden blood is activated and the power of original blood is swallowed up. This requires that the hidden blood is stronger than the other!" Lord Felix stood up and said.No one will be killed at such a time. Lord Arthur is too powerful. There is a problem in the power of blood. With Lord Gould's support, it will not be a big problem.

"I've seen this record, too!" Another Lord stood up and said.

Many lords testified, and even one Lord took out a book from the space ring, and there was this record on it.

Lord Gould has a smile on his face. He has seen Lord Arthur's input of blood force in the voting array just now. It seems that things will not be in any trouble.

"Lord Arthur, please release the power of blood!" Lord Gould said to David.

David nodded. He pulled the newly generated blood force out of the sea of mind and led it out of the palm of his hand.

"Black dragon blood!" A cry of surprise appeared.

At the same time, all the Lords could not help but look in the direction of Lord Fred. Lord Arthur was not only followed by four fifth level Temple knights with black dragon blood, but also had black dragon blood.

All sorts of conjectures began to replenish the minds of the Lords. Of course, this brain tonic was based on a lot of information.

First of all, why did Lord Arthur's blood force turn into black dragon's.

This needs to be considered from the origin of Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur's father is very sure, but the mother did not know, or even no one knew that the Luce family would put a heir in the interstellar Federation.

You should know that in the environment of the interstellar Federation, even if knights are given the cultivation method, they can not achieve any results.

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Then the reason why the Luce family did this at that time was that it was very likely that the blood of Lord Arthur could not be determined. It can be concluded that Lord Arthur's mother should have come from the Morse family, that is, the origin of Lord Arthur's black dragon blood.

At the same time, there are two kinds of blood. The black dragon blood engulfs the shadow leopard blood, and the strong devour the weak. This is a recorded matter. Although the probability is very small, it is not impossible.

There was a sudden look on the faces of the Lords. They also understood why Lord Arthur practiced very fast. It was because of the blood of the black dragon. If you think of the four black dragon blood level five Temple Knights around Lord Arthur, it shows that there is a force helping Lord Arthur. This force is extremely powerful, and it is most likely from the Morse family.

After some brain toning, the Lords looked at Lord Fred in unison.

Lord Fred was also confused. He felt that Lord Arthur's exposed blood power was indeed the pure five level black dragon's blood force.

But the problem is that no woman is missing from the Morse family, and the old Baron Luce is not able to marry a woman from the top aristocrat Morse family.

"Is it true that the power of the family blood has leaked out?" Lord Fred thought.

Seeing Lord Fred's look, more brain tonic was raised in the Lord's mind. A knight of the top aristocrat Morse family who was expelled from the family established the black dragon blood family, which has been developing in secret.

Until met the gifted Lord Arthur, this force invested in Lord Arthur, and successfully became a top aristocrat.

There are many such stories in the ten thousand year history of God as the great world. Of course, none of the protagonists can achieve the status and strength of Lord Arthur. The Lords have a sense of witnessing history.

When David was thinking about how to continue to explain, he suddenly found that the eyes of many lords were full of the original look.

"Lord Arthur, after on-the-spot investigation and the proof of many lords, your blood change is a natural change. You can stay and add a blood information of Luce family later!" Lord Gould announced with a smile.

Blood matters may be of great importance to any knight, but this does not include the Luce family, which represents the fighting power of the whole clan with the power of one person.

Lord Gould asked David to leave another record, and then the Luce family became a family with two blood lines. This is not uncommon. After many marriages of some nobles, it is also common for some nobles to have mixed blood in the family.

"Yes, speaker Gould!" David breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the matter of blood was finally settled.

"The election of the Supreme Council is over. Please attend the reception on time." Speaker Gould has begun to exercise his power, as the host announced.

This reception is definitely the highest class reception in the world, and it is also the tradition of the Supreme Council. In addition to all the Lords, there are also some invited nobles and fifth level Templars.

"Lord Arthur, follow me!" Speaker Gould said to David.

At this time, all the lords were ready to change their dresses for the reception, and they also needed to bring their female companions to prepare for the reception. David was not in trouble. He was about to find a place to rest when Lord Gould stopped him.

Lord Fred is also going to look for David, but speaker Gould is one step ahead.

David, with four fifth level Templars, left the circular chamber with speaker Gould, and soon came to the speaker's office.

"Congratulations There was no one around, David said with a smile and a bow."I want to thank you. If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't have this chance!" Said speaker Gould, waving.

"You are modest. Even if the white dragon's blood is dormant for a while, it will soar to the sky." David waved his hand.

"When it comes to blood, you should input the blood of black dragon first!" Speaker Gould activated a phalanx and said to David.

Seeing that speaker Gould is so familiar with the speaker's office, David knows that this is the inside story. In the long history, white dragon blood has also been in charge of this office, which makes speaker Gould very familiar with this place.

David input a force of black dragon blood into the array, and speaker Gould made another operation.

"Well, the Luce family has two kinds of blood power. Lord Arthur, you've been hiding it for a long time. You're not really connected with the Morse family, are you?" Finally, speaker Gould couldn't resist asking about the result he wanted to know most.

Why not just become speaker, there are so many things to deal with. The first thing for speaker Gould is to bring David to the office and record the black dragon blood for David.

You should know that the blood of the black dragon is entered after the reception, and it doesn't matter if you enter it later.

It was mainly because speaker Gould was a little uneasy, so he took advantage of Lord Fred's meeting with David and talked with him first.

The main reason why the mein family was able to reach its present status was due to Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur himself is not interested in power. Speaker Gould is very clear that Lord Arthur is a Madman of practice. We can confirm this only by seeing Lord Arthur staying alone in garmi all day after he has a huge territory and wealth.

Otherwise, with Lord Arthur's own influence and powerful strength, he can gather a number of Lords by virtue of "warm heart lotus seed soup". Even if Lord Arthur's time to become a top aristocrat is short, he will not have no chance to compete with other candidates.

"Lord Fred of the Morse family, this is my first time to meet. The fifth level Templars around me are protected by an elder for my safety arrangement!" David does not care whether speaker Gould believes it or not, he will come up with a good speech.

"I think Lord Fred will come to you. With your strength today, he can't be tough. You need to be careful not to be fooled!" Speaker Gould cautioned.

"I'll pay attention!" David replied with a smile.

"Pay more attention to the reception later!" Speaker Gould changed his look and said with a smile.

What else should we pay attention to?

"It's said that many top nobles have brought the most beautiful women in the family, hoping to get married at the reception. The biggest goal of these top nobles is you!" Said Gould, laughing.

David's face was reddish. Although he was powerful to the peak of God's great world, he could not get used to this joke. In his heart, he could not help but affect the softest place, which belonged to Emma, who was far away in the interstellar Federation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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