Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 54: 54

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Chapter 54: Careful Thoughts

Chang Qing didn’t know what Lu Zheng told Lu Shi. Anyway, they had a peaceful dinner that night and went back to rest.

Chang Qing went back to his bedroom to take a shower. He didn’t know if it was intentional or not but the bathroom wall in this bedroom was inlaid with a large mirror. Chang Qing could see his body every time he took a shower.

At first, he wasn’t used to it, but now he was getting used to it.

He took off his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. In just a week, he had gained some weight again, although it didn’t show through his clothes.

His waist was slender, and now he was a little wider, but it wasn’t obvious from just looking at him. Only by pinching it with his hands could he squeeze out soft meat.

He’d better start exercising. Or maybe ride a bike to work?

Forget it, that’s exhausting.

Chang Qing didn’t think about it anymore. He turned on the hot water and started to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Chang Qing felt exhausted. He picked up his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

These days he has been on leave, both Qiao Zhenran and Zhang Xinyu have been looking for him. Basically, it was nothing serious. Chang Qing had returned once and then didn’t return again.

Now that he was back, he had to tell them too.

After Chang Qing finished talking to them, he went through his circle of friend’s moments in a distracted state.

Although he has always been very calm, what Lu Shi said still stabbed him and made him feel very uncomfortable.

He tried hard to stop himself from thinking about it. Lu Zheng was right. He would be happier if he didn’t care about a fool who hadn’t even graduated from high school. But some words are very hurtful. How can somebody act as if nothing happened after hearing something so hurtful?

At least Chang Qing couldn’t do it.

It was in this way, that he was so upset that he flipped to his own women’s clothing photo “…”

Chang Qing was taken aback and rubbed his eyes. Sure enough, they were his photos, so brazenly placed by Lu Hua into her circle of friends. A few days ago, almost as soon as the photos were taken, she had immediately put them onto her moments.

Chang Qing immediately got out of bed, stepped into his soft slippers and went to Lu Hua’s room.

“Lu Hua, open the door.” His tone was quite calm, so he didn’t scare Lu Hua away.

Lu Hua opened the door and stuck out her face, “What’s the matter?”

Chang Qing said, “Come out for a moment.”

Lu Hua was reluctant, “It’s not convenient. I just took a shower and haven’t got dressed yet.”

Chang Qing: “…”

He endured it, but he didn’t feel angry at all. He and Lu Hua didn’t have many friends in common, so it wasn’t too embarrassing. Hearing her say this, he was also discouraged, “Forget it, just go to sleep.”

Lu Hua agreed obediently, and then closed the door immediately.

Chang Qing paused, remained silent for a moment, then turned and went downstairs.

He couldn’t sleep, and he kept thinking about things, which made him uncomfortable. Chang Qing remembered that there was a wine cabinet in the side room off the living room, and he planned to drink some wine to help him sleep.

It’s just that as soon as he took out a bottle of red wine, he bumped into Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng was wearing a loose t-shirt and casual beige pants. He was sitting on the sofa in a pair of soft-soled slippers. His knees were arched and his legs were folded as he rested his feet on the sofa. His head was lowered as if he was lost in thought.

Chang Qing changed his mind and went back to get another cup.

“You can’t sleep either?” Chang Qing sat on the sofa beside him and put one of the two glasses in front of Lu Zheng and the other in front of himself.

Lu Zheng was taken aback. He raised his eyes, glanced at him, and gave a soft “En”.

“Let’s have a drink together. Isn’t this wine meant to help sleep?” Chang Qing said.

Lu Zheng didn’t look at him, just thinking about his own affairs, and replied to Chang Qing carelessly: “Don’t get drunk.”

Chang Qing muttered: “If you’re drunk, you can sleep until dawn.”

Lu Zheng didn’t speak.

Chang Qing picked up the wine and opened the bottle. He poured a glass for Lu Zheng, then poured a glass for himself, and said, “It’s not too strong. I can’t get drunk. I can drink cocktails, and this wine is certainly not enough to drunk.”

Lu Zheng put down his feet, picked up his glass, took a mouthful of red wine, and swallowed it.

Chang Qing took a sip and smiled slightly: “Your family’s wines are all good. The one I took is the oldest.”

When Lu Zheng heard the words “your family”, he was slightly unhappy. He lifted his eyes and looked at him deeply before quickly withdrawing his eyes. He lowered his voice and asked, “You can’t sleep because of what Lu Shi said?”

Chang Qing didn’t say anything.

Lu Zheng was a little impatient, “Didn’t I tell you? What’s the point of bothering with that dumbass?”

Chang Qing said, “I’m not bothered with him.”

His voice softened, “I just think, maybe it’s like he said, that it’s my coming here that’s messing up your house.”

He had another meaning in his words, but Lu Zheng wouldn’t understand. He only knew that what he said was wrong. “Bullshit, why are you being so stubborn?”

Lu Zheng was so irritated that he could hardly care about anything else and stared straight at Chang Qing. “If you’re at fault, then we’re all at fault. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Do you think I’ll comfort you?”

As he spoke, he started to feel uncomfortable again.”… It’s not your fault anyway. Don’t think about it anymore. I said from the beginning that it’s none of your business, understand?”

Chang Qing was shocked. Lu Zheng’s reaction was too intense. His face was full of impatience and anger that couldn’t be concealed. He paused for a moment and forced a smile. “Hey, I was just speaking casually.”

Lu Zheng grabbed the glass, raised his neck and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Chang Qing peered at his face, “Are you unhappy?”

Lu Zheng asked coldly, “What am I unhappy about?”

Chang Qing felt that he had been feeling a little off lately, but it was hard to ask why. Now that Lu Zheng’s reaction was so strong, he was sure that it must be because of what he said.

Chang Qing eased his expression, pretended to be relaxed and said, “Your face is full of ‘Laozi1 is unhappy’  ‘Laozi is unhappy’ I thought you were really unhappy.”

Lu Zheng ignored him.

Chang Qing had no choice but to soften his tone again, “Sorry, it was my imagination. I’ll punish myself with a drink.

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He tilted his head back and drank the glass of red wine in one gulp.

This red wine was rich in flavor, and the alcohol level wasn’t high. It wasn’t easy to get a headache from it, and it’s effects were slow moving. Chang Qing only felt that his lower abdomen was hot, but nothing else.

He refilled his and Lu Zheng’s glasses again and said nothing more, sipping at the red wine little by little, as though he were cherishing it.

Seeing him like this, Lu Zheng couldn’t help but say, “In addition to the wine in the wine cabinet, there is also wine in the wine cellar. My father loved to drink and has saved a lifetime of wine. You don’t have to save it for him.”

Chang Qing paused for a while, then replied: “I’m not saving it… it’s delicious. You can’t gulp down this kind of wine, right? You should savor it like tea.”

Lu Zheng snorted coldly: “Such nonsense.”

Chang Qing laughed, “You’re not angry anymore?”

Lu Zheng said in a cold voice, “What do I have to be angry about? It’s just annoying how you feel sorry for yourself. That look doesn’t suit you.”

Chang Qing didn’t feel bad after hearing this. He just smiled and said, “Right.”

The atmosphere became silent again, with a slightly strange aura.

Chang Qing drank half a glass, and finally felt that the heat in his lower abdomen was slowly creeping onto his face. He put down the wine glass and said thoughtfully, “If I drink two more glasses, I’ll probably get drunk.”

Chang Qing looked at Lu Zheng and said, “I have to go to bed.”

Lu Zheng nodded, “Go.”

Chang Qing was about to get up when his feet suddenly became weak and he lost his strength, so he fell forward.

This wasn’t a good place to fall. In front of him was the sharp edge of the coffee table. Chang Qing’s fall directly hit that corner.

Lu Zheng’s eyes were lowered and he wasn’t looking at him at all. When he realized he was falling it was already too late to reach out and catch him.

Chang Qing stifled a grunt. He propped himself up on the coffee table then sat back down again, his body softening.

Lu Zheng couldn’t help but say, “Are you stupid? Can you fall just like this?”

Chang Qing’s face crumpled with pain. Hearing what he said, he reluctantly pulled the corners of his lips and whispered, “This wine is too strong to drink.”

Lu Zheng looked at his wrinkled expression, and couldn’t say anything angry anymore, “…Let me see your legs.”

Chang Qing didn’t hear him clearly. Lu Zheng kicked the coffee table, reached out and grabbed his ankle, “Pull it up by yourself.”

Lu Zheng was talking about his pajama pants, Chang Qing took a breath, and reached out to slowly lift up the soft, loose pajama pants.

Originally, he wasn’t so delicate, but the original owner’s body was much more delicate than his. That was also the reason why his thinking was pampered and he’d slacked off. Now he couldn’t stand even a little pain.

Chang Qing originally thought it was just a small injury, but he didn’t expect that the cut was so long that bright red blood immediately gushed out and even his pajamas were stained.

When Lu Zheng saw this cut, his lips moved, trying to say something. Then he choked it back, only faintly saying, “I’ll get the medicine, wait.”

Chang Qing responded and watched Lu Zheng get up to get the first aid kit. He took out some sanitary pads, wiped off the blood that seemed a little alarming on the snow-white flesh. He took out the ointment and squeezed some out. He was about to reach out and wipe it on when he paused again. He glanced at Chang Qing unhappily “Wipe it yourself, so I don’t hurt you.”

Chang Qing said “Oh” then stretched out his hand to wipe the ointment away. Of course, it hurt. Chang Qing “hissed” and gave an “ow” from time to time, causing Lu Zheng’s brows to wrinkle.

After wiping off the medicine, Lu Zheng took out some gauze and wrapped it around him, tied it in a knot, and finally said to Chang Qing, “Take medicine once a day. If you don’t want a scar there’s some scar-removing medicine here. You can apply it by yourself.”

Chang Qing agreed.

Lu Zheng was close to him and smelled the mellow aroma of wine on his body.

There will be a strange thing when people drink. Even if the wine is drunk into the stomach, it seems to ferment and float out from their orifices and pores. At this time, it was not simply the smell of wine, it seems to have mixed with the body odor of the drinker.

On the other hand, the aroma of wine on Chang Qing’s body brought a nice and warm smell, which smelled very good.

Lu Zheng restrained himself and put the lid on the first-aid kit as if nothing had happened. He stood up and put the first-aid kit aside. “You’ve had enough wine. Don’t drink anymore. Go to bed now.”

Chang Qing stared at the half glass of wine and said, “I’ll go after I finish this.”

Lu Zheng sat down too.

He controlled himself so as not to look at Chang Qing. At this moment, there were only the two of them. Even if he looked, no one would be able to see him. However, he couldn’t open this door. Once he opened this door, his courage would grow

It was rare for Lu Zheng to want to smoke to ease his worries, but he couldn’t. He hadn’t touched such things since a long time ago because neither Lu Chenghui or Lu Xuan had allowed it. He had to be in good health to be in charge of the Lu Group for a long time.

For this reason, he doesn’t touch any tobacco or wine at all. Of course, he will drink wine, but not deeply. As for the cigarettes, forget it.

Lu Zheng remembered that the first time he learned to smoke was when he was 14 years old. Before he had a chance to taste it, Lu Chenghui found out about it. Then, there was a commotion that made him promise never to touch it again.

No one cares about him now, he can smoke as much as he wants, but except this time, he usually doesn’t think about it.

The reason he was thinking about this so much was because he felt like his abnormal and careful thoughts could be suppressed gently and skillfully, just like the urge to smoke back then…

After that, even if he thought about it occasionally, he wouldn’t have any more thoughts.

Just like… Chang Qing.

Lu Zheng realized what he was thinking, and his heart skipped a beat. He grabbed the wine bottle and drank it frantically causing Chang Qing’s mouth to drop open in surprise.

After the bottle of red wine fell down into his stomach, Lu Zheng’s face immediately turned red. His constitution was abnormal. Medically speaking, there was an enzyme in his body that dispelled alcohol, so it was easy for his face and neck to turn red. Although he could hold his liquor well the after-effects it had on him were always greater than it was on others. He doesn’t like the feeling of being out of control, so he also doesn’t drink as much as he can.

He had intended to put out the fire, but he had not expected it to burn even more vigorously. He couldn’t help but think, how was it that back then Chang Qing could look at him so strangely but now he could look at him so frankly and honestly and without any evil thoughts?

There was no solution to this, and he doesn’t want to ask him.

He didn’t want there to be an ambiguous atmosphere between them, so he wouldn’t ask that.

It’s just that if he can’t get an answer from the person concerned, he will inevitably be confused.

Lu Zheng felt irritable again, and felt that his own thoughts were disgusting.

He was annoyed when he heard Chang Qing ask him, “You drink so much, how wasteful ah?”

Lu Zheng didn’t look at him, instead looking down at the crystal clear glass in his hand, “It’s not a waste. I’m going to bed. “

Chang Qing nodded. He also finished drinking his glass of red wine and said to Lu Zheng, “I have to go to bed too …… This red wine really helps you sleep and puts you in a good mood.”

It seems that because of the strength of the wine, his whole body is hot and soft, and the scratch on his calf and knee has become less painful.

Lu Zheng glanced at him one last time. If he had a physique that was prone to blush after drinking, then Chang Qing was prone to getting drunk. It was just these two glasses of red wine and his fair cheeks showed a touch of pink. While his eyes were as bright as water, making it difficult to take your eyes off him.

But Lu Zheng was still able to withdraw his gaze lightly, as if nothing had happened, and said to Chang Qing as usual: “Go to sleep.”

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