Transcendent David

Chapter 964: CH 962

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David looked up to his own ability. He didn't know that in front of the real God power, all the hiding seemed to be a joke.

Indeed, his tactics confused the half rest time of the Zerg God level. The Zerg God level thought that he still used the space ability to be invisible, but found that there was no space fluctuation, which swept all the lights to find him.

David thought that he was very careful, and even in order not to show any trace, even the shadow waiter wanted to absorb the soul energy was forced to stop him, locking the shadow servant dead in his body.

Zerg level is extremely angry. If Alexis is the only black dragon who does things, Zerg God level may be acceptable.

However, David, a mole ant in the eyes of Zerg God level, provoked Zerg God level and gave up the protection of black dragon Alexis when he fled, which made Zerg God level feel insulted.

Of course, Zerg gods are more angry that legendary Zerg are killed. Legendary Zerg can be killed, but legendary Zerg must be recovered.

In normal times, the legendary Zerg is killed. As long as the Zerg is in the big world, the Zerg God level can take back the golden pattern.

However, who would have thought that Alexis, the black dragon, once killed the legendary Zerg, put the corpse into the space pendant. The space pendant is also a artifact to a certain extent. The Zerg divine level cannot take back anything from its interior, even if the golden pattern has a strong connection with the Zerg divine level.

Everything happened so fast that there was no response from Zerg God level.

Originally, the golden pattern was given to the legendary Zerg in order to promote them quickly.

The real name of the golden pattern is called "imperial level inheritance pattern". The imperial level of Zerg is also the divine level in the mouth of the human world.

This "imperial inheritance pattern" belongs to this divine Zerg. After leaving the "imperial inheritance pattern", the strength of this Zerg divine level will never be improved, and even its strength will slowly decline.

In addition, the number of blood veins of the "blood emperor" is very low, and the number of blood veins is very low.

Almost all of the Zerg's divine level is promoted to the divine level because of the "imperial level inheritance pattern". At present, there are only less than 10 "imperial level inheritance patterns" in the Zerg world, and some of them are still in the growth stage.

For example, the "imperial inheritance pattern" of Zerg deity level can be directly connected to the divine level due to the development of Zerg divine level itself.

After the "imperial level inheritance pattern" is handed over to the previous level 5 Zerg, it is natural that the Zerg can continue to grow. The legendary level is only the first step, and there are many possibilities for the next demigods and gods.

The original plan is that the legendary Zerg will continue to improve their strength by relying on the "imperial inheritance pattern". When the number of Zerg meets certain conditions, they will launch attacks around, delaying the growth of legendary Zerg.

The "imperial level inheritance pattern" is too important, and the Zerg divine level will never be left alone. Therefore, the Zerg divine level has always been left outside the space. In case of any problem, the Zerg divine level will either save the legendary Zerg or take back the "imperial level inheritance pattern".

Once the "imperial level inheritance pattern" is withdrawn, without the support of the "imperial level inheritance pattern", even if it is promoted to the divine level, the strength will slowly regress.

It's not for a new world. Zerg gods will never let the "imperial inheritance pattern" leave their bodies. You should know that Zerg is not a helpful race. If it is not for the sake of greater interests, the Zerg God level will never take risks.

David doesn't know what he has done. It's definitely something that Zerg gods hate deeply.

When the Zerg God level saw that his attack fell on David, he felt a long sigh of relief. Finally, the "imperial inheritance pattern" would not be lost.

However, what happened next made the Zerg God level a little suspicious of insect life. With the shock wave of Zerg God level anger, there was almost no material to resist this blow.

However, the shock wave of Zerg God level fury did not cause any damage to the wings of white energy feathers, but the strong shock force made David's whole body muscles and inner abdomen seriously damaged, and many places were broken into pieces.

As David mobilizes the "immortal vitality" therapy in his bones, he flies away with this terrible shock wave.

His body is like a bullet, which runs straight through the numerous Zerg. All the Zerg in front of him are penetrated into his body. Even this can't slow down his speed.

You know, it's the driving force of a Zerg fury strike, and David's full control of the speed caused by his white feathered wings makes him reach unprecedented speed.

"You can't escape, I remember your breath, no matter where you go, I will find you!" Before David's shadow disappears into Zerg level perception, Zerg divine level sends a message to David.

David disdained to turn his lips. He had seen many powerful gods. He had long lost the awe of God level. He did not care about the threat of Zerg God level.To tell you the truth, the threat of Zerg God level is not even as good as death's threat to him. Zerg God level can't enter the god world at all. Even if you enter the god world, it will be constrained by the world rules of God's big world, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

It's hard to tell whether it's Zerg God level's trouble to David or David's black dragon Alexis.

David's escape direction is still very accurate. His target is the small reconnaissance ship. The small reconnaissance ship will wait for him for a period of time. If it exceeds the time, it will not wait again.

This is also the arrangement of general Francis and the help of the interstellar Federation.

Of course, general Francis also hopes that this will enable David to return to the garrison star quickly. The garrison star needs David's help.

"It's Lord Arthur. Open the hatch The officer saw the figure that appeared in the distance, then saw the embarrassed David, and quickly ordered.

David was sad indeed. His gray robe was a artifact, but there was no damage. But his hair was messy and his mouth, nose, ears and eyes had red marks of blood flowing through his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

I can see that David was seriously injured.

"Return to the garrison star immediately!" David sensed the Zerg's crazy pursuit not far behind him and said in a deep voice.

It's not necessary for David to say at this time that the officers have seen the scanning data on the light screen, and countless light spots appear, which are Zerg.

If you don't leave early, you won't be killed by Zerg, or even be injured by the long-range main gun of the warship.

"Turn on traction and return at full speed!" The officer didn't know how David had infuriated the Zerg. From this posture, he knew what David had done was not small, he ordered in a loud voice.

When the small reconnaissance warship began to accelerate, the speed steadily increased, and entered the extreme speed state, David was really relieved.

If you give him another chance, he will never use his body to take a god level blow.

Although David was only severely injured, under the influence of "immortal vitality", it will not take long for the injury to recover.

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But only he knew that his estimation was wrong. He thought that he was far enough away from the Zerg God level that he could escape with a slight wound at most.

The power of Zerg God level is obviously beyond his imagination. Maybe "God of plague Gladstone" is not a level God level in front of Zerg God level.

This kind of misjudgment is very dangerous. If David gets closer, his body will collapse even if he is protected by white energy feather wings.

Maybe all he can leave is still only bones and wings, which can't be damaged by Zerg gods.

"Lord Arthur, are you all right?" The officer sat in his position, forced to resist the discomfort caused by the speed and asked with concern.

"A little injury, no big problem!" David laughed back at the officer.

The officer saw that David's face was coming back to blood, and he didn't look like he had been badly hurt.

David then released Alexis the black dragon from the artifact space card, and Alexis, who was shrinking in size, escaped back to his shoulder.

"Lord Arthur, please don't take such risks any more, and I will not leave you in the future." After the black dragon Alexis came out, he said to David seriously through the master servant contract.

Alexis, the black dragon, is really frightened. He can sense David's situation through master servant contract in artifact space card, which is naturally allowed by David.

After seeing David's hard hitting Zerg, Alexis almost breaks the artifact space card.

Fortunately, he did not feel that David's life was in danger, but Alexis the black dragon was still scared. David's life was not related to David himself, but to Alexis the black dragon.

"Cough, not in the future!" David was embarrassed by Alexis, the black dragon. This time it was his fault.

"There is a big gap between the divine levels. You don't know what your wings are. Although wings can offset most of the attacks, the remaining attacks are still not what you can bear. You can't risk your life. You can have a better choice!" Alexis continued.

"Alexis, the Zerg God finally threatened me, saying that he remembered my breath!" David quickly changed the subject.

"Remember your breath, that's a problem. However, the Zerg divine level can't enter the divine world. As long as you don't enter the Zerg world, after a few years when I'm fully recovered and you're promoted to the divine level, we'll work together to survive the Zerg level, even if it's big!" Black dragon Alexis is very disdainful to say.

David's side is returning, and the alarm bells ring at the same time in the five great shrines of Tula.

In the middle of the golden tent, bishop McKinley's face changed when he heard the alarm bell. Then he immediately opened the contact array to check the details.

The sound of the police bell is only when the spirit level atmosphere is found. Bishop McKinley is worried that the evil gods are doing things in the rear during the war between the great world and the Zerg world through God.Especially recently, the God of death wakes up. This is not a kind of peaceful evil god. The space door alone makes the temple headache.

If anything else happens, the temple will be more busy.

Bishop McKinley first breathed a sigh of relief and then nervousness as he examined the range of breath.

"Contact Lord Arthur now!" He ordered to the deity on the side.

The deity quickly activated the special contact array of the temple, which had extremely high authority.

"Report to the bishop, we can't establish contact!" The Oracle replied quickly.

Bishop McKinley's face is even more ugly. The spirit of God comes from the space gate of the chaotic star domain. Although it disappeared only for a while, it was still captured by the temple network.

In that direction, the only possibility is that the Zerg God level will appear again.

Bishop McKinley immediately thought of the mission to be released by the temple, and Lord Arthur accepted the mission.

But he still has a ray of luck, Lord Arthur may not have gone to the space gate, to do that mission.

But the fact that the contact phalanx could not be connected made bishop McKinley even more worried.

"Contact Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars, and ask where Lord Arthur is going Bishop McKinley ordered again.

This time, it took a few minutes for the theocrats to finish the contact.

"Bishop, Lord Arthur is going to the space gate by borrowing a starfederation warship. It is estimated that this time has arrived!" The God reported.

"You go down!" Bishop McKinley turned pale and waved.

In his heart, Lord Arthur has been sentenced to death, and he is on the Zerg level. The consequences are not hard to estimate.

Of course, bishop McKinley didn't think Lord Arthur would die. He had a little hope in his heart that Lord Arthur would still be magical.

"Speaker Gould, the bishop is busy. Please wait for me to give you a message." Outside the door came the voice of the deity. Then the door was pushed open and speaker Gould appeared.

"You go out first!" McKinley saw speaker Gould and understood what it was for, he said to the oracle.

"Bishop McKinley, does the temple know that there are Zerg gods stationed at the space gate?" Speaker Gould's eyes were sharp, and he asked in a deep voice.

After hearing the alarm bell of the temple, speaker Gould had a bad guess in his heart, especially when he was also unable to contact Lord Arthur.

For this reason, speaker Gould broke into the temple tent regardless of his identity and asked bishop McKinley for an explanation.

"Speaker Gould, like you, I care about Lord Arthur very much. I hope he is safe. The temple can't send a mission that must die. Lord Arthur has just won the title of" invincible Knight ". If he falls, he will bring great morale blow to all knights." Bishop McKinley explained helplessly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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