Transcendent David

Chapter 957: CH 955

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"Harlow Templar, do you return to garmi or stay?" Speaker Gould asked the Harold Knights of the Templars alone, who was particularly concerned.

As the subordinates of Lord Arthur, the five level five Templars have achieved the best in the previous battles. Now the five level-5 Templars' energy bodies have been destroyed and their souls have been more or less damaged.

In this case, no one can force them to stay.

Most importantly, Lord Arthur is now guarding the stars, guarding the boundaries of the divine world, and his contribution to the war is far beyond the duty of a top nobleman.

"Speaker Gould, we will stay at your command." The Harlow Templars bowed back, and four fifth level Templars bowed at his side.

Speaker Gould looked at the five five level five Templars left behind, and his face was moved. Harold's meaning was obvious. He wanted to stay and protect him.

From the performance of the previous five level five Templars, speaker Gould had known for a long time what orders the five level five Templars had accepted.

What speaker Gould did not expect was that when he left the small war temple with five fifth level Templars, he saw eight level five Templars waiting for him.

"These eight men are under the command of Lord Arthur. They are here to obey your orders!" Said the Harlow Templar Knight.

Speaker Gould knew from the intelligence that Lord Arthur had left eight level five Templars in tura, but he didn't expect Lord Arthur to keep the eight level five Templars to follow his orders.

With the protection of thirteen five level Templars, as long as speaker Gould doesn't get involved in the God level battle, his life safety can be guaranteed.

It was naturally David's arrangement to let thirteen fifth level Templars protect Chancellor Gould. This war was upgraded to the divine level because of the battle between Zerg gods and war gods.

As the leader of the supreme assembly, speaker Gould must stay in the front line, which also threatens his security.

David himself could not help Chancellor Gould. He could only arrange 13 Templars.

"How could you have such a strong body!" Alexis, the black dragon sitting on David's shoulder, sighed after he saw the foot.

"Is the Zerg's divine level stronger than the dragon's body?" David also inquired curiously.

David thought of the shock in his heart when he saw the foot, the horror of confronting the whole world and crushing the rules of the world, which made him feel creepy whenever he thought about it.

"Not the same. The spirit level body of Zerg has the characteristics of belief in divine body and the trace of natural divine life. In addition, I have never seen such a strong body except for the elder of dragon clan!" Alexis the black dragon explained.

David doesn't know how strong the great elder of the dragon clan is, but judging from the worship of Alexis when he mentions the elder, he knows that the great elder of the dragon clan must be far more powerful than Alexis the black dragon.

God level bodies are also different. The dragon like clan takes the noumenon as the God body. With this kind of God body, they are naturally strong race and the favorite of the world.

The other is the gods like the God of war. These gods become gods through faith. The God body strengthens the noumenon through faith, completely changing the composition of noumenon and becoming a new and stronger body.

The gods who believe in becoming gods are usually extremely fragile compared with those who are born to be strong. They can only be strengthened in this way in order to shorten the gap between them.

The rules of the world are also fair. Like the natural divine creatures, they can't use their faith and can only rely on their own ability to fight.

But the Zerg God level broke the rule, so Alexis the black dragon was so surprised.

"But I have heard you say that it is impossible for these two bodies to appear on one body at the same time!" David said a little puzzled.

"Some special circumstances are still possible. Just like you, our black dragon is a natural God level life. You have the body of the black dragon through the postnatal changes, but you are still human in nature. You can still take the road of believing in God!" Alexis the black dragon looked at David and said excitedly.

If he had not seen the Zerg level before, Alexis, the black dragon, would not have believed that the two gods were in one, but now that Zerg level is a revelation to him.

The black dragon Alexis wants to make David stronger. He is bound with David. With the strength of David's soul today, if David dies, he will not die as an idiot. Therefore, David's becoming stronger is also for his own life.

In addition, Alexis the black dragon also wants revenge. The God of death has awakened. If he wants revenge, he can't grasp it by his own combat power. However, if David becomes a god level and is as powerful as the Zerg God level, death will not be a problem at all.

"But the way to become a God is not spread in the world of God!" David also understood the black dragon Alexis's idea, helplessly said.After tens of thousands of years of cleaning up the temple, the method of believing in God has long been submerged in the long river of history. Perhaps there is still inheritance of evil gods, but at present, only the God of death wakes up. It is totally unrealistic to obtain the inheritance of belief in God of God through death.

As a matter of fact, evil gods will not inherit their faith into God, because it will separate their original few beliefs, which they absolutely do not allow.

This is especially true of the five gods. Gods belong to the big world and are the places of belief of the five gods. From the promotion method of blocking the legendary level of the five temples, we can see that the five gods control the road of becoming gods.

Originally, the black dragon Alexis made for David's growth path is to cultivate "black dragon sleep", so that David can grow up step by step and become a human type black dragon.

Of course, even if David is promoted to adult black dragon, there is still a gap between David and the real adult black dragon, which is mainly reflected in the body.

No matter how strong David's body is, it can't be compared with the body born with divine life. This is an essential gap on the basis.

Now, there is an opportunity to make up for this defect, and strengthen the body through faith, so as to achieve a strong body similar to the real adult black dragon.

Moreover, through the way of belief into God, David can get more fighting means.

"I can't do it. I need help from you." Black dragon Alexis is also very helpless to say.

This involves the core of inheritance, where is so easy to obtain.

David is still in the legend stage, and has time to find a way to obtain the transmission of faith into God. It is too early to discuss this matter.

"Turn on Anti-jamming mode, the fleet is ready to accept energy collision!" David, who was discussing the master servant contract with Alexis the black dragon, heard the order from general Francis.

David has been in the command room all this time to coordinate the logistics between the interstellar Federation and the God's Big World War Star.

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"What's the matter?" He asked general Francis.

"The farthest detector received signals of unknown energy, and then one by one lost contact. According to the analysis, it was impacted by the unknown energy. Now the unknown energy is coming towards us!" General Francis explained to David.

David nodded. After this long arrangement, the interstellar federal army had already launched the Scout close to the space gate.

Through the first level data transmission, this kind of military detector can transmit the remote investigation data back to the command headquarters as soon as possible, which is also a favorable means for the military to understand the Zerg movement remotely.

"Unknown energy?" David suddenly moved in his mind and judged the time difference. It was not the time after the battle between the two gods that received the impact of unknown energy.

He thought of the amazing collision between the God of war and the Zerg God level, and the insect bodies and sky knights as strong as level 4 turned to fly ash in an instant.

You should know that both level 4 sky knights and level 4 Zerg have level 4 materials on their bodies. The armor weapons of level 4 sky knights are made of level 4 materials. The teeth and claw spines of level 4 Zerg are the source of level 4 materials.

But under that kind of impact, they all turned into nothing.

In space, such a shock wave constantly outward, what kind of impact will be caused, David never thought about.

When David guessed in his mind, the shock wave came, and the light curtain in the underground command room just flickered several times, but it was not affected by much.

"Report the loss!" General Francis asked aloud after the shock wave had passed.

"A large group of warships have been damaged by 20% and are in urgent repair!"

"Eighteen percent of the warships of the second brigade were damaged, and they are in urgent repair!"

One voice sounded in the command room, making general Francis's face very ugly.

"Order the investigation ship to set out immediately. We must find out the cause and send the shock wave data back to the federal headquarters!" Admiral Francis gave the order in a deep voice.

"Admiral Francis, I think I might know what happened?" David said on one side.

"Lord Arthur, do you know the origin of the unknown energy?" General Francis demanded urgently.

Of course, general Francis was in a hurry. Before the real battle began, there was such a battle damage. Although the damage was not serious, it was only a shockwave. If such a shock wave came several times in a row, his whole fleet would be destroyed.

This kind of shock wave is so harmful to the interstellar Federation fleet that finding the source and finding the solution is the key.

General Francis didn't want to be destroyed by this shock wave when the battle came.

"Just now, there was a battle between two gods in the space gate. This unknown energy should be the shock wave caused by the battle of two gods!" David explained.

He did not name the source of the information. General Francis also knew that God belonged to the great world. He did not expect to see it with his own eyes."God level participated in the war?" Asked general Francis, with a change of face.

If the gods participate in the war, their arrangement here will become empty talk, and the military's response needs to be changed.

We should know that the records of defeating gods in the history of the interstellar Federation all happened within the interstellar Federation, causing incalculable losses.

After entering the interstellar Federation World, the gods were suppressed by the world rules, and their strength was greatly reduced, which gave the interstellar Federation a chance.

In the god world, the military has no confidence to defeat the gods, let alone the super weapons that can defeat the gods have not been transported to the god world, nor can they be transported to the god world.

It's a national weapon. It's a security barrier for the interstellar Federation.

"The divine level is just a short battle. The Zerg God level will retreat and there will be no divine level attack on us!" David didn't say the God of war had failed, he just explained.

"That's good!" General Francis had no doubt of David, and David didn't need to cheat on this.

General Francis just exclaimed in his heart that his fleet would suffer a lot from the confrontation in space. If the gods really attacked, his fleet would not be qualified to resist.

At the space door, the thick foot slightly points at a level five Zerg, and the fifth level Zerg's body suddenly trembles.

Then the shell of the fifth level Zerg burst open. Strangely, the fifth level Zerg didn't feel any pain. Instead, they were extremely excited, as if it was a great honor to be selected.

A strange pattern appears on the broken body of the fifth level Zerg, and the golden pattern on the body without shell is particularly dazzling against the green worm blood.

After finishing this, the thick legs slowly retreat from the space door.

As a divine class, this divine Zerg forcibly enters another world, which is greatly suppressed by the world rules. Relying on its strong spirit body, it resists the suppression, defeats the God of war, and carries out the operation just now. All these make it consume a lot and must be restored to the Zerg world.

With the disappearance of their thick legs, countless Zerg swarmed into the space gate. As soon as these low-level Zerg left the space gate, they were attracted by the gold pattern on the fifth level Zerg, and could not help but rush to the golden pattern.

Every Zerg that is close to the golden pattern will collapse after approaching, and the flesh and blood will be absorbed by the golden pattern and transformed into new flesh and blood.

All the flesh and blood bodies of a third level Zerg are transformed into golden patterns, and there are only very small blood and flesh tissues on the fifth level Zerg.

However, the number of low-level Zerg is too large. Hundreds of millions of Zerg are pouring out, which makes more and more flesh and blood transformed from golden patterns, and the body of level five Zerg is constantly increasing.

The golden pattern not only transforms the flesh and blood, but also transforms the spirit of the Zerg into a part of the spirit of the fifth level Zerg.

The smell of the fifth level Zerg also became stronger and stronger with the number of dead lower level Zerg. It soon reached the critical point of level five Zerg. Without any hindrance, the smell of this fifth level Zerg suddenly increased, and the smell of legend came out. At the same time, the body of this Zerg also increased to a height of 100 meters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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