Transcendent David

Chapter 969: CH 967

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David came out of the "dead space" and immediately felt the difference.

In the past, belief could not be reached because of the special shielding of the "death space". Now faith lingers around him again, and the power of belief is being absorbed by the "imperial inheritance pattern".

The speed of absorbing the power of belief is extremely fast. Almost as soon as the power of belief appears, it is absorbed into it.

However, even though the power of faith is constantly absorbed by the "imperial inheritance pattern", David still feels that the power of faith is many times more than before. It seems that his belief power has increased by tens or even hundreds of times.

David himself was a little confused. He didn't know what had happened.

Because his strength is only between the level 5 Templar and the legendary level, he has no ability to trace back to the source of the power of faith through the power of faith.

"Alexis, have you noticed any change in the power of my faith?" David asks Alexis the black dragon to make sure he doesn't feel wrong.

"Lord Arthur, how can your faith be so strong? This is not normal!" Alexis, the black dragon, sensed it and said strangely.

David mobilized all his computational and analytical abilities and began to think about the sources of the power of these beliefs.

God belongs to the knight of the big world, which is the original source of his belief. After he got the title of "invincible Knight", he really got the power of Knight's belief.

Then there were the soldiers of the interstellar Federation, which David confirmed on the small reconnaissance ship. The Federation spared no effort to publicize him, especially after he became the "invincible Knight".

Although David did not know how many, the overall proportion would not change greatly, which was about half of the knight's belief power.

This probably has something to do with the fact that the interstellar Federalists themselves have no faith. Even if they worship someone, they can't produce much faith.

But the power of these beliefs, even if God belongs to the great world and the interstellar Federation, no matter how much publicity, can not increase the power of so many beliefs in a short time.

We should know that David's time into space is only a few hours, how can such a short time produce such a big change.

David recalled how many changes he had made in a few hours. He had more "cutting edge areas". This was to increase the fighting ability, and had nothing to do with it.

Spiritual energy increases and spiritual scope increases, which should also have nothing to do with faith.

The only thing related to his belief was the "imperial inheritance pattern". David paid attention to the "imperial inheritance pattern", and a speculation arose in his mind.

"Alexis, can you feel the difference between the power of faith in me and that of the blade Mantis king who was in front of the space gate?" David asked Alexis the black dragon again.

Alexis, the black dragon, felt the power of faith in David and recalled the scene of killing the "king of the blade Mantis" at that time, and his eyes flashed a strange color.

"Lord Arthur, how could the total power of belief in you be stronger than that of the" king of Mantis with blade " Black dragon Alexis asked in doubt.

There is no reason at all. We should know that the power of faith is an extremely important high-end resource for any world.

The reason why there are so few knights with the title of "God belongs to the big world" is that as long as the title of knight is conferred, the power of belief in God belonging to the big world will be shared to a certain extent.

Although the belief caused by the title of knight is not strong, it will only be concentrated in Knights and nobles, but this part of people's influence is also great, and the long-term belief will gradually affect other people around.

God belongs to the big world, so is the Zerg world. How can the Zerg, who originally believed in the "blade Mantis king," turn to believe in David, the predator.

"Is the belief of Zerg not aimed at a certain Zerg, but at" imperial inheritance pattern " David muttered to himself.

"There is a great possibility Alexis, the black dragon, nodded in agreement.

Zerg, especially low-level Zerg, have very low intelligence. Zerg may be able to add belief to the genetic genes of lower level Zerg, but it is a very troublesome thing to change the goal of belief constantly.

And even if there is such a means, compared with the huge number of Zerg, the workload is too large to achieve.

In fact, after the Zerg killed all the creatures in their world, leaving only one Zerg race, the original mother emperor ruled the world. After conquering many worlds and obtaining various methods of divine cultivation, the most powerful Zerg created a complete solution to the difficulty of the birth of Zerg.

The original Zerg had only a very small number of royal blood Zerg. Through constant fighting and countless tests of life and death, they could become gods.

This probability is too small, even for tens of thousands of years, there has not been a god level.

The original mother emperor used the Zerg world rules to select the Zerg with royal blood within the Zerg to generate the "imperial inheritance pattern".All Zerg only need to believe in the "imperial inheritance pattern", and do not need to believe in a certain Zerg, which fundamentally solves the problem of belief.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" does not need the Zerg's active practice. The "imperial inheritance pattern" operates automatically, converting the power of belief into divine power and using the divine power to speed up the cultivation.

As long as you think about the power that only God level can possess, which is owned by the young royal blood Zerg, what will the growth rate of this royal blood Zerg be like?

The dangerous and unpredictable cultivation has become a safe practice that can be improved only by the power of faith. However, the Zerg only need to constantly find more resources to increase the number of Zerg and ensure the source of belief power.

Of course, the world rules will not allow too many deities to appear. The number of "emperor level inheritance patterns" has been maintained at nearly 10 Zerg.

It can be said that the emergence of each "imperial inheritance pattern" in the Zerg is a new divine level added by the Zerg.

In turn, the loss of a "imperial inheritance pattern" means the loss of Zerg gods.

The power of Zerg gods who lose the "imperial inheritance pattern" will gradually weaken until they fall out of the divine level or even the demigods.

We should know that the loss of the "imperial inheritance pattern" represents the loss of the power of faith.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" is indeed very powerful, turning the complex divine level cultivation into an automatic cultivation process, so that the Zerg with insufficient wisdom can also have the ability to believe in becoming gods.

The low-level Zerg originally ordered to attack the garrison star received a new order, and the more powerful level 4 Zerg will take over the attack. Except for some of the low-level Zerg that have already pursued, the rest of the low-level Zerg still stay at the space gate.

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These low-level Zerg instinctively begin to pray, and constantly produce the power of belief. This is what the low-level Zerg have been doing all their lives, but they don't know that their faith is spreading to the same world with "imperial inheritance pattern".

Of course, for the lower level Zerg, they can't think about it. They just pray to the "imperial inheritance pattern".

Because the "imperial inheritance pattern" absorbed the power of faith very quickly, and constantly produced divine power. Under the influence of the "imperial inheritance pattern", these divine powers spread all over David's body and strengthened every part of his body.

David found that in the process, his mind needs to focus on his body all the time, because every body is different, even if it belongs to Zerg.

"Imperial inheritance pattern" needs to be strengthened with the guidance of mind and spirit. Just as David does not have a shell, there is no need to strengthen his skin endlessly. Of course, if he wants to transform his skin into an insect shell, he can strengthen his skin all the time.

Of course, this is impossible. Although the divine power has this ability, David can not accept it.

David also found that his bones did not need to be strengthened, and that little power applied to the bones did not produce any reaction, just like a drop of water into the sea.

It is not difficult to understand that his skeleton came from the fighting angel. After the fighting angel was crushed by the turbulence of time and space, the skeleton still remained. It can be seen that this skeleton is far more than the body of ordinary gods.

As David felt the constant improvement of his physique and judged in his heart how long it would take to upgrade from level 5 Templar to legendary, he felt a strong hunger.

This feeling has not occurred to David for a long time. After he becomes a level 5 Templar, his body can absorb the energy of space to supplement his needs.

If it's not the instinctive feeling of the body, and if he doesn't want to make a big difference between himself and normal people, he can live without eating for a long time, relying on the energy he absorbs.

In David's opinion, it seems that he will never really feel the feeling of hunger. Who knows that today's hunger is so strong.

David sweeps through the space Pendant with his spirit, and a large package of food appears in his hands, all of which are "cooked" by his energy in his spare time.

A delicious smoked fish was bitten off by him in one bite, and most of it was bitten off, and then he ate all the smoked fish in the second bite.

He doesn't even need to chew. With his current constitution, smoked fish is completely crushed by the peristalsis of his stomach.

David threw another large piece of beef into the import, and then all kinds of food were constantly put into his mouth.

But the speed of eating still makes him feel hungry, and the hunger is increasing.

When the blade Mantis king was promoted from level 5 to legendary level, he absorbed the flesh and soul of thousands of Zerg into his body, thus completing the process of promotion.

David's food was a drop in the bucket, and he soon discovered it.

Although he is suffering from hunger, his mind guiding power is not affected, which is due to his soul incarnation, so that he can rely on one soul body to guide the divine power without affecting him to do other things.

On this point, David has a great advantage. "Blade Mantis king" has been concentrating on training, and dare not be a little distracted.David gave up the idea of constantly eating these foods, which, although extremely delicious, were not rich in nutrients to support his needs.

Fortunately, this is the headquarters of the interstellar Federation. He gets up and goes to the logistics department.

Although David is not a federal soldier, he has certain authority as the representative of God's great world. It is not possible to use weapons and equipment, but it is not a problem to transfer some nutrients.

"Lord Arthur, what can I do for you?" The head of logistics came to David and saluted.

"I need the most concentrated nutrient!" David tried to hold back his hunger and said with a natural smile on his face.

"How much do you need? We have nutrient stock solution here. Each nutrient solution can be used to prepare 1000 standard nutrients! " The head of the logistics department said with a smile.

The main reason is that David's identity is relatively embarrassing. Many military sensitive materials can't be used, but it can't be said clearly that any words and deeds of the head of the logistics department may affect the relationship between the god world and the interstellar Federation.

After a period of propaganda, every soldier in the military now knows Lord Arthur's position in the God's world. Even if the requirements put forward by the existence of this identity are even more harsh and difficult, the head of logistics department should try his best to meet them.

"One hundred kilos first!" David didn't know how much he needed, he said casually.

The head of the logistics department did not have any hesitation, not to mention the 100 kg of nutrient solution, even if David would empty all the nutrient solution here.

In any case, the transportation route has been smooth recently, so long as the application is made, a new batch of materials can arrive in half a day at most.

The head of the logistics department personally brought ten sealed steel bottles, each containing 10 kilograms, and placed them in front of David.

David can't wait to pick up a steel sealed bottle and open it. This action makes the head of the logistics department not help but draw the distance between him and David.

The seal on the steel bottle needs professional tools to open. It's sealed with special steel, but in David's hands, it's like paper packaging.

David picked up the sealed steel bottle and poured the nutrient solution into his mouth just like drinking water.

But in case the medical officer stops, he can only think of the first time to stop the problem.

When the nutrient solution entered his stomach, David felt that his hunger was alleviated.

We should know that a portion of this nutrient solution can be blended into 1000 parts of standard nutrient, and a standard nutrient can meet the needs of a soldier for a meal.

This is what nearly 10000 soldiers need for a meal.

It is estimated that only the technology owned by the interstellar federation can meet David's needs at this time. If he uses the food of God's big world, it is estimated that he will eat up all the food in the space pendant, which is far from supporting his needs.

David was in the logistics department. He took a sip of the nutrient solution. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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