Transcendent David

Chapter 971: CH 969

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Tens of millions of Zerg in dense formation, toward the direction of the guard star, the battle took place in the 10000 km area.

The long-range main gun can aim at the target accurately through the pre arranged detector.

Of course, as long as the general direction is not wrong, almost every gun will not be defeated at the level of Zerg density.

This is a seemingly unfair war. The Zerg, who only have the ability to fight in short and medium distance, are constantly bombarded and killed by powerful long-range weapons without seeing any enemies.

But the Zerg also rely on the number of advantages, and continue to move forward. Their purpose is not to attack the warships guarding the stars, but to clean up the scouts along the way.

Every scout floating in space is the eye of the guard star Federation fleet.

The Zerg have controlled federal officers in warstar, and know that many warships have defects, so they have a way to deal with them.

If there is no detector in front of this kind of ultra long-distance attack in space, it can only wait for the target to enter the active scanning area of the warship, which will greatly increase the risk for the whole warship.

"Nine thousand meters lost!" General Francis had a serious look on his face, he said in a deep voice.

The Federation has been fighting Zerg for countless years, but it has never happened that Zerg have such a clear strategy in space war.

Tens of millions of Zerg use the bodies of their companions in front of them as a cover to get closer and destroy the detectors in this direction as much as possible.

All the scouts from 9000 meters away were destroyed, which reduced the attack distance of the fleet by 1000 meters, and the distance was still decreasing.

"Admiral, do not use the Giant Star Destroyer gun to clean it up!" One side of the staff suggested.

"These are only Zerg below level 3. Using the Giant Star Destroyer gun is to expose the position of the Giant Star Destroyer gun, which will make the Giant Star Destroyer lose the advantage of sudden attack. We also need to kill at least some level 5 Zerg to show our strength to the divine world!" General Francis shook his head and said in a deep voice.

God belongs to the big world and the interstellar Federation are cooperative relations, but in this cooperative relationship, they also need to establish their respective positions.

In the War Star cooperation, the Federation used the oracle to act as the low-level combat power, while the high-level combat power was dealt with by the God belongs to the big world. But why the relationship between the two sides has been relatively equal is because of the brilliant achievements of the federal warships in the space war of that year.

General Francis's mission is not only to reinforce the God's great world, but also to show his strong strength to the nobility of God's big world, so as to gain a favorable position for the cooperation in the future.

The past achievements are just glorious past. Thousands of years have passed. The warships of the Federation need to take the opportunity of this war to rebuild the past brilliant achievements.

"Eight thousand kilometers lost!" After a while, general Francis said again.

Two thousand kilometers away, the Zerg population lost a fifth.

At this point, general Francis had to be shocked by the power of Lord Arthur, who remembered guarding the billion worm corpses on the planet.

At this time, under the constant attack of the main guns of the whole fleet, millions of Zerg were destroyed.

If there are many gods in Lord Arthur's world, the consequences would be terrible.

Fortunately, according to the intelligence, Lord Arthur's fighting power has never been heard of in the divine world.

Combined with Lord Arthur's excellent attitude towards the interstellar Federation, Admiral Francis was relieved.

In space, fifteen level five Zerg stop 10000 kilometers away. They don't take part in the attack. They just wait in the sky.

Zerg God level orders, stronger Zerg are coming, the original priority attack Tula star plan has been changed.

The original plan of Zerg was to use countless Zerg to attack Tula, and then to establish the first foothold of Zerg in the god world based on tura.

The characteristic of Zerg is that once they have a foothold in a certain world, it is almost impossible to make the Zerg disappear completely.

Innumerable eggs and larvae can absorb all kinds of resources and transform them into adult insects at any time under the planet with resources. Unless the planet is destroyed, it is very difficult to clean up all the Zerg.

However, for the Zerg gods who command this attack, nothing is more important than "imperial inheritance pattern".

Zerg's attack target turns to garrison star, which is a planet with few resources, and its value is far inferior to that of Tula, but behind the guard star is the space of warstar.

Zerg can use the garrison star as a springboard to attack the warstar, and then use the warstar resources to attack the god world or the interstellar Federation.

Of course, these are the excuses of Zerg God level, all of which are the reasons of "imperial inheritance pattern".

If the Zerg God level loses the "imperial inheritance pattern", its strength will drop out of the divine level. By then, its status in the Zerg will become ordinary. The Zerg without the "imperial inheritance pattern" is just ordinary Zerg.At present, the Zerg deity level is not ready to be known to other deities in the clan, let alone the mother emperor. An ownerless "imperial level inheritance pattern" can lead to the madness of the Zerg.

Whether it is the other Zerg deities or the mother emperor, there are descendants who like them. The "imperial inheritance pattern" that has been robbed has lost the owner of the Zerg divine level. They know that they will definitely seek for the descendants regardless of the cost.

There are selfish intentions among Zerg. Otherwise, how could the other Zerg not choose the other Zerg? They just chose their younger generation, the king of the blade Mantis.

Until then, except for David's conjecture, the rest of the people did not know how cruel the war would be.

Turashin, the golden tent of the temple, the five bishops of the five temples and Chancellor Gould are sitting in the hall.

As for the spiritual separation of the five archbishops, they left long before the award. Their work is to serve their respective gods. It is enough for bishops to participate in secular affairs.

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"The Supreme Council has lost more than ten StarCraft, and has determined that the Zerg's attack direction is not Tula, but the guardian star. Please open the transmission of the guardian star. We need to send knights to the garrison star. The warships of the interstellar Federation and the three Templar Knights can't block the Zerg's all-round attack!" Said speaker Gould in a deep voice.

In order to investigate the intelligence in the direction of the space gate, the Supreme Council used its subordinate Knights' order. This cavalry force has almost no real combat opportunities in ordinary days, but it has a very high reputation, because all the talented knights who can enter this cavalry force are ordinary aristocrats.

"Speaker Gould, please wait a moment!" Said bishop Evans, waving.

Bishop Evans took out a staff, white light on the top of the staff, drawing patterns in the air, singing softly in his mouth.

Speaker Gould understood that bishop Ivans was using divinity. Today, tura is in the "space of war". In particular, the main city of Tula has the blessing of five great shrines. Any divinity will be greatly blessed.

Bishop Evans chanted for a minute before he finished drawing the pattern in front of him. He gave a big drink and inspired the spirit energy to pour into the pattern.

From the great temple of justice outside the main city, a beam of light passed through the golden tent and into the pattern, which became brighter.

Bishop Evans's body trembled slightly. He tried to maintain the pattern. Suddenly, he vomited blood and the pattern disappeared.

"Bishop Evans, you know that Zerg have divine level, how can you still use prophecy?" Bishop Boleyn of the earth Temple hastily performed the magic of healing, and said in his mouth.

After being treated by Bishop Boleyn, bishop Evans's expression softened a little. He laughed and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

"With the blessing of the temple, although prophecy has not done its best, it can still get some news." Monsieur Evans took a rest, and then said.

"Prophecy" is a special divinity in the temple of justice, but it costs a lot to perform this divinity, because prophecy is against the rules of the world.

Not to mention the divine participation among the objects of prophecy, which makes the "prophecy" more serious.

Bishop Evans is not joking about his own life. He believes that in such an environment, he is hurt at most and will never pay the price of his life.

Of course, this prediction is not really able to predict the future, but can find out a piece of picture of what has happened.

Under the "prophecy" of bishop Evans, he did not see the battle scene of Alexis the black dragon, nor did he see the scene of the Zerg divine level shooting, because these are all involved in the divine level. Where can he predict.

In his "prophecy", bishop Evans intentionally skipped the moment when the divine might attack, but focused on the Zerg movement after Lord Arthur's attack.

"Speaker Gould, your investigation is correct. The Zerg did move their target to the garrison star. Although the prophecy was not all successful, it also showed some pictures. The Zerg attacking the garrison star were mostly level 4 and many level 5 Zerg were involved in the attack!" Monsieur Evans continued with a smile.

"On behalf of the Supreme Council, thank you, bishop Evans!" Speaker Gould naturally knew that bishop Evans had paid a lot for this, and he sincerely thanks him.

"At present, let's talk about how to reinforce the garrison star!" Interrupted bishop McKinley.

Here bishop McKinley, bishop Boleyn and Bishop Evans had a good relationship with Lord Arthur. They all understood how dangerous Lord Arthur was at this time.

"The Zerg changed its attack target, I'm afraid it's because Lord Arthur has angered the Zerg God level. It's also related to the temple. Please find a way to reinforce it!" Speaker Gould had no scruples, he said, bowing down.

The reason why Lord Arthur went to the space gate was the mission issued by the temple. Although the mission was not completed, the mission issued by the temple involved God level. It was not the incompetence of the executors, but the problem of the temple.

In particular, Lord Arthur did not complete the task of blocking the space gate, but killed the legendary Zerg. This may be the reason why Zerg gods are angry.Now the guarding star is dangerous. The temple can't stand idly by. The guarding star is also the territory of God's big world, so it can't be completely garrisoned by the interstellar Federation.

Bishop Boleyn of the earth temple, bishop McKinley of the war temple, Ivans of the temple of justice, bishop Dominic of the temple of wealth, and bishop boriva of the temple of knowledge looked at each other and nodded gently.

In this silent gaze, they agree on something.

"Speaker Gould, in fact, the guardian star is not without a portal. There is a directional portal hidden in the guardian star. It is just that the decision of the five temples is needed to open the directional portal. Now that the guard star is in danger, we agree to open the directional portal!" Bishop Boleyn said to Chancellor Gould with a smile.

The relationship between bishop Boleyn and speaker Gould is not a secret. It is also because of the promotion of Chancellor Gould's status, bishop Boleyn's status in the earth temple has been promoted. This is the opportunity to participate in the war at this level.

Speaker Gould did not show any surprise at the fact that there was a portal on the garrison star. Although he was not in the position to take over the speaker for a long time, when the war broke out, he especially inquired about the relevant information kept in the Supreme Council and saw the information about the gate of the guard star.

The gatekeeper's portal is a directional portal, which means that the portal can only be connected to a designated portal.

This directional portal is also affected by the situation that the temple blocks the portal. It cannot be opened under normal conditions. Only when the temple cancels the restrictions, can the directional portal be opened.

The reason for the existence of this directional portal is to support the guarding star in special circumstances.

Before that, Zerg was attacked by Zerg. The Dexter Templar Knight and Nelson Templar Knight asked for help. The temple did not open this directional portal, because the other portal connected to the directional portal at that time was on Tula.

At that time, tura was also under attack by Zerg. The temples were ready to give up Tula. Where could they spare to support the guardian star? If Lord Arthur hadn't come to support Tula, perhaps Tula would have fallen into the hands of Zerg.

The five bishops and Chancellor Gould came to a ruins, which was originally the castle of the main city. After that battle, most of the buildings here were destroyed.

Speaker Gould's five level blood force swept the ground to reveal an underground passage made up of rocks.

Entering the underpass, it is protected by the pattern, but it is not damaged by the battle.

Six people down to the depth of 20 meters, here appeared an underground space, an ancient single portal appeared in front of everyone.

"I can't imagine that we are lucky enough to activate this portal ourselves!" Said bishop Boleyn with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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