Transcendent David

Chapter 956: CH 954

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Since the knight battle array has activated the "Knight charge", the battle level has been improved. Originally, the level 5 of Zerg was just a wait-and-see event, but now it is full-scale attack.

The result is that the "Cavalier charge" is forced to stop, and one charge pushes the cavalry battle forward by 800 meters.

"Defense, defense!" Said speaker Gould in a loud voice.

He constantly introduced his blood force into the knight battle array to supplement the rapid consumption of the blood force in the knight battle array.

Many level 5 Templars are also the same. Their long-term defense has consumed them too much blood power. Now this round of consumption makes them feel tired.

This kind of fatigue can't even restore the magic of the gods in the small war temple, which means that the level five Templars have reached the limit at this time.

"Bishop McKinley, can't hold on any longer!" Speaker Gould felt the situation of the knights in the Knights' battle. He contacted bishop McKinley through contacting the phalanx.

"Speaker Gould, hold on for another five minutes, my lord intends to do it!" Bishop McKinley whispered.

Speaker Gould was delighted and finally waited for the God of war to attack him. However, he was worried about whether the Zerg would fight back and whether these knights could survive in the war.

In less than five minutes, when the Knights' battle array was unable to support and several level Four sky knights were severely damaged, a golden light suddenly rose from the small war shrine.

"My Lord, may your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as in heaven." The magistrates chanted with fanaticism.

On the battlefield in space, the battle is like pressing the rest button. Even the level 5 Zerg in front of the space gate can't move their bodies. Their ugly faces are fixed at this moment.

The knights in the defensive state only felt the pressure suddenly relaxed, and then the Knights felt a great breath coming from the void.

David felt the familiar holy breath of the God of war, but it was infinitely greater than the breath he felt on the statue of the God of war in the great hall.

Unfortunately, David does not use ontology. Here, some details of the perception can not be as clear as the ontology.

You know, his body has a legendary soul. His perception is much stronger than the body of the fifth level Templar Knight.

But even so, David felt a strange and familiar power through the body of Harlow Templar Knight in the vast breath.

"The rules of the world!" An idea came into his mind.

David himself has mastered the "rules of strength" and "rules of speed". Among them, the "rules of strength" are more in-depth than the "rules of speed". He can mobilize the "rules of power" in the small world of his soul space to strike a blow far beyond his own strength.

Of course, the rules he mastered could not affect the main world at all. However, the world rules inspired by the temple of small wars obviously mobilized the rules of the main world that God belongs to the big world, so that all Zerg on the battlefield could not move.

This kind of power makes David feel the blood boiling, because he also has the ability to control the rules, and one day he will be able to do the same as the great power exerted by the God of war.

The golden light gathered above the small war temple, forming a huge golden sword.

The God of war may not take care of Knights' lives, but he can't allow small war temples to be desecrated by Zerg.

If the God of war doesn't do it again, after a while, the knightly battle will shrink to the limit, and the small war shrine will be exposed to the knight battle.

Although the temple of small war is small, every component of the temple of small war has been baptized by long-term belief, which contains all the conditions that war temple should have. This makes the small war temple also become the tentacle of the God of war extending to the main world.

Each temple is the node of the gods in the world. The gods can rely on the temples to collect faith. At the same time, the temple is also a stable channel for the gods to display their miracles.

Compared with the God descending, the gods come to the Lord world by borrowing the human body. The temple can give full play to the power of the gods. The God descending needs a part of the spirits from the gods, and the maximum strength is the limit of the human body.

The upper limit of the temple's power is the limit that the temple can bear.

The materials used in any temple are the most precious materials in the world. After long-term baptism of faith, the maximum strength that can be endured is extremely terrible.

Therefore, no matter how rampant the followers of evil gods are, no believers of evil spirits dare to approach any temple where God belongs to the big world.

Today, the God of war is using the small war shrine to punish God. The terrifying power has swept through the star field, including the space gate and all the Zerg around.

It is not that David has never seen the battle of gods before, that is, Gladstone, the God of pestilence, the incarnation of death, and the fall of the Knights of the temple of Annabella. In a few short years, his insight was more than that of many powerful men.But the God of war's terrible punishment makes Gladstone, the God of pestilence, look like a baby in front of him. As for the incarnation of death, it is far from enough.

"The further away from the temple, the better!" David told himself in his heart.

He was a little glad that he had chosen to join the battle with his five level Templar Knights. Although his body has also been involved in the war between the Zerg world and the god world, he is at the edge of the war and far away from the gods.

David can't define the power of the gods by any standard. He shared his perception with Alexis, the black dragon.

Alexis, the black dragon who is resting, feels David's perception. First he is stunned, then he is shocked.

What a terrible punishment The black dragon Alexis murmured to himself.

"How strong is this one?" David wants to judge the strength of the God of war through the black dragon Alexis. This is a rare opportunity. Maybe after this time, I don't know how long it will be before he meets the God of war's punishment again.

"Can't judge!" Alexis, the black dragon, was helpless for the first time.

"This one inspires God's punishment through the temporary temple. His strength is the upper limit of the temporary temple. Unless I fight him face-to-face, I can't judge his real strength!" Alexis the black dragon saw David's doubts and continued.

David's heart is silent, because of the rapid improvement of his own strength, the little bit of pride was broken at the moment of the strongest existence in the world.

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It turns out that there is such a powerful existence in this world. In front of this power, the fifth level Zerg will not even be able to think, even if they will fight back.

The God of war is not quick to punish God. He needs to show the power of God and deepen the worship of God.

The golden sword opens the void and cuts down towards the space gate. The golden sword just started to move. The insect tide and the Zerg of level 3 and below in the direction of the space gate burst open one after another.

The battlefield was empty, and there were only level 4 and level 5 Zerg left over the war. The number of Zerg was too large to count. At this time, the number of Zerg was reduced by countless times.

If the golden sword is cut down, some of the 4th level Zerg's skin will be broken. If this golden sword is cut down, all Zerg on the battlefield will be wiped out.

Just when everyone, including David, thought the war was over, an insect limb reached into the God's world from the door of 20 meters of space.

This insect limb is about 20 meters in diameter, almost reaching the limit of the space gate.

Through the eyes and senses of the Harlow Templar Knight, David can't describe his first feeling of seeing this insect limb. This feeling is too special. It seems that this insect limb is born to be different from the world.

When the foot moves inward, regular waves appear on the foot, which seems to want to stop the movement of the foot.

The movement of the foot does not have any effect because of these regular fluctuations. As the foot moves, the regular fluctuations are forced to break.

David seems to have heard the sound like a broken glass, but this is in space. How can he hear it? But he is very confident in his own perception and can't hear it wrong.

With the emergence of feet and legs, some of the world's rules have been hit, and that's why David heard the sound.

The legs meet the golden sword, and the thick legs collide with the golden sword which destroys the heaven and the earth.

Just before the collision, David felt the bodies of Harlow Templars and his four other Templars were drawn by some force. His body was pulled into the space involuntarily. When he appeared again, he was already in the main hall of the small war temple.

With the appearance of David's five Templars, all the level five Templars appeared, and no level Four sky knights were drawn in.

This is the choice of the God of war. The level 4 sky knight is not worth his efforts to save. If the level 5 Templars here are not the backbone of the whole God's world, the God of war has no absolute confidence to deal with the feet that stretch out the world. He is lazy to save the level 5 Templars.

The God of War didn't expect that the Zerg world would be so powerful. Although his punishment was restricted by the small war temple, he could not achieve the power of one strike with all his might.

However, the Zerg world's God level forced itself to pass through the world with its own body, bearing the world's repression, it also could not play its real combat power.

The foot and the golden sword collide together, and the whole world is at a standstill. Only after a breath, the breath of terror is generated at the collision point, and there are cracks on the golden sword.

There is no change in the surface of the foot, which is clear at a glance.

The golden sword suddenly collapses, and the horror of the collision breaks out at the same time.

On the battlefield, the level 4 Zerg and the level 4 sky Knight are directly turned into fly ash under the shock wave formed by the terror. Their bodies and souls are destroyed in the power of terror, leaving no trace.

It seems that the Zerg world's God level is the same as the God of war. The shock wave sweeps through the fifth level Zerg, and there are shields on the fifth level Zerg that are not in line with their strength, which blocks the impact of the shock wave.The war god's heart soars, but he knows that with a small war shrine, he can't fight the Zerg world's gods.

Without the slightest hesitation, the small war shrine forcibly opened the transmission through the internal portal, and forced the small war shrine to be transmitted from space.

The so-called transmission restriction is not a problem at all for the gods who rule the great world.

The small war shrine disappears opposite the space gate and reappears in front of the Tula starball portal.

David sensed the teleportation through the Harlow Templar Knight, and there was only one thought in his mind that the God of war was defeated.

This is not only his idea, but also the idea of all the Templars present. A belief collapsed in their hearts, and the invincible God of war was defeated. It was a great shock to their faith.

The God of war can ignore the feelings of these fifth level Templars, but not the gods in the main world.

"Everyone, the Zerg world's divine level suddenly appears. Because this small war shrine can't contain my Lord's power, my Lord can't destroy the Zerg world's divine level. In order to protect you, my lord expends his divine power to send you back to tura. There is a formal temple here, which is enough for my Lord to do his best. This will be the Zerg hell!" Bishop McKinley appeared and announced.

Most of the Knights believed in Bishop McKinley's explanation, but some of them were ill at heart.

Many of those four level sky knights are friends and relatives of the Templar Knights. When the danger comes, the God of war abandons them.

No one believed that at that time, the God of war was not able to send all the Knights back. Compared with the strength needed for fighting, the strength needed to save the Knights was too small.

The Knights of the temple looked at each other, and two thousand level Four sky Knights fell into this war. A large part of them did not die at the hands of Zerg, but were abandoned by the gods they believed in.

This kind of harm has taken root in the hearts of some Templars, and their faith has been shaken by the resentment accumulated over the years before.

David didn't dare to say anything. He didn't know whether the God of war was still paying attention to it. He could only keep the Harlow Templar knights in a state of "fanatical faith.".

Even in his heart, he despised the God of war, but his face did not show any trace.

"Well, although your recruitment war is over, the war with Zerg still needs you. Please take a rest and wait for the instructions from the temple." Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

In the hall, the Knights bowed to him in succession. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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