Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 61: 61

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Chapter 61: Pry the Corner

It was too late for Lu Zheng to make such a calculation. Before he could, Chang Qing had already brought up the matter of poaching Lin Yifeng to Zhang Xinyu. Zhang Xinyu had suggested it to Qiao Zhenran, and Qiao Zhenran had agreed to it.

A few days later, Lin Yifeng had successfully signed onto Tianxing Entertainment.

When Chang Qing went to the company today, he met Lin Yifeng. He was 180 cm in person. At least in the entertainment circle, 180 cm was enough. Of course, Chang Qing had checked Lin Yifeng’s Baidu entry. The above-mentioned height was 183 cm. It was an addition of 3 cm but it wasn’t as short as Lu Zheng1 had said.

The real Lin Yifeng was also prettier than in the TV series.  His eyebrows were handsome and gentle, and his body was tall and slender. He was full of vitality, and he seemed a little shy. When he met people, he just pursed his lips and smiled, never showing his teeth. It was easy to make some older women feel compassion and maternal love for him.

When Chang Qing saw him, he didn’t go forward to greet him. He felt it was enough just to see him. He didn’t want to play a role in the protagonist, Lin Yifeng’s, life.

Lin Yifeng was a beautiful jade, so it would be great for him to be with Lu Zheng. As for the original owner…

Chang Qing had a guilty conscience but the idea of making Lu Zheng happy still had the upper hand. If Lin Yifeng doesn’t work, who can let Lu Zheng, whose eyes are higher than the top of his head, lower his head?

However, it seems that he shouldn’t always mention Lin Yifeng in front of Lu Zheng. This was too deliberate, instead it would disgust him.

Chang Qing reluctantly found a reason for Lu Zheng’s abnormality, and the doubt in his heart disappeared completely.

Qiao Zhenran was still entangled with Chang Qing, and he was very attentive to him. He often gave him some small gifts and put them in his office.

At first, Chang Qing didn’t know who sent them, but he soon realized that this floor was the president’s office floor. Besides Qiao Zhenran himself, who else could it be?

Qiao Zhenran was so diligent, making Chang Qing feel some indescribable irritability.

He didn’t think he was attractive to Qiao Zhenran. The only thing that might attract him was his face.

Chang Qing knows that his face wasn’t bad, but if it was just because of his face, Tianxing had plenty of stars who were better-looking star than he was, and also who were younger than him. He was also gay, and he knew the psychology of some people in this circle, young boys are always popular. Teenagers are fresh and simple, and most people will like a boy of that age. But he’s 22 years old, and can be regarded as an old man in the eyes of some people.

The circle was weird, demanding, and impetuous. Chang Qing doesn’t mix in this circle, but he knew a lot about it. He even feels that Qiao Zhenran doesn’t actually fancy him, but his identity.

After all, his identity was no longer a secret. A widow with a large inheritance can actually make many people’s hearts flutter.

You can tell by looking at the restless assistant girls in the CEO’s office these days.

Chang Qing took such a malicious guess to speculate on Qiao Zhenran’s intentions.

He really didn’t think Qiao Zhenran had any love for him. Looking at just his face, he was unlikely to ask him for marriage. And looking at his personality… Chang Qing felt that he was just an ordinary man. He didn’t have a protagonist halo, that could let people immediately see the beauty of his soul.

…… Chang Qing maintained a kind of sober rationality in the face of this kind of passionate pursuit. He was just too emotionally rational and too good at doubting. Therefore, the two romances in his previous life ended in doubt before they really started.

A lot of men were not very reliable. He understood that too well.

Chang Qing originally wanted to continue treating Qiao Zhenran coldly, but on second thought, the more he treated Qiao Zhenran coldly, the more energetic Qiao Zhenran became. He thought he was playing hard to get, so he might as well agree with him for once and let him rest and stop harassing him all the time.

Chang Qing took it for granted, so when Qiao Zhenran invited him again, he accepted it.

Qiao Zhenran obviously didn’t expect that he would really agree, and for a moment he was shocked and at a loss, “What did you say?” he asked.

Chang Qing said: “I said yes, do you want me to get an ear examination for you?”

Qiao Zhenran sighed in surprise: “Even the strongest of women are afraid of entanglement2. The ancients really didn’t deceive me.”

Chang Qing said “It’s your treat, right? Have you decided what to eat? “

Qiao Zhenran remembered that he was still angry, and said thoughtfully, “Let’s go to the herbal restaurant I mentioned last time. It tastes very good, and it’s also refreshing and not inflammatory.

Chang Qing said, “Okay.”

He told this to Zhang Xinyu. Zhang Xinyu’s face had a look of “are you kidding me.” Chang Qing soothed, “It’s just a meal. I’ll make it clear to him during meal time.”

Zhang Xinyu nodded reluctantly, he lowered his voice and said to Chang Qing: “You pay attention, don’t get drunk.”

Chang Qing waved his hand and answered, “I won’t drink.”

Qiao Zhenran didn’t look like an underhanded person either.

Chang Qing took Qiao Zhenran’s car to the medicinal restaurant that he’d talked about. The restaurant was located in the city center and had a classical style of decoration. The entry point was a small bridge with flowing water, vases, ancient paintings, and golden doors. It had a certain flavor.

Each compartment was surrounded by a stream. The sound of the water was gurgling, and the air was also filled with the faint fragrance of flowers and wood. Bamboo curtains separated the compartments, so the sound insulation effect was naturally not good, but the atmosphere was quiet and not uncomfortable.

After Chang Qing sat down, he felt that Qiao Zhenran was very good at choosing, and asked casually, “Do you come here often?”

Qiao Zhenran smiled and said, “I have a little problem. So I often eat porridge here to nourish my stomach.”

Chang Qing took the menu. Glancing at it from top to bottom, he was speechless. The simplest bowl of yam and mushroom congee costs 2,000 yuan. Why not go rob money, ah?

He glanced at Qiao Zhenran with some mixed emotions in his eyes.

Qiao Zhenran didn’t know what he was thinking. Seeing him looking at him, he thought he was being considerate, so he waved his hand and said, “You order first, don’t worry about me.”

Chang Qing: I wasn’t worrying about you.

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Anyway, it was Qiao Zhenran’s treat, so he ordered a bowl of this 2,000 yuan congee. He wanted to see if this porridge was worth 2,000 yuan.

Qiao Zhenran laughed, “I also love the congee here. This yam and mushroom congee is the signature dish of this restaurant. Let’s also order a few dishes of dim sum. They’re both nourishing and appetizing.”

The corner of Chang Qing’s mouth twitched, “Young people don’t have the energy to work unless they eat oil and meat.”

Qiao Zhenran paused and gave Chang Qing an ambiguous wink. “Health care for a long time can also strengthen the body”

Chang Qing didn’t anything. He was indifferent so he didn’t pay any attention to Qiao Zhenran’s words.

Qiao Zhenran doesn’t care. He has been ignored by Chang Qing for a long time and was used to it.

The congee was served quickly. Chang Qing glanced at it. The congee in the delicate porcelain bowl was glowing with a golden sheen, with no mushrooms visible in it. Chang Qing took a spoon and took a bite and soon felt the wonderful taste.

This porridge has a faint medicinal fragrance, the taste was thick and fragrant, with a little stickiness unique to yam. It was likely that both the yam and mushroom had melted into the porridge. The taste was indeed good. After a mouthful, it was filled with fragrance.

Qiao Zhenran observed his face. He saw his expression relax, smiled slightly, and asked, “How is it?”

Chang Qing reluctantly said, “It’s alright.”

Qiao Zhenran said: “It contains traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the stomach. I was drinking and hurt my stomach, and I relied on this congee to recover.”

Chang Qing was surprised, “That can really work?”

Qiao Zhenran smiled and said, “Of course, Chinese medicine is warm and nourishing, but the taste is bitter and many people can’t eat it. I’m also afraid of bitterness. With this restaurant, I can save myself the trouble of cooking medicine.”

Chang Qing drank half of the congee and couldn’t help but complain, “For 2000 yuan2 it’s so little, they don’t care if I’m full at all.”

After all, he has the mentality of an ordinary citizen. Twenty years of living habits and psychology couldn’t be reversed overnight. When he complained about this, he felt a little petty.

But it didn’t matter, Chang Qing felt that Qiao Zhenran’s intentions were impure, so he didn’t care what he thought of him.

Qiao Zhenran did indeed look at him a few more times, but there was a smile in his eyes. He said, “This congee is just to pad the stomach. There’s nothing wrong with a little less. If you have some more snacks, you’ll be almost full.”

Chang Qing glanced at him and lowered his head to eat the congee.

Qiao Zhenran looked silently at Chang Qing’s lowered eyes, and the light in his eyes gradually deepened.

When he first came to Tianxing, he didn’t notice that one of his assistants was so good-looking. However, a few days later, when he saw Chang Qing in the canteen with Zhang Xinyu, at first glance, he felt that Chang Qing was very dazzling.

There are not many people in Tianxing who look better than Chang Qing, but there are even fewer who have Chang Qing’s beauty when he smiles.

He looked really good when he smiled. There was a sense of wonder like the blooming of a short-lived flower, and this feeling hit Qiao Zhenran in an instant.

Some people are like this. They were good-looking to begin with, and their facial features were handsome and demure. However, when they smiled, their facial features came to life. Their eyes are adorned with flowing water, as if they could speak. They were originally very beautiful, but because of this smile their beauty would increase by twenty points.

Qiao Zhenran liked his smile, his heart beat violently because of his smile, so he started to pursue him.

Qiao Zhenran’s private life wasn’t too bad. He was tall and handsome. He was always pursued by others and he has never been a bad partner. Every time he has feelings, he is content and honest. He had never cheated and was kind and gentle to each of them. They parted on good terms, and he had a very good reputation among his exes. But there was only one thing, for those boyfriends, he had actually never felt his heart beat so loudly as it had when he saw Chang Qing.

When he saw Chang Qing, he was like a young boy at the beginning of love. He was obviously shrewd in his work, but in front of Chang Qing, he could always make Chang Qing irritable and unhappy.

This is also very frustrating. Qiao Zhenran thought that his conditions were good but Chang Qing looks down on him.

In fact, it was normal to look down on him. There was still a big gap between their identities. However, Qiao Zhenran was used to being sought after by people. He was very qualified and feels that he could get another twenty points, so he felt unwilling.

Now Chang Qing was relaxed, and Qiao Zhenran felt that there was some opportunity.

He was a little anxious, so it would be better to boil the frog in warm water next.

Qiao Zhenran was thinking about it like this, and his eyes looked at Chang Qing with a bit of tenderness.

Chang Qing felt Qiao Zhenran’s warm eyes, looked up at him, and said, “It’s delicious.”

Qiao Zhenran smiled slightly, “If you like it, I’ll bring you over to eat next time.”

Chang Qing said slowly, “There will be no next time.”

Qiao Zhenran smiled warmly and elegantly and said, “There will always be a chance next time, or next time, or the next time.”

Chang Qing said: “It’s not convenient to talk about it in the company. So I’d better talk to you in person. I won’t consider talking about feelings again for ten years. You have such good conditions, don’t hang yourself on my tree. And do you really dare to pry the Lu family’s corner?”

Qiao Zhenran was just about to reply when a familiar male voice next to him slapped the table and said, “Don’t you dare!”


1. The author actually had Lu Xuan here but I’m assuming it was a typo so I put Lu Zheng in

2. 烈女怕缠郎  -a fierce woman fears a clingy man. Basically no matter how fierce a woman is a clingy man can still overwhelm her/ annoy her into agreement

3. 2000 yuan= about $280 USD. No congee will ever be worth that…

T/L: Half way through!

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