Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 58: 58

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Chapter 58: Warm Affection

In fact, the weather has started to get colder these past few days, and Lu Hua, who has always loved to look beautiful couldn’t hold on anymore.  She took off her skirt and put on long sleeves and pants.

That night, there was a sudden downpour of rain.

The rain came very suddenly and urgently, and was accompanied by thunder and lightning that seemed to split the sky. Lu Hua was afraid of thunder and couldn’t help screaming when she heard it. Of course, the sound was also drowned out in the roar of thunder.

Halfway through dinner, the power went out again.

In the darkness, Lu Hua asked angrily, “Why does the rainstorm have to be so bad this time?”

Lu Zheng went to find a candle and lit it. Then took a flashlight from the cupboard, and said to Chang Qing, “The power is out all over the city. Luckily, we have a generator at home that can last the whole night. Watch Lu Hua and don’t run around. I’ll go start the generator.”

Chang Qing agreed and watched Lu Zheng put on a raincoat and go out.

Lu Hua found a pair of earplugs on the coffee table, and said proudly: “Fortunately, I was prepared and put a pair of earplugs everywhere.”

As she spoke, the sound of thunder exploded in her ear, and the earplugs in her hand fell to the ground.

Chang Qing put the the candle on the coffee table, bent over and picked up the earplugs that had rolled over to his feet, blew on them, and handed them back to Lu Hua.

Lu Hua took them and quickly stuffed them into her ears. After making sure that she couldn’t hear the thunder she breathed a sigh of relief.

There was wind blowing into the living room. Chang Qing went to close the window, and saw Lu Zheng through the glass door. The strong wind blew the flower stand to the ground and almost hit him. Fortunately, he was quick enough to dodge, and managed to avoid the tall and heavy flower-stand.

Lu Hua ran over and watched with Chang Qing as Lu Zheng walked more than 200 meters to the workshop despite the storm. Lu Hua, as if she felt something, said softly: “Second brother is so amazing.”

Even though the sound of the storm was very loud, Chang Qing still heard her murmur.

Chang Qing saw Lu Zheng’s tall figure half submerged in the heavy rain. His raincoat was almost torn off by the strong wind, but his footsteps didn’t stop at all. He moved straight and fast towards the workshop. The strong wind and the heavy rain failed to stop him.

He was not unmoved when he saw this scene.

In a home, there must be such a man, who can shield the family from the wind and rain and bear everything. Someone family members can also rely on and trust wholeheartedly.

These are also the things he dreamed of.

Chang Qing felt that his breath was burning, so he turned around and poured a glass of water and drank it down. Only after drinking it did he suppress the dry air.

The rain was cold, as if it was a sign of climate change, and the air was getting colder.

Chang Qing saw Lu Hua rubbing her arms. He took off the earplugs on one side of her head, and said to her, “You go and put on another layer of clothes.”

Lu Hua said reluctantly, “I’m not cold-give me back my earplugs, I have a bad heart.”

At this time, she was wearing a light purple sweater and a pair of jeans that fit the line of her legs. A large part of her neck and collarbone were exposed. She was already so cold that she was starting to shrink her neck.

Chang Qing threw her a spare blanket and asked her to wrap up in it.

Lu Hua took the blanket and said sweetly, “Qing Qing, you’re so kind to me. Do you like me the most in this family?”

Chang Qing looked at her, then looked away again. He smiled and didn’t answer.

Lu Hua took off her earplugs and asked, “Why don’t you say anything!”

Chang Qing said, “Even if I say something, you can’t hear it.”

Just as Lu Hua was about to say something, the light in the living room suddenly turned on, and Lu Hua’s words immediately changed to: “The electricity is back!”

She happily returned to the table, finished the last bowl of chicken soup, and said with a smile, “It’s still hot. You guys eat. I’m going to bed.”

After she finished speaking, and was about to leave, she thought of something, and said to Chang Qing, “It’s getting colder. You should put on more clothes so you don’t catch a cold.”

Chang Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise, “You too, don’t catch a cold.”

Lu Hua asked again, “You like me the most in this family, don’t you?”

Chang Qing laughed and said, “Yes, yes, if you say so, yes.”

Lu Hua shook her head contentedly and left.

Lu Zheng opened the door and came in. The raincoat he was wearing was of good quality, but it couldn’t withstand such a storm, so he was soaked to the skin.

Lu Zheng took off his raincoat, and the rainwater on his face fell down the arc of his cheeks, falling onto the light-colored wooden floor and turning into a dark water mark.

Chang Qing brought him a large towel for him to wipe his face.

Lu Zheng closed the door behind him, took the towel from him and wiped his face, before finally opening his eyes.

His eyes were red, because the wind had been blowing into them for a long time. He was soaked which made him very uncomfortable. After drying off the water he felt better.

“Where’s Lu Hua?” Lu Zheng asked casually.

Chang Qing said, “She went to her room to rest.”

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Zheng’s clothes that were dripping with water. He couldn’t help but say: “Go back to your room and take a shower. If you keep soaking in the rain like this, you might catch a cold.”

Lu Zheng blinked his dry eyes for a moment then agreed.

Chang Qing locked the door, then bent down to put away the raincoat that Lu Zheng had left behind.

Lu Zheng strode to the bathroom, took off the black sweater he was wearing, wrung the water out, and threw it into the dirty clothes basket. His body was also wet. He was wearing cotton double-sided casual sweatpants at home that were very absorbent. He simply took off his pants and directly took a shower.

The bathroom on this floor was only used by Mother Zhang and the two maids, so there were a lot of their personal belongings in the bathroom. Lu Zheng wasn’t very comfortable, so he rushed to wash off the rainwater, wrapped a towel around himself, and came out.

He didn’t expect Chang Qing to send him clothes

Lu Zheng couldn’t help but look at his face. Under the soft white light, Chang Qing’s face didn’t change at all. He only showed a simple concern for him, “I saw that you didn’t take any clothes with you, so I brought you a set.”

Lu Zheng opened the bag. Inside was a new set clothes, but no tags, with a faint fragrance of detergent.

Chang Qing lifted his chin and said, “I bought some clothes for Xiao Hua and in passing bought a set for you and Lu Shi as well. I’ll send it to him tomorrow.” After a pause, he added, “You can send it to him. I won’t go.”

Lu Zheng couldn’t see any expression on his face. He took the clothes out of the bag. It was a set, with a white logo sweater and a pair of casual trousers, which he often wore at home.

Hearing Chang Qing’s words, he lifted his eyes and glanced at him.

Chang Qing noticed his gaze and hesitated, “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?”

Lu Zheng nodded and said calmly, “I like it.”

Chang Qing added, “I bought a few clothes for myself and replaced all the clothes in the closet.”

The implication is that it was an incidental matter.

Lu Zheng didn’t know whether he understood or not. He looked down at the clothes and walked upstairs.

Chang Qing reminded him: “Put it on quickly. It will save you from catching cold.”

This was the beginning of autumn. It was easy to catch cold

Lu Zheng responded in a low voice, and soon the person was gone.

Chang Qing returned to the dining table and took a bite of the meal. The food was already cold. He put down his chopsticks, cleaned up the dining table, and went to the kitchen to drink another bowl of steaming chicken soup before returning to his bedroom to rest.

The next day, Lu Zheng took the clothes Chang Qing bought for Lu Shi to the hospital.

Lu Shi was admitted to the hospital because of a fall, but he never mentioned how he fell. He was smart enough to know that his family was standing on the side of the vixen. If the slightest clue was revealed then there would be no good result for him.

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The most important thing was that the fox didn’t complain, so he could lie down in the hospital with peace of mind and play the pity card.

But he didn’t feel good about the vixen either. He owed him this. He also threatened him. It was really the courage and guts that Fish Leong1 gave him.

However, this also showed that the fox had something to rely on, unlike him, who was weak and fighting alone. Even Lu Hua, who had always been on his side, has defected.

Lu Shi still felt uncomfortable thinking about this, but he didn’t want to admit Lu Hua’s importance to him. He just hated that he didn’t scold Lu Hua at the time to show that he didn’t care about her at all. She wasn’t important. It was the same with or without her.

Lu Hua, that girl, must be very happy to see him in the hospital.

Thinking of this, Lu Shi felt even more uncomfortable. He couldn’t sleep well in the ward, nor could he eat well. Only when he video called Shi Huanchuan would he be happier.

At this time, just after he finished the video call with Shi Huanchuan, his second brother pushed open the door and came in.

Lu Shi glanced at the things in his hand, a thermos, a duffel bag, and still enough room to carry a bouquet of flowers.

Lu Shi said speechlessly: “You’re actually giving me, a patient, roses?

Lu Zheng replied: “Discounted roses are cheap. They only cost 200 yuan.”

Lu Shi: “…”

Lu Shi said angrily: “Grandet, miser, hateful asset exploiter. The Lu family business is finished in your hands.”

Lu Zheng endured it, thinking “brothers” and “he’s my brother” in his heart, with a peaceful expression on his face. He unwrapped the flowers and inserted one branch into the vase that was already filled with water. The plain white ward became brightened by this touch of red.

He moved a chair over and sat down beside Lu Shi’s bed then opened the thermos, “Mother Zhang made you a nutritious meal, two dishes and a soup. Don’t waste it for me. Finish it.”

Lu Shi didn’t say a word. After a while, he said, “If you fish me out of the military academy, I’ll eat it clean, or I won’t eat it at all.”

Lu Zheng paused for a moment and said in a low voice, “It’s not impossible, but can you do well in school after you leave the military school?”

Lu Shi was speechless for a moment, “Study what? I just want to be an ordinary rich second generation, isn’t that enough?!”

Lu Zheng looked at him faintly, “Ordinary rich second generation, are you sure?”

Lu Shi said confidently: “Do you think I don’t know? I own 5% of the Lu Group’s shares, and Lu Hua also owns 5%. We don’t have to study at all. We can earn nearly 10 million yuan in dividends every month. Why do we have to study so hard? Do you still want me to be admitted to a prestigious school? Don’t those college students who graduated from prestigious schools start as interns serving tea and water in our company?”

Lu Zheng asked calmly, “Do you still want to separate the family?”

Lu Shi was a little vain, but he quickly puffed out his chest. “I want to set up my own business, I don’t need you to take care of me.”

Lu Zheng looked directly into his eyes, “Do you mean it or are you just angry?”

Lu Shi: “Of course I mean it!”

Lu Zheng nodded and said, “No, I won’t agree.”

Lu Shi couldn’t help but ask, “Do you want my shares?”

Lu Zheng laughed angrily, “Lu Shi, listen to me. This Lu family can be mine or yours. Of course, it can also be Lu Hua’s. As long as someone is capable, anyone can be the CEO of the Lu Group. Ask yourself, do you really think that I would covet your things? I don’t pay much attention to you, but when you ask for money haven’t I given it? Whenever you caused trouble at school didn’t I solve it for you? When you were bullied, which time didn’t I retaliate for you?”

“Lu Shi, you’re only 3 years younger than me. In another year, you’ll be an adult. I don’t want you to be ignorant until now, like a fool. Big brother is gone, there are only the three of us in the Lu family. I think you can have a better life in the future. Is it harming you to send you to the military academy? You can think about it with your conscience. Don’t think of our family like a TV show, always fighting and scheming against each other with dirty hearts and dirtying the house.”

It was the first time that Lu Zheng had said so much to Lu Shi and Lu Shi was a little confused. After a while, he said bluntly: “Who knows what you think.”

Lu Zheng said, “I was wrong in the past. I didn’t care about you, and I didn’t fulfill my responsibilities as an older brother. All human hearts are made of flesh. Both good and bad attitudes are mutual. I understand now.”

Lu Shi didn’t say anything.

Lu Zheng lifted his eyes and looked at him. “I don’t want to say anything else. You stay well and I’ll stay well too. If you have something to say, just say it, don’t make a fool of yourself. I want your shares? What’s the point of asking you for 5% of my 55% shares?”

Lu Shi said impatiently: “Why are you talking so much, I just don’t want to go to the military academy.”   

Lu Zheng said, “It’s okay not to go to the military academy, but it’s not okay to split up the family.”

Lu Shi looked at him, and Lu Zheng looked him in the eye, calmly saying, “We’re brothers, and we have to live together before we get married.”

Lu Zheng paused, then said, “Of course, if you want to move out I won’t stop you.”

Lu Shi snorted: “I won’t move. Should I move out so the three of you can be a loving family?”

Lu Zheng said, “Eat, the food is going to be cold.”

Lu Shi wanted to refuse, but the words turned around in his mouth and fell back into his stomach.

“I want some money. I want to buy a car.” Lu Shi dared to say to Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng didn’t look up, “There are plenty in the garage, you can drive whatever you want.”

Lu Shi said, “They’re all old models. It’s not too humiliating for you to drive out, but it’s embarrassing for me.”

Lu Zeng took a breath, “You get better first.”

Lu Shi saw that when he was speaking Lu Zheng had a good voice and a complete peace-seeking attitude. He was really surprised. He was so surprised that he didn’t even know what to say, but he felt very uncomfortable. It was a bad feeling.

Lu Shi ate a few mouthfuls of food, and then boldly said, “And that vixen, there can only be me at home without him there or him without me there. If we don’t split up the family then you have to tell him to fuck off.”

Lu Zheng pinched the edge of the hospital bed, there was a bit of coldness in his eyes and his voice was low. “This one won’t work either.”

Lu Shi stopped and shouted, “Why not?”

Lu Zheng said, “No means no, if you don’t want to live at home, I’ll arrange a place for you to live. You’ll be given a monthly allowance of 500,000 yuan – of course, if you don’t study hard, then you won’t be given this money.”

Lu Shi: “…”

He wavered wildly.

Lu Shi confirmed: “Is it really 500,000 yuan a month?”

Lu Zheng: “500,000 yuan per month, You can arrange your own dividends when you become an adult. I don’t care how much money you spend, but I only have one request. You should at least study and not make a fool of yourself. This is my last request as an older brother.”

This offer was too good. Lu Shi was thrilled. Previously, he only had 50,000 yuan a month as pocket money. It was too little. He didn’t know why his family was giving him so little pocket money when they were so rich. There was no harm without comparison. As soon as the price of 500,000 is announced, is there any reason for Lu Shi not to agree?

As for that bit of unwillingness and resentment, it was no longer a problem, and money is everything.

Lu Shi was afraid that Lu Zheng would go back on his word, so he agreed immediately, “Okay, it’s settled then.”

Lu Zheng saw that his eyes were turning red, and he was speechless, “It’s settled then. You don’t have to go to the military school, but you must study hard.”

Lu Shi nodded again and again.

Lu Zheng couldn’t help but grab his ear, “Stop acting like an idiot.

Lu Shi’s heart was slightly hot and uncomfortable. Lu Zheng had always been rude to him. Now he pulled his ear and said this, but with some warmth.

Warmth? Lu Shi thought it was ridiculous. No matter how you look at this word, it doesn’t match Lu Zheng.

It doesn’t match up at all.

But Lu Shi raised his head to look at Lu Zheng, and happened to meet his long, narrow, and deep eyes. There was something different in his eyes.

How strange, Lu Shi thought to himself.



1. I swear I nearly gave up on this sentence. This is a joke in China. Fish Leong is a pop singer who sang a song called “Courage.” If you do something that you shouldn’t/is dangerous then someone might joke -‘oh did Fish Leong give you the courage to do that.’ Song is (勇氣 Courage) if anyone wants to look it up.

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