Transcendent David

Chapter 980: CH 978

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David really felt the change of his swordsmanship. He didn't need to think about it. He only needed to specify his target enemy, and the target enemy was within his attack range. The next thing seemed to be natural. The light sword of level five stretched out and the enemy died.

He wakes up from the previous state, his eyes scan his identity bracelet, found that the time has passed an hour.

But David himself did not feel the loss of time. He was shocked. He even unconsciously put out his sword for an hour to resist the attack of Zerg.

Among his space pendants, a large number of Zerg corpses are the result of the battle just now. Here are six Zerg warriors killed by the "death chain", and the rest are killed by him with his sword.

"Alexis, what happened to me just now?" The first thing David didn't understand was to ask Alexis the black dragon.

"Lord Arthur, you should be aware of a talent ability!" Alexis, the black dragon, returned with some uncertainty.

Just like David's performance just now, as well as David's strength today, the phenomenon of perception is just the expression of forming talent and ability.

It's just that Alexis, the black dragon, doesn't understand what kind of innate ability will awaken at this time.

David hears the black dragon Alexis's reminder, and quickly enters his own soul space. He is so familiar with the central position of the small world in the soul space. He will find out any changes at the first time.

A new pale gold pattern is suspended in the air. This is a talent ability pattern, and it is also a very high level talent ability pattern.

David's mind came into contact with the talent ability pattern, and he immediately felt the effect of the talent ability pattern.

He did not know how to describe the mood at this time, he finally had the first talent of his own, and this talent ability was not his efforts, or not completely.

Because this talent ability is the "sword" talent, which is not a talent potential, but a "sword talent pattern".

According to the world rules, as long as David inspires the "sword talent pattern", every sword of David will be a "sword skill" with the power of rules. Unless the opponent has the ability to dodge the rules, this sword is a must kill sword.

The reason why "swordsmanship" talent is not entirely the result of David's efforts, because the foundation of the formation of "swordsmanship" talent is that he absorbed one by one sword knowledge light ball.

Of course, if he hadn't summed up the knowledge of swordsmanship and mastered them to a level similar to that of mastering the rules, he would not have formed a "sword talent pattern.".

There is almost no cost to stimulate the "sword talent pattern". David can keep the "sword talent pattern" inspired state all the time.

This can almost be called the most powerful melee talent. At this time, he really had the feeling of matching his "invincible Knight" title.

The God belongs to the great world temple and bestows the title of "invincible Knight" to David. David also feels that he can be called invincible among knights, but he does not rely on his own Knight's combat power to achieve this invincible.

From today on, David really felt the match between "invincible Knight" and himself, because he could suppress all Knights only by relying on swordsmanship.

"You made a correct judgment. I got a" sword talent pattern ". In close combat, as long as the opponent can't defend the rules, he can't resist my sword!" David had no one else to share his joy. He could only tell Alexis the black dragon.

"Do you mean that you will turn your sword into a talent pattern?" Black dragon Alexis asked in disbelief.

"Yes, my swordsmanship has become a gift!" David didn't care about the tone of Alexis. In his opinion, he had a lot of talents and abilities, and this one was normal.

Alexis, the black dragon, looked at David in silence. David did not realize the importance of the "sword talent pattern".

As a human being, the strongest attack is the weapon in the hand, and the sword is placed on the knight's body.

This is the same as the dragon claw of the dragon clan, but none of the dragon clan has ever been able to turn the dragon claw attack into a talent pattern.

You should know that this talent pattern realized by yourself will grow with his own growth. Although David's swordsmanship can only deal with the legendary level, when the demigod is close enough to him, he may even kill him with one sword.

Not to mention God level, David's sword is sharp enough. At the right distance, the power of swordsmanship talent is enough to make God level suffer.

"Lord Arthur, you will collect more books related to swordsmanship in the future, and strengthen the knowledge reserve in this respect. The future development prospect of swordsmanship talent is very strong, you must pay attention to it!" Black dragon Alexis thought for a moment and suggested.

David was stunned when he heard what Alexis the Black Dragon said. With the strength of Alexis, he said that the development prospect of swordsmanship was very strong, so he had to pay attention to it.

"Most of your talents are extracted by absorbing souls from shadow attendants. It's easy to get this talent, but it's hard to improve. Your fencing talent is formed by yourself and will continue to improve with your strength. Moreover, swordsmanship talent is a talent for close combat and killing. Its attack power is very strong, and it can't be cracked like other special talents." Alexis continued."I see!" David nodded heavily.

David thought of the same talent and ability. It's the low-level talent in the low-level Zerg, and the high-level talent in the high-level Zerg. This is the real reason.

In fact, in addition to David, who has many kinds of natural abilities in his body, the rest of the talents who can have natural abilities, at most one or two of them are the limit.

They specialize in one or two kinds of natural ability. Naturally, when they improve their own strength, their natural ability will be improved accordingly.

David's innate ability is equal to devouring all at once. Most of them only know how to use and don't know the principle. This makes his talent ability only stay at the level when he gets it. Unless he encounters similar talent ability to continue to swallow, his talent ability will be improved.

And this sword talent is that after he digested and absorbed all the swordsmanship he had learned, he experienced this hard battle, and then completely integrated his achievements.

Although David has been talking to Alexis the black dragon through the master servant contract, his five level light sword has never stopped. After activating the "sword talent pattern", he will kill a Zerg within his range every time he wields his sword.

Especially when his level reached the legendary level, his black dragon power can also be expanded through the long sword to form a five meter long sword. However, his sword awn is different from the white light of the real blood force, but it is a colorless and transparent strength.

The five meter long, colorless and transparent sword awn can improve David's attack range and give full play to his sword talent.

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Two hours later, David still did not step back. No matter how the Zerg attacked, he was blocked.

During these hours, the Zerg lost a lot. With the arrival of the following Zerg, the density of Zerg in the airspace near David is getting higher and higher.

The main gun saturation attack of the interstellar Federation fleet will vaporize more Zerg than ever before, so in a few hours, the number of Zerg destroyed exceeds 100 million.

Within the scope of David's spirit, he also found a number of level 5 Zerg. He was a little strange. How could these five level Zerg appear at this time.

You know, from the beginning of the wave of insects attacking him, there are enough level 5 Zerg to launch many attacks, but the level 5 Zerg seems to disappear.

His heart is wary, although his strength is better than the fifth level Zerg, but under this kind of insect tide, any mistake may be fatal.

Just as David thought about it, a thick flash of lightning came from a distant king of lightning.

He is very experienced in dealing with this kind of lightning attack. The level 5 shield on his left hand slightly blocks the lightning attack, and Yu Wei is absorbed by the "lightning pattern" in his soul space.

"Be careful!" Alexis the black dragon reminds.

David's fifth level light sword is wielded. When the lightning king in the distance sends out the heavy lightning, his body disappears in place. It melts into the thick lightning and comes to David in an instant.

David is also familiar with this strange way of moving. His "thunder light body" has the same effect. However, the "lightning bug king" is more talented and has the ability to attack after being integrated into the electric light.

But because of this, the "lightning bug king" also lost part of his avatar's attack immunity ability.

The fifth level light sword in David's right hand is beyond the scope of physical attack and reaches the level of regular attack because it uses the attack of "swordsmanship talent".

David's sword pierced into the thick lightning, and the long sword went through the space barrier and went straight into the hidden "king of lightning bug" and punctured its heart accurately.

David also collected the corpse of "lightning bug king" in the future. Five fifth level Zerg came close to him through his fight with lightning king.

The six artifact "chains of death" mainly focuses on blocking the weaker Zerg so as to block the Zerg as much as possible, while the stronger Zerg are allowed to come close and be killed by David with a sword.

Five fifth level Zerg also took this opportunity to rush to David's close.

"Alexis, help me block two!" And David commanded through the bond of master and servant.

To deal with level 5 Zerg, it is not a problem to block two level 5 Zerg with the strength of Alexis, the black dragon, to suppress the top of level 5.

David is also assured of the strength of Alexis, the black dragon, and is not worried that his designated two fifth level Zerg will pose a threat to him.

His level 5 light sword was taken back from the heart of the "lightning bug king" and stabbed at a level 5 Zerg. The level 5 Zerg wanted to resist, but the sword talent ability was not so good to resist. The colorless and transparent sword light pierced the fifth level Zerg's body to break its heart.

David's level 5 shield on his left hand also blocked the attack of another level 5 Zerg with his shield. He took this opportunity to use the "rule of strength" to smash the level 5 Zerg seriously and then flew out. In the process of flying, the body of the level 5 Zerg smashed the Zerg 100 meters behind him.In a flash, there was only a level 5 Zerg left in front of him. This was a "crawling armor bug king", a level 5 Zerg with heavy armor and a strong defense talent.

David chose to attack the "creeping armor bug king" last because the "crawling armor insect king" was not powerful enough. Of course, he chose the one with strong attack power to solve the problem first.

Just as he made another stab, a small figure emerged from the 20 meter giant body of the "creeping armor insect king".

Neither David nor the black dragon Alexis has found this little figure before. You should know that David's perception ability is the strongest in the legendary level, let alone the God level black dragon Alexis, even if his soul is hurt, his perception is still divine.

But that's it. They didn't find this little figure.

It was too fast. A dark golden light swept through David's body, which was too fast for David to react. A thin dark gold knife light swept on David's body.

The black armor was broken without any defense effect, and then the artifact "shadow of the shadow" was also broken. The speed of the dark golden sword light was not blocked by two pieces of armor with level five defense.

David felt the skin break open, and the muscles broke without any resistance.

If David's fencing talent is a must hit melee talent, then this knife is a must kill melee talent. He feels the power of rules in this sabre.


This almost fatal knife, however, stopped unexpectedly.

This is not a small figure holding hands, but the dark golden sword light is blocked by the items. This is not the black dragon Alexis, because the speed of the small figure's knife is too fast, so fast that the black dragon Alexis does not respond in time.

What blocks the light of the dark golden knife is David's skeleton. This knife is cut from David's shoulder. Normally, this knife will be cut from David's shoulder, and then David's chest and shoulder will be cut open. The internal organs such as heart, lung, liver and other internal organs will be cut open. Then, David's pelvis and thighs will be cut down, and David will be completely cut in two.

But this little figure is wrong. David's skeleton is unexpectedly strong.

The knife, which could not even be stopped by the artifact, was forcibly blocked by David's bone.

The long sword in David's hand killed the "creeping armor bug king". After taking it back, he made another sword. At this time, for some unknown reason, the little figure was obviously stunned for a moment, and it seems that he did not expect this kind of situation.

Although the swordsmanship talent is not as fast as the little figure's, the difference is not much slower under this distance. A sword enters the body of the little figure and pierces its heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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