Transcendent David

Chapter 970: CH 968

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In David's body, the divine power generated by the "imperial inheritance pattern" is automatically transformed into the energy needed by the fifth level physique. With sufficient nutritional support, his physique is being rapidly enhanced.

His cultivation had long been separated from the cultivation of knights, and had little to do with level 5 Templar Knights. The improvement of young black dragon's strength is the improvement of his own constitution.

David enjoys the extreme speed of cultivation. He is a fake juvenile black dragon, but he is a real juvenile black dragon from the essence of his soul, blood and cultivation methods.

It is estimated that even Alexis the black dragon can't imagine where the limit of David's physique is. This state of David will not appear in the age of the dragon.

In the age of the dragon, any life who dares to absorb the soul source of the black dragon is the crazy pursuit of the dragon clan, not to mention the need for the black dragon to actively put the blood in his body. These behaviors are absolutely not allowed by the dragon family.

It was only when the dragon family disappeared in the God's world that David, a young black dragon, appeared.

To tell you the truth, it is too luxurious to use divine power to enhance the strength of level 5 life. Even the five gods in the big world will not do so.

You know, this conversion rate is too uneconomical, billions of devout believers have generated the power of faith, only to maintain David's cultivation needs.

"How much more nutrient solution is there?" David found that the nutrient solution consumed a little faster, and he asked the long stunned head of logistics.

"There's still nine hundred kilos in stock!" The head of logistics answered back and forth.

"Bring me all that!" David said with a smile.

The head of the logistics department called two beetles to bring all the 900 kg of nutrient solution needed.

Thank you As he spoke, David swept through all the nutrient solution and put it into the space pendant.

He did not stay here for a long time. He felt that his body was going to change. Although it was a base strengthened by the federal army, it could not bear the power of the legendary class.

After David left, the head of logistics entered the destination of 1000 kg nutrient solution on the logistics list with shaking hands, and explained in the back.

On the way to the command room, David had already regretted that he had started to integrate the "imperial inheritance pattern". He was worried that time would not be too late. He should know that the Zerg pioneers would arrive soon.

"Admiral Francis, where are the Zerg? How long before the battle begins? " Entering the command room, David inquired of general Francis.

If time doesn't allow, David is prepared to suppress promotion until he has time.

Although his promotion is important, this federal army was invited by him, and it is his responsibility to solve the strong among Zerg for the federal army.

"Lord Arthur, the situation of Zerg is abnormal. 30 minutes ago, the investigation found that all the Zerg except the first 10 million Zerg stopped moving forward!" Answered general Francis.

David's mind moved. It seemed that 30 minutes was the time for him to integrate the "imperial inheritance pattern" into his body. Did the Zerg give up the "imperial inheritance pattern"?

However, this idea was soon abandoned by him, and he integrated into the "imperial inheritance pattern". Naturally, he knew how important the "imperial inheritance pattern" was.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" is an automatic channel leading directly to the divine level. David believes that even for the whole Zerg, there will not be too many "imperial inheritance patterns", otherwise, with the strength of Zerg, it would have swept all over the world.

With such an important inheritance, the Zerg world can't give up. There is only one possibility. The Zerg will send out more combat power.

Judging from the distance between the space gate and the guardian star, this gives David a few more hours. The first 10 million Zerg of Zerg don't need him at all. The federal fleet and two fifth level Templars are enough to deal with it.

"General Francis, Zerg has a great possibility to increase the number of high-level Zerg. Federal warships should be ready in time!" David said in a voice.

"Lord Arthur, please rest assured that the current number of warships is enough to keep the garrison star intact." Said general Francis confidently.

David didn't explain much, and this kind of thing couldn't be explained.

"I need to go into space. I'll open the identity bracelet at any time. You can contact me directly if you have anything!" David finally said to general Francis.

General Francis did not stop David. It is a good thing for David to go to space. He can attack at any time there. Don't worry about the untimely support.

In any case, the nearby airspace is under federal coverage, and identity bracelets can be used.

David left the command post, then rose into the air. He felt the constant changes in his body, the energy transformed by divine power, and the supplement of nutrient solution, which made him feel that his body was undergoing an unprecedented enhancement.

General Francis operates the command light screen in front of him, and sets David's signal to green when David rises into the air. This signal can prevent the warship from attacking actively.David broke through the atmosphere of the guardian star. This time, he didn't summon the "silver pterosaur". His breath was a little unstable, and there was a constant burst of breath around his body.

This is because the constitution increases too fast, he cannot restrain his own strength.

In this state of David, only Alexis the black dragon doesn't have to worry about being hurt by accident. In any case, even if David's breath burst is several times stronger, it can't have any impact on Alexis.

"It's impossible. How can human speed be so fast?" In the command cabin of the aircraft carrier, a major general is staring at the light curtain in front of him and says with disbelief.

On the screen of light, the green dot representing David is rapidly passing through the fleet and heading for space at an extremely abnormal speed.

"Knights of Dexter Templars, can you reach that speed?" The major general then turned to inquire of the Knights of the temple of Dexter, who stood by his side ready to fight.

"If I use energy to separate myself, I can barely keep up with my speed!" The Knights of the Dexter Templars said with some lack of confidence.

Because of the speed of the light screen, Dexter Templars can't see clearly, so he can only estimate that the speed he can get to Lord Arthur is as fast as the speed of energy separation.

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Nelson Templars shook his head. He did not open his mouth to attack the Dexter Templars. In his judgment, Lord Arthur's speed was far faster than that of their energy incarnation.

David didn't show off his speed, but he couldn't control his speed.

With the continuous improvement of his constitution, he has been promoted in all aspects, so is his speed.

When David flies at full speed, the speed exceeds his prediction. Fortunately, as long as the direction is good, there will be no problem if he is faster in space.

That's why he flew into space immediately after he felt his state.

Because the "imperial inheritance pattern" needs the power of faith to work, and he can accommodate the "dead space" of legendary power, the power of faith can not enter, so he can only enter space, so as not to cause harm to the surrounding areas.

As David thought, every breath around him has five levels of power, which is not what the federal headquarters can bear.

David kept on flying forward until he stopped 500 kilometers from the rear fleet.

He activated his artifact "dark shadow". His figure disappeared into space. The "shadow space" did not affect his absorption of the power of faith.

David did this in order not to be broadcast live by the interstellar Federal Military about his next promotion process. Once the legendary promotion is spread out, it may bring unpredictable consequences.

God belongs to the big world. For a long time, legendary rank has been a taboo. Except for a few top nobles, it is rarely mentioned, and even a few people know about it.

David didn't want to expose himself to the legend level until he knew the attitude of the five temples to the legendary stage.

He kept pouring nutrient solution into his mouth. In a short time, he had drunk more than 100 kg of nutrient solution.

The black dragon Alexis carefully looks at David's condition, this kind of promotion speed in black dragon Alexis's view is really incredible.

However, he is still worried about the adverse effects of his rapid ascension on David's body.

It can only be said that the "imperial inheritance pattern" is too high-end. Even Alexis, the black dragon, has seen this special inheritance for the first time. He can use the power of faith to transform it into the energy needed by the current strength of the owner of the "imperial inheritance pattern" and enhance himself through this energy.

This is a great waste of the power of faith in any other world.

The most important thing is that the power of belief in other worlds is not so easy to transfer. We can never let believers believe in this God today and another God in tomorrow. How can we ensure the piety of our faith? If there is no pious belief, where can the power of faith come from.

David's body made a sound of vibration, the sound of his blood flowing in the blood vessels, his muscles tight and relaxed between the vibration of the sound, these sounds together to form a brilliant symphony of life.

This is space, and the sound can't be heard, so only David and Alexis the black dragon can hear it.

Alexis, the black dragon who heard the sound, was pleased in his eyes. The sound represented that David's physique had reached the current limit, a real five level peak.

In a short period of time, David crossed the five level high level and directly reached the top level of level five. His soul had already reached the legendary level. In addition, he has now changed his practice of "black dragon sleep". In front of him, the legendary level is not an obstacle.

Inexplicably, David felt a burst of joy in his body, and felt that his body was closer to the world. Even his understanding of the "rules of strength" and "rules of speed" also improved in this joy.

In a short period of time, some secrets of the Lord's world were discovered by him. Unfortunately, this experience disappeared in a short time. With the end of his body's happiness, he felt that his physical limit had disappeared, and his strength and speed increased a little at this moment.It is this point that represents another realm and represents that his body and soul have reached the legendary level.

David was not surprised by the promotion. Even if there was no "imperial inheritance pattern", he would still be promoted in a few years at most.

He also has a good taste of the different promotion legends. The "imperial inheritance pattern" in his body continues to absorb the power of faith. However, this time, it seems that the legend level has really transformed his body, and he has no sense of hunger before.

"Imperial inheritance pattern" absorbs the power of faith and continues to strengthen his physique. He also needs to concentrate all the mind and spirit of a soul in his body.

The "imperial inheritance pattern" transforms the power of belief into divine power, and also transforms the divine power into the energy of the legendary level. Under the command of David's soul incarnation, this energy is used to continuously enhance the physical fitness.

Even his small world of soul space was also affected, and part of his divine power was transformed into soul energy into soul space, which enhanced the soul in this way.

David laments the speed with which Zerg can improve their strength. He doesn't know how important "imperial inheritance pattern" is. There are only less than ten Zerg in a world.

"Lord Arthur, be careful. Zerg has reached the attack area of the long-range main gun. Please go back to the safe area." General Francis sent a message through the identity bracelet.

David has completed the promotion, he certainly will not stay here, he does not want to taste the power of the main gun of the warship.

He turned off the "shadow of the shadow" ability of the artifact "dark shadow", and left the "shadow space" and appeared in space.

Then David returned to the direction of the fleet, at which point the attack of the warship was launched.

It is because of David's appearance that the fleet can attack with confidence. In all warship weapon aiming systems, David's position is marked with green, and he will actively avoid his position when attacking.

Before David in the stealth state, so that general Francis did not dare to order the attack, for fear of David in the range of attack.

Energy beams shot out of the distance not far from his side, but David didn't worry much. He was very sensitive to danger. As long as the fleet did not aim at him together, he could sense the intention of attack and dodge in advance.

In fact, there are not many warships that can pose a threat to David. The Giant Star Destroyer guns on the aircraft carrier and the guard star base are the only weapons that can threaten him in the defense line. Even if the other main guns hit him, they will not do any harm.

David suddenly found that his growth has reached this level, as long as the interstellar Federation does not send out the Legion level fleet, it can not threaten his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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