Transcendent David

Chapter 966: CH 964

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"Zerg is the common enemy of the Federation and God in the big world. It has been like this for thousands of years. It's my honor to fight with you." Said Admiral Francis, laughing.

After learning of the death of the legendary Zerg, his worries about the war situation disappeared. Although he felt that Lord Arthur was exaggerating just now, in fact, before the war, the strength of his comrades in arms was very reassuring.

"Knights of Dexter Templars, Knights of Nelson Templars, you go back to your posts, I'll take a rest and call me when Zerg come!" David said to the two fifth level Templars.

It was not until then that admiral Francis, the Knights of Dexter Templars, and the Knights of Nelson Templars remembered what the captain had said. Lord Arthur had returned injured.

But the three don't believe that Lord Arthur's injury will be very light. To know that the enemy must be extremely terrible if he can hurt Lord Arthur, the "invincible Knight".

In particular, Knights of Dexter temple and Knights of Nelson temple had already thought of the news from God's great world, and God level atmosphere appeared in the direction of space gate.

"Lord Arthur, I don't want to disturb you. Go and have a rest." Said the knight of the temple, bowing down.

David laughed and said goodbye to the three and went to his room.

"Look at your faces, Lord Arthur, is this a dangerous trip?" General Francis asked aloud, looking at the expressions on the faces of the two knights of the fifth rank after David's figure disappeared.

"Lord Arthur was hurt by Zerg gods. His mission this time is not as easy as he said." The Knights of the temple were still watching David disappear, and the adoration on his face did not diminish.

Lord Arthur returned to the guard star alive. The news spread all over Tula in a moment, and cheers continued to spread all over Tula.

After the temple spared no effort to publicize, Lord Arthur became an idol worshipped by knights. Especially, the temple thought Lord Arthur would die, and there was no scruple in the propaganda. It was totally shocking.

In this case, the news that Lord Arthur was not dead caused more shock.

Then came the second news, Lord Arthur successfully attacked and killed the legendary Zerg in the space gate.

The interstellar federal military has detected the emergence of legendary Zerg intelligence in the space gate, which has long been spread among the Knights of the divine world.

The news that Lord Arthur attacked and killed the legendary Zerg, not many people think it is false news, because as long as there is a war, whether the legendary Zerg still exists will be confirmed immediately.

With Lord Arthur's current reputation, there is no need to increase his reputation like this.

This time, even many top nobles of the temple Knights publicly expressed their recognition of Lord Arthur's strength. The title of "invincible Knight" also replaced Lord Arthur's name in many occasions.

The result of this is that the power of faith around David is constantly increasing, which provides the deepest foundation for him to continue to practice.

To tell you the truth, in God's big world, if you don't have the help of the temple, you can't get much faith. Even if you get some faith through some small steps, it will be destroyed by the temple at any time.

When David returned to his room, he was also surprised how soon the power of faith outside his body exploded.

However, at this time, he was unable to control the power of faith, which made him more anxious to explore the harvest.

Back in the room, David estimates the arrival time of the first Zerg. Due to the traction technology used by the small scout ship, the speed is far faster than that of the Zerg army.

At least one day, there will not be a large number of Zerg coming, he can rest assured that this period of time.

Thinking of this, he had more "artifact space cards" in his hand, and when he thought about it, he entered the cultivation space. In his room, the "artifact space card" hovered in the air for a while, and then disappeared.

This time, the harvest was a little big, and David did not know what kind of impact might appear, so he chose to enter the cultivation space and count the harvest in his own independent world.

Instead of looking at the legendary Zerg corpse in the space pendant, David summoned the shadow waiter, and some of them could not wait to see the light ball of knowledge in the shadow servant's body.

With excitement, uneasiness and hesitation, he put his mind into the shadow servant, and ordered him to list out the light spheres of knowledge gained this time.

On this trip to the space gate, there were countless Zerg killed alone. However, David inspired a "plague" talent among Zerg, and gave full play to the "dragon chant" with "dragon power".

Whether it's plague or dragon chant, these two abilities can do great damage to enemies 80 kilometers around.

Both of these two abilities are beyond level 5. They are used in the dense space of Zerg. There are not many Zerg who can survive within 80 km.

But even if he killed so many Zerg, David only got the spirit energy of the legendary Zerg.

At that time, he was watched by Zerg God level, and he did not dare to let go of the shadow servant. Although the shadow servant's invisibility was almost impeccable in ordinary times, he could find the shadow servant's existence as long as he absorbed the soul energy.This has been confirmed by Gladstone, the God of pestilence, since the last time it entered the small world of Gladstone, the God of plague.

For the sake of that spiritual energy, David doesn't want to take risks. Besides, except for the spirit energy above level 5, the rest of the soul energy does not help him and Alexis.

David's eyes are on the only orb of knowledge, needless to say, the legendary Zerg.

This is the greatest hope for him to gain the belief and become a God, and also related to whether his future growth path is smooth.

David saw the name of the light sphere of knowledge, and his disappointment rose in his heart.

David reluctantly looks at the explanation of the light ball of knowledge in "blade field (legendary talent)". To tell the truth, this ability is really strong. He can spread all the blades under his control within the spiritual range and kill all enemies within the spiritual range.

Unlike David's range attack talents, this talent is more aggressive, because the minimum learning standard for this talent is legendary.

The legendary stage forms its own domain around him, which is the symbol of the peak of the legendary stage.

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If David goes a few days later, maybe he needs to kill a demigod Zerg.

It's hard to say whether it will be so smooth or not. The wounded black dragon Alexis wants to kill a demigod level Zerg in an instant. It's estimated that even Alexis the black dragon can't guarantee it.

The legendary Zerg was promoted by countless Zerg blood and soul through the secret arts of the Zerg royal clan. Although this rapid promotion has some sequelae, the promotion speed is far faster than the ordinary promotion.

This is exactly what the Zerg needs. Let the legendary Zerg be promoted in the shortest time. No matter what level the legendary Zerg is promoted to, as long as the war is approaching again, the Zerg God level will take back the "imperial legend pattern".

Therefore, the shortest promotion is the mission of the legendary Zerg. Regardless of the means, the legendary Zerg will reach its peak in a few days.

How terrible is the attack power of "blade field (legendary talent)". Once triggered, there will be countless blades in David's 80 km range. The attack power of each blade is equal to David's own strength.

This talent is also for the Zerg, especially for the legendary Zerg, for the next war.

If you think about the legendary Zerg, even if they don't get promoted again, as long as they have the talent of "edge field", they will appear on any planet, and the consequences will be hell level.

With the power of "cutting edge field", the use of siege has no effect on the legendary Zerg. Only in the case of one-on-one, can we defeat the legendary Zerg by force.

But the problem is that God belongs to the big world. After a long time of suppression in the temple, even the legendary stage cannot appear, let alone the legendary level at the peak level. Where can we defeat the legendary Zerg one on one.

But then again, the legendary Zerg was also unlucky. In the first battle, they met the black dragon Alexis, the true God level combat power.

It is estimated that the legendary Zerg did not understand why there was such an unfair assassination.

After getting to know the detailed information of the knowledge lightball of "blade field (legendary talent)", David's mood is extremely complicated. Indeed, this talent ability is very useful. Once he learns, he can no longer worry about any siege. In any case, every blade within 80 kilometers has his own attack power.

However, compared with that belief inheritance, this "cutting edge field (legendary talent)" is quite different from that of the belief inheritance. He does not lack the means of fighting, let alone the existence of Alexis, the black dragon, around him, so he doesn't have to worry about his safety.

What David needs most is the inheritance of faith. It's just that all this is a fantasy. If there is no, there will be no more.

As he thought about it, he introduced the light sphere of knowledge into his own soul space.

Or David's soul has reached the legendary level. Otherwise, he can only watch this talent which can only be learned from legendary level.

The light sphere of knowledge enters the small world of soul space and becomes a talent pattern.

After the light ball of "blade field (legendary talent)" completely disappeared, David focused on the "blade field pattern". He sat on the side of the cultivation space and began to have strange fluctuations.

"Lord Arthur, please control your power!" Alexis the black dragon hastily reminds a way.

David's heart was startled, scattered the "blade field", he remembered that he was still in the cultivation space.

Although the cultivation space has been reinforced by the "space anchor", it still can not withstand the attack from the legendary level.

"Lord Arthur, congratulations on your field!" After the wave, Alexis found out what David was going to activate just now. He said with a smile.

Now Alexis, the black dragon, is no longer surprised or excited by any promotion of David, because David's everything has already refreshed his understanding.At the age of 20, Alexis, the black dragon, could not tell his complex feelings. Among the black dragons, the age of 20 is a child in his childhood.

Now we have mastered the peak of the legendary level. If we divide it according to the strength of the legend, as long as we have the legendary level in the field, it is the peak level legend.

Because once you have the realm, you can use the power of the realm to impact the demigod realm.

"Alexis, I remember you said that as long as I form a field, I can try to be promoted to demigod. Does it mean that I have met the requirements when I have the" cutting edge field " David thought of the previous teachings of Alexis the black dragon and asked.

"Cutting edge field" Alexis, the black dragon, seemed to be remembering. He quickly went on to say, "I haven't heard of this kind of field. When you have time, you can find a place to display it. I'll observe it. But you have mastered the rules of strength and speed. If you can form these two rule domains, or further combine the two rules into a new rule field, that is the best choice !”

Alexis, the black dragon, has higher and higher expectations for David. He didn't just want David to improve himself at the beginning, but he wanted to make David stronger and stronger among his peers.

Alexis, the black dragon, has never heard of the "cutting edge field". In his opinion, all fields are inferior to those of the basic rules.

It is precisely David who has mastered the basic rules, and there are still two basic rules. With such a solid foundation, why not try the strongest rule field to lay a solid foundation for the future.

"Then don't worry. My actual strength is not enough. I will consider this problem after my real strength reaches the legendary level!" David believed in Alexis the black dragon, he nodded in agreement.

"Lord Arthur, this is the best choice!" Alexis, the black dragon, was also very pleased that David was being persuaded. He also worried that David would lose his judgment ability because the improvement of his strength was just around the corner.

You should know that no one can resist the temptation of the demigod realm. To become a demigod means to have the strongest fighting power in the world. As long as you don't die and go to the temple of the true God, even the gods can hardly do anything about the demigods.

Demigods can stay at the highest level of the main world, and then become gods. Even the weakest gods will be affected by the rules of the main world and will be strongly suppressed in the main world.

Therefore, the gods will create their own small world, place themselves in the small world, and influence the main world through various means.

The elephant God belongs to the five gods in the big world. It is through the temples all over the world, through the gods' envoys, and through the movable artifact, can the power of the gods be exerted on the main world.

The rest of the gods are more difficult, like the God of death. Even if he wakes up, his influence on the main world is limited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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