Transcendent David

Chapter 979: CH 977

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David flew back 10000 kilometers away from the fleet and returned to the back of the silver pterosaur. He did not continue to escape.

"Admiral Francis, request fire support!" David said to general Francis through the identity bracelet.

When applying for fire support from general Francis, David had a wonderful feeling. He seemed to be back in warstar. He was back in the days when he fought with Zerg as a federal beetle.

"Lord Arthur, please don't move easily. The long-range fire will arrive in ten seconds." General Francis had been observing through individual reconnaissance equipment, and then returned.

The detection of individual reconnaissance equipment showed that the red dots in the distance were moving rapidly.

Judging from some of the remaining detectors in front, it can be inferred that the arrival of the insect tide should have been six hours ago, until this time. It is needless to say that Lord Arthur held the worm tide alone.

Don't underestimate the six hours, six hours, let the federal army expand the detector to 6000 meters.

David counted down the time in his mind. When ten seconds came, beams of light came from behind, toward the tide of insects that were rapidly approaching him.

He sat on the body of the silver pterosaur. In front of him was the individual detection equipment. The attacks of the federal warships were all guided by the small detection equipment. The rest of the detectors were destroyed in the last battle.

The longer David stays here, the longer he will be able to strike federal warships.

In fact, this is also a unique attempt to protect the scouts with the powerful god world knight as the eyes of the federal warship, so that the federal warships can attack the Zerg at a safe distance.

You should know that any class 4 Zerg, for ordinary warships, as long as close up is a devastating blow.

Once a class 4 Zerg gets close to a warship, the only way for the fleet to respond is to sacrifice the ship.

Federal warships can't fight with powerful Zerg, especially if they can't get close to the fleet, which will bring disaster to the federal fleet.

David had no fear of the terrifying beams coming from behind, and he could clearly perceive that none of them would hit him.

Of course, his confidence is not this reason, and he will not give his own security to the calculation of the warship, although the probability of the intelligent system on the warship is very low.

David's strength is his defense. His legendary physique, his artifact "shadow of shadow", and the double protection of Black Knight's armor make him fearless of these main gun energy beams.

Even if there is an intelligent system error, and he is included in the attack target, he can also rely on his strong sense of danger to avoid the attack of firing the long-range main gun.

The speed of these main gun attacks from thousands of meters away is clear to David, who has mastered the "speed rules" of legend. Every main gun energy beam is clear and can be predicted in advance.

The insect tide is chasing David. They are completely crazy. The Zerg God level consciousness is regardless of the price.

In fact, in the battle just now, David did not rely on the black dragon Alexis. He only borrowed the legendary "blade Mantis king" to escape. What he really wanted to thank was that he killed 15 level 5 Zerg first.

This time, the Zerg sent out 30 level 5 Zerg, and 15 remained in the space gate. The other 15 were distributed in the insect tide. In the battle of encircling David, there were no more than five level 5 Zerg close to the battlefield.

This makes the fifth level Zerg unable to do too much harm to David, and can not block the impact of "blade Mantis king".

The attack of the warship's main gun collides with the insect tide. The terrifying energy beam directly vaporizes the several Zerg that contact with it, and then continues to extend to the interior of the insect tide, until it penetrates dozens of layers of the insect tide, and its power is weakened and blocked by the Zerg.

This is still a main gun energy beam, more main gun energy beams continue to attack.

Every time the main guns of the federal warship are fired, there is a corresponding interval. With perfect fleet cooperation, when facing a large number of insects, they can not maintain complete fire coverage.

Just like the previous swarm attack, federal warships can only consume the amount of insect tide by space distance, and can't block the insect tide at a certain distance.

The insect tide is not afraid of life and death, they constantly close the distance against the attack of the main gun energy beam.

In fact, the Federal Military did not want David to last long, because David's position was 10000 kilometers away, and there was no more scouts behind him. As long as he moved, the data of individual reconnaissance equipment needed to be recalculated. No matter how short the calculation took, it would also affect the attack frequency of the fleet.

When the tide of insects hit David, he had to move, and the individual detection equipment moved with him. At least 10000 km to 6000 km away, the federal fleet could no longer attack David with saturation.

David naturally understood this. He was like the only eye of the federal fleet in this position. He was ready to fight. Behind him, six artifact "chains of death" were flying. In his hands, level 5 shield and level 5 light sword were held separately.The tide of insects was still advancing very fast. Under the attack of the main guns of federal warships, the tide of insects kept charging one after another, and soon approached David.

"Alexis, you are responsible for bringing all the souls here!" David looked at the vaporized Zerg in space and told Alexis the black dragon.

He has nothing to worry about the approaching swarm, as long as he is not surrounded by Zerg, he is not afraid of these Zerg.

With the main gun support of the federal fleet, Zerg can't form a siege to him.

The attack of the federal fleet also made the Zerg lose quickly, even no worse than the result of his opening up the "cutting edge field".

David said that he couldn't let go of these souls. All the souls nearby were drawn. These are the energy of his soul's recovery.

The shadow boy is busy absorbing the soul, but obviously his work is much lighter. As long as he stays by David's side, those souls will flow in.

"Lord Arthur, if you can't resist, you should immediately retreat. We have more than 50 Templar Knights here, enough to form a defense line!" Speaker Gould said, looking at the surging tide of insects.

Don't mention Lord Arthur, who is 10000 kilometers away. Speaker Gould is in the underground command room of zhenshou star. When he sees the pictures from the individual reconnaissance equipment, he feels numb.

Speaker Gould couldn't imagine how Lord Arthur had been holding the tide for six hours.

"Speaker Gould, I will be careful!" David replied with a smile.

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At this time, the first Zerg approaching him is stabbing him with his feet and legs, and a burning flame comes out of the mouth of the fourth level Zerg.

David's mind moved, and a artifact "death chain" hit the flame. In a moment, the flame was scattered. "The chain of death" continued to extend through the body of the fourth level Zerg.

He also didn't throw away the corpses of the fourth level Zerg, because it was a waste of time, and more Zerg had come.

David's spirit sweeps through. The corpse of level 4 Zerg is put into the space pendant. The empty artifact "death chain" continues to attack the next Zerg.

The six artifact "chains of death" is David's first barrier. The power of artifact shows its terrible attack effect in combat.

Even if you don't use the binding effect of the artifact "deathly chain", this attack power alone can give full play to the strength of David's legendary rank.

The artifact "death chain" is like six living serpents. It penetrates the nearby Zerg one by one. No matter whether it is the energy attack of frost, fire or poison, as long as it contacts with the artifact "death chain", it will dissipate.

Of course, with the surge of insects, there are times when the six artifact "death chains" can't take care of them. But the Zerg who can pass the six "death chains" will have to face the five level light sword in David's hand.

David, who is in combat, is a master level "Knight inherits swordsmanship". Under the influence of the "speed rule" and "power rule", any Zerg appears in front of him with only one hit and one kill.

David is like a reef on the sea. No matter how violent the tide of insects is, he can smash it into pieces.

With him to absorb the insect tide, what the 10000 kilometer federal fleet has to do is make good use of every opportunity of main gun attack and kill as many Zerg as possible.

The insect tide also had trouble. They wanted to surround David, but their encirclement was broken up again and again in the bombardment of the main gun.

"Let all the reserve fleets join the battle!" General Francis could not afford to retain the reserves at this time, he ordered aloud.

If admiral Francis doesn't make full use of this great opportunity to wipe out Zerg, he won't be a qualified fleet commander.

Under normal circumstances, the reserve fleet is a rotation echelon to prevent the warships from being too tired after a long battle.

After a period of attack, the main guns of federal warships need to rest, and the soldiers participating in the war also need to recover their fatigue and maintain the Reserve Fleet so that the fleet can maintain a long-term attack state.

But at this time, the situation is completely different. Lord Arthur is standing in front of you. You don't need to consider the enemy's attack at all. You can attack with all your strength.

The entire federal fleet, tens of thousands of warships, and millions of soldiers are looking at the green light spot on the light screen of their warships, which is still at 10000 kilometers away.

Around the green light spot, the red light spot flickers unceasingly, that is the Zerg to approach after being killed.

From the federal command, the green dot was Lord Arthur, who alone, with his detection equipment, pointed out the target for the federal fleet.

This time the detection equipment is extremely tenacious, no matter how the Zerg impact, they can't make the detection equipment move.

I've heard of Lord Arthur's power. No matter how strong the rumor is, it's just a rumor. Federalists who have been shocked by numerous public opinions have doubts about the credibility of any news.

But at this time, no federal soldier doubted the strength of Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur, through his performance, let federal soldiers know why God belongs to the big world and called him "invincible Knight"!"This is the invincible Knight!" The hearts of the Union soldiers were filled with worship, which was simple and without any interest relationship.

During the battle, David suddenly felt that the power of faith had increased a lot. Since the Zerg launched an attack, the power of Zerg faith that he could accept became very small.

And the power of billions of Zerg faith is also the largest part of David's belief power. After the power of these beliefs was lost, his promotion speed became extremely slow.

The power of the increased belief is far less than that provided by the billions of Zerg, but it is not a small number. It is no less powerful than the belief generated by the Knights of the big world.

While thinking, David's attack has not stopped.

This kind of pure combat without using any special ability and relying only on his own strength made him feel incomparably comfortable. His light long sword in his hand became more flexible and changeable. He even felt that his swordsmanship was changing.

David has absorbed so many light balls about master level swordsmanship that he can't even remember. From the interstellar Federation to the divine world, he has killed many swordsmen.

His swordsmanship "Knight inherits swordsmanship (1% perfect)" has not changed for a long time. He always thinks that this is the end of swordsmanship.

"Kill!" When David felt the change of swordsmanship, his mind was completely concentrated. Every time he took out his sword, he was accompanied by a light drink.

David's swordsmanship is becoming more and more concise. Every time he makes a sword, he can walk the shortest distance with the light long sword of level five. In his swordsmanship, he does not have many blocks and rotations before.

In the analysis and judgment of his legendary master soul and 101 soul sub bodies, his sword becomes unavoidable and no longer needs defense, because his sword will kill the enemy before the attack comes.

David has entered a strange state. His sword is no longer deliberately intended, nor does it have the sense of killing. The only thing left is to kill when he leaves the sword.

If he has time to open the attribute board of shadow servant, he will see that the original "Knight inherited swordsmanship (1% perfect)" is disappearing and replaced by "swordsmanship (talent)".

At the center of David's little world in soul space, a new pale gold pattern is forming.

After countless killing, he killed many top swordsmen and gained the knowledge of their sword using ability all his life. David's sword ability has long surpassed that of all swordsmen in the two worlds.

However, with the strength of David's enemies getting stronger and stronger, his chances of using the sword are becoming less and less, which makes his transformation of swordsmanship never come.

For a long time, David got his natural ability from other life. He never owned his talent. There are many reasons. His talent is not top-notch, at least before it is transformed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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