Transcendent David

Chapter 952: CH 950

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David came to a place where there was no one. He took out the Lord's contact array. First, he sent a message to speaker Gould, reporting the situation of the garrison star, and then sent a message to Zhanxing, asking for the delivery of "top kryptonite" to the garrison star.

Just as he finished this and was ready to put away the Lord contact array, a message came from the Lord contact array.

"Lord Arthur, if the situation is not right, please return to warstar. Don't think about guarding the star. Your safety is the most important thing. Don't mention the following things to anyone.

This war with Zerg may involve a divine war. You should stay away from the center of the war. If I have an accident, please take care of my family!

According to the news from the temple, the space door is activated by the God of death. The God of death has awakened from his deep sleep. You have killed several fifth level bishops of death, so you should pay more attention to it! "

Speaker Gould's information uses the special encryption of the mein family, which is also the encryption method adopted by the mein family when transmitting important information to David. David has corresponding decryption methods.

When David saw the news, his first feeling was that speaker Gould had prepared for the worst. This is a last word.

What he paid most attention to was not the God level battle that would open between the god world and the Zerg world, but the awakening of death.

God belongs to the big world and the Zerg world. As long as David is a little farther away, he can't be affected if he doesn't participate in the fight there.

In particular, David did not dare to get too close to the temples, let alone the kind of divine fighting.

David was most worried about the awakening of death, which he had never received before.

Speaker Gould took a great risk to inform David of this news. Only the "twilight of the gods" and the high-level officials of the five major temples should know about the news of the awakening of the God of death.

If it was not for the special status of speaker Gould, the temple would not have leaked the news to him.

Once the news of death awaking is leaked, the consequences will be terrible, and all kinds of panic are inevitable.

As a matter of fact, when the God of death wakes up, the harm it can cause is only the backhand arranged before. It is not very realistic to want to cause great damage in the God's world.

As long as the God of death dares to leave the small world, even if it is a breath, it will be captured by the temple network throughout the God's big world, and death will become the sacrifice offered by the temple to the gods, just like many other gods who have awakened before.

Naturally, the awakening of the God of death can speed up the generation of believers. However, the growth of believers also takes time. Especially when all the fifth level bishops of the God of death are killed, it is not easy to re cultivate new fifth level bishops.

According to the judgment of the five temples, the God of death will hide for a period of time, and gradually develop the believers. Relying on the belief generated by the believers, the God of death can accumulate enough to enhance the divine power of the fifth level bishop.

Therefore, the five temples are hiding the news of the God of death. David has a good relationship with several temples, and has not received any news.

"Lord Arthur, what's the matter?" Alexis, the black dragon, sensed David's emotions and asked through the master servant contract.

How sensitive is Alexis' perception? David's emotional fluctuation in his perception has a certain relationship with him.

David thought of Alexis, the black dragon, and his fear was greatly reduced. Indeed, the God of death was terrible. He still offended the God of death.

From killing the fifth level bishop of the God of death, taking the anchor stone of the God of death's artifact space for his own use, and then killing the incarnation of death, all these are enough to make the God of death have a heart to kill him.

Anyone who is thought of by death will be afraid.

"Alexis, how much chance do you have against the one who holds you?" David asked.

As a man remembered by death, David didn't want to mention the name of the God of death at all, especially when he was awake.

"It's hard to say, it depends on how much divine power he still retains. If he has more power, if my soul has not recovered, it is estimated that losing both sides will be the best result." Alexis, the black dragon, thinks seriously.

David frowned slightly, which showed that Alexis was not strong enough.

David didn't reach the divine level. I don't know how much damage to the soul will affect the fight between the ranks.

Like the black dragon Alexis, although most of his fighting power is based on close combat, his soul's defense has been greatly reduced due to the injury of his soul. It is difficult to make effective defense against many attacks on the soul.

Alexis is good at attacking the spirit of the God of death.

Alexis, the black dragon, has no idea of deceiving David. He is one with David.

"The one who wakes up David said in a deep voice.

"What?" Alexis, the black dragon, was startled and his breath rolled.

Fortunately, David and the black dragon Alexis have a master servant contract, and quickly remind the black dragon Alexis through the master servant contract.You know, this is the god world. As long as Alexis, the black dragon, exposes his spirit in the god world, the pursuit from the five temples is waiting for Alexis, and even David will become the target.

David did not dare to underestimate the power of the temple. Through the magic temple, many impossibilities can be made possible, and it is not uncommon to explore some clues.

Alexis, the black dragon, soon suppressed his breath. He was extremely excited by the news of death's awakening.

As long as he is still alive, he will be killed.

However, according to the black dragon Alexis's judgment on the situation of the God of death, he quickly came to a conclusion.

"Lord Arthur, don't worry. Although the guy wakes up, according to my judgment, he does not wake up on his own. In this way, the power he can retain is very limited, and I still have a chance to defeat him!" Alexis, the black dragon, also understood what David had been worried about, and said in a voice.

"Alexis, you try your best to recover your soul. I will provide you with spiritual energy. I also need to strengthen myself. The one who has awakened will always meet us. We will be more confident if we have more strength!" David worried that Alexis the black dragon would ask for the initiative, so he advised him.

"I've been waiting for tens of thousands of years. It doesn't matter if I wait a little longer!" Alexis, the black dragon, didn't think it was like David, he said in a deep voice.

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Although hatred is important, Alexis, the black dragon, knows better that in the case of insufficient strength, it is not revenge, but death.

Without David, perhaps Alexis the black dragon would still go to the God of death, because the life span of Alexis the black dragon is also limited. After tens of thousands of years of torture, his life is no longer long.

Of course, the life span of Alexis the black dragon is not very long, which is also calculated in 10000 years.

But after Alexis and David, the black dragon, can share David's "immortal vitality". Enough "immortal vitality" can make the divine body have endless vitality.

God level is also divided into categories, like the gods who believe in God, they need to rely on believers to maintain their own existence. As long as the believers do not disappear, the gods will exist forever.

Even if the gods fall, the believers' faith can make the gods reborn from the turbulence of time and space.

This kind of God is immortal in a certain sense, but this immortal spirit is based on the immortal believers, and the believers are fragile.

The gods will also solve this problem and leave their own believers' souls in their own small world. These believers' souls with firm faith can bring continuous faith power to the gods.

So generally speaking, as long as the God's small world exists and the spirit of the God is not destroyed, then the God will wake up after a long sleep.

Of course, this is only an ideal state. The soul of believers in the small world will gradually weaken with time. Without the help of gods, the soul of believers will eventually die out.

Therefore, it is possible for normal gods to revive through the small world after their fall, but most of them do not have this condition.

But the dragon clan is different. The dragon clan relies on its own strength to reach the divine level. Their life span is long, but it has an end.

Alexis, the black dragon, relies on David's "immortal vitality". He does not need to consider the issue of longevity, so he has enough time to prepare for revenge.

David thought, however, that as soon as the war was over, he would shut up.

Now, Alexis is in the stage of rapid promotion, and he is in the fastest stage of promotion, but he has no confidence.

"Lord Arthur, all the Zerg corpses have been disposed of. Please go and check them out!" When general Francis saw David again, he immediately stepped forward and said to the two fifth level Templars on the side: "both of you, please come with us."

Although general Francis didn't make it clear, he actually wanted to invite two level five Templars to testify.

Although the two level 5 Templars did not count the specific number of Zerg corpses, the two level 5 Templars had previously selected the Zerg corpses and knew the general number of Zerg corpses.

Naturally, the two fifth level Templars will not refuse, and they also want to ensure that Lord Arthur's interests are not violated.

It took tens of thousands of Armored Warriors in exoskeleton two days to dispose of all the Zerg bodies.

You should know that these are soldiers who have been trained to decompose Zerg corpses in the army, and their decomposition speed and quality can be guaranteed.

Entering the huge warehouse, he didn't smell the stench that he imagined. David knew that this was the function of the interstellar Federation insect body deodorant. Otherwise, the smell alone would be unbearable if so many insect corpses were gathered together.

In this huge warehouse, there are grade materials belonging to David. Even if the level is lower, it is a terrible wealth.

Dexter and Nelson Knights have seen the world, but they can't help but gasp when they see the class materials in front of them.The number of grade materials is too large. Although they have a general number in their mind, they are still shocked when the number appears in the form of physical objects.

However, the two level-5 Templars immediately responded. They went forward to count them carefully. The warriors of the interstellar Federation were very professional. Each grade of material was packaged in one thousand pieces. The packaging used transparent materials, which made the interior clear at a glance.

Therefore, although the number of class materials was huge and terrible, the two level 5 Templars quickly calculated the number and there were no mistakes.

David didn't mean to disturb the enthusiasm of the two level five Templars. He could only count them with the two level five Templars. In fact, his spirit swept through, and 101 souls helped to calculate the quantity of this batch of materials.

General Francis will not do anything on this, in case of a bad relationship with David, it will not be worth the loss.

"Lord Arthur, the number is the same!" Dexter fifth level Templar turned to David and said.

David smiles and nods. Then he sweeps his mind. Pieces of grade materials are put into the space pendant.

The huge war readiness warehouse, a whole warehouse of grade materials, were all put into the space Pendant by David. General Francis could not help but sweep to David's body, guessing the size of his space items.

Then he went to another huge combat readiness warehouse, where the fortified meat was stored, which was also counted by two fifth level Templars, and then collected by David.

"Lord Arthur, do you need the rest of the Zerg corpse?" General Francis asked, though he knew that David was unlikely to ask for the worthless parts.

"No, I'll leave it to you." David said with a smile.

David is very clear that the Zerg corpse after such treatment is of no value to the god world, but it is still valuable to the interstellar Federation.

In particular, the shell of class III and IV Zerg is the material for making exoskeleton armor. Many top-level exoskeleton armor armor materials contain the components of class III or IV Zerg shell.

Even the shell of the first and second class Zerg is also an important component of intermediate exoskeleton armor.

This large number of insect carcasses alone, regardless of grade materials and fortified meat, is of great interest to the Federal Military.

It's just that David didn't have the heart to calculate that, and these worm carcasses are only valuable in the union.

General Francis's eyes flashed with joy. The harvest this time exceeded his expectation. The transporters who came to deliver supplies did not have to return empty. This harvest was enough for him to establish a stronger prestige in the military headquarters.

The first "StarCraft" from warstar arrived outside the garrison, which was responsible for the transportation of "top kryptonite" strategic resources, alternating with the federal military transport ships. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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