Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 55: 55

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Chapter 55: Hook Up

Chang Qing went to work the next day after he came back. Lu Shi was at home, and he didn’t want to meet him yet.

In the end, he wasn’t the type of person who thought he stood at the center of the universe and called out for everyone to love him. Lu Shi hated him, so he wouldn’t approach him.

In short, before Lu Shi got up, he got dressed and went downstairs and went out. He even ate breakfast outside.

It’s just that as soon as he parked his car and entered the gate of Tianxing Entertainment, he felt that there was something different.

It seemed like everyone was looking at him.

When Chang Qing looked over those people looked away again, as if nothing had happened.

Chang Qing felt a little weird. When he entered the elevator, he could still feel the gazes behind him.

With this kind of question in mind, Chang Qing arrived at the office. Zhang Xinyu was already there. He saw Chang Qing and greeted him, “Did you have a good time?”

Chang Qing replied, “It was okay .”

He couldn’t help but tell him about the weirdness he’d experienced along the way. Zhang Xinyu hesitated for a moment then asked, “Don’t you know? You’ve been on the news.”

Chang Qing was stunned, “It can’t be that thing, right…?”

The Qin Lang kidnapping case was very big. On that day, many media outlets had come over and taken some videos at the foot of Mount Ge. Both Chang Qing and Lu Zheng had been photographed. Only Lu Hua’s photo hadn’t been taken.

Most of the people in Tianxing must know who Lu Zheng was. And now Chang Qing’s identity had more or less been dug up.

He’s not a public face either and is very recognizable. So almost everyone who saw him knew who he was.

Chang Qing was speechless. Zhang Xinyu comforted him and said, “It doesn’t matter. Nothing will change from how it was before.”

Seeing the way he racked his brains to comfort him, Chang Qing couldn’t help but smile, “I know.”

That’s what he said, but he was afraid that no one but Zhang Xinyu would think so.

As soon as Zhang Xinyu left, someone came to Chang Qing and cutely asked him to help take a look at the printer, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I haven’t been able to use it.”

This girl is a little assistant of Zhang Xinyu. Her seniority was higher than his, plus she was a girl. It was hard for Chang Qing to refuse her. So he went to see the printer with her.

“Well? Can you fix it?” asked the assistant.

She was very close to Chang Qing and had perfume on. Chang Qing couldn’t help but sneeze. Seeing the little assistant’s face change, he said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I have a cold.”

After Chang Qing said this to the little assistant, he stepped back a little, and rubbed his nose. He checked the printer again, and then said, “It’s just that there’s no ink in the ink cartridge. If you add ink, then you can use it. Please step back.”

The little assistant backed away a little and found an opportunity to chat with him, “You’ve been in the company for a long time, haven’t you? Are you still getting used to it?”

When Chang Qing first came here, these girls also came to visit him. Chang Qing’s attitude at that time was actually a little cold. After all, Lu Xuan was there, it wasn’t good for him to talk and laugh with these girls, so his first impression at that time wasn’t very warm. After that, Chang Qing often spent time with Zhang Xinyu, so even less people came to look for him.

It’s strange now. Chang Qing felt that the girl’s intentions might not be pure. However, he wasn’t too cold and gently said: “It’s OK. The company environment is quite good.”

The little assistant chatted with him some more. Seeing that he was about to change the ink, she smiled sweetly again and asked him, “Chang Qing, where do you live? We might be on the way.”

Chang Qing has been struggling in society for so long, not to mention that he was someone with a lot of experience. At the very least he didn’t think that she was simply asking him where his family lived. He smiled and casually said, “I live near the city center.”

He changed the ink and smiled at the little assistant, “Let’s see if it can be used.”

The little assistant dillydallied then finally tried it, “Ah, it works. Thank you, it’s a big help.”

Chang Qing said: “You’re welcome. It’s the least I can do.”

The assistant asked, “How about I invite you to dinner as a thank you?”

Chang Qing was about to speak when a mellow and magnetic voice came from behind him, “You want to eat lunch early in the morning before you even start work?”

The little assistant turned her head and saw that it was Qiao Zhenran. She smiled in surprise, “Morning boss.”

“Morning.” Qiao Zhenran smiled slightly at the little assistant. “You sort out this quarter’s statements, and I’ll read them later.”

The little assistant hurriedly responded, looked at Chang Qing and whispered, “We’ll talk later.” Then she left.

With a relaxed expression, Qiao Zhenran said to Chang Qing, “I thought you wouldn’t come to work.”

Chang Qing patted his hands stained with toner and smiled, “Why wouldn’t I? Such an easy and good job is so hard to find.”

Qiao Zhenran suddenly approached, reached out, and wiped Chang Qing’s cheek. He said in a low voice, “You got some on your face.”

Chang Qing backed away slightly and gave him an odd look. “I’m going to wash my hands.”

After he spoke, Chang Qing turned around and went to the pantry.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Zhenran also followed. He smiled and said to Chang Qing, “It seems that you had a good time this holiday. Your face has become a lot rosier.”

Chang Qing got some soap, scrubbed his fingers vigorously, and watched the water become dark before gradually becoming clear again.

He turned to Qiao Zhenran and asked, “Really?”

Qiao Zhenran looked into his eyes and lowered his voice: “Why don’t you have lunch with me instead of with Zhen Ni1? How about it? May I have the honor of asking you to join me for lunch?”

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Chang Qing looked at him strangely. He remembered what Zhang Xinyu had said and couldn’t help but ask, “You’re not going with Secretary Qiu?”

Zhang Xinyu guessed a little wrong, Qiu Qianjin hasn’t left yet.

Qiao Zhenran was surprised. He stared at Chang Qing for a while, and when he saw that Chang Qing was uncomfortable, he said, “I don’t meet Secretary Qiu alone.”

Chang Qing: “… Then just with me?”

Qiao Zhenran smiled slightly, “Isn’t it okay?”

He was the one who had the final say.

Chang Qing licked his dry lips. He found a cup and took a cup of hot water before answering Qiao Zhenran: “No, Secretary Zhang and I have made an appointment to have dinner together.”

Qiao Zhenran said helplessly: “Then…it can only be next time.”

Chang Qing turned around and told Zhang Xinyu about it.

Zhang Xinyu pondered for a while, and said, “I haven’t seen the boss and Secretary Qiu getting close recently. Both of them have a businesslike attitude. They probably… broke up.”

Chan Qing and Zhang Xinyu get along and are very comfortable with each other. For no other reason than that Zhang Xinyu’s character and three views make Chang Qing feel that he was somebody he could be friends with. So he was quite close to him.

Zhang Xinyu is his first friend in this world.

Chang Qing thought it was a little funny, “Rabbits don’t eat the grass around the nest, but he spares no effort to nibble all the grass around him.”

Chang Qing couldn’t help but look at Zhang Xinyu, “He didn’t hook up with you, did he?”

Zhang Xinyu said: “I like women.”

Chang Qing said, “I know, but your type should also be very popular.”

Zhang Xinyu had an aloof and cold look. He’s not bad looking and his pair of phoenix eyes are very beautiful.

Zhang Xinyu shook his head. He wasn’t very clear about the love between men, but if Qiao Zhenran took a fancy to him he would resign anyway.

“In fact, Tianxing said that Secretary Mi or I could go to the head office, but it didn’t work out,” Zhang Xinyu told Chang Qing. “So I contacted him privately.”

Chang Qing seemed to have a premonition of something, and the corner of his mouth, that was still curved fell down.

Sure enough, Zhang Xinyu then said, “Mr. Lu approved, he told me to go over.”

Chang Qing had always known that even if they were friends, they couldn’t always be together. In the end, they weren’t children anymore. He laughed and patted Xinyu on the shoulder, and sincerely blessed: “This is a good thing, Congratulations.”

Zhang Xinyu whispered, “But it was a month ago. Now that I think about it, it’s good to stay here, but if the boss dares to do something bad, I can still go to the head office.”

Chang Qing asked, “So you’re not going?”

Zhang Xinyu said, “I’m not going.”

Chang Qing couldn’t help it and laughed. “It’s also a good thing not to go.”

Zhang Xinyu also smiled and said to him: “The boss doesn’t have a bottom line in this regard. You’d better stay away from him and hide if you can.”

Chang Qing naturally agreed with him .

Lu Zheng wasn’t having a good time either. He had intentionally added a lot of work for himself  so that he was too busy to think. With this effort, he also investigated Lu Shi’s friendship situation at the military academy on the side.

This investigation found a boy named Shi Huanchuan, who was usually inseparable from Lu Shi to the point of exaggeration.

Lu Zheng took a closer look at the information again, and immediately had a strange feeling.

Lu Shi, he… wasn’t in puppy love, was he?

At this time, Shi Huanchuan’s family had been soldiers for three generations. Now Shi Huanchuan was a red third2 generation. He had been in the elementary and junior high schools affiliated with the military academy since he was a child. By the age of 18, he had grown to more than 190 cm, and he was very powerful…and according to the documents, he’d had two boyfriends. Both of whom broke up within a month, and he had no experience with girls. This was clearly a gay man.

This Lu Shi still foolishly played with him so well. He’d heard that they sleep together at night… Lu Shi, this fool, was obviously heterosexual. When Chang Qing entered the house, he was still disgusted and resisting, but now he had become friends with a gay man without even knowing it.

Lu Zheng was speechless after discovering this. Then he felt that this was somewhat interesting. He had talked to Lu Shi a lot yesterday, but he had always been patient and focused on appeasing him. Although the third child had a bad temper and was stupid as hell, if you stroked his fur he was still obedient. So when ordinary people look at him he seems normal and his face can also score some points. So its not surprising to be looked at.

But whether he likes it or not still has to be figured out. Also, whether or not Shi Huanchuan was just playing around or was sincere.

If he was sincere, because of this kid’s background, Lu Zheng has begun to consider whether the two families can get married.

If it’s for fun, Lu Zheng… Lu Zheng also doesn’t plan to intervene.

That kid taught Lu Shi to talk about separating the family, which wouldn’t be good for him. For the time being Lu Zheng was willing to believe that he might have just mentioned it casually, and that only Lu Shi was serious-he really had the ability to take a joke seriously.

It was no wonder that Lu Shi could go home without hindrance. There was a good chance that he had asked Shi Huanchuan to help at that time.

What else could he do? Lu Zheng dropped the information and gave a snort. He didn’t want to take care of it for the time being.


1.I’m not sure if I’m missing something here or the author just has made some odd naming choices but- the secretary’s name here is: 甄妮- (zhēn nī). Which according to Google translates to: Jenny. The kidnapper girl from several chapters back was called: 詹妮 (zhān nī)- which also can be called ‘Jenny’. I’m going to leave them as ‘Jenny’ and ‘Zhen Ni’ for now.

2.My understanding is that this means just that he’s descended from a founding member of the People’s Republic of China. So basically his family has important political history.

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