Transcendent David

Chapter 921: CH 919

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"Welcome to the reception and thank Lord Arthur for his generosity. All the wine is provided by Lord Arthur today!" Speaker Gould stood in the middle of the reception hall, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and said with a smile.

He raised his glass of thanks to Lord Arthur, who was standing by.

David had no choice but to smile. This time, he provided the drinks. At that time, speaker Gould proposed to buy it.

This time, speaker Gould was the host of the reception. How could David let speaker Gould buy it and send 1000 bottles of red wine directly.

This is also in the space. The interior space of the pendant is large enough. There is free time for energy separation. Enough red wine is prepared.

Of course, David also understood what speaker Gould meant. It was to show all the guests that he had a close relationship with him.

"The reception of the Supreme Council officially begins!" Speaker Gould announced in a loud voice, holding up the red wine.

God is the world's top class of noble musicians played music, the reception officially began in all the guests holding up their glasses.

David was somewhat glad that he had brought four fifth level Templars with him. As speaker Gould said, there were more female guests at the reception.

If he had not been surrounded by four fifth level Templars, some female guests would have come.

The female guests who can take part in this kind of reception are not ordinary women. Most of them have the status of Baroness and are real nobles. All the female guests have received strict education of aristocratic etiquette.

Even on the body of the dress, are full of luxury.

It can be said that these women are the top women in God's world, both in terms of appearance and connotation.

David also intends to leave offspring for the top nobles he created in the God's world. Unfortunately, his biggest problem now is that his body, from soul to body, has transformed into a young black dragon. At least he needs to go through the legendary stage to fully control his body, otherwise it will hurt the women close to him. Besides, even when she was able to control her body, it would be futile for Emma to be absent.

So David asked four level five Templars to stand in the four corners of his side. It is estimated that there are not many strong players who can break through this defense.

"That's Lord Arthur!" In a small circle of young aristocrats, a dame stealthily glances at David on the other side and whispers.

If it was any other man, the lady would know him directly if he wanted to. But Lord Arthur's gesture that he didn't want to be disturbed and Lord Arthur's prestige made her dare not go forward at all.

But this does not hinder the female jazz to Arthur Lord's appreciation, strong and self-discipline.

"Yes, I really want to get to know each other!" Another Baroness nodded repeatedly.

The words of the two ladies made several men in the small circle very unhappy, but they all knew that they could not be compared with Lord Arthur.

The family brought them to the reception, and Lord Arthur, a member of the Supreme Council, was half the owner of the party.

A few of the ladies and men's psychology is different, they come to the reception, the family's task is to let them close to Lord Arthur.

We should know that the women who can get the title are highly valued by the family. To some extent, it is also a kind of chip of the noble family.

It's not easy to get the title. It needs to complete some tasks. These are not what the female knights can do. They must use the power of family knights and risk it out by family knights.

Most of the barons who took part in the reception had a clear purpose. In the past, such a mission entrusted by the family would disgust the barons.

But this time, the barons are very enthusiastic about the mission. It is the dream of all the barons to be young, powerful, powerful and rich.

However, Lord Arthur is too low-key on weekdays. Even if Lord Arthur holds a reception, these barons will not be able to attend, let alone approach Lord Arthur.

Just when all the barons could only look at their targets and could not get close to them, Lord Fred led a young Baron to Lord Arthur.

"Lord Arthur, can you have a chat?" Lord Fred, standing outside the four fifth level Templars, looked at David and asked with a smile.

"Lord Fred, please!" David said with a smile and a nod.

The fifth level Templars in front of him dodged, and Lord Fred came to him with the baroness.

"This is my daughter Dorothea, who has inherited the blood of the black dragon. The knight's talent is not bad." Lord Fred introduced the Baroness to David.

David's eyes swept across Dorothea. The young woman was already the peak of the land knight, and she was only about 17 years old, so she was very talented.

We should know that the inheritance of the top nobles is not like ordinary nobles who forcibly promote the realm of knights regardless of the consequences. The Knights of the top nobles walk very steadily at every level, which is also the reason why the top nobles are prone to become high-level knights.

After seeing Dorothea's strength, David looked at Dorothea's face.

There is nothing ugly about the women who can participate in the reception. Most of them can be called peerless, and Dorothea is also the top among so many women.It is also understood that most of the top noble men in the aristocratic circle will marry beautiful women. After countless years of genetic adjustment, the top nobles have high appearance both in men and women.

"Yes, Lord Arthur!" Dorothea gave a knight salute.

David noticed Dorothea's etiquette, and found that Dorothea was not a baroness. With the power of the Morse family, Lord Fred won a baroness for his daughter.

"Hello, Miss Dorothea!" David also gave a chivalry and said with a smile.

"Lord Arthur, Dorothea has loved knighthood since she was a child. She doesn't want me to arrange the title of knighthood, but she wants to get it by herself!" Lord Fred continued with a smile.

"I didn't expect Miss Dorothea to have such courage!" David really praised it.

David was also involved in the noble meritorious mission, and he knew how risky it was.

Sometimes the intelligence is not accurate, the enemy will become unknown and powerful, and many Knights die every year.

"Lord Arthur, I hope you will be my example one day." Said Dorothea, with a twinkle in her eyes.

But David found that Dorothea's look at him was familiar, the way star Federation fans looked at their idols.

"You are very hopeful!" David didn't want to dampen Dorothea's confidence, he encouraged.

Dorothea has the blood of the black dragon, and the chance of breaking through the Templar is much higher than that of ordinary knights. However, being a Templar Knight is not only a talent, but also requires a lot of luck.

"I will try my best!" Said Dorothea, shaking her fist in a very impolite way.

David found that Lord Fred had quietly left.

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"Lord Arthur, you are also the blood of the black dragon. What skill did you cultivate?" Dorothea inquired curiously.

If David didn't see Lord Fred leaving and was obviously frightened by Dorothea's question, he would have thought it was Lord Fred's advice.

"What I practice is a breathing method which is adapted to the blood of black dragon after being modified according to various Knight cultivation methods!" David didn't care, he replied.

It is absolutely forbidden for knights to inquire about martial arts, which involves the secret of knights.

The conversation between David and Dorothea made the ladies around see the hope, and then the LORD brought his daughter to join the chat, and then left her.

Inexplicably, in David's side unconsciously more than six beautiful women with excellent appearance.

Chatting with a beautiful woman can be regarded as enjoyment, but there are more beautiful women, David can't stand it. None of these beauties is simple, and they all have dark front when they talk to each other.

Relatively simple Dorothea, constantly stroking the space ring on her finger, David understood that the knight was preparing for battle.

I believe that if this was not the Party of the Supreme Council, Dorothea would have solved the problem in knightly armor.

"Excuse me David saw that speaker Gould was not far away with Charlie.

Several beautiful women saw the direction of David, but did not dare to make a voice to stay.

"Lord Arthur, do you like it? I can be your reference!" Speaker Gould said jokingly when he saw David coming.

"I need to stabilize my strength. Let's wait for a few years." David said with a smile.

Speaker Gould took a serious look at David, then looked back at Charlie. He had a hand on the back of Charlie's head.

"Look at Lord Arthur, look at yourself, go back and shut me up for three months!" Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

Charlie looked at David with a sad look and didn't understand why he was in such a situation.

"Charlie's strength has improved very fast. It's good to consolidate it!" David said with a smile.

David's words are not nonsense. It is estimated that he has been stimulated by his continuous improvement. Charlie's strength has improved a little faster, but this is definitely not a good thing.

David's own situation is special. In the case of no special ability and strong spirit, if the strength is promoted too fast, the foundation will be unstable, which will cause great trouble for the promotion of level 5 Templars in the future.

In the future, the identity of Charlie must be inherited from the mein family. Without the strength of level 5 Templar knights, it is hard to convince the public.

"Lord Arthur, I'm afraid you are more powerful than me!" Speaker Gould said with the power of blood that only two people can hear.

Speaker Gould knew Charlie's situation, but it was because Charlie's cultivation was in his control. He could use the force of blood to explore the situation in Charlie's body at any time.

But David just glanced at Charlie, and the difference between them made speaker Gould a little surprised.

"Recently, our strength has been improved a little bit!" David replied with a smile.

Speaker Gould shook his head and did not speak. He thought of the stability strength that David had just said. He even doubted whether David had any hope of breaking through level 5.That is the dream of speaker Gould. For this dream, his four partners from small to large have paid their lives.

"If you can reach another realm, please tell me and let me feel that realm!" Said speaker Gould softly.

"Certainly!" David looked at speaker Gould's firm look and said in a deep voice.

"I hope you will succeed as soon as possible." Said Gould, laughing.

"Charlie, go with me to a friend!" David can't disturb speaker Gould for too long. Today is an important day for speaker Gould, he told Charlie.

"All right." Charlie said feebly.

But when he saw speaker Gould looking at him, Charlie was in a hurry.

"Knight Miller, see you again. This is knight Charlie. Get to know him!" When David took Charlie, he saw Knight Miller. He also hoped that the two could become friends.

"Lord Arthur, do you really think we don't know each other?" Although Charlie said so, he still seriously saluted Knight Miller.

"Lord Arthur, I've met Knights Charlie at the reception before, but there's not much communication!" Knight Miller was not as casual as Charlie, and said after saluting both of them.

"Knight Miller, you never know your family. Can you introduce it to me?" David said to Knight Miller with a smile.

Although Arthur Miller's reputation on the top of the family can only be regarded as the aristocrat, he can only be regarded as the leader of the aristocracy.

It's good for Arthur's family to get to know the Lord.

Charlie was very familiar with David and was surprised to hear what David said.

We should know that David does not pay much attention to any power, and it is extremely rare for him to take the initiative to know a certain nobleman.

Especially in David's present position, there is no need to take the initiative to get to know others, even the top nobles. As long as he wants to, the top nobles will rush to make friends with him.

His attitude also made Charlie attach importance to the Miller knight. Although he did not know why, it must be related to the Miller knight.

David didn't mean anything else. When he was in Battlestar, he was taken care of by Knight Miller and Baron Dubois. Baron Dubois not only saved his life, but also gave him the spoils of level 5 materials.

Now that he has some abilities, David naturally takes care of the family of Knight Miller and Baron Dubois as much as possible.

Under the guidance of Knight Miller, he came to the other side of the reception. When David saw Lord Llewellyn, he recognized him as the Lord of Conant's top aristocratic family.

The Conant family, or all the top nobles on one side of the reception, were separated from the top aristocrats on the other side in terms of territory.

Although the God belongs to the big world, there is a star level portal, but ordinary goods can not go through the star level portal, and the cost of transmission alone can not make up for the price difference of goods.

Therefore, the nearby planets rely on cargo boats similar to the "star flying boat" to carry out comprehensive cargo exchange, which also makes the nobility of God's big world appear estrangement in the star region to a certain extent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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