Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 51: 51

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Chapter 51: Women’s Clothing

Chang Qing throwing up anywhere would be bad enough but he ended up vomiting all over Lu Zheng’s feet, which made his eight-point face instantly turn colder by four points.

He didn’t bother to care too much about it.  He just dragged Chang Qing directly to the hotel.

He was still thinking about that moment of divergence just now. He felt that he was in danger.

The only two times that Chang Qing’s face was clear in Lu Zheng’s heart was when he wasn’t very well behaved. For a long time after he was well behaved, he was a blur in his eyes. He wouldn’t deliberately look at him. His attention wouldn’t follow him inexplicably, let alone pay attention to him, but he could get used to Chang Qing being in his space.

In fact, many people have experienced this state. An ordinary person like a relative such as a mom or a dad, because they’re someone familiar you may subconsciously ignore them until they happen to suddenly discover a certain change in their parents. Before the change was discovered, their parents’ faces were a blur in their eyes.

Lu Zheng’s state was similar to this. He even treated Lu Hua and Lu Shi like this. He seldom looked at their faces, and he never cared about where they were.

And now Chang Qing’s face became clear in his eyes. He noticed and recalled that the first time Chang Qing’s face became clear in his eyes was the time Chang Qing and Lu Hua were arguing.

That was a turning point.

This was obviously not a good sign.

Lu Zheng understood in his heart, as an adult, he wasn’t a fool. He understood what this excessive attention represented, and also understood that this attention was accompanied by a very bad signal.

Lu Zheng felt disgusted. Disgusted with himself, more than that, there was an indescribable feeling of irritation and anger.

As far as his own attention was concerned, it’s actually very disgusting. He wasn’t good to anyone, but to Chang Qing… This made him feel disgusted with himself.

It’s okay now, it was just the first sign. He hadn’t discovered it too late so now it could still be avoided.

Lu Zheng threw Chang Qing on the bed, took a breath, and let it out quietly. He noticed that there was some air flowing into the room. He looked up at the window, then went over to close it tightly. Then he came back and covered him with a thin blanket.

He was fine. As soon as he touched the bed, he fell asleep. Lu Zheng covered him with the blanket, and he obediently rubbed off his flip-flops. He rolled himself up in the thin blanket and shrank towards the center of the big bed.

Lu Zheng looked at Chang Qing, who was left with only his shaggy head exposed, took one last look, turned around and went out.

The next morning, when Chang Qing woke up, he was still a little dazed and confused. But even when he was drunk, he wouldn’t lose time. At the very least, he remembered everything that he had done last night.

Chang Qing slapped his head, revealing a hint of annoyance. His tolerance for alcohol was good, but he was no longer the Chang Qing he used to be. This body belonged to the original owner. The original owner didn’t know how to hold his liquor. He had never been drunk before. He didn’t drink much, or practice very much. So his capacity to drink naturally wasn’t very good.

But as soon as he finished his bold words, he ended up pouring out a glass of whiskey… It was a slap in the face.

His face hurt from the slap, but he still remembered how Lu Zheng jumped last night, and how he threw up on Lu Zheng’s foot…..

It was humiliating. It was a little embarrassing.

Chang Qing covered his face and got up.

After washing up and taking a shower, Chang Qing came out of the room. He went downstairs and saw Lu Zheng and Lu Hua in the restaurant downstairs. Chang Qing tried his best to remain calm. He went over and sat down beside Lu Hua and asked for a pasta.

Lu Hua looked at him, “Have you taken a shower yet?”

“Hm-hmm” Chang Qing said.

Lu Hua, as charming as a lark, said, “You smell good. Does the shower gel smell different in every room? Yours smells better than mine.”

Lu Hua can always find strange topics. Chang Qing smiled at her and said, “This kind of stuff always smells better when others use it. It’s all the same brand.”

Lu Hua: “Okay.”

She still couldn’t help but look at Chang Qing’s face. After showering, Chang Qing looked even more elegant and gentle, like a hibiscus. His face was all red from the steam, and the corners of his eyes were all wet… There was a dewy freshness… Lu Hua’s mind came alive. “Do you want to wear a skirt?”

“…” Chang Qing spoke as if nothing had been said, “The noodles in this hotel are a little soft.”

Lu Hua acted like a spoiled child and said, “Qing Qing, promise me. I want to see you in a skirt. If you wear a skirt, I’ll love you even more. I’ll give you all my pocket money, okay?”

Chang Qing couldn’t help but insert the knife: “You have no pocket money.”

She still owed him some money.

Lu Hua shook his arm, “Promise me, ah, promise me, promise me. I will give you all the delicious food, and I will give you flowers if I have money in the future, and… Let me think about it. I will give you a pension in the future.”

Chang Qing was helpless, “Don’t make trouble.”

Lu Hua pointed a finger, “Just wear it once to show me, okay?”

Chang Qing hesitated.

Lu Hua held her face and tried to kill him with cuteness. She had heard Chang Qing say she was cute, this duplicitous guy!

Chang Qing: “…”

Lu Hua blinked, “How about it?”

Chang Qing tried to reason with her, “I have a big frame. I can’t wear a skirt.”

Lu Hua retorted confidently: “My second brother has a big frame. Look at how wide his shoulders are. If he wore a dress it would burst. But you’re different. Your shoulders aren’t wide. Your waist is narrow, and your legs are long. You must be super beautiful in a dress.”

Chang Qing: “…”

He looked at Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng lowered his head and didn’t look at them. Chang Qing was stunned and thought, Lu Zheng wasn’t angry, right?

Lu Hua pouted when she saw him looking at Lu Zheng. “Why are you looking at second brother? Just look at me! Qing Qing, promise me just this once. I want to see what you look like in a dress.”

As she spoke, she shook Chang Qing’s arm as hard as she could. Chang Qing didn’t know how to respond to such coquettishness. His scalp was numb, and he couldn’t control himself. He agreed.”… fine.”

When Lu Hua heard this, she immediately smiled and blew a kiss, “Mwah! Mwah! Uncle Lin, come with me to buy a dress.”

Butler Lin and Lu Hua had obviously reached a common external front. As soon as Lu Hua spoke, he immediately responded.

Chang Qing was very regretful. Very regretful, but there was no turning back. It was too late for him to turn back now. He could only watch helplessly as Lu Hua led Butler Lin out of the hotel.

Chang Qing retracted his gaze from where he was watching Lu Hua leave. He looked at Lu Zheng, who had been burying his head in breakfast, and hesitated for a while, “Yesterday…”

“Did you blackout?” Lu Zheng glanced up at him, then lowered his eyes, with an expressionless look on his face.

Chang Qing paused, “No blackout.”

Lu Zheng sneered: “One cup and you’re drunk? Is that what you call a good alcohol tolerance?”

Chang Qing: “Er … well, it was an accident. I wasn’t that bad before.”

Lu Zheng said: “Come on, why talk so much? Eat your meal.”

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Chang Qing felt that he didn’t seem to be in high spirits and was a little embarrassed. “Are you angry?”

Lu Zheng’s tone was light: “What would I be angry about?”

Chang Qing: “You’re really not angry?”

Lu Zheng said impatiently, “I’m not angry. Am I that kind of narrow-minded person?”

Chang Qing said in his heart: You are.

But the corners of his lips curved up and he said, “Yes, that’s good. I’m sorry.”

Lu Zheng said, “Eat your food and don’t talk.”

Chang Qing didn’t say anything else. He just lowered his head and ate his plate of noodles.

After breakfast, Lu Hua and Butler Lin came back after walking around outside for a while. Butler Lin was carrying a lot of paper bags, which made Chang Qing’s scalp feel numb again.

Lu Hua flew up to him prettily, blinked her beautiful light brown eyes, and said with a smile: “I bought a lot of dresses, as well as wigs, clip on earrings, hair clips, necklaces, and so on. So, I will definitely dress you up beautifully.

Chang Qing’s first reaction was: “Where did you get the money?”

Lu Hua said, “Second brother gave it.”

Chang Qing: “…”

Lu Hua took his hand, “Come in. Let’s go to my room.”

Chang Qing was dragged by her and couldn’t break free. So he followed her helplessly to her room, and was urged by her to change into a skirt.

The style of the skirt Lu Hua bought was simple, but Chang Qing wasn’t able to wear it. When he put it on, his sense of shame was about to explode.

He couldn’t help looking at himself in the mirror. It fit, but it was also really, really weird.

Lu Hua knocked on the door outside, “Are you ready?”

Chang Qing took a breath and said to himself, this was definitely the last time. He will indulge Lu Hua this time, but there will never be another time.

He did a good job of psychological construction before pushing the door open.

The moment Lu Hua saw him, her eyes lit up with surprise, “Ah ah ah, I knew it!”

Lu Hua’s scream made Chang Qing’s eardrums tremble, “It doesn’t look good? Then I’ll take it off.” As he said this, he turned around and went back to the toilet.

Lu Hua hugged his arm, “It’s not bad! It looks good! Don’t take it off! You’ve already put it on now I’m going to dress you up!”

Chang Qing turned back helplessly, “OK, only this time. There won’t be another time.”

Lu Hua naturally agreed.

Chang Qing sat beside the bed and let Lu Hua torture him. She had a long wig, a black choker, some clip-on earrings, and a simple hair clip. She opened her cherished cosmetic bag and smeared it all over his face.

Half an hour later, Lu Hua backed away and looked at Chang Qing, with hot tears streaming down her face, “Woo…so good looking!”

Lu Hua’s tears came easily. Most of the time, they were just for the sake of creating an atmosphere. It was meaningless. Chang Qing was no longer surprised and didn’t comfort her. “Do I look good?”

Lu Hua nodded heavily, “Good-looking!” She looked so moved and proud, that it made Chang Qing very suspicious.

Lu Hua felt his untrusting gaze and her face changed slightly. She asked Butler Lin to bring over the round mirror on the dressing table. “Look if you don’t believe me! My makeup skills aren’t too bad, are they?”

Lu Hua’s makeup technique was just beginner level but Chang Qing’s foundation was very good. He looked good no matter how she applied it. Therefore, Lu Hua didn’t give him much makeup. She only applied a layer of brick-red eye shadow and eyelashes. With his soft pouty lips, Chang Qing’s face came alive, giving a delicate and fresh feeling of a bud blooming.

That face, which has always been white and full of softness, has become a bit flirtatious because of this touch of red.………

Lu Hua was genuinely satisfied. However, Chang Qing looked at himself in the mirror and felt uncomfortable. He felt that everything was a bit too strange. “Isn’t my mouth too red? It looks like I’ve been drinking human blood.”

He couldn’t help but nitpick.

Lu Hua said solemnly, “This is main room red1. It has a great aura. Your skin is white. You can really use the phrase -rosy lips and pretty white teeth- to describe it.”

Chang Qing: “…”

Chang Qing said, “All right, that’s it. I’ll wash it off.”

Lu Hua said, “Wait a minute! I’ll take your picture first.”

Chang Qing: “…Farewell.”

Lu Hua shook him again, “I’ve been busy for half an hour, can’t I have even a single picture? I don’t care. You have to let me take at least 20 photos before you wash your face.”

Chang Qing had no choice but to agree with her.

At this time when Chang Qing was being tossed by Lu Hua, the distant Lu family villa welcomed its other master, Lu Shi.

Lu Shi has experienced nearly two months of life in a completely closed military school, and his whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, the only constant was his resentment towards Lu Zheng.

He had been holding in his anger and resentment toward Lu Zheng for two months. It had turned into a dormant volcano that was waiting for a suitable opportunity to erupt. He put down his indignation and returned home. However, when he returned he didn’t see Lu Zheng or even Lu Hua.

Mother Zhang was surprised at his return and quickly poured him some tea. She asked him how he was feeling and Lu Shi repressed his anger. “Where did everyone go?” he asked.

Mother Zhang hesitated for a moment, peered at Lu Shi’s face and whispered, “They’re on vacation.”

Lu Shi: “…”

Lu Shi held back his anger, “Where is that vixen?”

Mother Zhang knew who the ’vixen’ he was talking about was but it wasn’t easy for her to correct him. She only sighed faintly and said, “They went on holiday together.”

Lu Shi was furious, “Did they go together?”

Mother Zhang: “…Yes, they went together.”

Was he the only one who has been left behind?

Lu Shi was about to die of anger.



main room red- First wife red

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