Transcendent David

Chapter 965: CH 963

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David didn't know there was friction between the temple and the Supreme Council for his safety.

Not only speaker Gould and Bishop McKinley, but during his return to the garrison, tura knew about Lord Arthur's mission to the space gate.

All level 5 Templars have received that mission, but because of the difficulty and danger of the task, no level 5 Templar dares to accept it.

But it was such a dangerous task that Lord Arthur resolutely accepted. In the eyes of all knights, it was a spirit of dedication. For the peace of God's great world and to defeat the invading Zerg, Lord Arthur went to the space gate even though he knew the extreme danger.

Even though there were more than 100 level 5 Templars, 2000 level 4 sky knights, and a small war shrine, with the presence of the God of war, there was still no space door, but Lord Arthur went to the space gate.

Sadness spread among knights, and some Knights have sung Knight songs for Lord Arthur.

No Knight thought Lord Arthur could return safely. The alarm bell in the temple could tell everything.

David is in the cockpit, his spirit sweeping through the space pendant, observing the legendary Zerg corpses.

He had a strong feeling that this time his efforts were not in vain.

It's just because the environment here is not suitable, so David can't check the harvest, so he can only wait until he returns to zhenshou star.

As time went by, ten hours later, when the small reconnaissance ship slowed down, David could already see the guard star through his eyes outside the cabin.

Some anxious David asked the officer to open the hatch and fly directly to the guard star.

"Admiral Francis, I ask you to send another scout to the space gate to see if Lord Arthur is in danger!" The Knights of Dexter Templars were bowing to general Francis in the command room.

Next to the Knights of Dexter's Templars were the Knights of Nelson's Templars. When the temple asked them about Lord Arthur, they knew something was wrong.

They contacted with their friends and learned that Lord Arthur might have an accident, and they were anxious to find general Francis.

"We can't get close to the gate of the temple, but we can't get close to the space of the Zerg. We can't get close to the gate of the Zerg General Francis said helplessly.

"Is there no way out?" There were tears in Nelson's temple Knight's eyes, he muttered to himself.

But he still remembers that in the most desperate time, Lord Arthur crossed the chaotic star realm and appeared beside him to rescue him from despair.

At that time, there were a large number of Zerg in the chaos star region, which was very dangerous, but Lord Arthur, who just met them by chance, came.

Now, Lord Arthur is to carry out that dangerous mission for the safety of God's great world.

"Report admiral, scout vanguard team returns, Lord Arthur returns with him!" Just as the atmosphere in the command room was extremely depressed, a voice came from the direction of the light curtain.

The first reconnaissance vanguard team is the small reconnaissance ship that sent David to the space gate. Because their task is the first-line investigation, they have the priority to report to the headquarters.

"Repeat, is Lord Arthur safe?" General Francis came quickly to the light curtain, pressed the reply and asked aloud.

"Report general, Lord Arthur was wounded when we returned. Zerg chased Lord Arthur. We evacuated as fast as we could!" The officer of the first reconnaissance team reported.

"If it's OK!" General Francis had a smile on his face.

"That's great. I knew Lord Arthur would not have an accident!" Said the knight of the temple, laughing, forgetting the sadness.

General Francis operated on the light screen again. Lord Arthur appeared on the light screen. Lord Arthur was forcibly entering the guard star from space without even wearing armor. Strangely, he entered the atmosphere at such a high speed, and there was no friction flame.

At this time, no one cares about this. When general Francis and the two knights of the fifth level Temple saw the figure of David, the big stone in their hearts was really put down.

"Let's welcome Lord Arthur!" General Francis said with a smile to the two level five Templars.

"Welcome our hero!" The Knights of Dexter Temple nodded and said, his manner is not a hint of joke, but a kind of certainty, he identified Lord Arthur as the hero of God in the big world.

David landed in front of the command post. He had the right to enter the command post. The ground passage opened automatically. As soon as he entered the channel, he saw general Francis, Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars.

"Great Knight Arthur, welcome back!" The Knights of Dexter and the Knights of Nelson's temple performed the knight salute together, while general Francis made the military salute.

"Why wait for me here?" David looked at them in surprise and asked.

"Lord Arthur, is your contact array closed? We can't get in touch with you. We thought you had an accident!" Said the knight of the temple with a smile.David patted himself on the head, because the mission involves legendary level, and there may even be divine level.

He was worried that the fluctuation of the contact array would be discovered by Zerg, so he closed the contact array during the mission. He was always excited and forgot about it.

David's spirit swept through the Lord level contact array. In a moment, countless messages flashed. Almost all the people who had the right to contact him sent messages to his contact array.

He didn't know that the whole world of God was moved by his spirit during these ten hours.

What is chivalry? Guardianship, sacrifice, fearlessness, bravery, etc. These are all chivalry. But who can do it completely? Especially when it comes to the level five Templar Knight's strength, there is a mix. No one can say that sacrifice means sacrifice, and fearlessness and bravery become a thing of the past.

But the Knights yearned for this spirit. Lord Arthur told all the knights, all the nobles and all the people in the big world, what is the true chivalry.

In order to reduce the impact of the fall of the title of "invincible Knight", the five shrines increased the publicity of Lord Arthur's spirit, and promoted Lord Arthur's reputation in the god world.

What was the reputation of Lord Arthur in the past? He was vicious, vindictive and cruel. If he offended him, he was almost the result of the death of the clan.

Later, with the growth of Lord Arthur's strength and his association with the top nobles, his reputation was reversed to a certain extent, but the nobility of the god world still feared him more than respected him.

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It was not until Lord Arthur forcibly killed many fifth level bishops, especially the fifth level bishop of Meron, who had survived for thousands of years, that changed the view of Lord Arthur in the divine world.

The small defects of genius can be tolerated, not to mention the incomparable genius of Lord Arthur.

Finally, from the title of "invincible Knight" to the remedial propaganda carried out by the temple for the sacrifice of Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur's reputation was promoted to a very high level.

"I need to respond to some messages!" David saw that speaker Gould had been applying for contact. He couldn't help but smile sorry to general Francis and the two fifth level bishops.

"Of course, you are welcome." Said Admiral Francis with a smile.

General Francis and the two fifth level Templars gave way to David to speak.

"Lord Arthur?" Speaker Gould, sitting in the tent, has been applying for contact. Although he also feels that this kind of application is useless, he still insists on it. Only when the contact application is approved suddenly, can he not believe it.

"Speaker Gould, you are worried. I closed the contact phalanx while I was on duty!" David felt speaker Gould's concern and said with a smile.

"It's OK, it's ok if it's OK!" Speaker Gould just felt comfortable all over, he said with a loud laugh.

For ten hours, speaker Gould was worried about David. He didn't expect that David was really alive.

This kind of psychology of recovering from the loss has made speaker Gould's rare gaffe.

"Speaker Gould, please report to the temple that my mission has failed. There is a Zerg level guardian at the space gate, and the" seal artifact "cannot be used David reported helplessly.

The mission released by the temple is definitely a big crater, that is, David. If anyone changes, he will fall in front of the space door.

"Don't worry about the task. Let a level 5 Templar fight with Zerg gods. The temple must give us an explanation to the Supreme Council this time!" Speaker Gould didn't care about any task for a long time, he said in a deep voice.

"I have a mission image. You send it to the temple for reference. They can choose other people to continue the mission. In addition, I will send back the sealed artifact. Please accept it!"

David said that he took out the seal artifact and released the identification. He edited the image in the identity bracelet, preserved the section of Zerg God level breaking the seal seal seal pattern, and sent it to speaker Gould through the Lord level contact array.

"I'll send the mission image to you. I'll keep the seal artifact for you. Why send it back?" Said speaker Gould coldly.

"In addition, the legendary Zerg I reported last time has been killed by me during the mission!" David thought of the legendary Zerg, or said.

David's voice is not loud, but this is the underpass. Admiral Francis, the Knights of Dexter and the Knights of Nelson's Templars can be heard from a distance.

When hearing the legend Zerg was killed by the way during the mission, the faces of all three showed a strange color.

That's legendary Zerg. How did you get to Lord Arthur and kill the legendary Zerg by the way? It's very easy.

But they have all seen the huge body up to 100 meters. It's hard to say whether the legendary Zerg can hurt the legendary Zerg if they stand there and let the level five Templar Knights chop.

Even if you hurt the legendary Zerg, it's just the surface. The thickness of the shell is not easy to break.On the other side of the Lord level contact array, speaker Gould's expression was also very bad, and his facial expression had a distorted change.

In a short period of time, speaker Gould experienced the bad news of his best friend and the peace of his best friend. Then David killed the legendary Zerg casually, making him almost out of control.

"The legendary Zerg was killed by you" by the way " Speaker Gould asked in a more emphatic tone.

"What kind of ceremony is the legendary Zerg going on? I really don't waste much effort!" David also found the casual tone in his voice and quickly explained.

"In your judgment, how many Zerg are there in space gate?" Speaker Gould then asked.

"About five billion!" David immediately gave a clear figure.

Speaker Gould was really silent. David entered the 5 billion Zerg tribe. He activated the seal artifact and was blocked by the divine Zerg. Then he killed the legendary Zerg and fled.

"I want to report your situation to the temple. You are thought to have fallen here!" Speaker Gould decided to end the contact first. He needed to calm down.

David looked at the hanging up contact array, and then replied to some important friends. Then he folded the contact array.

"Admiral Francis, I'm sorry, my actions may have brought Zerg here!" David bowed to general Francis.

"Lord Arthur, the legendary Zerg has been killed. The rest of the level five Zerg are not hard to deal with. No matter how many other Zerg are, they can't threaten us!" Said Admiral Francis, laughing.

Zerg procrastinates. It seems that Zerg has time to let legendary Zerg evolve, but it also gives time for God world and interstellar Federation to prepare.

Nowadays, tens of thousands of warships are assembled in space in the garrison star and nearby star regions. Logistics has brought sufficient combat readiness materials, which is enough for the fleet to carry out a long-term war.

Of course, the interstellar federal army is now elated. After receiving a large amount of Zerg materials from David, it is not only the unprecedented unity within the military, but also waiting for the distribution plan of the federal command.

Even private Jiashi have applied to join the military in order to get the corresponding resources.

Therefore, the military's reinforcement operation is extremely smooth. As for president Barnard of the Federation, he is now in the process of impeachment, and his political prospects are completely over.

The morale of the military personnel in the god world is high. They want to continue to obtain more resources. If they want to get resources, they have to fight with Zerg. Although there are not many resources left over from space weapons, as long as the number increases, the resources will not be too small.

Not to mention Lord Arthur, the powerful and terrifying existence, the God is the "invincible Knight" of the great world.

"The level 5 Zerg will be dealt with by Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars, and the rest will need help from the Federation." David said with a smile and a bow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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