Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 59: 59

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Chapter 59: Photos

In the dark prison, a handsome and calm-faced man was sitting on the bed. The sound of thunderous snoring echoed through the small prison making the two men in the other bed constantly turn over and complain.

The handsome man got out of bed calmly, and with the advantage of his height, he reached out and pulled the person in the upper bunk off the bed.

“Damn, you’re looking for death!” The man screamed in terror, saw Qin Lang’s face clearly, and then screamed at Qin Lang in a fierce manner.

Qin Lang said softly: “Keep your voice down, you’re keeping me awake.”

The man snapped viciously, “I don’t care!”

Qin Lang smiled slightly, then turned cold, and punched the man in the face.

Soon, the man’s wailing penetrated the wall, causing the entire floor of the prison to become restless.

The prison guard hurried over to stop him, and then threw Qin Lang into the confinement room to quell the one-sided beating.

The guard was still young, in his early twenties, and knew all about Qin Lang, a well-known star. When he returned to the duty room, he couldn’t help but talk to the prison guard who was on the night shift: “This Qin Lang looks so meek and obedient on the outside. He has good acting skills and a good persona. I didn’t expect that when he got to jail he’d beat people up at the drop of a hat.”

Another prison guard was speechless. After a while, he said, “A few days ago, he fought with a prison bully in Area D and broke his leg.”

“I wonder when he’ll have his second hearing. If he stays in jail any longer, he’ll have to beat everyone up.”

“Soon, it will be useless for him to complain. There is a mountain of hard evidence and there are also witnesses. Why did he have to kidnap someone when he his acting career was going so well? It’s really incomprehensible.”

“For money, didn’t someone dig out that he has a gambler father? “


After a chat, the two guards also felt sleepy. After saying a few more words, they went back to sleep.

Qin Lang stayed in the confinement room, thinking of what the lawyer said to him. He had known for a long time that he should be more ruthless. As long as those people died, he was safe.

He should never have taken Chang Qing with him. He should have known better. Since Lu Zheng didn’t follow the normal path, he shouldn’t have stayed behind. It wasn’t a bad idea to leave Chang Qing behind and run away at that time.

At this moment, he was also clear-headed. Only if he gave up can he gain, and if he gains, he must lose. He has always been cautious. At that time, he couldn’t make a ruthless move. If he could take away Lu Hua… that would’ve been good.

Qin Lang couldn’t help sneering when he thought of Lu Hua’s face which looked very much like Qin Zhenzhu.

His heart softened. He softened at the face that looked so much like Qin Zhenzhu, and he let her run away. From then on, he was doomed to failure.

He had a mother who was not quite normal but was very beautiful. Ever since he could remember, he knew how beautiful Qin Zhenzhu was. She was so beautiful that her whole face was radiant, but Qin Zhenzhu didn’t love him. Instead she hated him. For as long as he can remember, she has complained and scolded him, often beating him while saying things like, “I wish I hadn’t had you,” and so on.

His father, Chen Youwei, was an ordinary man, incompetent, honest and cowardly. The house was always filled with the harsh screams of Qin Zhenzhu. When she was beating him to vent, this man would only watch from the sidelines. He only knew how to watch.

At first, Qin Lang didn’t understand why Qin Zhenzhu hated him. But as he grew up, he understood her deepest, most vicious jealousy toward her twin sister, Qin Mingzhu.

Because of her jealousy and low self-esteem, she was resentful and angry, but the object of her resentment was never in front of her eyes, so she could only hold on to him to vent.

As long as she didn’t give birth to him, she would be fine? Could it be that without him, she could have married into the Lu family instead of Qin Mingzhu and enjoyed the glory and prosperity?

Wouldn’t her life be better if she hadn’t given birth to him?

After Qin Lang became sensible, he knew how stupid and vicious Qin Zhenzhu was, and how dirty that house was.

But was he innocent when he was brought up in this house?

Qin Lang knew that Qin Zhenzhu was sick. He was sick too. He had never owned anything, and he had to fight for whatever he wanted. This was different from Lu Zheng and the others who were born with too many things. Things that he could never get.

Qin Lang knew that he was as hideous and ugly as Qin Zhenzhu. He knew that he was beginning to envy the Lu brothers, who under the same bloodline, had a much better and happier life than he did. He was even more madly jealous and hateful than Qin Zhenzhu.

The evil thoughts growing in his heart were also the source of his strength to survive. He wouldn’t change, even if he had to do it all over again, he wouldn’t change. He was never a good man. He would keep biting at Lu Zheng and them, all the time, until he was the only one left.

Another person’s face slid across his mind, and his almost crazy heart calmed down slightly.

He said so much to him, but Qin Lang suddenly didn’t know which of the words he said were true.

At the beginning, he was too arrogant. The guesses he said to Chang Qing were just guesses but Chang Qing never admitted it directly.

Qin Lang coughed, smiled, and just lay down on the bed indifferently, “If there is a next life…”

He didn’t finish his words, his smile slowly faded. There would be no next life.

This life wasn’t over, there would be no next life.


Chang Qing no longer paid attention to Qin Lang’s case. He only knew that he had been sentenced to life imprisonment in the first trial. He’d also been shot down in the second trial. So after completing the formalities, he would be transferred from the detention center to the prison.

This was also good news. Occasionally, he would recall the man’s creepy smile. When he thought about it, he could not help but shiver and feel a chill running down his spine.

He also finally found time to watch “What to Do If My Boyfriend Is Too Domineering” and also pulled Lu Hua and Lu Zheng to watch it together.

Lu Zheng didn’t like to watch TV dramas and he was a little absent-minded. Lu Hua didn’t like it either. However, she felt that this scene was very rare and had the warmth of a small family. She liked it a little, so she reluctantly sat down next to Chang Qing.

“What to Do If My Boyfriend Is Too Domineering”, has been on the air for five episodes, so Chang Qing had to take the two of them to the home theater to watch.

The Lu family was rich, and even the theater room was well-equipped. Chang Qing was lying on the soft and comfortable chair with snacks and drinks brought by Lu Hua.

All in all the viewing atmosphere was very good

Chang Qing was different from the two of them. He can watch all kinds of dramas. Anyway, they all pass the time, any drama would do.

Lu Hua originally didn’t like to watch them, but the romantic Mary Sue drama of “What to Do If My Boyfriend Is Too Domineering ” was really well suited to the tastes of little girls. She couldn’t help but watch it with fascination.

Lin Yifeng’s character appeared quickly, showing up in the second episode, and Chang Qing straightened his back at the first sight.

He secretly glanced at Lu Zheng, but he didn’t expect Lu Zheng to be very sensitive, and he caught him as soon as he turned his head.

Chang Qing was caught and pointed at the big screen generously, “Do you think this person is good-looking?”

Lu Zheng glanced along his fingers, was stupefied for a moment, and said reluctantly, “He looks good.”

Chang Qing smiled, “Would you like to dig him up for Tianxing?”

Lu Zheng frowned, “Do you like him?”

Chang Qing said, “I like him very much.”

Lin Yifeng was handsome, full of youthfulness. He was also young and the same age as Lu Zheng. His youthful aura was like a fresh and juicy fruit that was in the most beautiful and suitable period for picking so that one can look at it and remember it fondly.

When Chang Qing was reading the book, he liked this male protagonist. Now that he could see him in person he felt very satisfied. Lin Yifeng does indeed  fit his description in the book.

Chang Qing couldn’t help but feel like an old mother, and wanted to give Lin Yifeng the best.

Chang Qing went to search for Lin Yifeng’s Weibo before and found out that he hadn’t even opened a Weibo. So he hadn’t known Lin Yifeng’s appearance until now.

Chang Qing told Lu Zheng: “He will definitely become popular. If you sign him to Tianxing before he becomes famous, he’ll become a cash cow and can earn a lot of money for Tianxing.”

Lu Zheng said calmly: “You can talk to Qiao Zhenran about this matter. It’s up to him whether or not to dig him up.”

Chang Qing paused for a while, but before he could said anything, Lu Hua said quietly: “He looks very good-looking. When I get rich I want to take care of him.”

Chang Qing: “…”

Chang Qing pinched her face, “Do you want to say that again?”

Lu Hua cried out in pain, “Don’t pinch! It hurts! If you don’t let go, I won’t like you anymore!”

Chang Qing let go of her and saw her rubbing her face aggrievedly, and said, “What do you mean by taking care of? What are you thinking about at your age?”

Lu Hua said confidently, “I learned from you. I feel sorry for him! He’s so good-looking and he’s still an extra.  If he is raised by me, he might not rise straight up to the sky but at least he will be a sparrow turned into a phoenix.”

Chang Qing: “…”

He was speechless.

Lu Zheng listened to the two of them and stared at the boy strangely. The boy looked like a pretty boy. He liked this kind of boy?

Lu Zheng felt depressed.

He didn’t go home for a few days and lived directly in the company. But after not going home for three days, he was uncomfortable again.

The food in the cafeteria was unpalatable, Lu Zheng said to himself, so he could go home with peace of mind.

He didn’t expect that as soon as he got home he’d been grabbed by Chang Qing and brought over to watch tv. He licked his lips and asked Chang Qing, “Are you his fan?”

Chang Qing was talking to Lu Hua, and when Lu Zheng asked him, he paused for a moment and answered honestly, “Not really. He should still be a newcomer. He doesn’t even have a Weibo account.”

Lu Zheng said “oh” and said nothing else.

Lu Hua poked her head out curiously, looked at Lu Zheng’s face, and whispered, “Second brother, I think you’ve been very strange recently.”

Lu Zheng glanced at her, “In what way am I strange?”

Lu Hua said, “It’s just strange … I can’t say how exactly. For example, you don’t call me stupid.”

The corners of Lu Zheng’s lips twitched, “Do I owe you a scolding?”

Lu Hua shook his head again and again, “Don’t, don’t scold me. If you say the same mantra every day, even if I’m not stupid, I’ll be read as stupid by you.”

Lu Zheng didn’t speak.

Lu Hua continued to stare at him and whispered: “Apart from not scolding me, you also gave me pocket money. Although it was only five thousand yuan… but you actually loosened up.”

“Did you suddenly discover your conscience? You know it’s not good to squeeze me, so you reformed?”

Lu Zhen endured and said lightly, “If you’ve become used to the days without pocket money, I can still take it back.”

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Lu Hua was stupefied and hurriedly said, “I’m used to the days when I have pocket money. I even think it’s a little bit less, It would be nice if I could have a little more.”

Lu Zheng was very accommodating at this time, “I’ll give you five hundred more.”

Lu Hua subconsciously pouted, “Stingy!”

But she quickly reacted and changed her words on the spot: “Second brother, you’re the best.”

Lu Zheng glanced at her with a half-smile, but in the corner of his eye, he saw the warm smile on Chang Qing’s face, and he froze again.

He found out that Chang Qing liked this kind of harmonious atmosphere very much. When he spoke to Lu Hua in a good voice, he would also show such a soft and satisfied smile with a little relief.

The smile on Lu Zheng’s lips slowly cooled down, his long and narrow eyes flashed slightly, and he looked away.

Lu Hua, who was still there, said to Chang Qing somewhat proudly, “My second brother has let go. Qing Qing you can’t be compared to second brother. You must at least give me this amount.”

She also held up ten fingers.

Chang Qing said: “You’re still in my debt. so please offset it.”

Lu Hua said, “No, how can it be offset?”

She rolled her eyes and said, “I showed Luo Nan the picture of you wearing a dress. She said you were so beautiful and asked which star you were.”

Chang Qing: “……”

Chang Qing loosened his mouth and said, “Here is 1000 yuan. Don’t show the photo to others.”

Lu Hua grunted like a little pig: “No, you can’t afford me now. I want two thousand.”

Chang Qing: “…”

He laughed and stretched out his hand to pinch Lu Hua’s cheek, “Are you asking for a fight?”

Lu Hua let out an “ah”, “Don’t pinch it! You’re so annoying, you always pinch my face. My cheeks are swollen from your pinching!”

Chang Qing said innocently: “Wasn’t it already big?”

Lu Hua closed her eyes angrily, “You‘ve lost me!”

Chang Qing was overjoyed and reached out to rub her long, soft hair.

At this moment, Lu Zheng asked, “What photo?”

Lu Hua broke free from Chang Qing’s hand and jumped up to sit beside Lu Zheng. “It’s the picture of him wearing a dress. I took a lot of pictures. Do you want it?”

Chang Qing stopped laughing and said in a weak tone, “OK, you’ve taken the picture. It’s enough for one person to see it. Don’t spread it around.”

Lu Hua said confidently: “Second brother is one of our own.”

Turning to Lu Zheng, she said, “Add another 500 yuan a month, and I’ll give you all the photos.”

Chang Qing: “…”

This business talent is inherited from the ancestors, right?

Lu Hua smiled proudly, “There’s no middleman to make a profit, so the price is good and cheap.”

Lu Zheng raised his chin, “Okay, send me the photo on WeChat.”

Chang Qing’s face burned a little, “Don’t look at it, it’s all black history.”

Lu Zheng glanced at him then quickly looked away. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before, and it doesn’t count as black history.”

Lu Hua sent him a photo, but a red exclamation mark appeared on the chat page. She screamed: “Second brother! You bastard! You actually blocked me!”

Lu Zheng: “…”

He’d forgotten this.

Lu Hua was so angry that for once her brain became smart. “No wonder. I’ve already posted my WeChat moments about our family, and you still asked me for it. It turns out that you blocked me!”

This brother, don’t want it!

Lu Zheng said solemnly: “Add it back.”

Lu Hua shouted: “What the hell! I’ll ignore you!”

Lu Zheng: “…”

He said, “I’ll give you an additional 1,500 per month.”

Lu Hua puffed out her chest, “What kind of person do you think I am? Do you want me to calm down with this little money? No Way!”

Lu Zheng: “Two thousand, otherwise forget it.”

Lu Hua: “…Three thousand!”

Lu Zheng said calmly: “Two thousand.”

Lu Hua said stubbornly: “I also have self-esteem, I can’t have any less than three thousand.”

Lu Zheng said: “Forget it, I don’t want it.”

“…” Lu Hua said angrily: “Can’t you hold on any longer!”

Lu Zheng: “What do you want?”

Lu Hua said, “…two thousand is two thousand. If you add me, I’ll agree.”

Lu Zheng sent her a friend request, and Lu Hua accepted it.

Chang Qing originally thought that Lu Hua would be able to hold on for a while, but he didn’t expect her to lose her armor and lose the battle within a few rounds. He really shouldn’t have any expectations of her!

Chang Qing reached out and tried to grab Lu Hua’s cell phone, but he didn’t expect Lu Zheng to squeeze his finger.

Lu Zheng’s body temperature was high. Even his hands were dry and hot. Chang Qing’s heart skipped a beat when he pinched his fingers like this. He was inexplicably flustered. Lu Zheng didn’t lift his head and said in a low voice, “Wait a minute, don’t touch it.”

Having said that, he seemed to be afraid that Chang Qing would make trouble. He squeezed Chang Qing’s wrist, stretched out his arm, tilted his body slightly, and blocked Chang Qing’s hand behind his back.

Chang Qing jerked his hand but it was very smoothly extracted. He felt a little odd now, as if he had ants biting in his heart, a little numb and a little itchy.

He put the strange feeling in his heart behind him, stood up and said to the two of them, “Stop looking at it! It’s not a real woman! Why are you two so interested?”

“But you’re more beautiful than a woman,” Lu Hua said without looking up.

At this time, Lu Hua had already sent all the more than 20 photos she had taken to Lu Zheng, “These are the original photos. I haven’t learned how to Photoshop yet. Luo Nan said she’d teach me. When I learn Photoshop, I’ll Photoshop these photos again. They’ll definitely be… more beautiful than others!”

After speaking, she paused for a while, and then stumbled and spit out the last four words with a little guilty conscience.

Lu Zheng said, “It’s pretty enough, but ps is tasteless.”

Chang Qing’s face was inexplicably hot, and he muttered: “What tasteless…?.”

He had some indescribable shame, but he didn’t dare to think too much about it. Since he couldn’t win against Lu Zheng, Chang Qing didn’t waste any more effort. He sat back in the armchair and his eyes fell on the screen. He realized that the show was already on the third episode. He was silent for a moment, then turned to look at them. “Have you guys seen enough?”

Lu Hua shouted, “I’m reviewing it.”

Lu Zheng didn’t say anything. He was flipping through the photos that Lu Hua had taken. here were front, side and oblique angles, as well as Chang Qing in various positions of standing, sitting and facing away.

With so many poses from different angles, it was hard to believe that Chang Qing was really willing to submit for Lu Hua but they’d taken the pictures one by one.

Lu Zheng suppressed the unhappiness caused by Lu Hua in his heart and looked down at the photos carefully.

Chang Qing was good-looking. His skin was as white as jade. The lines on his neck and shoulders were not as round as those of a real woman, but they were similar. His exposed neck was long and fair, and his collarbones were thin and delicate. Except for a flat chest, there was almost no flaws.

Chang Qing’s legs were also thin, but they were the acceptable slimness of a man, with some sensuality but not too exaggerated. Of course, the conditions were limited. He can only wear a pair of indoor slippers. If he steps on a pair of high-heeled shoes, he may look better.

Lu Zheng unconsciously looked at each photo until he ran out of photos to flip through. Only then did he realize he’d reached the end.

Lu Hua asked him in a low voice beside him, “How is it? Did I take good pictures?” There was a hint of asking for credit in that tone.

Lu Zheng said lightly: “It’s okay, the person is good-looking so that can make up for the poor photography skills.”

Lu Hua: “…”

Lu Zheng felt that what he said seemed a bit ambiguous, so he added: “It’s just a fact, isn’t it?

He said it with a serious air of appreciation, nothing more.

Chang Qing’s sensitive period of several days in the past month has passed. Even if Lu Zheng didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t think too much about it. Therefore, he didn’t have any other thoughts after hearing what he said.

On the other hand, Lu Hua shouted, “What do you know? I’ve worked hard to take pictures. Isn’t this photography skill better than yours? How dare you despise me.”

Lu Zheng soothed her: “You did a good job.”

It was too perfunctory, but Lu Hua didn’t care about him anymore. She put down her phone, and her eyes fell on the screen. She realized that an episode had passed. She couldn’t help but say, “Rewind. This show is quite good.”

Chang Qing: Do you remember that you came here to watch a show?

Well, even he forgot about it himself.

Chang Qing saw that Lu Zheng was still looking at his phone from time to time, and couldn’t help but say, “You can delete it after you’ve seen it.”

Lu Zheng paused, put his phone back in his pocket, and made a soft “hm” sound.

Chang Qing knew from his appearance that he probably wouldn’t delete it. Chang Qing pressed down the feeling of dryness and shame in his heart, and didn’t say anything more.

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