Transcendent David

Chapter 981: CH 979

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"Lord Arthur!" The black dragon Alexis roars, the invisible wave sends out, and all the Zerg nearby all shake together.

In the whole battlefield, only the main gun energy beam of the federal warship launched 10000 kilometers away was not affected. The Zerg were shocked by this roar, and their souls were broken in light and damaged in heavy.

The roar of the black dragon Alexis is mixed with "dragon chant". Even if his power to suppress himself is at the top of level five, the "dragon chant" used by him is extremely terrible.

This is space. The sound of "dragon chant" is far beyond the collection range of individual reconnaissance equipment. In the far end federal headquarters, general Francis and speaker Gould only saw that Lord Arthur was injured and Zerg Qiqi stopped moving.

"It's OK!" David grinned bitterly and waved to Alexis the black dragon.

David's eyes fell on the corpse on the sword. He was very familiar with the Zerg. What made him speechless was that he almost died in the hands of the same Zerg last time.

Of course, this Zerg level is more powerful than the last one.

This is an assassin Mantis. In David's calling ring, there is an assassin Mantis puppet. However, the assassin Mantis puppet has only four levels. The assassin mantis, who died on his light sword, is a legendary Zerg.

After recognizing the legendary "Assassin Mantis", David was not surprised that he was seriously injured.

In the past, the fifth level Zerg had the habit of cultivating "Assassin Mantis" in Zhanxing.

The "Assassin Mantis" is a variant of the mantis. Unlike normal Zerg, the "Assassin Mantis" does not increase in size as the rank increases.

This weakness may be fatal for other Zerg, because without a huge body size, there will be a great defect in both strength and defense.

Zerg will grow in size as their strength grows. This is the choice of evolution and the right way.

But in the process of evolution, there will always be some special existence, "Assassin Mantis" is such a special existence.

Even at the legendary stage, the mutant "Assassin Mantis" is at most similar in size to that of human beings, which means that the strength and defense of legendary "Assassin Mantis" will be weaker than that of ordinary legendary Zerg.

But the "Assassin Mantis" is not good at strength and defense. What it is good at is incomparable speed and two blades.

The most terrifying thing about the assassin mantis is is that it can gather all the breath and gather the strength of the two blades. When it is excited, it is almost an unparalleled blow.

When David's spirit was swept away, the legendary "Assassin Mantis" was put into the space pendant.

His injuries were quickly repaired under the treatment of "immortal vitality".

The wound looks very big, but actually the wound is not too serious.

David was also glad that this legendary "Assassin Mantis" did not use a stab, but used a sweeping attack. Although both attacks were fatal, the consequences were absolutely different.

If it's a stab, although his heart is integrated with the heart of God, he can't survive if he is severely damaged.

Of course, the blade of the legendary "Assassin Mantis" determines that the strongest attack it can use is sweeping, cutting off the enemy's body with one blow, which is absolutely fatal.

It's just that the legendary "Assassin Mantis" met David's special existence. David's skeleton is not ordinary, and even the divine body's skeleton is not as hard as his skeleton.

If the blade of the legendary "Assassin Mantis" uses a stab, it may also avoid David's skeleton and pierce into David's heart. However, under sweeping, it will only be blocked by David's skeleton, making this fatal attack ineffective.

On the other side of the space gate, the Zerg God level sensed that its killer was killed, and the sense of helplessness rose in the Zerg God level's heart.

It's not easy to cultivate this "Assassin Mantis king". The Zerg deity level itself belongs to the "blade Mantis" clan, and it can know the variant "Assassin Mantis" in the clan.

However, it is not easy for the "Assassin Mantis" that can be caught in the eyes of Zerg gods, and even the "Assassin Mantis" with five levels of potential can not be taken seriously by them.

Because the level five Zerg power, for the Zerg God level, is just the ability to send away, there is no need to spend a lot of effort to cultivate.

This "Assassin Mantis king" is the only one of the most talented "Assassin Mantis" of the "blade Mantis" generation in tens of thousands of years.

Through the cultivation of Zerg God level, the strength of "Assassin Mantis king" was promoted to legendary level.

The Zerg gods have great expectations for the assassin Mantis king, so they did not use the imperial inheritance pattern to enhance the strength of the assassin Mantis king. Instead, they promoted the assassin Mantis King King step by step.

The "Assassin Mantis king" who has been promoted in this way will not be retrogressed because there is no "imperial inheritance pattern".

Zerg's goal is very big. If you want to cultivate the "Assassin Mantis king" into a semi divine level, then the "Assassin Mantis king" will have the ability to kill God level terrorist attacks.The reason why the "Assassin Mantis" is valued by many powerful Zerg is that it can burst out a power accumulation attack in its weak body, which can increase the attack power of the "Assassin Mantis" by one level.

Just like David's "Assassin Mantis puppet", if the "Assassin Mantis puppet" is given a chance, it can give a deadly blow to the enemies of level 5.

Zerg God level is a must for David, so he sent out "Assassin Mantis king". With the "Assassin Mantis king" as a half God strike, and with the hidden means of "Assassin Mantis king", David could not survive without David's prevention.

But I didn't think of it. The key was that the Zerg God level didn't know exactly where the failure was?

Zerg deities understand that they can't threaten David any more in a short time. The swarm of insects near the space gate toward the guardian star is disconnected, and then the Zerg, belonging to the big world Zerg from the space gate, stops near the space gate again, waiting for the new orders of Zerg God level.

As for the insect tide that has launched an attack, the Zerg God level doesn't care about the loss of Zerg.

"Lord Arthur, I'm sorry, it was my fault that almost made you..." The black dragon Alexis fell back on David's shoulder and apologized to David through the master servant contract.

"Alexis, it's none of your business. In the future, we should pay attention to it. The Zerg God level is afraid to kill me!" There's a chill in David's eyes. He's not the kind of person who doesn't fight back.

If the other party is not divine, David will be looking for the other party's trouble.

"See how much soul energy can make your soul recover this time. If not, we will kill more Zerg near the space gate, and we must make your soul recover as soon as possible!" David said in a deep voice.

David knows that although his own strength has improved rapidly, it is impossible to fight against Zerg gods in a short time. The only hope is the black dragon Alexis.

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As long as there is enough soul energy, the black dragon Alexis can recover his soul and regain his true divine level combat power.

Zerg invasion of this opportunity, is the opportunity to obtain a lot of soul energy, otherwise David will never be able to kill humans to obtain soul energy.

"I'll find that hateful worm and strangle it to death!" Said Alexis the black dragon, gritting his teeth.

It is a great insult to Alexis, the black dragon, who protects David and puts him in mortal danger.

After accepting David as the master, the relationship between Alexis the black dragon and David has become a relationship of teacher and friend after a long time of living and fighting together.

Even David has become a black dragon with the help of Alexis. In this world without a dragon, David is the only member of Alexis.

For whatever reason, Alexis, the black dragon, could not bear to have David hurt.

"Lord Arthur, you withdraw to deal with the injury first!" Speaker Gould's voice came to David's ears through a vibration from the identity bracelet.

"I'm coming back!" David didn't refuse. He was badly hurt just now. Naturally, he can't continue to insist. Although his injury is almost better, it can't be too obvious.

The existence of "immortal vitality" is one of the important secrets that David dare not reveal at present.

"Lord Arthur, this is your evacuation route map. You withdraw according to this route map!" Admiral Francis sent a star map.

David opened up the map and saw the lines on the map.

At this time, the energy beam of the main gun in the rear is obviously doubled, and the insect tide is weakened by half in an instant.

David knew that this was the last cover of the federal fleet. He patted silver pterosaur. Silver pterosaur activated the ability of instant movement and took him to the spot.

After losing the eyes of individual detection equipment, the Starfleet immediately stopped the super long range main gun attack.

Without the assistance of investigation equipment, this kind of ultra long range attack will not be effective, and it may also injure friendly troops by mistake.

The tide of insects suddenly lost its hold, broke into loose formation and ran after David.

In terms of speed, few Zerg can match the speed of "silver pterosaur". Even if a few Zerg can get close to each other through space or faster, they will also be killed by the artifact "death chain".

Their attack could not even affect the speed of the silver pterosaur, and the distance between David and the insect tide was getting farther and farther away.

From 10000 kilometers on, the insect tide is no longer attacked by the federal fleet's long-range main guns, which greatly increases the speed of the insect tide.

Nine thousand kilometers, eight thousand kilometers, seven thousand kilometers, up to six thousand meters, David was evacuating according to the route given by general Francis.

When the tide reached nearly 6000 meters, a series of main gun energy beams passed by David and fired at the insect tide in the rear.

David carefully controls his speed to keep himself within the distance that Alexis, the black dragon, can pull the souls of the dead Zerg.In the past, he had never been so eager to recover the soul of Alexis, the black dragon. Now he realizes that he must have enough fighting power to fight against him after he has made a death feud with Zerg gods.

"Why, how can I feel that the power of faith is increasing again?" David was more relaxed at this time. All the attacks were dealt with by the six artifact "chains of death". This gave him time to feel his own situation, which also made him have new discoveries.

In David's perception, the power of faith is constantly increasing. Although the speed of increase is not particularly fast, it is extremely stable.

This makes him very strange. To know that God belongs to knights in the big world and soldiers of the interstellar Federation, their faith power is almost stable. If the belief power increases at such a speed, it can not be the faith power of the two worlds.

There is only one possibility, that is, the power of Zerg faith.

"There is no further reinforcement for the insect tide!" David understood the reason for this in a moment.

If the Zerg can not move and pray, only the Zerg on the other side of the space gate will not join the swarm.

When Zerg enter the insect tide, where can they enhance their faith.

David doesn't know whether he's disappointed or happy. What's disappointing is that only the Zerg in the current insect tide can get more soul energy this time.

Happily, the security of the garrison star is not a problem. The military cooperation between God's great world and the interstellar Federation led by him is bound to end in success.

David's slower speed worried both general Francis and speaker Gould in the federal headquarters. They thought that David's speed was slowed down because of his injury.

As David has been on the run, so the two dare not disturb him.

The strength of this insect tide is obviously very high. Starting from 6000 meters, the advance speed of the insect tide is obviously faster than that of the previous one.

"Attention all Templars, enter the designated defense area and be ready to fight at any time!" Speaker Gould looked at the advancing tide of insects and ordered through the contact phalanx.

Fifty two fifth level Templars were highlighted on the command light screen in the federal command room, representing their green light spots flying out in front of the fleet, laying the last line of defense at a distance of 5000 meters from the fleet.

Compared with the confident David, general Francis and speaker Gould are somewhat less confident.

Lord Arthur's injury and the increase of insect tide's strength have both made the two commanders re judge the situation of the battlefield.

As David retreated, he watched the tide. The number of them was terrible. From the beginning to the present, he and the federal fleet had killed at least hundreds of millions of Zerg, but the tide was still huge and did not decrease at all.

If he is not sure that there is no follow-up support, he should be worried about the impact of the wave.

Entering a distance of 1000 meters, the early warning ships in the interstellar Federation fleet can clearly scan the insect tide, no longer need to use the detection device, the insect tide and the federal fleet have really entered the most dangerous distance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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