Transcendent David

Chapter 922: CH 920

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Of course, this is not to say that there is no special existence, such as garmi, even if it is far away from the corner of God's great world. Because of David's identity, as long as it is open, it will become a hot star immediately.

Lord Llewellyn's face flashed with surprise when he saw Lord Arthur approaching.

He had heard that Lord Arthur seemed to treat Knight Miller differently when he was on Battlestar, but he did not expect to get together on such occasions.

We should know that Lord Arthur's influence in the God's world is far more than that of the Lord of the top nobles, the "First Knight" of the great world when he was at war star. In addition, he has recently killed five level bishops in succession. Lord Arthur is at the height of the sun.

"Father, this is Lord Arthur, this is knight Charlie!" Said Knight Miller to Lord Llewellyn.

"Don't introduce me, Lord Arthur. I've heard a lot about you. We met you at the meeting, but we didn't have a chance to contact you. There's Knight Charlie. It's true that a hero comes from a young man. At such an age, he has such strength." Lord Llewellyn bowed to David and Charlie.

Lord Llewellyn didn't give a cold shoulder to Charley knight. When he spoke, he boasted about both David and Charlie.

Behind the Knights of Charlie is the Mayne family, which is now the first of all the top aristocrats.

"Lord Llewellyn, it's a great honor to meet you!" David also bowed back very formally.

"Listen to Miller mention that you took good care of him at warstar. As a father, I want to thank you!"

Lord Llewellyn is not as good as how to open up the topic. He and David are only connected with the Miller knight, which is what he said.

"I'm in love with Knight Miller. I'm as good as old at first sight, so I don't need to mention taking care of it. By the way, my dunl hopes to launch some commercial cooperation with Conant. What's your opinion?" David said with a smile.

Lord Llewellyn is really a little confused. Lord Arthur's meaning is not simple. If business cooperation is spontaneous, it is just business cooperation.

The inviting nature of Lord Arthur is real cooperation, which is a sign of formal friendship between the two top families.

Besides, what kind of planet is dunl? It's a very famous commercial planet in the whole divine world. Being able to cooperate with dunl means that the Conant family will have a lot of benefits.

Interest is still a small matter, the key is that the partner is Lord Arthur. Relying on the reputation of Lord Arthur, the Conant family can get more benefits.

"Of course I agree. Conant will cooperate with you." Said Lord Llewellyn with a sincere smile.

Lord Arthur came to express his good will, and many lords on the side were extremely envious. They would like to pull Knight Miller to become their own son. How can a child who can bring great benefits to the family not belong to his own family.

David and Lord Llewellyn exchanged the information of contact phalanx, and David did not stay much. He was worried that his enthusiasm would make Lord Llewellyn suspicious.

David took Charlie and knight Miller to visit all the Lords and Knights of the fifth level that he was familiar with. These lords and Knights of the temple understood David's meaning and introduced their contacts to the two young men.

Charlie's side is better. It doesn't matter whether he borrows the power of Lord Arthur, because his father, speaker Gould, has a lot of influence.

But the Miller knight is different. David took it around like this, which greatly increased the influence of Miller knight in the aristocratic circle.

This is also the greatest help David can do. He has brotherhood with the Miller knight in the interstellar Federation, but in the God's world, making such a great help is the limit.

David, like many lords, left before the end of the reception.

In the small world of the God of war, the God of war sits on the golden throne. Under the golden throne, two teams of ten thousand people are fighting each other.

This is also the hobby of the God of war. He likes to watch battles.

Both sides of the two teams of ten thousand people battle are knights. They are all level five Templars. If anyone sees this scene, they will be absolutely shocked.

God belongs to the big world, which is regarded as the top five level Temple knights. In the small world of God of war, there are as many as 20000.

Of course, these five level Templars are just the spirits of the five level Templars who believe in the God of war, and the spirit of the five level Templars returns to the small world, and the God of war uses his divine power to reconstruct the body of the fifth level Templars.

This kind of extreme waste is enough to make any evil god crazy. We should know that the evil gods dare not breathe more, just to save the consumption of divine power.

However, the God of war spent a lot of his divine power on such indifferent things. Judging from the strength of the God of war, the strength of level 5 Templars did not help him much.

Even if the number of level 5 Templars reaches 20000, they can provide little help in combat power.

When two knights collide, this is a real battle. No Knight will keep his hand. When the sword is waved, there are knights falling down.

The war of 20000 level-5 Templars caused devastating damage to an area under the golden throne. The war ended quickly. Half an hour later, one side killed the other side at the cost of losing half of the fifth level Templars.With a wave of the hand of war, the magic power of all parts of the small world converged to the war. One by one, the fallen five level Temple Knights stood up, and their fatal injuries were completely recovered.

This is not a healing technique. The body of level 5 templars is made by divine power. As long as the soul does not die out, he can use his power to restore his body and achieve the effect of resurrection.

But the cost of doing so is the consumption of a lot of divine power. However, judging from the appearance of the God of war, there is no heartache for the waste of this divine power.

Just after the God of war had restored 25000 Templars to the battle ground, a belief connection caught his attention.

The God of war had a little interest in the sacrifice of the temple of war. He connected the sacrifice and felt the objects on the altar. He could not help but put a smile on his face.

The sacrifice that can interest the God of war is not a common thing.

The God of war looked at the sacrifice, and with a wave of his hand, a huge divine pattern array rose, which was all forced by divine power.

The sacrifice fell into the central position of the divine pattern array, and the God of war drew one by one divine pattern and fell on the sacrifice.

In the process of drawing, the God of war's face showed a proud smile.

In the small world of death, on the huge altar built of countless white bones, the God of death wrapped in black fog has not moved for tens of thousands of years. On the one hand, sleeping reduces the consumption of death, on the other hand, it is also a kind of accumulation waiting for the outbreak of the day.

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But today it is different. The black fog on the God of death keeps rolling, and a figure appears in the small world. They crawl on the ground and sing aloud the book of God of death.

The originally dark little world slowly brightened, and a star composed of energy rose into the sky, dispelling the mist shrouded in the small world.

The singing voice is getting louder and louder. In the book of gods, the God culture praising the God of death has fallen into the body of the God of death for the sake of light spots.

The change of the small world indicates that the sleeping God of death is waking up.

This kind of forced awakening can only be forced to awaken the God of death if there is an event beyond the sleeping God of death which can't automatically handle.

At least before tens of thousands of years, the God of death did not wake up.

The God of death on the white bone throne slowly opened his eyes. It was an indescribable pair of eyes. The black pupil was not lost because of tens of thousands of years of deep sleep, but it was a flash of light.

The God of death did not move, but the awakening of consciousness made him consume a lot of divine power. He did not activate the body immediately.

The God of death's mind began to look at the previous records, and all the automatic processing events quickly passed through his mind.

Although the awakening of death has something to do with David, it is not directly related. In fact, the greater reason for death's awakening comes from the God of war.

David handed over the body of the fifth bishop of Montserrat to the war shrine, which offered sacrifices to the God of war.

Although there is an explanation from bishop McKinley, bishop McKinley also underestimates the importance of the body of the fifth order bishop of Montserrat.

After obtaining the body of the fifth level bishop of Montserrat, the God of war used the corpse of the fifth level bishop of Montserrat to perform special divinity.

There is the divine grace of the God of death on the body of the fifth level bishop of Montserrat, and this kind of divine grace will remain in the body of the fifth level bishop of Montserrat for a certain period of time. Even if the fifth level bishop of Montserrat is dead, there is still a God Grace residue in the body.

The God of war took advantage of this remnant of God's grace, consumed a lot of divine power, exerted divine arts, and forcibly awakened the God of death.

To tell you the truth, this kind of divinity is absolutely harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself. However, the God of war is extremely powerful. With the continuous supplement of God's belonging to the big world, he doesn't care about the consumed power.

The God of war uses this connection to wake up the God of death.

This awakening has no substantial harm to the God of death and no substantial benefit to the God of war.

However, the God of death is really unlucky. Being forced to wake up is equivalent to interrupting the accumulation of tens of thousands of years. In particular, waking up once will produce a lot of spiritual power consumption, so it is extremely uneconomical to sleep for a short time.

The God of death soon learned what had happened. The destruction of the seventh moon of Erliu, where Alexis was located, and the fifth bishop of Bunian, as well as the fifth level bishop of Montserrat, who had just been promoted by God's grace, were killed, which made the revived God of death fall into extreme anger.

"Arthur Luce, blasphemer The voice of death echoes in the small world.

In the small world, the voices of those chanting became the voice of "Arthur Luce, the blasphemer." it was like the voice of a curse, influencing the main world through certain world rules.

God's anger cannot be resisted by mortals.

It is not without reason that people in the big world are afraid of gods. When the gods determine someone, they can influence them through their names.

And the God of death, the God of death, has a special study on the curse rules. It is not difficult to let a mortal be affected by the curse.The light curse seeks a blasphemer named "Arthur Luce" in the main world.

Unfortunately, the rules of the main world did not help death to curse Arthur Luce successfully. Death's plan to influence or even curse a mortal by using the power of the small world was over at the beginning.

Who would have thought that Lord Arthur, the God of the world's first knight, the youngest level five Templar, the top aristocrat Lord, even had a false name.

Even if God belongs to the big world, everyone thinks David is "Arthur Luce", but the rules of the main world clearly know that "Arthur Luce" is the one who was drawn out of his blood in the interstellar Federation laboratory and finally died in the interstellar Federation.

David and Arthur Luce are two completely different individuals in the cognition of the main world rules.

Death used the rules to curse David. He chose the wrong name first.

The curse of the God of death is to curse a dead man, a dead man who died in the interstellar Federation World and did not even return to God's great world.

In the small world of death, the voice of the God of death suddenly stops, and the rest of the voice in the small world also stops. The momentary silence makes the small world seem extremely strange.

The curse did not find a target, and even there was no response from the Lord's world rules. There was a sense of embarrassment in the death god's heart. After he became a God, this emotion did not arise again, but it appears today.

After he woke up, he mobilized the small world to curse a mortal and announce the news of death's awakening to the main world. However, the result was not ideal. Lord Arthur was not cursed, but death consumed his power.

Even if these people in the small world are believers in the God of death, they will not have any idea against the God of death, but the God of death still feels embarrassed.

After being teased by an angry man, he feels extremely embarrassed.

In fact, the God of war should first find trouble with the God of war, because the God of war forced him to wake him up, but he did not dare. The God of war is probably waiting for him to come to his door.

The God of war is bored every day. If death really goes to the God of war, it is estimated that in the next ten thousand years, death will become a new toy for the God of war.

The first anger of death failed to vent, and the second anger became more violent.

No matter where they are, all the fifth level bishops of the "twilight of the gods" of the Lord world feel the anger from the God of death.

Under normal circumstances, the rest of the gods will not disturb the believers who do not believe in themselves, because the cost of influencing the non believers is to consume their divine power.

In his fury, the God of death issued an order to kill Arthur Luce at the expense of his divine power. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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