Transcendent David

Chapter 951: CH 949

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After the end of the Supreme Council, speaker Gould, who returned to the battlefield, saw dozens of bodies returned to the small war shrine that had been eroded by poison and damaged by explosions.

When he asked what had happened, he looked very ugly.

Zerg hidden means, perhaps the sacrifice of so many Zerg is to observe the way God belongs to the big world.

Now God belongs to the big world side of the defense means out, and finally it's Zerg's turn to start to make real efforts.

Speaker Gould expected that the battle would no longer be a one-sided massacre. Although the Zerg still did not send out level 5 Zerg, all kinds of special Zerg that had never appeared on the Battlestar appeared one by one, causing casualties to the fourth level sky knight.

"Speaker Gould, when will the second call up begin?" Bishop McKinley of the war shrine came to speaker Gould and asked in a deep voice.

Unlike all the Knights here, bishop McKinley had little confidence in the outcome of the space war.

This is a war of more than five levels, especially small wars. The temple is located here. He knows better than Chancellor Gould and the Knights.

As an extension of the temple of war, the small war shrine stands here to represent the attention of the God of war. Even if necessary, the God of war can intervene in the battlefield through the small war shrine.

There is a great possibility that the war will rise to the level of God. At this time, the war is only a kind of mutual exploration.

Therefore, the tura line of defense is extremely important. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the tura line of defense is defended by the war shrine. As long as the Tula star defense line exists, it is the merit of the war temple, which makes the war Temple gain face in front of the other four temples.

"Bishop McKinley, the Supreme Council has just passed the resolution, and the second call up has begun!" Speaker Gould replied.

"I would like to focus on strengthening the defense of Tula, which only needs to maintain the knightly battle line!" Said bishop McKinley in a low voice.

Speaker Gould's eyes narrowed slightly, and he waved a force of five levels of blood around their bodies.

"Does the war shrine have any plans for this place?" He used the force of five levels of blood to shield the sound around him. He was not at ease. He used the force of blood to transmit the voice.

Knowing that speaker Gould had always thought that this place would be the key to blocking the space door, he did not expect the more than 100 level 5 Templars and nearly 2000 level 4 sky knights to complete this task.

But the small war shrine here means that the war temple can use very powerful divinities.

He put all his faith in the temple, but when he heard bishop McKinley say so, how could he not be worried.

"Don't you see that this is no longer an ordinary race war? When Zerg get this chance, they will attack with all their strength, even God level Bishop McKinley didn't want to hide it from speaker Gould, he explained.

"What are we here?" Speaker Gould then asked.

"Delay time, give the temple time to set up the defense line!" Returned bishop McKinley.

"But all the Knights here are the foundation of God's great world. You can't lose them here!" Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

"Knights Templar will be protected by the temple!" Bishop McKinley replied faintly.

Chancellor Gould was a little silent. He understood what bishop McKinley meant. The Knights of the temple were protected by the temple, while the Knights of the sky needed to live and die.

As the speaker who ordered the knights to come, speaker Gould didn't want this to happen, but he couldn't control the will of the temple.

He can only hope that the sky knights can keep up and reduce the loss as much as possible when evacuating.

The next war was more intense, with the emergence of various special talent Zerg, and using various strange means, they consumed the life of level 4 sky Knight again and again.

However, the level 5 Templar Knight has not been damaged, which is also related to the fact that the Zerg did not send out the level 5 Zerg.

Of course, it also successfully blocked the Zerg from sending forces to other directions through the space gate. Neither Tula nor garrison could continue to mobilize the swarm of insects.

With the emergence of more and more special talent Zerg, all Knights feel the Zerg's determination.

"Be careful, these insects are not afraid of the magic of light!" Exclaimed bishop McKinley, who was commanding the oracle.

This is a group of Zerg that just emerged from the space gate. There is nothing special about the species. All of them have appeared before.

But this group of Zerg has some differences, because when they charge to the "light magic" range, although a small part of their bodies appear to be eroded, they are not fatally hurt.

Even if one or two Zerg can resist the attack of "light magic", this sudden change makes the Knights a little unprepared.

Bishop McKinley's warning was timely, but several level Four sky knights were injured.

At this time, all the people found that this group of Zerg appeared a layer of armor composed of small insects. It was this layer of armor that greatly reduced the effect of "light magic"."This is a low-level insect specially made by the Zerg for" light magic " Speaker Gould did not take part in the war. He stood with the magistrates as commander. He asked bishop McKinley in a low voice.

It's rumored that Zerg will make some changes to adapt to the environment.

The area under the light of the magic of light is a kind of environment that Zerg can't live in. In order to adapt to this environment, the Zerg can only mutate.

However, in the past, it took many years for this kind of mutation to be achieved. In only one day or so, there appeared insects that could resist the magic of light.

Speaker Gould hopes that his guess is wrong, otherwise the Zerg adaptability will be too terrible.

"I'm afraid it is. These bugs don't even have a level. They should be transformed temporarily. The Zerg have a special ability to transform their lives." Bishop McKinley said helplessly.

It took the Zerg only one day to deal with the troubles that the cult followers could not solve after tens of thousands of years.

Although this is a clever way to use small insects with no fighting power to fight against the "magic of light" and then distribute them on the surface of the fighting Zerg's body, this method does work.

Once again, the Knights fell into a bitter battle, and speaker Gould had to send out all the preparatory forces, so that they could no longer retain their fighting power.

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The surge of insects, the white blood of the knight, the green insect blood, and various colors of energy attack form a magnificent picture of space war.

Hidden in the insect tide, Zerg like assassins have special talent. In this case, they have more mobile phone meetings.

They don't attack level 5 Templars, because their attacks do little damage to level 5 Templars. They focus their attacks on level 4 sky knights.

Level 4 sky knights are constantly injured. Even if there is constant treatment from the deities, there will still be level 4 sky Knights falling down from time to time.

After a large amount of consumption, Zerg can finally fight the knight hand to hand.

Knights are not perpetual motion machines. War magistrates use magic to recover the strength of knights. The physical strength and energy consumed by these super intense battles are amazing, and the effect of magic is getting worse and worse.

And the constant loss of level 4 sky knights is also weakening the power of Knight battle array. Zerg can not care about consumption, but God belongs to the big world, which can not afford to consume.

Although each time the Knights wield their weapons, they can kill a large number of Zerg, but what about this? The vacant position of the dead Zerg is immediately filled by more Zerg.

As long as these Zerg get close to the knight battle array, they will gnaw and gnaw at the knight battle array's blood force shield in all ways. Under this kind of attack, the power to maintain the knight's battle array is also constantly consumed.

White hot battle, so that the number of knights reduced, but also had to tighten the Knights battle.

The Knights' battle array protects the small war temple. If the knight battle array is too small, it will expose the small war temple to the attack of Zerg.

At this time, the magistrates also tried their best to display various auxiliary and attacking magic arts, but these can only slightly slow down the progress of the insect tide.

"Speaker Gould, when will the reinforcements arrive?" This is not the first knight to ask speaker Gould in this way, but speaker Gould is unable to give an accurate answer.

"Listen to the temple!" Speaker Gould can only respond in this way.

He also joined the cavalry battle, with his own strength to resist the Zerg attack.

A war like spacegate has won time for other parties.

David is the one who can see most clearly that he is on the guard star, and his level 5 Templars are in both the space gate and the tular line.

As for Tula, he saw that five huge shrines were being built rapidly, and countless precious materials were being built like building blocks.

In just over a day, five huge temples have been erected in the main city of Tula star. The five temples stand side by side in five corners, increasing the scope of "war space".

The five huge shrines provide energy for the "battle space array", making the "war space" almost cover the entire large star region centered on "Tula star".

David sensed the horror of the gods through the eight fifth level Templars. The five gods increased the "war space" to such an extent through their respective temples, almost establishing a barrier around the chaotic star territory.

He never knew that there would be so many level 5 Templars in the temple, many strange faces, and even no level 5 Templars appeared in the aristocratic materials.

In just a few days, the temple arranged as many as 40 level-5 Templars in Tula, all of whom were wearing holy stripe knight armor.

With these 40 level 5 Templars that can be teleported across the entire realm, you can give the Zerg a heavy blow.

David's eight fifth level Templar Knights have no chance to gain grainy knight armor and can only move on the surface of Tula.In fact, tura now no longer needs the help of David's level 5 Templars, but David did not mean to withdraw the level 5 Templars.

He can only see the situation of war, and he can't make any contribution to the situation of the world.

After a day's time, the guardian star is also changing. All the Zerg corpses on the surface of the planet are put away, and various defense weapons are arranged on the guard star.

And from the interstellar Federation, there is a continuous stream of logistics transport ships to send a large number of heavy defense weapons, the whole guarding star is like a huge construction site, engineering soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor are constantly busy.

In the new underground command post, David and general Francis are looking at the picture in front of the light screen, which is installing a giant Star Destroyer gun.

"Lord Arthur, the power of the Giant Star Destroyer gun must be provided by the divine world. Is that ok?" General Francis asked, smiling.

It's not that general Francis is stingy, but that the consumption of Giant Star Destroyer guns is too large. In this kind of reinforcement war, the huge consumption is normally provided by the reinforcements.

General Francis didn't want to take such a thing as a favor, or he would not have been able to explain it when he went back.

The most important thing is that although the logistics transportation channel has been established, this super weapon, which can only consume "top-level kryptonite", needs too much "top-level kryptonite". Only relying on the supply of the seventh fleet, the quantity of stimulation will be limited, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

"No problem, speaker Gould authorized me to mobilize warstar resources, enough for the consumption of this giant Star Destroyer gun!" David didn't have an accident, he said with a smile.

Apart from being equipped with aircraft carriers, there is no warship to install Giant Star Destroyer guns. This is not simply because of energy, but also because of the force generated by Giant Star Destroyer guns. Only warships of this size can bear it.

Because of the strong radiation generated by the Giant Star Destroyer gun, it can not be deployed on the administrative planet.

Fortunately, the garrison star is also a military facility. In addition, some of the original humans on the garrison star also died due to Zerg attacks, which makes the interstellar federal military have no worries about installing Giant Star Destroyer guns on the guard stars.

"In this way, it will be easier to hold the guard star!" Said general Francis, with a satisfied smile on his face.

David has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but for the first time to see a real Legion war, he was amazed by the war preparation of the interstellar Federation.

To tell you the truth, he has always underestimated the interstellar Federation. The interstellar federation can coexist with Zerg and gods, and certainly has the ability to survive.

According to David's observation, with the military strength near the garrison star, as long as the logistics support is timely, it is not a problem to return to the Zerg ten times before.

The only thing to worry about is the level 5 Zerg, which depends on whether the Giant Star Destroyer gun can accurately hit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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